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About The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1892)
THE ALLIANCE: INDEPENDENT. 13 Harvest Home Picnic Tht ro will be a errand harvest festiva at Greeley Center August 15 Genera Van Wyck will ppeak at 1 o'clock There will bo a balloon ascension, rac insr, etc. It will bo the grandest affair oi tne season. Independents at Unadilla. Last Saturday night the indenend ents in the vicinity of Unadilla, Otoe county, met at the Vaughn schoo houso and held a very enthusiastic meeting. Hon Jerome Shamp of Lin coln was the speaker and he acquitted nimse:i nobly, rue independents o utoe county arc up and coming. Howard Oounty Independents. The Howard county independen had a very enthusiastic convention aud nominated a strong ticket as follows: For representative, Hon. Chas. Gram mer; for county attorney, Hon. J. F, Taylor. The republicans had a convention tho same day but many country precincts were no represented, and the St. Pau delegation ha1 it all their own way. The prospects for independent sue' cess in this county a"e better th?.n ever, Howard will b3 one of the banner counties. J. L. C. St. Paul, Aug. 5rih. In the fourth District- The democrats met at Cret3 Augu 4th, and nominated General Victor Vifquain for congress. Mr. Vifquain lives in Lancaster county, and hence is not a resident of tho district. He aho a detercained opponent of the f rre coinage of silver. Ho will hardly know he is running in November. The independents will meet at Sew f.rd August 11th. The leading candi dates for nomination are W. H. Dech o Saunders, Capt. Ashby of Gage, I. D Chamberlain of Polk, Judge Stark o llamilion, and John Saxon of Jeuer eon. They are all good men, and any one or tnem ougnt to elected if nomin atcd. Hurrah for Star Alliance- Tho following letter will explain iself. Suppose every other Alliance should be as well, wouldn't we have a grand campaign fund? Shelby, Polk coun'y,Ncb. July .'5n. Star Alliance, No. 132."), to the inde pendent state cointKittee. Gentlemen: Wc send you by R. W. Irmess, delegate to the state convention, Hie sum ot $1U(, the subscription of th( above subordinate Allianee to the Ne braska independent rampaign fund 876.40 of the above sum was rai-ed by the sale of stand rights at our Alliance picnic, the remainder by private sub scription amougs our membsre. John Inkess, C. S. Peloit, Pres. ' . Sec'w A Picnic- The independents of Little Salt and surrounding prco!nc's, Lancaster coun tj, held a picnic in Robiuson's grove on Saturday,. August (Jlh. More than 1,000 people were present. Tho pro ceeds f-om the sale of refreshments, etc., amounted to $125, of which $70 was cleared, and it went into tho cam paign fund. The committee in charge desires to express their thanks to all who helped to make it a succes, and to recommend the same plan to others. Hon. J. V. Wolfe was advertised to ppeak. but through a misunderstanding he did not arrive till in the evening, when a large part of the crowd h al gone home. Feeling confident that Mr. Wolfe would not disappoint them, they sent to two tra'ns for him. but arriving on tho evening train and find ing no conveyance, he wa ked to the grounds, a distance of six mile', rather than disappoint them altogether. Quite a good crowd was still there and he addressed them for a few minutes. Everything went off in good shape and Little Salt and North Lancaster can ba depended unon for an almost, solid vnto. In Cedar Ocunty. The independents of Cedar county will meet in delegate convention in tho county judge's office at Hartington, September 10th, at 1 p. m. to nonrnato county attorney and commissioner and to choose delegates to the senatoriil and represntativo conventions. J I Jones, Chr'm. Co. Cent'l. Cora. "Losses and Lies" shows up where "profits" om from and how they a o obtained. It is a scorcher, and don I you forget it. See our list. A Persona) Lefcte1 ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is herely given (hat a special election in the city of Lincoln, Nebraska, will te held on August lHh IStW, from the hours of 8 o'clock a. m. until 7 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of vot ing upon the following propositions: 1st. -Shall the city of Lincoln issue its bonds to the amount of Forty Seven Thousand Dollars with interest coupons thereto attached, payable and redeemable :2D ye irs after date thereof, and redeemable at the option of tho city at any time after ten years from their date, and draw inter" est at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum from their date, pay able semi-annually, said bonds to be dated '.