The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, August 11, 1892, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. V. DBDRHCB DEPARTMENT J. T. M. 8WI0AKT, Secretary f the Nebraska Mutual Cj clouo, loruaJoand Wind morm Iniurauce Company, KUliuic. . communication on Fire. Cyclone or "ail Insurance should 1)8 addressed to b.:a at Lincoln, Nebrabka. Hail. Wo have bad several sraill losses re ported but so far the indications are that the assessment will bo small, and if each member will get his neighbor to insure his unhnrves'ed crop we would have a mammoth . company for a Sin" chicken." Wo now Lave over ' 1400 members listed and many more P This" Company is an experiment this vcar lnd iTomitwe will learn many ?b"gs of importance to a hail company and next year wo can organize a com mny on a well defined basis and insure evcrv farmer in the state. We think the ton cents per aero is all that would bo needed if this year is v..., o ina t.hev aro willing gulfed by the old lino companies fii times as much ll'lVJIl,r LVVV V hi . w , - Iherolsany necessity of paying be, bause they have no company of their own that they know of. . Hence, wo ask oich one to spread the news to all farmers that wo have a hail company with 1,400 members and over lOOVoOO icros Insured and that next yoy we hopo to make it a permanent msti SSn wd as solid aa tho hills as f rater nal as brotherly love and as bind ng as the rock of ages, all of which calls for u.f,r rt-.onnrn.t,ion of rood iar- to bo by as raers state. . .i i i in every neignDornuuu Cyclone. BESOLUTIONS. kolutions and platform adopted by the Lancaster county convention. "Resolved, That the people's inde pendent party is the only party in this state that is for and by the people, and wo earnestly solicit examination of our declaration of principles to the mer chants, iho laborers, mechanics a;d farmers of Lancaster county, pledging our representatives in the legislature to stand by the bjst interests of the plain, common people cf fus state. Your coxraitteo on resolulions re spectfully subout for your considera tion the following resolutions: Resolved, That wo heartily indorse the principles enunciated by our party in national convention assembled in Omaha on July 4th last. llesolved, That wo aro opposed to the restoration of the suga- beet bounty. llesolved, That wo aro in favor of a maximum freight rate bill that shall provide rates as low as the Iowa law does, cost of construction and main tenance of roads considered. Resolved, That we demand that the county attorney of Lancaster county proceed to compel the county officers to comply with tho law in regard to turning feos in excess of salaries com ing into their hatids into tho coun'y treasury, and also to compel the county treasurer to comply wi'h the law rela tive to tho loaning of county funds. . Resolved, That wo aro in favor of as sessing tho property of this state at its cash value. Risolvo l, That wo aro in favrrof tho submission of an amendment to the con stitution, pyoviding for the election of the state board of transportation." We hear excellent reports of crops of winter wheat yields of 45 to 53 bush els are reported. Evidently an excell ent crop in rotation. .Notice advertise ment of winter wheat. E. F. Stephens, Crete Neb. We havo a Cyclone company running on well-defined economic principles, il ls incorporated under the laws of our jtato and covers tho wholo state. VVo now have ab nit $230,000 worth of prop erty insured and are desirous to havo one or more in every county to act as our agents, but right hero allow me to say that our agents aro allowed but one dollar for each applieition.hence no one will get rich. Fire and Ligtning! There aro about twenty-live local flro companies now incorporated in the state and by the end of next year every county should be covered by a local lire company. , A. . ' Or if it is thought best at tho next state alliance a state company could bo insitutod to cover tho state. Let us hear from you on this line. I will some timo soon name ana locate all mutual firo companies in the state that are incorporated and givo some statistics concerning them. We will have headquarters on tnc state fair grounds in Alliance building dining the fair. C ime and see us. . We invite correspondence on all in surance subjects. , ... And a9 there are so many men in tms state who aro interested in insurance matters of different kinds it would keep a man busy to answer all questions by personal letter. We havo made specia' arrangements with this paper to fur nish it from no until Jauuary 1st, for 35 cents. Now vie hopo that everyone who is a memberof any insurance com pany will send usWio 35 cents either for yourself or for ioma one else (but do not send silver loose in a letter, send P. O. order, express order 'or draft or . postal note, or stamps. We want to ' keep informed on all phases of insur ance and havo adopted this plan and hopo at least to receive at least a thou sand subscribers during this