The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 08, 1892, Page 4, Image 4
I ML Mil. THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT MEETINGS EVERY WHERE. Appointments for' Independent Speakers In all Farts of Nebraska. The campaign will to formally opened with five croat meetings in five of the corgrr 8-'onal districts on September 14. Thoso ii.cetlng3 will be held at the fol lowing places: Firvt Distiict, Tccumseh. Tl ir I Albion. Ftu'rth Beatrice. Mfih Med Cloud, feixth " St. Fa-il. Several prominent speakers have 1 i-f ti provided fur each of these meet ii'g. Van Wyck Crounse Debates, Heat rice, September 27th, Tuotduy, 2 m. Lincoln, September SJ'Jth, Thursday, 2 p in. Colum' us, October 1st, Saturday, 2 p. m. York, October 4tb, Tuesday, 2 p. m . Kearney, October 8th, Saturday, 2 p. m. Broken Iiow, October 11th, Tuoday, 2 pm. 'Hastings, October 13th, Thursday, 2 p. III. Fremont, October 15th, Satnrday, 2 p.m. McKetghan's Dates. Arapahoo, Sept., 0, " Wilcox, 10, 44 Juinata, " 12, " LfKoy, " 13. Clay-Center, " 14, Norman, 44 15, 44 Minden. 44 16, 44 Hastings, 44 17, Grand Rally. Open, 44 19, 2 p. m. Doniphan, 44 20, Harvard. 44 2t, 44 Hastings' 44 22, 8 p. m. Joint Debate. Superior, " 23, 2 p. m. Edgar, 24, 44 Open, 44 20. Sutton, ; 44 27, 44 Joint De bate.? , Kenesaw, ,4 28, 44 McCook, 44 29, 8 p. m. Joint Debate. Culbertson, 44 30, 44 Benkleman, October 1,2 p.m. Open, " 3, 44 Grant, 4, 44 Joint De bate. Open, P, Minden, 44 6, 8 p. m. Joint Debate. Nelson. 44 n, 2 p. m. Joint Debate. Grand Island, 44 13, 8 p. m. Joint Debate. Holdrege 44 18,2 p.m. Joint Debate. Red Cloud, 44 20, 2 p. m. Joint Debate. Van Wyck's Dates. Genoa, Sept, 9, 2 p m. Schuyler, Sept. 10, 2 p.m. David City, Sept. 13, 2 p. m. Humphrey, Sept. 15, 2 p. m. Seward, Sept. 17, 2 p. m. Hold rege, Sept. 19, 2 p. m. Trenton, Sept. 20, 2 p. m. Imperial, Sept. 21, 2 p. m. McCook. Sept. 22, 2 t. m. Indjanola, Sept. 22, 8 p. m. Arapahoe, Sept 23, 2 p. m. Oxford, Sept. 23, 8 pm. Alma, Sept, 24, 2 p. m. Kem's Dates. Congressman Kem has arranged to fill appointments as follows: Big Springs, Deuel county, Septem ber 10 Ogalalla, Keith county, September 12. Lexington, Dawson county, Septem ber 13. Independent papers of the Sixth dis tr.ct are requested to publish and keep standing in their columns a list of Mr. Kem's appointments. J. H. Edminsten, Eddy ville. Neb. Chairman. : Shrader's Dates. In the First District. Hon. Jerome Shamp, candidate for congress on the independent ticket, and Hon. YV. L. Cundiff of Lincoln wil speak at the following places and dates named: Tecumseh, 8 p. ra., September 10. Auburn, 44 12. Sprague, f 44 13. Davey, afternoon, 44 14 Bennett, 44 " 5 Syracu.-c, 8 p.m., 44 16 Emerald, 44 ,4 " 17. fcigle, ' 44 44 19 Wabash, f4 44 " 20 W'tepiog Water 44 44 21 Union, 23. Nebraska City, 44 " 23. S.raciis 24 Wavirly, " " " 26 Greenwood " 44 27. Ashland, 44 44 " 28 S iuth Uend. 44 " 29. Louisville, ' 44 44 30 I'Jaitsmoulh 44 October 1 Princeton, 44 " 3 F.tth 4 4 " 4. CrabOrcharl 44 44 5. Tecumseh, 44 44 " 6. Table Uock 44 44 " 7 Pawnee City 44 " 8. Rt form oarers of the First district will please copy. V. O. Sttickler's Appointments All, ion. n Si pt. 14 Pawnee City, 20 Humnhrnvi ' 15 HnmrwtlrU vi Central City, " 16 Autmrn, " 2! wowara, 17 Cook. " v.S Wjraore, 19 Lincoln, " 24 J V. Wolfe's Appointments. Rod Cloud, Sent 14 Pawnee City " - 20 Superior, 15 Humboldt. 21 Hebron, " j Auburn, " 2.' odell. n Cook. s;i Wymore, " 1J Lincoln, 24 J. M. Gunnctt's Appointments. Tccumseh Sept 14 So Omaha 4 16 Valley " r Gretna " 17 Shiader's Appointments. Valley. Sept 15 Rtranjr " So Omaha " 16 Helvtdere " Gretna 14 17 Falrbury Crete " 19 Nelson " Dewltt 44 20 21 22 Zl J. W. Edgcrton's Appointmrnts. Red Cloud Sept 14 Fuperior " 15 Hebron id Odell 44 17 Wymore " 19 Pawnee " 20 Humboldt 21 Auburn " 22 Falrbury " 23 Lincoln " 24 R. F.Trevellick's Appointments. Tecumseh Sept 14 Wahoo 15 Fremont 16 Tckamah " 17 Bancroft " 19 Dakota City " 20 Ponca " 21 Wayne 22 Madison 24 Norfolk " 23 13 17 W. H. Dech's Appointments. Milford Sept 13 David city 14 Beatrice " it Seward " Beaver Crossing Sept 10 Oarl Brown's Book. Wayne, Neb. Sept. 