-etober 1st, 1892, and the interest mid me principal to e payable at the fiscal agency ui iue m;ub ui eorasKa, in uic cuy or. jvcw York, for the purpose of constructing extensions of the water works of said city and shall the city Council of paid city levy a tax on all taxable property of said city, in addition to nil other lax.s, sumcient to pay tho interest and Iho prin cipal upon said bonds as the same may become uuu Him pnyame. 2nd. "Shall tho Mayor and Council of the city of Lincoln, Nebraska, have the power to mm uorrow money ana pledge tne property diii'i viijr ujuii iia lirKVimuiB puiius to an amount not exceeding Fiftv Thousand Dollars to be used to defray the costs of pavir g, repay ing, or macadamizing the extensions of streets or space opposite allevs in said c tv. nnd to lfw a tax upun the taxable nronertv ot said cUv in addition to all other taxes sufficient to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as the same may occome one." Jrd. "fchall the Mavor and Council nf ihn city of Lincoln, Nebraska, have power to borrow monev and pledge the property of said city upon its negotiable bonds to an amount not exceeding wnu jiumiieu niiu uiuniceu i nousana Dollars, to be used for the purpose of funding nut. standing indebtedness of eaid city, and to levy a tax upon all taxable property in snid city, in addition to all other taxes sufficient to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as the same may oecome due liie places for votins unon siid snvnrnl sitions at said date will be at the following J?'irst Ward, Precinct "A" City Building. " " " " "B" ftti T Street. Second Ward, Precinct "A" Bohanan block. B" Court House. " " " "O" Holmes build ing, inn street, bet. II. and 0. Third ward, Precinct "A" Applegage block. " " " "B" Gaddis shop-Cor ioiii una u streets. " "C"- lfi'20 0 Street. " "D" 4,,:0O " " " ' "K" Cox building U Street bet lHth and 14th Fourth Ward, Precinct "A l.'W) So. 12th S " " " "B" !)8 So. 11th S " " "C" Grocery store Toil. I tr ni . . i " join ana i. sirecis. " " "I)" Heater and Kin nis, bet SOU and 21st O St. " " " " "ii" Grocery store, 20th and J St. Fifth Ward, Preciuct -'A" F St Engine nouse. " ' lTn T T i: O. it. Jil.lL,? South Street IS WHAT WE WOULD LIKE TO WHITE J3o YoU I(s)oW YOU ABOUT POORLY FITTING SHOES. THAT THOSE 'I IKED FEET ARE MADE EASY llY WEARING OUR Fool Wear? YOU FURNISH THE PHEET, WE DO THE PHITTING. SO YOUR FRIENDS' WILL SAY AND WE WILL DO IT RIGHT. WHAT A FINE MAN II AT II YOUR SIIOEIST MADE YOU. Lincoln Shoe Store 101 L2JEEE' Lincoln, Neb. J. C. McKELL, Successor to BADGER LUMBER CO Wholesale Retail Lumber TELEPHONE 7O i. 0 ST. BETWEEN 7TH AND TII LINCOLN, NEB, AND VICTOR SCALES. FAIRBANKS shop. 11 car barn. 1 11 11 "C" "IVV Jlipj-e's store J! T 1.1 J O IIT I Sixth Ward. Precim-t "A" S. M. Melick's barn, 'Jim ana r sts. "B" Cor. ' " "C" 2.'5rd and ffaih- Intrton St.. Seventh Ward, Precinct "A" Lincoln City Electric It. K.nowcr house. " "B" SCO rorthST Street. " "C" Byram's store, --i in, Mrcet. Attest: A. 11. Weiu, D. C. VanDuyn, Mayor City Clerk. SKAI.-1 j3 111 ilpiik NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. The board of supervisors of Harlan County, veorasKji. win receive sealed bids lor tne con traction of two combination bridges as follows: One combination bridge accross Uone creek on main traveled road between Alma and Or leans, known as the ( lay-pool bridge, said bridge to consist ot one span no leet across v.'itli a road oa lb teet wide, said bridge to rest on ;l oak limp at each end ot the bridge, with an an roach of 12 feet on west end and the road ed to be not less than IS feet above low water mark. Also for one combination bridge across Metho- lst cieek in Alma township, known as the e'zeer bridge, the same to consist of one man 'J feet across, with a road bed KJ fict wide.-said bridge to rest on 3 oak nilinir at each end. with a iu ieei approacn at eacu end, and road bed to be ot less than M teet above low watermark. Separate bids will be received for 2 inch hard ine and oak flooring of the road bed of each of tne forgoing bridges. Sealed bids must be filed w ith the undersigned on or before August ind 18t'2. at in o'clock a. at which time contracts will be awarded Pads must be accompanied bvn. eood nmi suf- ficient bond in caee contract is awarded. The county board however reserves the right 1 reject uuy or 111 1 oius. Witnesa mYhanan(j!on1 at ,A1mn thu ir.n, Eclipse Wooden arid Steel Wind- Mills. Box 382. J. P. CARSON, Agent, Lincoln, Neb. SJjTED, FOR A NEWSPAPER. LOCATIOM I have a first-class Newspaper plant and desire to establish a paDer in a rood live town. Persons interested please addres3 (8-9t) Publisher, Box I508. Lincoln, Neb