The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, August 11, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Wind 31ills and Politics.
The following .letter will b3 interest
ing from several points of view. In
tho first plac3 it gives a glimpse of
political changes in the south. In the
next place it shows how the southern
delegites to the Omaha convention,
used their eyes while they were in the
west. And again it shows' tha western
yfirois can get business if they will put
their "ads"' in The Alliance-Inde-
The letter was shown us by Mr.
Humphrey, the manager of tho Chase
Manufacturing company, in this city.
Here is tho letter:
Wkightsvjlle, Ga.. July 19, 1892.
Tho Chase Mf'g Co..
Gentlemen: Your ad. has been
noticed in the Alliance-Independent
handed to me by Dr. A. I.
Haines who was a delegate to the Ouia-
' ha convention. So you c :n readily see
I am an Alliance man and people's par
ty to tho backbone. But it s pos lble I
am a little premature. Your company
may be "republican or democratic;. Well
in telling you how I got you. d. I
simply turned it in as a joke, bu I am
what I am and have said it. Aiid I am
glad to say I believe the smth. wi 1 go
people's party. You never saw such an
increase since tho 'Omaha convention
and the glorious o d wes: can rely upon
the south. We are for the upbuilding
of the people tho working men as well
as the money iron. That is tho trouble.
The old parties have long ago laidisido
all thought of the poor and legislate
entirely for tho money powers. But a
bright day is dawning and you will see
this government come and the poor will
be respected.
But that is not b 'siness. You do
not want to hear- mo talk politics. I
have thought about this a great deal
we have no wind mills in our county,
but i believe there will be in a few
months all over tne county. Our dele
gates are telling about seeing them out
west and I heard a number of people
sdy they wanted them.
I have looked at the cut of your mUls
as shown in the Alliance-Independent
and I know can sell a great many
in the county.
Now so far as your mil1 is concerned,
if it is as cheap as any good mill, you
could send me a s unple mill. I could
put it up on my place and exhibit it to
the people as they come to town acd
take orders for same, and deliver about
November or October or September us
they may desire. 1 believe I can sell
forty or iifty mills by fall."
Very Respectfully,
J. It. R013EKTS
Tho Republican State Convention
The republic ins met in state conven
tion in Lincoln August 4. The eve
ning of the 3rd was devoted to a grand
rally at the state house square where
McKinley addressed several thousand
people. His speech consisted of tho
well-worn arguments and illustrations
in favor of protection.
j. lie principal candidates icr gov
ernor were Lorenzo Crounse of Omaha
and Tom Majors of Nemaha county
Crounse was backed by Itosewater, and
he won on the fourth ballot.
Kev. J. G. late, a 1'resbyterian
preacher, formerly of Sbelton, Neb.,
was nominated for lieutenant governor
by acc'amation. For auditor, Tom
Benton's deputy, Geo. Bowerman was a
candidate, but was knocked out by
Eugene Moore tf Madisou county on
the third ballot.
The following who arc the present
incumbents were nominated by accla
mation: Geo. H. Hastings for attorney
general; John C. Allen, srercta y of
state; A. It. Humphrey, commissioner
public lands and bu-ldings, and A. K.
Goudy, superintendent of public in
struction. For treasurer, Joel Bartlev of Holt
county, was uamed on the first ballot.
Tho platform is very fulsome in its
friendliness to tho workingman and the
farmer. It condemns the Pinkertons,
and f ivors arbitration. It favors cheap
elevator and ware-house privileges for
tho farmers, aid a reduction in express
nVannrncr frtt Bimvrrri V Viit. coito rtf a
Lincoln,' Nebraska.
School' in q Jle)D gocaiion.
Main Building, 205 Feet Front.
BEAUTIFUL, healthy, sightly location, 20-acre campus, elect ric"street-car' line,
magnificent buildiDgs (main building, dining hall to seat",G0O. power house,
water supply system), fino equipments superior accommodations, strong
faculty, experienced management, comprehensive curriculum, thorough work,
high moral and Christian influence, and low expenses for students; make this
a Great School.
peparti)iei)ts ai)d Courses:
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You Can Fnterat Any Time and Find Just'Such Classes as YOu Desire.
A Practical Education Without Waste ot Timp.' Money or Energy is Onr Aim.
In order that all rany test the merits of tho Western Normal College, and
see our superior advantages in the way of building3, equipments und faculty, wo
have decided to pay the railroad fare of all students from their home to Lincoln,
provided they are present cn the opening day of the fall term.
FALL TEHM BEGINS SEPT., 1892. Catalogues and Circulars Free. Wrilotous.
WM, M. CROAN, Pres , or W. J. KINSLEY, Scc'y. arc! Treas
JL,incoln, 'Nebraska: