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About The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1892)
.i V , WV" VOL. IV. LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1892. NO. 10. oi state mm Oommants of the Eeform Press Van Wyck's Nomination Strikes Them. -How The Ticket a Vote Winner Needs No Apology Words of Praise for Kern. The Grand Old Commoner. The following is from the Iowa Tribune, General Weaver's paper Such opinions as this count: The reform elements of the whole country rejoice in the wise action of the people s party of Nebraska in se lecting to head its ticket that grand old commoner, Ex-Senator C. H. Van Wyck. No stronger name could have been placsd before the people of that state, nor one that would command the confidence and arouse the enthusiasm of the people in a larger degree. Years ago Gen. Van Wyck saw the growing power of monopoly, and fought its ag gressions on the floor of the U. S sen ate with a vigor and persistence that brought down on him the wrath of the corporate interests which then as now controlled the republican party, and he was retired to make room for men not so dangerous to the success of pluto cratic plans. The people of Nebraska have after many years awakened to realization of the fact that he had been sacriticed because of his fealty to them and their interests, and they will again bring him forward in triumph and with an overwhelming majority elect him gov ernor of Nebraska this fall. Fit leader of a noble state redeemed from the misrule of corporate corruptionists. HE IS INVINCIBLE. The nomination of ex-Senator Van Wyck for governor will call forth more support than the full strength of the independent party. He is above Judge Crounse in ability and character and wou'd hare been elected United States Senator in 1886 by four votes out of every five if senators were elee'ed by a direct vote of the people. Now that the people have chosen him as a can didate for governor, they will show their appreciation of his able efforts, in their behalf, and we believe that he j will be elected by an overwhelming majority. He has been a consistent anti-monopolist for many years, and he was in spirit an independent before the independent party was formed. He has a reputation that wo may well feel proud of. He has battled against old Shylock's too's c mtinually since enter ing public life He battled for the rights of the people he represented, nor could Shylock's trained representa tives influence him. Money could not ing many of the large steals that the corporations were trying to get through the senate. Why should not the entire people support such a hero? 1 etersburg Index. ALWAYS WITFI T11E PEOPLE. The nomination, practically by ac clamation, of Ex-Senator Charles H. Van Wyck by the independent of Ne braska insures a sweeping victory in thar. state in November. No name could have possibly been placed before the people that will inspire greater en thusiasm or command their confidence in a larger degree, t or many years General Van Wyck has been the leader of the popular cause in Nebraska. In success and in defeat he has always b?en with the- j.eople, and now that they have chosen him to make the com ing campaign lor governor, he h cer tain to win victory and place Nebraska safely within, the lines of the populist's column. lhe Itocky Mountain News. STATE PRESS COMMENT. The action of the Kearney conven tion was wise in their selection of a man whose pre-eminence has long ago been established in the hearts of the laboring people of this state. His ac tions while on the stump or in congress nave ever snown that lovaitv to the plain people was the first consideration with him. His continual war a.eainst the encroachments of corporate power is a part of history. Home Kule, Alns- wortn. The people's state c:nvention, held last week, placed a ticket in the held that will draw votes. Hon. C. H. Van Wyck, candidate for governor, is an available i ian, a man in sympathy with the great reform movement that is agitatiiig the minds of the people inac tne con ven'ion nas made a wise selection will be demonstrated at the polls this fall. The Mail, Hebron. The nomination of Van Wyck proves that the deliberations of ih rfinresent- atives of the people's independent par ty are conducted with care. Hevond all doubt our nominee U the strongest man we could have named, and hevond all doubt he will bo elected, and beyond every particle or doubt he will give to Nebraska a judicious administration. If a railroad bi l is presented for his signature there is no question but what it will be speedily signed and he will look for no loopholes through which to avoid the performance of his full and complete dutv. People's Itights. Chas. II. Van Wyck was the choice of the independent state convention at Kearney Thursday lor the next gov ernor of Nebraska. He is the right man for the place and will be elected by a rousin? majority. Madison Coun ty Independent. , ..