The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 01, 1892, Page 14, Image 14

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Oar "Songs of Tcoplo" Haie
Created For Themselves a Nation
Wide Demand Wnich
ables Us Now to Re
duce the Trice.
The Monitck Pipe Frame Shoe Press- Drill,
We hare aU alonar contemplated reducing
the price of our songs just as soon as we pos
bibly could do 0, aad we are exceedingly
glad to announce that prices will be way
down from this time forward. The first cost
of sheet music Is heavy, and we have keen
forced to stll hitherto at nearly ordinary
prices. We shall now sell our new, popular,
splendid, unequalled songs at rates within the
r jach of all.
Chairman Taubeneck says: "Your songs
are the very best that have been prepared
lor our people. Hope you will do all in your
J tower to push the work. It is badly needed
a every state."
The Arena says: "The songs Just issued
far the industrial millions will, if we mistake
not, add tens of thousands of votes to the
ranks of the people's i arty."
President Loucks, of the iVntional Farmers'
Alliance, says: They are admirably adapted
for cam palgu songs.''
The Journal of the Knights of Labor says:
"They should be In the hands of all lovers of
TheNew Forum sas: 'The sentiment of
these songs U grand."
These words of unsolicited praise indicate
the enthusiastic reception they are meeting
with everywhere.
Do you want songs that will bring down the
house? We have two that are regular swivel
guns, loaded with fun and thunder, and each
worth more In making votes than a hundred
dry orators. They are: "We Havethe Tariff
Yet." and "The Taxpayer3 Sett.e the Bills."
'Get Off the Earth." Is equally popular.
Mrs. Mary Baird Finch, our Nebraska poet,
says: "If I cmld write anything as good as
CUtOff the Earth, 1 should consider my
name and fame permanently established."
"Tne Workersr Battle Hymn of Frtedom,"
istaenewMarseilalsehrmnset to the won
derously thrilling Frenoh air. Nothing could
be more moving and inspiring.
"dons of America" Is a new tune like the
Marseillaise, and we believe equally stirring
nnrt linn. .
-Tho Alarm Beat." is our trumpet call to
action. It is one of our best quartette cam
paign 6ongs and arouses much enthusiasm.
The Flag of Liberty" is tub patriotic song
of the people's party. It will quicken the
pulses of all who love their country and hate
nnnrpsHlon. The Farm Field and Stockman
selected it from all our list to present to their
rnmlpra this week.
God Save the People" is another song
that will live long, it toucnes a popular
Yon are hearinir a firocd deal about "An
Honest Dollar." We have a song on that
subject (ready next week) which can't be
at. HrMiri for It at once.
Truth's ApproachiDg Triumph" is a song
of tho "tho isaud years." tho reign of right-
ousneB8 for which we are fighting. It is a
beautiful, inspiring composition1, refreshing
as a song of the angels to those who have be
come weary waiting.
Tne WeakcBt Must Go to the Wall" gets In
some tremendous blows against the mony
land and transportation monopolists.
' LoBBt s and Lice" phows up where profl 8
rnmn from and how obtained. It is red hot.
The Milltnniura Army" is Mrs. Leases
favorite and she has reason to think it our
Space lacks to tell the merit of the others.
M)W NuTlCB: Aftv one of these songs
heretofore sold at 3 cents now can be had for
20 cents. Three songs, your choice, for 50
cents. Seven songs for H.00. The entire
series, sixteen ia number, for $ 1.50.
Order at once and set ready for the great
est, grandest, most ecthuslautic campaign tne
country has Known.
The following is a list of the songs:
the Workers' Battle Hjmn of Freedom,
Hight Shall Reign, The Weakest Must Go to
tha Wail. TheTaxoavera Settle the Bit's. Sons
of Amorioa, Gt Off ths Earth, The Flag of
Liberty, The Coal Baron's Song. Truth's Ap
nroachimr Triumph. God Save the Peoflie.We
Have the Tariff Yet, The Alarm Beat. The
Millennium Army, That 'Honest Dollar,
Losses and Lies.
Designed With Especial Yiew lo Light
ness of Draft.
Your attention is called to tho new
advertisement of Herman Brothers,
the Lincoln clothiers, ih this issue.
This firm has in a short time, by fair,
Rnnarfl rlnalinff and no misrepresenta
tions, built up a business that is very
flattering and attests the ability and
business sagacity ot me proprietors.
Visitors to our citv duriner the fair will
fiml it. tn their interest to call at 1017 O
street and inspect the lines of new
goods they. are now receiving; lor iai
and winter trade.
Van Wyck at Greenwood.
