The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, August 11, 1892, Page 16, Image 16

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Write to the Chancellor, Lincola, Neb.
Tho Lancaster county independent
convention held ia Masonic hall on
Monday was well attended, harmonious,
and full of enthusiasm. Without pny
desire to bestow unmerited or indis
criminate praise wo want ,to say tbat
tho ticket named is an exceedingly
good one. Not a weak nomination was
made. Every man on the ticket is in
telligent, honest, and highty respected.
II. F. Rose, tho candidate for county
attorney is one of the brightest, clean
est and most popular young attorneys
In the county.
I. N. Leonard for state senator is one
of the most successful, and highly re
spected farmers in tho county, an old
soldier with a record to bo proud of,
president of the coanty alliance, and
a true blue independent if there is on.
J, C. McNerney for state senator
is an industrious, ilsiug young
attorney of Lincoln who has the
confidence of all who know him.
and stands squarely with tho people
against the corporationa.
K. T. Chambers, of Stockton, S. S
Griffin of Ccntervillc, and Albert Peter
son of Hock Creek are successful rewre
sentativo farmers, hirhlv rcsnected
and gentleman that most creditably
represent tho party. Mr. Peterson is
a bwede.
Mart Howe is too well and favorably
known to need moro than a mention
His record a republican was entirely
loo clean for the corporations.
J . M. Meddins wa3 named as a renre
sentativo of organized labor, beinff an
influential memberof the Lincoln Typo
graphical union. He is fully iden'ified
with the reform movement.
F. Schweizer for commissioner, is
one of the shrewdest and best read Ger
man farmers in the state.
These men are all deeply in earnest
in the cause of the people. They will
make a fight to win.
The people now have a chance to de
cide between a ticket of clean, capable
representative men, and a ticket of
men who represent the corporations
and banks, and will oppose every spcies
of reform.
Wo believe tho men on the people's
ticket have more than a fighting chance
to win. Let the people rally to their
support promptly and use every legiti
mate effort for their success.
Here is the way in which the Taco
maSan paints the present financial and
social condition: Tho plain, plodding,
every day people, though honest and
industrious, produce all the wealth but
share little or none, while the cunning
and strong produce little or none, but
share most of tho wealth.
Carl Brown of California.
Carl Brown, the well kaown Independent
speaker from California, will speak and ex
hibit his celebrated vota maker at the foilow
- lng dates and places:
Norfttlk, Thursday evei lag-, Augu-t 11.
Albion, Saturday evening, August 13.
Columbus, Sunday cYeuing, August 14.
Hastings, Monday t veiling, August 15.
Pauline, Tuesday afternoon, Augu3t H.
JReanrke. Wednesday evining, August 17.
oiete, Thursday ever In g, August 18.
Lincoln, Friday evening, August 19.
Syracuse, Saturday evening, Aueust 20.
Two Fine Hogs Worth $25 00 Each to be
Given Away.
Bischel Bros, of Kearney aro propiie
ors of the U. S. TecumsehCorwin Herd
of Poland China hogs. They aro . also
enthusiastic workers in tho people's
movement. In a letter received a few
days ago they make tho following offer.
To tho person raijing tho largett num
ber of subscribers to the Alliance-Independent
before Sept. 1, '92, they will
ship the first choice of their spring pigs;
and to the person getting the second
largest club they will shiptho second
choice. These pigs will be worth not
less than $25.00 each. They will be
about five months old. They are bred
from stock selected from the best herds
in Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and
Nebraska. They are a3 good as can be
found anywhere. Their hogs are main
ly of the U. S , the Corwin and Tecum
seh strains of Poland Chinas.
The editor of the Alliance Indepen
dent is well acquainted with the Bis
chel Bros., andean vouch for the gen
uineness of this offer, and the reliability
of their representations.
Here is a fine opportunity for some
patriotic independent to help on the
cause of reform, and 1
at tho same time. Who will try itV
Let us hear from vou at nnno Wo TOn:
accept subscribers under this offer for
one year, tix month?, or for the cam-
imigu. woo yearly subscriber counts
us uiuun as two lor six months, or foui
for the campaign. If you want to work
for this premium, mark every list you
send in "For hog premium
Alliance Publishing Co,
Lincoln, Nebr.
