THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. 12 The Monitor Pipe Frame Shoe Press Drill. With Pressure Rollers for Co venng and Packing Soil over See Designed With Especial Yiew to Light ness of Draft. .1 IIIM1CEBABT11IT. J. T. M. BWIOAET, Secretary f the Nebraska Mutual Cyclone, Tornado and Wind Storm Iniuranoe Company, KD1TOB. Al. communications on Fire, Cyclone or Hall Insurance abould bo addroued to blm at Lincoln, Nebraska. Hail. We have many losses but moat of them are in the northwest corner of the state. I will start out next week to adjust them. My first trip will ha to tho south west corner of the state, the next will be to tho northwest corner and along tho boundary lice. If this department is not represented every week you may know that I am out in tho country adjusting losses. cannot positively tell what, the assessment wil be, but from the- ro p)rts of lossos now on file it seems that tho whole of tho 10 cents per acre would necessarily bo collected, but I hope not. In the assessment shoot we will givo the name and post ofllco of tho loser and tho amount of his adjusted claim. Fire and Lightning. In tho Lancaster County Company we had a loss by lightning on August 22, and on Sept 3, a check was drawn for the amount due $110.00 or two days less than two weeks. How many of the old line companies beat that in their final settlement of losses? Cyclone. In the Cyclono Company we are re ceiving but few applications now that the season is presumed to be over. But an old axim is that "in time of a calm Erepare for a storm," should now be eeded. If each agent would send us but $1,000, insurance during this month we would, make a go:d advance. Who will be the first? In Gage County. ( Beatrice, Sept. 11, '92. Editor Alliance Independent Lin coln, Neb. Tho independents of Gage county held thoir county convention here yes terday. It was an enthusiastic gather ing of thef "faithful," nearly every pre cinct being represented, there being 198 votes cast on every ballot. The convention was called to order by County Chairman G. T. Stephenson. Upon permament organ'zation, ! G. B. Reynolds of Lincoln towaship was elected chairman, and Dan Althen, secretary, with A. W. Connett and G. A. Polden, as assistants. The following ticket was nominated: MYtV ST.atA tonntnn G TT P . Beatrice. For representative, Ed. Arnold of Glen wood. For renresontativn W. V. T i " -- .a-1 t au vi liockiord. For representative, Jacob Uplinger of Highland. Forcoumy attorney, E. O. Krets- lnger oi lieatnce. For clerk of district court (unex pired term.) E. T. Siepenson of Wy , more. The nominations give general, satis faction to the independents, but strike terror to tho hearts of tho, opposition uuuuiuawjs. Aitsr tne convention ad journed the new central committee or ganlzed by electing Dan Althen, chair man; Frank T. Wagner, secretary. Respectfully, Dan Althen. NOTICE. All members of the C. II. VanWyck Club Of Lincoln ar hprAhv nnfifld fKof the regular meetings of the club will do neia at the room of the State Cent ral Committee at tho Lindeli Hotel, every Thursday evnim t. s nVib- ... f- " v u viuvm All members of the club are requested w- uo rtjsen. as mere is business or im portance to transact. . w Frank L. Rose, W. L. Oundifp, Secretary. President.: Mr. Rocke, the gentlemanly proprie tor of the St. Charles hotel in Lincoln, ; desires us to return thanks to his many country customers who patronize his nouse so largely and to say that he mil Strive tO maintain thA ronnfnf nn didn't, (rat mnm -w-iw(iiJi(m-''--- ii. r- , V , . ni-vrrt ) 8 Shoe,8in with two horse hitch Olto! f 10 Shoe 8 in with two horse'hitch ) 12 Shoe,8 in. with two orthree hor horse hiteh ) Shoes and VKollers r ) Independent 1 For prices and terms apply to FIJANK I'. LAWKENCE, State Aent,"' Comer Tenth and W. Lincoln, Neb. Patronize Home Manufactories, patented October id, isso, Fhe Perfection Gear AVagor Simplest, Short Turning, Hangs Low, Absolutely No Rattle. First Class in Every Respect. Just the wagon for Farmers, Grocers, Milkmen in fact "anybody. W Nebraska- The Great Rock Island is the Official Route. Tho Grand Army of the Republic and Woman'! Relief Corps of Kansas have selected the "Great Rock Island" as t he official route to attend the National En campment and Conventional Washing ton, September 19th to 23d, 1892. The Department of Oklahoma. G A. R. have also chosen the Rock Island as official route, an l the Woman's Relief Corps of Missouri have taken the same action as to the route for 'this trip. Tickets will be on sale at all c oupon stations of the of the C. R. I. & P. R'y. in Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska, September 12th to 18tb, inclusive, and from Colorado posnts 11th to 18th. in clusive. Write at once for particulars, and there are many special parties desiring cars that should at once communicate in reference to it. Wo can and will take care of this business in a satisfac tory manner. Address, Jno. Sebastian, Gen'l Tkt & Pass Agt T, J. Anderson, Chicago. Ass't Gen'l Tkt & Pass Agt, Topeka, Kas. Remember "Jenning's Hotel" is headquarters of People's party whilo in Omaha. Located corner Ninth and Harney streets 13tf Jennings' hotel of Omaha is the only I "" I So mufth, Jnr3bgP"ffflT3nnrrnr ' js. s. NOTICE STATE OP NEBRASKA, Lancaster countv. Carrie Christian Miller, John h. Miller: John H. Miller, defendant;; You will take notice that on the 25th day of August, 1892, Carrie Christian Miller, the above named plaintiff, filed her petition in the district court in and for Lancaster county, against the said defendant, the object and prayer f,f which is to obtain a divorce from you. on the grouads of drunkenness, desertion and fail ure to provide for her for more than two years last past. You ars required to answer said petition on or Lefore tho 25th day of Oc tober, 1892; Carrie Christian Miller, Plaintiff. By C. M. Pahker, Her attorney, A Flattering Endorsement. Salem, Neb., Aug. 31, '92. Lincoln Chemical Co., Lincoln, Neb. Gents: My hogs are improving now and the last ones taken sick seem to be as well as ever. Have lost only one since commencing to feed your remedy. Shall write you again soon. Many thanks for your kindness. 13tf Respectfully, See adv on page 16. N. O. Seaks. One of many received. " PATENT OR NO FEE. A 48 page book free. Address A CALL TO ACTION. GEN. JAS. B. WEAVER Kas writen under the above title TheBookoftheOentury. The grandest reform book now in print. Every thinking voter should read it. Price, $1.50. For sale at this office. 47tf Send for our complete book list. W. C. T. U. DINING HALL, 138 S 12th St., Lincoln. MEALS 25c First class table and attendance. Lunches at all hours. sotf NOTICE TO ORGANIZED LAC0R When purchasing a pair of shees see that they have ,IJuX!ailathejnwAtk.fer