One of the greatest picnic gatherings
of the campaign will be held at Green
wood, Cass county, on Saturday, Sep
. tember 3d. Van Wyck, Shamp atd
others will address tfie people,
With Poessu re Hollers fo l venngand 1
Tacking Soil Ofcr VI
8 Shoe, 8 in wilh two horse hitch ) Three horse hitch if ordered ) Shoes and
V VRollers
12Shoe,8 In. with two horse hitch ) Three horee hitch if ordered ) Independent
) For prices and terms apply to
v FRANK P. LAWKENCE, State Agent,
) Corner Tenth and VV. Lincoln, Neb.
Patronize Home Manufactories,
patented October ib, ib&o.
rhe Perfection Gear Wagon,
Simplest, Short Turning, Hangs Low, Absolutely No Rattle. First Class in Every Respect.
Just the wagon for Farmers, Grocers, Milkmenin fact anybody.
D. W. CAMP & SON, Corner l"pi!!sK,asKa.
Kern's Appointments.
Congressman Kem has arranged to
fill appointments as follows:
Columbus, Platte county, August 31.
North Platte, Lincoln county, Sep
tember 2.
Sidney, Cheyenne county, September
Kimball, Kimball county, September
Harrisburcr, Banner county, Septem
ber 7.
Gering, Scott's Blufls county, Septem
ber 8.
Big Springs, Deuel county, Septem
ber 10
Ogalalla, Keith county, September 12.
Lexington, Dawson county, Septem
ber 13.
Independent papers of the Sixth dis
trict are requested to publ:sh and keep
standing in their columns a list of Mr.
Kcm's appointments.
J. II Edminsten,
Eddyville, Neb. . Chairman.
Attention Farmers.
Here is a chance for our farmer? to
get their shucked corn shelled free of
charge. The Improved Kingsland &
Douglass Cylinder Sheller will bo on
exhibition at tho Nebraska sta'o fair.
This sheller will handle 5,000 bushels
of corn a day. Farmers can arrange to
have tht ir shuck corn shelled free of
charge by calling on Frank P. Law-
ronco, the popular implement dealer,
pqrnor Tent& and '
HnniM and Inimta1 17AMn r J !
and Orchards in the Celebrated Bear
River Valle on the Main Lines ol the
Union Pacific and Central Pacific R. R.
near Corinne and gden, Utah.
Splendid location for business and in
dustries of all kinds in the well ksown
city of Corinne, situated in the middle
of the valley on the Central Pacific K.R.
The lands of tho Bear River valley are
now thrown open to settlement by the
construction of the mammoth system of
irrigation from the Bear lake and river,
just completed by the Bear River Canal
Co., at a cost of $3,003,000. Th com
pany controls 100,000 acres of these fine
lands andowns many lots ad business
lrr.ftt.i ms 5n tho nitv itf PVrini onH
now prepared to sell on easy terms to
settlers and colonies. The climate, soil,
and irrigating facilities are pronounced
unsurpassed by competent judges who
declare the valley to be tho Paradise of
the 'Farmer, Fruit Grower and Stock
Raiser. Nice social surroundings, gcod
schools and churches at Corinne City,
and Home Markets exist for every kind
of farm and garden produce in the
neighboring cities of Ogden and Salt
Lake, and in the great mining camps.
Lands will bo shown from the local of
fice f the Company at Corinne. 15tf
At Peterson's Grove.
Near Davey, Lancaster county, there
will be a picnic meeting September 14.
Jerome Shamp, W. S. Pripkett and
Ptherg will speak.
Furnas Co. Herd,
plLwwvf&w- BEAVER CITV. . v.n
Thoroughbreds exclusively. AH.ages. either
c uicu. ohjck Kimranreea as rpnrn-
Prices right. Mention this paper.
H. S- WILLIAMSON, 1'rop'r.
lirreder and shin
per ot recorded
land China Hogs
Choice breed
stock for sale.
Write for wants.
Mention Alliance.
Xeligh, Neb,
Breeder of fancy Po
land China swine
and P. K. fowls. Ma
ioiitv of nius sirpd
by t ree Traces Best, remainder by Paddys Chip
..nd Lytles Dandy. Free Trades Best is sired by
fnrK(J?ve:lthCfKeal 0W h5 ,hat WaS "DM
for f 800, being the hnrnpst nrinoH
i, f , "luai,uJ1 Msieriotree Trade In my
herd for 6 years and have many fine sows from
bcr L. H SUTER.
May Have Merited the Advice.
Araateur Artist I should like to
present the last picture I painted to
some charitable institution; now,
which would you recommend P
Cruel Lady Friend,, blind My
lum. Lifa. , . -