The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 08, 1892, Page 15, Image 15
THE ALLIANCE-INDEPENDENT. 15 3 LISTEN TO THIS. Eai If It Does not Pat a Flea in Yoar TIi ere Is Little Hope for You. To every sovereign of the grand old volunteer state we call attention to a clipping from the Chicago Daily Press, a dispatch from Wnll street; dated March 21, 18J2, in which they instruct their cohorts and henchmen in the following language, Wall street's edict: ' We must proceed with caution and guard well every move made, for the lower , orders of the people are already showing signs of restless commotion. Prudence will therefore dictate a policy of apparent yielding to the popular will until all of our plans are so far consummated that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized resistance. "The Farmers Alliance and Knights of Labor organizations in the United States should be carefully watched by our trusted men. and we must take immediate steps to either control these organizations in our interest or dis rupt them at the Omaha convention on July 4th. Our men must attend and direct it 3 movements, else there will be set on foot such an antagon ism to our designs as may require force to overcome; this at the present time would be premature, we are not yet ready for such a crisis, capital must protect itself in every possible manner through combination and leg islation, the courts must bo called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible, when through process of law the common people have lost their homes they will be more tract able and easily governed." This clipping says again, ' History repeats itself, in regular circles this is truth. It is well known among bur principle men now engaged In form ing an imperialism of capital to gov ern the world. While they are doing this the people must bo kept in a con dition of political antagonism." The question of tariff reform must be Urged through the organization known as the Democratic party, and questions of protection with reciproci ty must be forced to public view through the Republican party. By thus dividing the voters we can get them to expend their energies in fighting each other over questions of no importance except as tethers to lead the common herd. Thus by dis creet action we can secure all that has been so generously planned and thus far successfully accomplished." Now, Brother Reformer of Tenn-; essce, writes George V. I-'rey in the Toiler, what do you think as a free born American citizen? It makes the blood run chill in my veins and draws out every fiber of my manhood and patriotism to its utmost tension. It calls to my mind the prophesy of Lin coln and makes me bolicve with Jef ferson that f banking corporations are more dangerous and a greater menace to American free institutions than standing armies. With the legal element fighting us as a unit, with hardly a Democrat or Republican in congress or the senate but represents some gigantic corpora tion, hounded down by European aris tocracy, bound with relentless man acles to a single gold standard, im ported bibles taxed ICO per cent with playing cards free of duty, Cleveland, the stuffed prophet of Wall street and avowed enemy to free silver fired at j Pete Turney lease ring and rail road hack line politician. But you can't vote, Mr. Allianceman. unless you pledge yourself to support the nominee. All this is Democracy. fhsn wo sav God delivfir ns frnm Democracy! f . -L - Then brethren, what is the duty of the hour in this latter part of the lSth century! . . . I cast my lot with the People's party. Live or die. sinic or swim, I American eagle has founded hfs erie upon the summit of Mount Despotism. Bra Polk has gone to his rest, but thank God this organization is a search warrant for Polks. Jacksons. Johnsons, Lin coin from the pine clad hills of frigid Maine to the t.'oral shores of torrid Florida the gladsome cry is heard that 'the dead is alive and the lost is found,' and prodigals are coming home to the People's party. . let us then be up and doing, with a heart for any fate, still achieving, still pursuing, learn to labor and to wait. When the ides of November approach let us rally as one man to the standard of justice, and reiolve, come what may. to cast our ballot for home and fireside; for God and human ity, for our cherished liberties, bought with the price of patriot's blooJ, and transmitted to us a sacred trust. Thus imbued with that humanitarian spirit of Patrick Henry, give me lib erty or give me death. Remember our ancestors waded blood to secure to us the blessings of liberty. If we have not manhood to go where duty calls against a world in arms wo ought to be slaves. That'll What's Iho Matter. The money of the rich will buy more than twice as much of the necessities of life as it would twenty five years ago. The products of the labor of the poor will not sell for one half as much money as they would then. This is the inequality, the burden of which the people aro complaining. People's Party Paper: The one thing that harrows the souls of the plates, is the heaven inspired truth declared in the platform of the Omaha convention that, "If any will not work noither shall he eat. " The justice of this declaration U so appar ent and so much in conformity with the decree of Gol, "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread." that it is frightening the soft-handed plutes out of their wits. Let us stick to the text. HORSES. Some Peculiarities Connected With One of the Noblest of Animals. In that portion of Genesis which tells the story of Joseph, the famine, etc., we find the first historical alius -ion to the horse, and further on in Holy Writ we read of the horses of tho great and wise Solomon, which num bered 40, 000 that is if the 40,000 stalls for horses are to be taken as a criterion. Prior to 1066 the horses of England were never shod, William the Conquerer being the person who is given the credit of introducing horseshoeing into the British Isles. The high state officials and the rich people of Egypt have a peculiar aver sion to riding the horse, their favorite mount being a species of white ass, which is held as being a semi-sacred animal. Fine specimens of those 6now-white creatures are seldom sold for what would bo less than $1, 000 in United States currency. Tho Tartars have a species of hair less horses, which all have beautifully 6triped white-and-brown hoofs and "glass eyes. " Pliny the Elder men tions a breed of horses 'from a land far to tho north of Lybia" which was distinguished on account of a woolly mane which oxtondod from between tho ears to tho root of the tail! Henry VIII. put a stop to tho rais ing of inferior horses in England by having all slaughtered that were un der 13 hands high at the age of 5 years. In Japan the man of quality" never forces his stoed out of a walk; if the errand is one which demands speed the, rider dismounts, ties the fore logs of his animal together anJ etrikes off at a brisk gallop on foot. J. W. CASTOR. Tres. J. P. ROUSE, Vlce-I'res. W. B. IjINCH, Secy. E. E. M0TT, ST A TE AGENT. A. GREENAM YilE, Trew. THE FARMERS LIUTUAL INSURANCE GO OF NEBRASKA. INSURES ONLkY FARM PROPERTY AGAINST " " vk-kFIRE, 'LIGHTNING OR TONRADO,-nr Dont renew your Insurance with the old line companies and pay three times what It la worth when you can write with the Farmers Mutual and get better Insurance at cot. ' rewrite tor Circular. LINCOLN, NEB. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Room 407 Brace Building:. n THE GREAT ACTUAL BUSINESS DLDVD THOROUGH COURSES IN Book-Keeping, Arithmetic, Penmanship, Telegraphy, Shorthand, Elocution, Etc. DON'T FORGET IT. Our rates of tuition are 40 per cent lower than any other college in this and other states. Write for circulars. FREMONT BUSINESS COLLEGE, T. It. HAMLIN, President. FREMONT, NEB, CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK, LIJNCOLN, NEBRASKA. CAPITAL $300,000.00. 45tf C. W: MOSHER, President, H. J. WALSH, Vice-President. R. C. OUTCALT, Cashier. J. W. MAXWELL, Assistant Cashier. W. W. HOLMES, R. C. PHILLIPS, DIRECTORS:- D. E. THOMPSON, E. P. HAMER, A. P. S. STUART. C. W. MOSHER, C. & YATES, AGOOUNTS SOLICITED. Banks. Bankers and Merchants. LNDeLx INDEPENDENT HEADQUARTEBS. nnoutD TiiiriTCriiTii mn einrrTo itmi n uunutn imniccmn tnv m oinccio, LII1UUI.II, IltD. Three blocks from Capitol -building. - Lincoln's newest, neatest and best up-town hotel. Eighty new rooms just completed, including large committee rooms, making 150 rooms in all. - tf !A. L. HOOVER & SON, Prop'rs. DO YOU BUY DRY We Sell to All for Cash and to : All for the Same Low Price. 4 . - We guarantee the price on every arti cle in our store and will refund tho mnnpv V,to those who think they have paid too much. If that is the way you like to do business we want your trade. We want those who cannot call at the store to send for samples. Yours, Etc., GOODS? MILLER & PAINE, LINCOLN, NEDRASKA.