3, 1802. I desire to call the attention of the populists to the merits of the 4'Uncle Tom's Cabin' of the plutocratic period "Carl Brown's wonderful book " Pictures speak volumes when capital ized sentences fail to impress. Brown's pictures interest the voter that cannot or will not stop to read of the treason that has enslaved a nation of willing toilers. Buy the book for your hired man to read. Loan one to that republican neighbor who is kept in ignorance by a hireling press, with instructions to read and loan to his dampuool democratic friends. The lessons taught are swift and certain. Tariff talk is sickly twad dle to the voter that has, read Carl Brown's book of pictured history. The silent teachings of this book will pro duce a big majority for freedom's candi dates. C. J. Rukdkll. The prospects for the Lincoln Normal University grow brighter every hour. The electric street car, which now runs to the campus, brings students by the score. Profs. Saylor, Shellon, Lewis and other members of the faculty are busy classifying students, and classes were organized this morning, with an enrollment which surprises every one interested in the institution. Students are more than delighted with the hand some now building and elegant furniture j THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF-NEBRASKA UJ OFFERS Six YEARSin! LL iL TUITION FREE. Write to the Chancellor, Lincoln, Neb. n m m Clothing and Gents' Furnishings at 50 Gents on the Dollar. We hae been fortunate enough to secure the entire stock of Clothing Gents b urnisbmgr Goods, etc., formerly owned by A, HURLBURT of this city at a very low price and we are gelling: it now. Every articlo m the stock at ono-half the price at which Mr. Hurlburt sold the same goods, not. near wholebalo price for it. Never w ill you have such an opportunity again to purchase fine clothing at such prices. The sizes are regular; lines all full now and you can easily bo suited. We would offer this adv.'ce to parties wishing td pur chase: Come as early as you can, before the assortment gets broken: will bo sorry if you don't. No goods bought; we will simply close out this stock and quit. The bankrupt stock of stationery, inks, school books, paper, pens, cutlery, etc., from the Fremont Department Store Of r remont. NflrV- la nnv rm cal - - 7 - i ' uio an uv tciJis uu tuo (lunar. FRAIVLEY, CHESTER & CO,. Cor. P and 10th Sts., Lincoln. W. J. WROUGHTON & CO , Cambridge, Furnas County, Nebraska. IMPORTERS OF Shire, Cljde, Terclieron, T.elgian, ticrman, and Oldenberg Cea'ch, French Coach, lorkshire Coach, and Cleveland Bay Stallions. We Handle More Horses Than Any Firm in Nebraska. We Import onr own horses thus saving the customer the middle man's profit Buyers have the advantage of comparing ail breeds side by side at our stables. We Have 40 Good Young Acclimated Horses on Hand. ovni rlirta0n ot, 49 w1,1 arrive about October 1. We guarantee all our horses in every respect. We make larmers companies a specialty, having a system whereby we can organize companies and insure absolute success 5 wutrtDy ffe We Will Send a Man to Any Part of the State, On application to assist in organizing companies. We give long time thus enblln uur -chashers to pay for horses from services. Correspondence promptly anwerod. "Men lion this paper. Address, 1 J W. J. WROUGHTON & CO., Cambridge, Neb. Wm. Burgess BLUE VALLEY STOCK F CRETE, NEB. IMPORTER ARM I n To intending purchasers of this breed I can show them as good a lot of young stock from yearlings up, as there is in the west. THOROUGHLY ACCLIMATED. LAST SHIPMENT 1890. Their brecdine1 is from the host, st.rnina rif ,?,. a . , coupled with superior individual merit. My imported mares are superior to any in the west; they are all safely in foal. All My Stock Guaranteed, and All Recorded ana imported bv Mvself. If you want a Hackney Stallion, I have as good as wa ever imported aS?e as goodekmSrandv " . - " xvrr ck IUO lUWUijl. 44-bm WESTFALL COMMISSION CO.. General Produce Merchants (legal representalive hidesandgame. Free cold storatre and Rtwhi irsa8A11lan,ce-) 8PcIai department for receivers and M'SijAA S P0"1' "