Jersey Ball for sale by J. H. Ames.
corner of 20th and Sumner. Ho is one
year old and extra nice price $50 00
Call at stable or write 31. S. Ilubbell a'
above address fcr information. 9-1
A substitute for India rubber and
gutta percha, brought out by Messrs.
Worms and Zwierchowski, consists of
Manilla gum with five per cent of
Auvergne bitumen, mixed with ben
zine, and, after two or three days,
with five per cent of resin oil. The
product is said to have the suppleness,
elasticity, solidity and durability o
the best rubber.
FOR SALE: A fine Holstein bul
calf, 1952 G street.
We will guarantee not to turn over
the earth, but to cure jibv nas nf rpnn.
ine or so-called heg cholera in from
-I A I
tnree to nve aays or reiuna the inouej.
It is nature's own remedv. and in nrnn
will be readily eaten by any hog after
first taste, it will also prevent the
ipread of the so-called disnasn in 9.j
hours after use.
Price $1.00 ner ten rmrmd lmfVnno nr
ve will furnish ono package free to any
farmer having many sick hogs, so quit
kickirsr. brine" on tnur sif ir horra
address for full particulars,
Lincoln Chemical co.
P. O. Box bGl,
-20 Lincoln, Neb.
wholesale and eetail
Hi, Hals, Cans ill Fniin Goods.
FRFFI T,,ition' Fall term in seven different
Voiroal m the state. Finest buildings, equipments
mil ablest Normal f.irnltv ! n HViuriminf hut n.
established management. 40 courses and special -
es, 35 leacners and lecturers. A live school for
the masses. Write for catnlomn tn V. if n,.
AUBURN. 19tf
Special Attention to Mail Orders.
17 i 1(119 0 STREET. LINCOLN, NEB.
1U Bill
Great Reduction of Prices for this Week. .
Lin enD ep ar tment .
The largest linen stock in the west.
Get our pricos on napkins and table da
mask, they are the lowest every time.
We don't alrovv any house to undersell
us no matter what the cost. We buy di
rect from the makes and are in position
to back up our statements. .
Ladies Jersey Ribbed
In this department we are overloaded
on accouus of bad weather. We will
to-morrow commence a great clearing
sale in this department.
LadUs' 15c vests, reduced to 8c
Ladies' 20c vests, reduced to 10c
Ladies' 25c vests, reduced to 15c
Ladies' 40c vests, reduced to 19c
Ladles' 50c vests, reduced to 25c
Special sale of Ladies'
Special Sale of Ladies'
and Children's Hosiery
1 lot of children's fast black cotton
hose, derby ribbed, only 15c pair worth
Children's fine imported hose, only 25c
pair, worlh 40c.
Ladies' fast black cotton hose.
Richelieu ribbed, only 121c pair worth
Muslins and Sheetings
Muslins are down. See our bleached
muslin at 31c and 5c yard.
At Gc we offer a special bargain equal
if .not better than Lonsdale or
Langdon G. B., 12 yards for $1.00.
Fine 30-inch wide cambric, 12 yards
for $1.00. r: .
Pillow case muslin and sheetings in all
tho different widths and grades atprice3
lower thaa they have been.
Red, white and blue bunting for decora
ting, 5c yard.
All sizes in flags, from 5c a dozen up.
Wash Dress Goods.
New striped bedford cords, 121c.
Plain bedford cord in plain colors,
beautiful skade of cream, etc., 15c
Fancy printed bedford cords, 25c
Satin striped sateen, 35c yard.
Plain ecru crinkled seersucker, 10c
Fancy printed crinkled seersucker
Side band armadale zephyrs, 40. dches
wide, in plain colors, 15c yard.
2 to 12 yards, only 10c yard, in dark X
Special sale on Scotch zepbyr ging
ham,32 incnes wide. Wo have too many
of them and have reduced the price to
12c yard. The best bargain offered
this season on line gingham 12Jc
Special Attention to Mail Orders.
Write us and name this Paper.
Hayden Bros., Dealer? in Evrything, 'Jfe-
We Sell to all for Cash and to
All for the Same Low
We guarantee the price on every arik
cle in our store and will refund flip
Vy y to those who think they have paid too
much. If that is the wjiv vnn IiIta in Tin
, , J J ""-V W VW
business we want your trade. We wantf
those who cannot call at the store to send '
tor samples. Yours etc.,
1 ----- . - . ..WOI,
- f., .a. - 1 .