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About The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1892)
THE A LLANCE-INDEPENDENT. 13 NEBRASKA STATE FAIR. It Is Superior la Many Respects to Those Hsld In Former Years. The i ndications for the state fair point conclusively to the most extensive and. meritorious exhibition ever given in the btafe. ' The exhibits are slower in arriving than usual acd the visitors at the fair today have doubtless been disappointed in not finding everything in as good con dition as they expected, but the displays for the fair are arriving today in train- loads and by tomorrow everything will be in order and the fair be a thing of beauty and a ioy forever. Today every thing is bustle, and willing hands are hurrying the exhibits as they arrive into their proper plices, and the scene is one of activity and energy. In nearly all departments the calls for space are greater than the supply, and In all the large halls it is certain that every Inch of available space will be utilized by exhibitors. In the agricul tural hall the demand for space is good, and while it is not to to be expected that the agricultural dis play of last year when Nebraska was fav ored with magnincent crops, will be ex ceeded, yet it is certain that the hall will be well lilted. The business men s association have a splendid display of grasses, grains and cereals, which will bo sent east with the advertising train. The display in the horticultural hall is good, notwithstand ing this is an ''off year" for fruit in Nebraska. The hall is well. The State Fisheries Exhibit is the finest and largest ever made. There are forty-eight different . kinds of fish on exhibition. The specimens of fish are are mare numerous and larger than ever before. The demand for space in the art hall is puzzling the managers of that depart ment, and expedients of all kinds are re sorted to in order to accommodate the exhibits. The display of paintings is very large and fine, and this department exceeds anything in former years. The merchantile hall presents a hand some appearance this year. The mer ehants' displays are superior to last year, and here too the capacity of the hall is taxed to the utmost to con tain the exhibits. The display of agaicultural implements and machinery of all kinds is up to any thing ever seen in former years both in variety and extent. The new dairy hall is fully utilized in providing space for the dairy products of which the exhibits are numerous in quantity and superior -in quality. The same can also be said of the apiary ex hibit, aud the extent of the products in this department surpasses all former years. The hall Is completly filled. A visit to the live stock department 11 a - A i i 1. A A. i I win uemoiiB'.raie me iruw oi me state ment that the exhibits of horses, cattle, j hogs and sheep are especially good this S(jroti out utccno iu luua n lull iuo the state has ever produced. The srmce fnr linrcPH In nrpll fillprl unit iio rnttla stalls are filling up rapidly. The displiy of fat hoe;s is said by good judges to be away ahead of the recent Iowa State fair, and la first class in every respect. The usual number of attractions are to seen upon the grounds. Kendall & Smith have a herd of four buffalo, three large antelope, and a herd of eight red deer lour of them young ones, the youngest being only four days old. Jn all other respects the fair is first class. The racing will be fully up to the high standard of former years.' About 200 horses are in the stalls, and a turf program of superior excellence is assured. . To sum it all up the fair is certain to be a magnificent success, in each and every department. LATER. The above was written on Monday. On Tuesday there was a largo crowd, and on Wedaesday as we go td press there is an immense crowd on the fair ground. In Another Good Man Named. Wisher, August 29, 1892. At the senatorial convention of the seventh district, compriting the counties of Burt and Cuming, which was held on August 27lh, at Bancroft, the dele gates present unanimously nominated Mr. John Enley of Beemer, Cuming county. Mr. Emley is a farmer, a man of sterling qualities and (ce who, if elected to that important office will prove true to the independent party ana us principles. The lucependents will rally to his support and the chances for his election are good. binccrely yours, Louis Dewald. Sec of Sen. Convention. Colonizing Voters. A late Hutchinson, Kan., dispatch says: "There no longer exists the shadow of a doubt in the minds of the J people's party state central committee that a systematic importation of colored voters Is being se cretly carried on by the republicans of Kansas. Enough has been gathered by local committees throughout the state and forwarded to Chairman Bridenthal to warrant the state central committee in adopting the most vigorous measures to prevent the polling of fraudulent votes. Chairman Bridenthal does not claim that any very considerable number of negroes has been brought to any one precinct, but his cor respondents advise him that from three to twelve strange colored men have with in the past month located in each voting precinct in the statp. Iteports indicate that the average number to a precinct is five, aud as there are 3,500 precincts this would make a total of 17,500. To pre vent the polling of this enormous fraudu lent vote, the entire people's parly ma chinery will be utilized." . The Greenwood Rally. A heavy rain on Saturday morning cast a damper over the spirits of the en thusiastic independents who had charge of the rally. However it did not prevent a fair crowd from turning out. The pic nic dinner had to be dispensed with. But at 2 o'clock nearly 500 people repaired to the park and despite tho drizzling rain, listfned for two hours to rousing cam paign speeches fiom General Van Wyck and J. V. Wolfe. .Professor W. A. Howard was present and sang "We Have the Tariff Yet," Jo the great amusement of all. In the evening Hon. C. D. Shrader, and Hon. Jerome Shamp spoke to a good crowd in the town hall. The success of the meeting was in marked contrast to that of the meeting held by Congressman Bryan the day be fore. Although it was a fine day he had less than a hundred hearers. The corporations want to elect Majors lieutenant governor, because he is their tool. Hence they are making Mr. Shrader tho object of their slander and ridicule. Independents should rally to Mr, Shrader's support all the stronger on that account. Ho is a strong, thoughtful, and incorruptible man. And now comes the telegram in the morniog dispatches thus ' TopekaKan. Sept. 2. James F. Legato a republican eader of Kansas, has joined the people's party.'.' Even the associated press is coming to terms and facing the music. nsniMKUL COLLEGE PROPERTY FOR SALE. An Aristocratic Tip. The new companion ( fresh from Giilham college) Yes. Lady June I saw er with jot habitual iypocrisy, Aolding out Lev Aand to Aim as .o was taranguing at .is otel. Lady Jane Good gracious child, don't stick in sfs&ESL . mMm rJ f ' 1 TOmis i 4 1 1 jura MAIN BUILDING 20Q FEET, FRONT. a his famous college is located in the beautiful, healthy suburb of Haw thorne, and there are forty houses now being built, just out side the corporation limits, giving city advant- . -ages, with country taxes. From Fifty to One Hundred Houses Will be needed for the accommodation of students by September 13 and t tho management of tho Western Normal College Guarantee tote Reijfc afc ttie Iafce of $48 a Ioojji for fche Firsfc Year- And the owners of houses to receive pay for fuel and light extra. No better place than Hawthorne to build houses for investment, prop erty will double in value within twelve months, and now is tho time to invest. 1200 STUDENTS ARE NOW ENROLLED The association has a large donation of lands which they have platted in lots and have put them on the market at very s low figures for tho next ninety days. Prices of Lots From $50 to $550. Take the Lincoln Street Railway cornor O and Ninth streets to Haw thorne. $300,000 to $500,000 will be put in buildings before , January, 1,1893. Any parties buying lots can s double their investment in a short time. Bargains in City and Farm Property Always on Hani Lots on Easy Payments.. For Any Information Call on or Address TTb 1 o ji-arjuuejioziJ tLOC&KZJ