THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. t ' r b tie largest high grade Indcendent Normal In America, with the finest buildings, best equipments A FractiGal Sc&oolfor tiie Masses 40 Courses and Specialties, Including almost anything and everything you may want at the least expense and shortest time. Zealously moral and Christian, but non-sectarian. No vacation. Expenses low. Membersof the Faculty specialists and experienced In Normal School work. Strongly endorsed by public school men. fj1f? I? Tuition, fall term, In seven course, in VXllliCi order that all may test the merits of this great Institution. Aggregate length of buildings. 400 feet, covering more ground with more floor area than any other Kormal. Forty acre campus, massive main building, large dining hall, conservatory of music, planned for large pipe organ, fine equipments, library, power house, water plant, heating plant and electric light plant. Send thirty names and addresses of young men and women and we will send you free our "Educational Jonrnal." Fall term opens on September 6th. Send foe free catalogue and circulars to F.F. House Mgr Killl -:-GO TO-:- A. J. RIGBY & CO., 1025 O St.. Lincoln, Neb., For bargains in Nebraska Lands and City Property. They have the largest list and Lowest Prices. A Bargain Id Dent Co., LIo , Lands. 10.000 acres in three or four tracts of good grazing, mineral and agricultural lands, reasonably well tim bered, as smooth as a rolling prairie, good for all kinds of grain and fruit. Will sell in tracts of 1,000 acres or more at from 75 cents to $1.25 per acre. Also 10,000 acres of timber lands which will scale from 3 to 5.000 feet per acre of pine and about the same of oak, besides a great deal of tie timber. Will sell for from $2.50 to $3.00 per acre. These lands are to be closed out in the next eixty days. Terms cash. A. J. RIGBY & GO, TO V M fl FAR RE And take the Lincoln Normal street car line and for FIVE cents see the Best Suburb to the City of Lincoln. All built since March, 1892, by an investment of over $150,000 in cash. See the Finest School Builcimg m the state m every particular. The power house, electric light plant, water works, dormitory and dining hall and a village of dwellings and store buildings work being pushed on Normal boulevard, the finest drive m the city the Rock Island railroad, Lincoln's latest acquisition, an electric car line built in ONE WEEK, and then remember that we Shall push Normal property from this time on with more vigor than we your entire satisfaction that we have the brightest prospects and surest returns for an investment of any suburb to Lincoln or any other live city; then call on us and let us as tonish you again by our prices of Lots, ranging from $50 to $300, and Lands from $100 to $400 per acre, adjoining the largest and best con ducted Normal College in this country. Call on or address us at once. SIZER & McCLAY, (SoTurnbia MatioriaT Batik, IJ32 O St., UincoTri, Neb., 'Or A. J. RIGBY & CO., 1025 O St., Lincoln, Neb.