-.. tion9 are the very best that could havo been made. One reason that this is so is that new parties must necessarily be more careful in selecting candidates for public support than the old parties nave to do. The Omaha Tocsin. Hon O. M. Kem was renominated for congress, in the Sixth district, by acclamation, unanimously, on Thurs day last. Mr. Kem has been a faithful represen'ative of the people, and will be able to accomplish much more dur ing a second term. The desperato mud slinging tactics, of the hireling opposi tion, have only made him stronger. It 's also to his credit that such opposi tion did not come from his district, where he is honored as a citizen and an able and faithful representative of the people The Headlight. The old soldier is in it. Out of 700 delegats to the Kearney convention, U.J4 old soldiers answered to roll call. mere were also live confederate sol diers delegates. Gen. Weaver, Gen. Fields, and Gen. Van Wyck irake three of a kind that will do to draw to. Ex. The very fact that corporations and corporation organs aro concentrating their forces to defeat C. II. Van Wyck, inthiscimpaign, should convince every honest voter that Mr. Van Wyck is the man we want to till the olhce of gov ernor of Nebraska the next term, and every person who fee's interested in the success of the party shou d redouble bis vigilance and make this a campaign which will placj Nebraska on the list of independent states by a large ma jority. Culbertson Sentinel. Hurrah for O. M. Kem. Hon. O. M. Kem, our congressman of this district, received a vote of thanks at the state convention for the enemies he made in the old parties by standing by the laboring classes. There is no man in this district who will care to run against him, his election will b3 about as unanimous as his nomination was at Kearney. Hurrah for O. M. Kem. Page News. Ask those little two-by-four republi cans politicians who have been howling for the past two months about the "Powers and Van Wyck tight," why it failed to materialize? honest John Powers had the good will of every delegate in that convention, but he said, "I have my whole heart in the triumph of our cause, and in order that we may go into the field and fight united, a common foe in a common cause, I do not want my name brought before this convention." The result was that Van Wyck was nominated without opposition: his opponent, Gen eral Leese, taking the p'atforra and saying, 'T myself am for Gen. Van Wyck. Springview Herald. "Losses and Lies" shows up where Dech Nominated' Tie congressional convention of the Fourth district met at Seward on Aug. II, and nominated Hon. W. II. Dech for congress on the fifth ballot. The vote stood as follows on the first ballot: Capt. Ashby of Gage, 30; W. H. Dech of Saunders, 38; Richard Dobson of Fillmore. 22; John Saxon of Jefferson, 13: Judge Stark of Hamilton, 43. On the fifth ballot Doch received 77, and Stark 67, and Dech's nomination was made unanimous. Capt. Ashby of Beatrice was made chairman and W O. Rand of Wahoo secretary , of the congressional committee. PRESERVE THE FORESTS. They Shcu'd llo Placed Under Guardian ship of the National Array. All the mountain forest lands owned by the nation should be at once with drawn from sale, writes J. K Har rison in the Cosmopolitan, and should be put under guardianship of tho national army until a comprehensive and efficient system of forestry has been established over them. ' But it is probable that all remain ing portions of the national domain will soon pass into possession of the states within whose boundaries they are situated. If this expectation is realLed the mountain forest lands everywhere should bo held and ad ministered by the states, a9 such, and should not bo allowed to become pri vate holdingi by sale to individuals. This is essential for the preserva tion of the country's water supply, and for the permanence of its agri culture. This is especially manifest in relation to the regions which re quire irrigation. No possible system of dams, or of hydraulic engineering of any kind, can secure and control an adequate supply of water for ex tensive agriculture by irrigation if forest conditions are destroyed on the mountains above tho arid region. Forest conditions ou these mountains on the public domain are now bein rapidly destroyed by pasturage, by wretchedly wasteful and irresponsible lumbering and by fire. If these agencies continue in operation the and region will remain arid, or. If they are reclaimed for a little while. the supply of water will soon fail and the desert will reassert its ancient dominion. A large proportion of tho mountain land of the western part of the conti nent is of such a character that if for- est conditions upon it are once fully destroyed they can never be restored. Man has no power to create n. new world, but his abilitv to wreck and oxhaust the planet on which he livej is almost without limit V t i! "m-nfirs" i nm i frnm fuidJmw thev are 1 dt idpjiiMir.Pitnv