The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 08, 1892, Page 16, Image 16
16 THE ALLIANCE-INDEPENDENT. The Cholera. That dread disease, Asiatic cholera, nhishtai beenragiog -!,htuch terrible c fleet in Persia, and 1; iia, and later in Germany, and otbu 4urls of Europe, has been carried across tho Atlintic in migrant ships. A 'umber rf deaths have occurred in 1S V harbor. No cases have so far occureU u land but there is immiment darger if at it may gain a foothold. The aulhoritits are doing allin their power to prevent it, and there is strong talk of entirety stopping im migration till the danger is past. ' Picnics. Hon. W. S. Prickett, Hon. Jeroino Shamp and others will address a picnic pnthtrirg at Peterson' grovo near Davoy on September Hth. Ou tho following day Mr. Prickett atd others will speak at a licnio near Panama. Indepoc dents should turn cut in f orco to these meetings. Lab. r Day In Lincoln, Hon. C. D. Sarader spoke to a large crowd of laboring men and others on postoUicp square on Monday evening. He delivered a masterly address and inado many friends among tho voters of the city. Notice. Tho independents of Merrick county will havo'agrandrally at fair grounds at CentralCitv on Fiiday September the 16th. Hon. VV. A. Poynter candidate for congress in tho third district, tnd W. L. Green of Kearney will bo the speakers. A'sd Gen. Van Wyck if he can bo secured for that date. Parade will start for the fair grounds at 10 a. m. W. F. Pouter. Corg. Co. Committeeman. Estray Notice. Strayed from tho undersigned, a dark 1 i v yearling lilley. Good size Finder will ploaso notify mo or call at 331 South Nimti stroot and receive reward. 13tf C. E. VAN Duzen. . A Flattering Endorsement. Salem, Neb., Aug. 31, '93. Lincoln Chemical Co., Lincoln, Nob. Gents: My hogs aro improving now and io last ones takon sick seom to ba a well as ever. Have lost only one since commencing to feed your remedy. Shall writo you again soon. Many thanks for your kindness. Respectfully, N. O. Seaks. See adv on pago 16. 13tf Ono of many received. AUCTIONEERS. F. M. WOODS, Fine Stock Auctioneer, Lincoln. Neb. Refer yon to the best breeders In tho west, for whom I do business. Prices reason able and correspondence promptly and cheer fully answered. WE MUST HAVE A CAMPAIGN FUND ! ! They are beautiful. General J. B. Weaver's picture on one side, and Gen. James G Field's picture on the other side. They are made of the new metal, pure aluminum. They will be sold in lots of fifty or one hundred at 10 cents each. They will be retailed at 25 cents each. This Is the best way for local committees to raise a campaign fund. Send in your orders at once and thereby help your national committee to push the work. Address M. C. RANKIN, Treas, Terire Haute, Ind. PlJwHJTjjRNRRSecretary. CUT RATES EAST. The Best is Always the Cheapest. Chicago Via. . ..SSy--i Chicago Via.... omaha .. ti SL Lrais Via. -. iSSSSff..v.v::.-iSS t-ntilONPACiFC,,'Mmua o. Grand Encampmen at Washington. On the occasion of the G. A. R. grand encampment at Washington, D. C., September 20th, 1892, tho Union Pacific will sell tickets at tho rate of ono faro for tho round trip. Theso tickets are good goim until September 20th, and good returning until October 12th. Seo your nearest Union Pacific agent. . - E. B. Slosson, Gen. Agent Union Pacific System. For Sale. 100 acres improved land in Webster county, all fenced, good buildings, wind mill, and 13 acre hog lot, two mile from Rosemont, 6 miles from Blue Hill Address, C. Lyon, 7-6f Rosemont, Neb. Jersey Bull for sale by J. H. Ames, corner of 20th and Sumner sts. Lincoln, Nebr., He U one year'old and extra nice price $50 00. Call at stable or writ M. S. Hubbell at above address far information. 9-4t PRPpf Tuition! Fall term in seven different ntti courtesi Only hitrh prade independent Normal in the state. Finest buildings, equipments and ablest Normal faculty. No experiment, but an established mannRCtnent. 40 courses and special ties, 35 teachers and lecturers. A live school for the masses. Write for catalogue to F. F. Koosk, Mgr., Lincoln, Neb. Pure Bred Poultry. White Plym outh Rock. White Games Partridge Cochins: Toulouso Geese, White Hol land Turkeys, White Guineas, Pekin Ducks. Eggs in season. Prices low. W. A. Bates, Jr., Fremont, Neb. 36tf S. C. BROWN LEGHORNS Choicest Pen OP Thoroughbreds In the western States. Ef??s per setting of 15, fl.50. Ex press charges pre paid when two set tings are ordered. 13 chicks 4 to 6 days old in a lisihtcace with hen, 32.50. J. W. HICK0X, Alma. Neb Mention thit paper. 