month, because wo will tierby know, that you aro interested in this department and further we will make it interesting to you. If you are taking tlrj paper now get some ono else to subscribe and send the money to mo for Alliasce-In de pendent. . i - Well Trained ilorxcs. A Lancaster county farmer owns a f.hnw,.wMch..n.ra bo weh broken J fil down ana The cancus of the county delegates showed but little interest in Mr. Bry an. Ono delegate who did not dare to hazard tho statement that he favored endorsing Bryan said ho would favor leaving tho place vacant on tho ticket, tfhc storm of opposition which this suggestion created showed clearly that the independents propose to fight for their own men. They believe there is a gocd chance to win. And if they cau not win they would rather go down with a man of their own than to win with a man who will ba against them when elected, or who. if in sympathy with them, would lack the courage to identify himself with them and desert j his old oparty which he knows to be wrong. The independents nominate I one good man for the legislature in the per son of John M. Mcddins cf this city. Mr. Meddins is au employee in the Call cilice, and is a sober ami iudustrious printer, who is a real workiugman and who has never been an agitator by pro fession. The Call! Oil. tho Sail Sitfe. Amos J. Cummings, in tho Ne York Sun. relates the following story, told by John Allen of Mississippi, on Holman, the Great Objector: As an illustration of Holman's cautiousness, it is said that ho was going down Pennsylvania avenue, Washington, as a drove of sheep was coming up tho street. Ho slopped to iook at them. A member of tho ho .se, who was go ing by, placed his hand on his shoul der and said: 'Judge, those sheep appear to be sheared." "Yes, yes," replied the judge, looking at them keenly through his glasses, "on this sido they do; yes, yes, on this side." in the dust with tne ur- huWt Knowing and Thinking. Mamma 'Can you pass mo cake, dear? Little Dear I finksJ you's had at ls'good for you. lvy- - .4-..; tho ail THB 1 GLOBEI 4 A" Grade $35. ALLIANCE. LEAGUE. 44 t Hate You Seen Our New Catalogue for 1892? It contains more valuable in formation to the page than any catalogue you ever saw. We can't bceirl to tell you about it in this small space. Send your f.PANP.F nane and P. O. address and prised and pleased at what you get. We're Headquarters for everything on Wheels: BUGGIES, WAGONS, SURRIES, ROADCARTS HARNESS, SADDLES. SALESROOMS AND FACTORY: Sycamore and Canal Sts., "A" Grade $40. Z UNION. PATRONS. F. M. B. A. Grade $46. "A" Grade $72.50 ALLIANCE CARRIAGE CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO. VY Tt(E QOLlOBE IS w USES NO OIL. HAS ROLLER BEARINGS. HAS CHILLED IRON BOXES. REQUIRES NO ATTENTION. HAS A SOLID WHEEL THE GLOBE IB AN ALL STEEL ANDIRON MILL, AND HAS THE LEAST NUMBER OP WEARING PARTS. THE GLOBE HAS MORE POWER THAN ANY WHEEL OF ITS SIZE IN THE MARKET, AND CAN BE BUILT ON A SOLID TOWER, AND WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND WHERE PLACED. THE GLOBE IS THE LIGIIEST, SAFEST AND EASIEST RUNNING MILL WHEEL IN THE MARKET, AND DOES NOT MAKE THREE REVO LUTIONS TO GET ONE STROKE OF THE PUMP. THE GLOBE IS THE IDEAL MILL FOR THE FARMER, THE STOCKMAN AND THE IRRIGATOR. J3UYr ONLY THB GLOBB. HOFFSfADT & HAGAN, State Agents, 707 O Street, Lincoln. ISTelo. Please Mention This Paper. . Wes JAPANESE lornil Sclioo operty I ft BARBER & FOWLER EXCLUSIVE AGENTS, 4 LJ lkE2, A new and Compote Treatment, consisting of Pnp poBitories, Ointment in Oapeulrs, also in Box and Tills: a Positive Cue for ExtfniHl. Internal. Blind or Bleed ing Itching. Chronic, Ileant or UerecUary Piles, and many other diseases and female weaknefses; it is al ways a great benefit to the cencial health. The first discovery cf n medical cure rendering anop iat on with the knife nnuecwsiry lmrefter. This remedy has never bot n known to fail. $1 p3r box 6 for $5; se.t by mail. W hy suffer from t hi- terrible disease whou a written guarantee is posilivdy given with 6 boxes, to refund themon -y if not cured. Send (.tamp for free sample. Guarantee issued by J. II. Harlev druir gist. solo auent, llth and () streets, Lincoln. Neb. Si1 fin Highest Prices paid for dollars he- 4S l V FOIl AN OLD COIN tween j 7. and iSrS. Half dollar before '64; Quarters before V'-y. 20 cent pieces all dates. Dimes before Nicklcs 1S77 and ifcS3. All dates silver 3 eent pieces. NickcI 3 cent pieces before 1S70. Two cent pieces between 184 and ii)-. Copper cent's all half cents. Send 25 cents for list of 000 dates wanted. Compare our coins, it will pav ou well Enclose ktamp for reply C II. C-iihmn S-t 304 Korbaih Omuha, Neb! O See our advertisement of "Son the people" iu another column, They are the lirst atd best of the kind pub lished. For Sale. 100 acres improved lard in Webster county, all fenced, good buildings, wind .... fit .1 n 1 1 ' mm, nu i5 acre lire Jot. two nvloq WWarty. Ho is a little batter than pUyloTtho liuepe la lUlivu. - v