The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, August 11, 1892, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE ALLIANCE-INDEPENDENT. filje farmcro' Alliance, AKD THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT CONSOLIDATED. Published Every Thursday bt The Alliance Publishing Co. Cor. 11th and M Bte., Lincoln, Neb. BOARD Or DIRKCT0B. O. Hotx, Pres . J. M. Thomphoh, Scc'y. 0. Ed. Tuobktoh. V. P. J. F. MBFrinD, Treas. C. II. PlRTLK. Subscription Osk Dollar per Ye ar 8. Edwin Thqrntom, Managing Editor C!At. Tl. Pirtlb, IJiiflneHrt lanHe-r. B. A. Murray Advei Using Mg'r N I T A People's Party National Ticket For President, GEN. J AS. D. WEAVER of Iowa. For Vlce.PrcHldent, GEN. JAS. G. FIELDS of Virginia. STATE TICKET. For Governor, CHARLES II. VAN WYCK. Otoe Co. For Lieutenant Governor, C. D. SIIRADER, Logan County. For Secretary or State, J. M. EASTERLING, Uuffalo County. For Auditor, LOGAN McREYNOLDS, Clay County. For Treamre'r, J. V. WOLFE, Lancaster County. For Attorney General, V. O. STRICKLE R, Douglas County. For Commissioner of Public Lands and Build ings, J. M. GUNNETT, York Comity. For Superintendent of Public Instruction, II. II. HYATT, Custer County. For Presidential Elect ors, T. O. FERGUSON, Nemaha County. J. R. CONKLIN, Douglas County. JOHN I. JONES, R. R. SIIICK, Seward County. W. A. GARRETT, Phelps County. PETER EU1SERSON, Howard County. E. E. LINK, Frontier County. T. H. TIUBLES, Cuming County. IMPORTANT MEETING. The independent candidates and the members of the stato executive com mittee aro called to meet at the Lin dell hotel on Monday, Aug 15. Chairman Wolfe's speech at Kear ney was a masterly affair. Read it. Preacher Tate is to bo the orator of the republican ticket. He's got a big job on hand. A man is often best known by the enemies he has made. Gen. Van Wyck has the most bitter enmity of the cor porations in Nebraska. Croukse is a stra'ght enough gold bug republican to hold a position un der Foster, the present secretary of the treasury. That ought to settle it with the people of Nebraska. The Alliance-Herald of Alabama, says that the bung-hole convention crowd should accept their defeat grace fully. The alliance men of the south must have the same sort of a crowd to cope with that wo have here in the north. ''Bung-hole crowd" is good. OTJR TICKET. The People's convention at Kearney nominated A strong ticket, A clean ticket, A ticket of honest men, A ticket of men who have po itical convictions, and have the courage of thoHO convictions, A ticket of men who are of the peo ple and for the people, A ticket of men who will hold aloft the banner of reform and bear it into the thickest of the light. A ticket of earnest, though'ful re formers. A ticket to be proud of. A ticket to shout for and work for and vote for. v A t'eket that will bj elected by the grace of God, and the votes of honest men. THE SAME OLD GAME The republicans aro miking loul claims that thuir candidate for gov ernor, Judge Crounse, ii an anthnonop- olist, and they expect to catch tho votes of a few unwary independents with that claim. We aro f .ce to confess that Judge Crounse has been jnore or less of an anti-mo::oporst. Sj has Rosewater, but what is he now? Hosewa'cr dic tated tho nomination of Crounse and if he is ( lected ho will bj run by Rose water. Now tho pcoplo arc not likely tD forget that Jas. E. Boyd was Rosewater's choice for governor two years ago, and Mr. Boyd vetoed the Newberry bill, au act which Rosewater has never condemned Is it likely tho republican party has turned a.ti-mouopo!ist, when every delegate to the convention last week rode on a free pass?. D J you think such a convention you'd do anything that would injure the railroads? If tho republican party really intended to take the sido of the pcoplo 8gainst the rail roads, would the convention have renominated a majority of the present board of transportation which has openly aud brazenly arrayed itself on the side of tho railroads against the people? Bah! all this cant about reform through the republican party makes the pcoplo weary. They have heard it for nearly twenty years. Taey have got their eyes open, their eye-teeth are cut. They aro not to be caught with such chart' as' Crou use's -alleged anti monopoly record. Ho is satisfactory to tho corporations today, and that's all tho people want to know. There is still oreat com plaint among subscribers to this aud other indepen dent papers because papers do not reach them regulatly and promptly. We belisve the independent stato con vention did a good thing in passing a resolution condemning the way inde pendent mail matter is handled by post- - office officials. Speaking of the defeat of tho silver bill tho Montgomery (Ala.) Herald says that English influences expended ten millions to defeat tho silver bill and at the Bamo time financiered twenty-five Mllons out of the people whoso publio GENERAL VAN WYCK. This paper had no candidate f Jr gov ernor before the state convention Now wo are for General Van Wyck, because the i)eoplo aro for him. We are proud to place his name at the head of our columns. We have an abiding faith in his sincerity, in his ability, in his loyalty to our cause, in his indomita ble energy. We admire him because ho has always been a kicker against corporation rule, and a fighter for the rights of tho people. Wo respect him because he has always been true to his principles and consistent in defending them. Wo love bim for the enemies ho has made. Wo lovo him becauso the corporations hate him. For long and weary years General Van Wyck has fought for the people. Ho has fought what ap peared a hopeless fight. Ho has endured much and sacrificed much. He has been s'andered and traduced more than any other man in Nebraska. But ho has never faltered or given over the fight. He has faced the horde of polit ical pirates and hurled defiance at his traducers. General Van Wyck is a true repre sentative of all that is embodied in the reform movement. His success will mean the overthrow of the corporations in Nebraska and substantial relief to peop'e. We believo he will be elected, and this paper will give him and overy other candidate o i tho state ticket its strorgest and heartiest support. Convention reports have crowded over some important matter till next week including the continuation of our state and if be is defeated it must be by the returns of half a dozen counties known as black counties. There is no reason to suppose that the negroes vot ed solidly for Jones, but the returns must so show in order to counterbal ance tho vote in other parts of the state, and the political managers bavo a con firmed habit of rnaliDg tho returns show juibt what thty want them to show. - But whether tho officers ' elected get their seats or aro counted out, the country will see that the political revo lution is just as great in the south as in tho north, and the unbecoming joy of tho republicans over the early reports of the democratic mf joi ity will react against them. The independents all over the country see that their brothers in the south are coming to the front and the people's came will be greatly strengthened. It is safe to conclude that the people's 'party all over the country has been much encouraged by the election in Alabama. Now for the Georgia and Arkansas state elections, and then for the whole country in No vember. Victory looms up before us. On with tho fight. mortgage record. The jig is up. Tho lainmaking bus iness is at au end. Melbourne has be gun to write communications and de fenses in papers. When a scheme gets to that it is cooked Now that concress ras adjourned the members that weTraogitated bv Mr. Watson's inmtfcatioflV-'Tl.havo an op. portuj ity to go to sofa$B jcsttlutloa iad OLD ALABAMA. Moro than a week has passed since the stato election occurred in Alabama and yet the result is .not known or at least it is not made public. The country is thoroughly convinced that the state was carried by the independents, but there is every reason to suppose that the returns will be so doctored as to give the regular democratic ticket an appar ent majority. Last week tho republican papers of the north were jubilant because tho as sociated press reports gave out the wild statement that Alabama had gone dem ocratic by 50,000 majority or more. Why did tho republicans rej ice in this? Becauso they felt that it would open tho way for them to go oa the stump in the north and show that the reform move ment could not affect the solid south and that the support of the independent movement would simply weaken the republican party and strengthen dem ocracy. That the republicans wished the dem ocrats to carry Alabama is further hown by the fact that ro republican ticket was put up. The fight was be tween Jones, the democratic candidate for governor, and Kolb, tho indepen dent candidate, and without doubt Kolb was elected, just as surely, and per haps even more surely then was Johr. II. Powers elected governor of Nebras ka two years ago; but the entire election machinery cf Alabama is in tho hands of the democrats and there is little hope that Mr. Kolb and the independent ticket can get the places to which they have been elected. But the effect upon the country will be the sama a3 if these men had secured the offices. The coun try sees that the democracy no longer has unquestioned sway in the south, The joy of the northern republican ed itors over a southern democratic vie tory is turned into sorrow and dismay as Ihey see the ma jority at first report ed at from fifty to seventy thousand dwindle down to alruos t nothing and that little conceded to be fraudulent. mi , a -i me mums snow tnat JioiD rereiv ANNOUNCEMENTS. For the next three months we in tend to make the Alliance-Independent the hottest and most vigor ous campaign paper ever run in Ne braska. We have bsen quietly investi gating some of the political "rottenness that exists in the stato, and we will make tho old corporation gang tremble in their boots. Wo ask the independent workers in all parts of the state to help us get the paper into the hands of voters every where. The subscription price will be 25 cents for tho campaign, and many single issues will be worth moro than that. Our lie g premium offer will remain open till September 1. It is the best offer we have ever made. It is not too late to begin working for it. One week's work may win it. We would like to have all who can help us piuh for subscriptions write to us at once. Now is the 'time to get in work that will tell on election day. J. w. dorland. Mr. J. W. Dor'and, formerly of Ante lope county, is now regularly employed as general f gent for the Alliance Independent. He is one of the most faithful workers in the whole state. He is already well known to many of the readers of this paper, and we take this opportuni'y further to introduce him. We solicit for him the hearty co-operation of all friends of the paper in all parts of Nebraska. whero he may work. PROF. W. A. HOWARD, Has already become known to thou sands of independents by his singing at the state and national con vent.ons. As a campaign singer and choir leader he i? a success. " Prof. Howard is now ready to go out anywhere in Nebraska and organize and train glee clubs, also to sing at rallies and conventions. His services can b3 secured at very reasonable rates by addressing the Alliance Pub lishing Co., Lincoln, Neb. the it Rosewater says it was a case of office seeking tho man. Perhaps was but in its search tho office was was aidt d by a rattling good steering committee wj-h cE. Rosewater as head steerman, an'l that committee kept tho