4!tf 5s O X si BISCHEL BROS. FOR SALE. Long deep bodied U. S. P.O. PICS. Good color, short legs, broad back, good feet and head. Alliance prices, satisfaction guaranteed I3tf Kearn"y, Neb. HOG CHOLERA. Wc will guaranteo not to turn over tho earth, but to euro any case of genu ine or so-called cholera in from three to five days or refund the money. It is nature's own remedy, and in proof will bo readily eaten by any hog after first taste. It will also prevent the spread of the so-called disease in twenty-four hours after use. Price $1.00 pr ten pound' package or wo will furnisk one package free to any farmer having many sick hogs, so quit kicking, bring on your sick hogs, or address for full particulars, - - - n J "J1 - "1" - w - m ! Competition has b.'come so strong that in order for a young man to suc ceed in any calling he must be educated for it. The un paralleled success of the students of the tie 10) II n securing remunerative employment is a sufficient assurance for any young person to decide what course to pursue. This institution offers a helping hand to all young men and women who wish to start life RIGHT. It trains ycung people in just thote branches which insuro to them success in business. When the knowledge used in business is gained, young people become at once valuable to money-making business men who are glad to employ them as assistants at good salaries. We invito tho at tention of parents and young people to our published list of a few former stu dents whom we havo trained and started in business. Mary Dailey, stenographer, B. & M. R. R. city. John D. Taylor, mauager grain el3 vator, Moorelield, Neb. Nora B. Whiffin, stenographer for M. H. Utley, attorney, O'Neill. Willis Rogers, principal commercial department, Wesleyan university. O. H. White, teacher shortland, Fre mont Normal College. Minnie Mafeer, stenographer, Lom bard Insurance Co. May Lefgren, stenographer, A. T. Lcming & Co. O. P. Herald, real estate and insur ance office, Osceola. .Bertha Snyder, stenographer, R. G Dun & Co. Charles Can "eld, stenographer for O'Neill Plumbing Co. C. A. Randall, stenographer for J. I. Case Co Elmer Bickel, cashier bank of Kim ball. S. K. Kier, chief clerk and steno grapher for general superintendent B. & M. R. R. John F. Dougherty,county treasurer, Waukou, Iowa. F. A. Powell, ci'y treasurer, Centra lis Wash. E. A. Livingstone, stenographer for Bradstreet Commercial Agency. Charles D. McArthur, bookkeeper for Stull Bros. M. A. Pflug, bookkeeper for Evening News. H. D. Arion, stenographer for Jour nal Co Miss Clara Schroeder,' stenographer Union Central Life Insurance Co. H. A. Hammond, cashier Scott & Wrigley's bank, Wyoming, 111. Miss Mabel Tuttle, strenographer for chancellor state university. T. C. Koch, cashier bank of Fuller ton, Neb. George Dobson, cashier bank of Ulysses. B. A, Norton, court reporter, Land er, Wyo. May Blanchard, stenographer, Stull Bros. John T. Dorgan, manager White breast Coal Co. Frank Davis, stenographer for Capt. R. O. Phillips, B. & M. A. D. Gibbs, court reporter, Arapa hoe, Neb. Cora B. King, bookkeeper for R. S. Young, Brace Block. Frank Irwin, stenographer for R. E. Moore. Ray Merrill, bookkeeper for White breast Coal Co. Geo Schofield, Mil clerk for A. T. Leming & Co. To all young pvople wo promise the tame benefits whenever they are ready to join with us in working for their future welfare. Day and evening sessions. Catalogue and circulars containing published list of hundreds of former students holding lucrative positions sent free on application to ni. bridge, P OBTAIN CHICAGO PRICES FOR ALL YOUR PRODUCE. Afl IP SHIP YOUR WOOL. ? 1 . 1 I II II It'll II the value thero is in it. Hundreds if Wnnl r.mworc hnva. L shipped us their wool in the past and will do so again this season. Why can't you? And they are entirely sat- M M A- Uia lsned with tho results We are almost daily in receipt of letters from some of them ordering sacks for this season's shipmenr, and uuuun.iug uoiui mu way nu uavtj nuuuit'u meir snipmeni. writo us lor our Wool Circular. It gives the range of tho market. Our terms for handling and other valuable information. SUMMERS, MORRISOM & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 175 South Water Street Chicago. Reference: Metropolitan National Bank Chicago. ALLEN ROOT, Slock Agent Nebraska State Farmers' Alliance. Office and Financial M'gr. GEO. S. BBOWN, salesman. SHIP YOUR OWN STOCK ALLEN ROOT AND COMPANY, LIVE SfOGK COMMISSION HERCHAN1S, South Omaha, Neb., Room 34 Exchange Building. Before You Ship Eerid for the Market. iJtfr'.VnTOJf Ennk, Omaha; Commercial -s