The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 22, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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The People Rally Around Shamp
Syracuse, Neb., Sept. 17.
Editor Alliance-Independent:
The grand rally of the people's party
took place here last night. It was the
closing day of lhe Otoe county fair.
The opera house was jammed with
earnest farmers, business men and
ladies. Fully COO people were present.
The silver cornet band discoursed fine
music. Hon. W S. Prickett of Fair
field delivered the opening speech and
his remarks were attentively listened
to for an hour and a half.
Hon. Jerome Shamp followed in a
masterly presentation of the moment
ous questions before the people. The
enthusiastic audience frequently mani
fested their pleasure by rounds of
applause. His presentation of the
silver question was masterly. Ho
showed the barren legislation for a
quarter of a century in favor of com
mon people in a striking manner. A
campaign republican lawyer in the au
dience when Mr. Shamp was showing
how little lhe republican party had
done for the old soldier, jumped up ex
citedly and help up a paper which was
supposed to be a pension paper and ex
c aimed that this is what he had ob
tained from the republican party. Mr.
Shamp very coolly and moderately
wanted to know what he had. He said
he had a pension certificate. Mr.
Shamp asked him if he was not en
titled to it; if he earned it in
defense of the country. ' Under
such circumstances, do you think,"
said he, "that you o we your pension to
the republican parly? Wby my dear
friend, a grateful country would have
given you your pension if you were en
titled to it, and no political party can
claim that it is the only party friendly
to the old soldiers."
It is impossible to describe the rounds
of applause that greetc d this reply.
The lawyer quietly dropped back in his
seat and was not heard from any mora
during the evening. The more the
campaign progresses in this district,
the more evident it appears that the
people are becoming dissrusted with
both Bryan and Field, and that Hon
Jerome Shamp will represent this dis
tnct in consrress. lie is the only one
of the three candidates that is an old
grand army mau, and they are rallying
to his support irrespective of party
mi v. l ; "i j 1 - v..
lutJ repuunuaus aim ueiuucrjus nave
tried several times to hold political
meetings here but it has been in vain.
The people will not come out to hear
Immediately after the meeting last
night the people rushed upon the plat
form to shake hands with Mr. Shamp
and congratulate him on his speech and
the old veterans crowded around him
to take him by the hand. D.
Gospgr County and the World's Fair-
Editor Alliance-Independent:
While at Elwood, Gosper county last
week attending the county fair, in the
interest of the Nebraska exhibit at the
world's fair; 1 organized an enthusiastic
local auxiliary world's fair association,
of which John W. Thomas, editor of
the Citizen, was elected president: H.
J. Bedford editor of the Independent
was elected secretary, and E. Shallen
berger of the Citizens bank, treasurer.
There is also an executive committee
of one representative citizen of each
township of the county. The county
is blessed with good soil and abundant
crops, and is determined to secure pro
minence by contributing her part to
ward making a success of the Nebraska
exhibit at the World's fair. The peo
ple are enthusiastic in this effort, with
out any regard to political parties.
30,000 acres improved farms and
ranches in Hall, Kearney, Gosper,
Webster, Harlan, Hitchcock, Froutier,
Hayes, Dundy, Perkins, Chase, How
ard, Loup and Sherman counties for
sale from $6,00 to $12,00 per acre.
14-2t H. S. Bell,
1012 O St., Lincoln, Neb.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
An O'k School in Q J?e gocaiion.
Main Building. 265 Feet Front.
BEAUTIFUL, healthy, sightly location, 20-acre campus, electricjrtreet-carline,
magnificent buildings (main building, dining hall to seatOOO power house,
water supply system), fine equipments, superior accommodations, strong
faculty, experienced manament, comprehensive curriculum, thorough work,
high moral and Christian influence, and low expenses for students; make this
a Qyeat School.
pepartipeqfcs aijd CoUrses:
Preparatory, Review. Normal, Pedagogic, Special Pedagogic, State Certificate,
Model School, Kindergarten, Scientific, Classic Literary, Military, Elo
cutionary, Civil Engineering. Electrical Engineering. Commercial
(including Banking, Etc.) Pen. Art, Public School, Penman
ship and Drawing, Designing and Illustraliug, Shorthand
and Typewritting, Musical (including band and
orchestra,) Fine Art, Telegraphy, and Physical
Training (including Delsarte and
Swedish Systems.)
You Can Enteral Any Time and Find JustTSuch Classes as YOu Desire.
A Practical Education Without Waste of Time. Money or Energy Is Onr Aim.
In order that all may test the merits of the Western Normal College, and
see our superior advantages in the "way of buildings, equipments and faculty, we
have decided to pay the railroad fare of all students from their home to Lincoln,
provided they are present cn the opening day of the fall term.
FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT., 13, 1 892. Catalogues and Circulars Free. Write us.
WM. M. CROAN, Pres , or W. J. KINSLEY, Sec'y. and Treas.
Lincoln, Nebraska.