The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, August 11, 1892, Image 1

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NO. 9.
. IV.
i i
A StroDg Ticket Named and Amid the
Greatest Enthusiasm.
The Utmost Harmony Prevails and
the Election of the Whole
Ticket Predicted.
The independent state convention
has been held, and what was predicted
by many as indicating a crises in the
history of the new political movement
has been sa'ely passed. The nomina
tion of Gen. C. II. Van Wyck for gov
ernor has not opened the smallest
break in tlw ranks of the party, and
has not been followed by any dissen
sions that are apparent to the closest
observer. The strong? st Powers men
leftKearney yesterday morning wearing
Van Wyck badges and vociferously
shouting for the ticket nomi
nated. Tiu re are. no kuives
out for any part of the ticket,
but independents everywhere declare
their intention of working enthusias
tically for the ticket and the election
of the whole ticket is enthusiastically
The following is the ticket se
lected: Governor Charles H. Van Wyck
Lieutenant Governor C. D. Shrader
Auditor. .Logan Mclieynolds
Secretary of State J. M. Easterling
State Treasurer J- V. Wolfe
Attorney General V. O. Strickler
Supt. Public Instruction. ..II. H. Hyatt
Com. Pub. Lands and Buildings. . .
J. M. Gunnett
First district T. J. Ferguson
Second district J. R- Conklin
Third district John I. Jones
Fourth district .'. . .R. R. Schick
F.fth district W. A. Garrett
Sixth district. Peter Ebbeson
. T ) E. E. Link
At Large J - T.H.Tibbies
For governor: Van Wyck 502, Leese
147, Poynter 6.
Lieutenant governor, informal ballot:
CD. Shrader 305, It. Wilbert 164,
Chamberlain 275, Taylor 6, Weir 3.
Formal ballot: Shrader 451, Chamber-
Treasurer: Hatfield 308, Wolfo 382.
Korretarv of state: J. M. Easterling
32G, W. Saunders 130, Eric Johnson 45,
C. N. Mayberry 180.
Auditor: McReynolds 354, Herman
Freese 55, L. C. Stockton GO, F. M. Sil-
lick 58, Geo. W. Brewster (5, A. J. Gus
tin 55, John Beatty 39, Upton 55.
Attorney general, informal ballot:
V. O. Strickler 329, T. B. Carey 145,
A. E. Fletcher 113, O B. Hewitt 47, T.
B. Minneban 50.
First ballot: Strickler 300, Carey 191,
Fletcher 198, Minnehanl.
First ballot: Strickler 343, Carey 146,
Fletcher 185.
Superintendent of public" instruction,
informal ballot: H. H. Hyatt 378, G.
W. Chadderdon 39, C. E. Simmons 19,
H. A. Edwards 42, Rollan 130.
When the committee on platform re-
rni'tcrl n. mnt.inn was adonted that a
plank be added condemning tho pres
ent vicious convict labor system in
vno-iifi in this state. The committee
proposed this resolution and tho plat
form was then adopted:
We. the people's independent party
of the state of Nebraska, in convention
assembled at Kearney, Neb., on this
3rd day of August, 1892. do hereby
adopt the following platform of prin
We hereby reaffirm and ratify the
nrincinlfis enunciated in the platform
adopted by the people's independent
party, at Omaha, JNeb , July i, i&yj.
Whereas. The crreat railway cor
norations do now take and have taken
by unjust freight rates from the pcopl
of Nebraska millions of dollars annu
Resolved. That we demand that such
laws be enacted by our legislature a
will reduce the rates in Nebraska to a
level with the rates for like service in
the state of Iowa, and in the enact
ment, of such laws and the regulation of
freights, railways in this state shall be
claimed and rates adjusted in propor
tlon to the traffic to the end that jus
tice may be done to all.
We are opposed to the restoration
of the sugar bounty in any form by
the state of Nebraska.
We demand of our next legislature
the passage of an act to prescribe . the
the mode of Davment of obligations of
debt contracted to bo paid in money as
. , , . , .1 t Alt
follows: "lie it enacted, etc., man irom
and after tho passage of this act, all obli
gations contracted to be payable in
money shall be payable in -any money
authorized bv the United States gov
ernment, and any stipulations to tho
contrary in said contract or obligation
is hereby declared to do void.
We demand the submission of an
amendment to the constitution of this
state, providing that the permanent
school lund may be loaned to itizens of
Nebraska on lirst mortgage on prouuc
live real estate at an interest of not
more than 5 per cnt. as is now done in
many oi tno states oi uie union.
We are oonosed to a svstni of ; rov
ernment that allows corporations or in
dividuals oi tho united biai.s to em
intimidato or coerce organizations of
labor. We favor such legislation as
shall require all differences bstween
employes and employer to bo submitted
to a committee lor arbitration, and Jn
enforcement of tho decision of such
Wo demand the election of president.
vice-president, and United States sena
tors by direct voto ot tne poopio.
We favor equal pay for equal work
for both men and women,
We demand more nromnt deliverv of
independent mail matter, as we believe
trias sucn man mauer is not always
delivered prompt'y.
YVe denounce tne convict laoor sys
tem, as practiced in tho stato of
Nebraska. .
The committee reported thrco reso
lutions to the convention without
recommendation, of which tho follow
ing was adopted:
Whereas. Thero has been on exhib
ition' in this stato sines tho Omaha
ronventioa. a people's party panorama.
painted and lectured by Carl Brown, a
national delegate from California, that
is being universally styied, "ine Cali
fornia Vote Maker," the most powerful
document yet presented in this cam
paign of education; and
Whereas, Tke Daily Public of
Omaha is engaged in publishing a copy
of this work, prepared by its author, as
a campaign document: therefore
Resolved, By this state convention of
Nebraska, that we heartily indorse the
same and recommend all who can to
send for copies of this great campaign
document to do so through the sec
retaries of our organization in the var
ious counties.
Resolvtd, That this convention here
by tenders its thanks to Brother Cirl
Brown of California for his work thus
far done in this state, and hopes that
he will stay as long as he possibly can
in this state in his noble mission of
death to old Shylock. '
The following resolutions were indef
initely postponed upon vote of the convention!
Resolved, That, whereas, at the - last
session of the legislature $50,000 was
annronriated as Nebraska's contribu
tion to the World's fair to be held in
Chicago in 1892: we, the members of
the state convention, recommend that
no further appropriation from tho
rlifTerent counties, from the state lecris
Hi ure. either directly or indirectly, bo
mswle for that nnrposc. and. further.
that we set our seal of condemnation
ao-ainst its manairers for llieir refusal
to recognize organized labor in the
construction of the works and build
Resohed, That, inasmuch as the state
militia is only an expensive ornament,
fostered bv that class who seem dis
posed to add to the already heavy bur
dens of taxation to create an army in
times of peace to protect capital and in
timidato labor, we ask for its abolition
or a refusal to make any appropriation
for it, to continue its expensivo folly or
parade its arrogant menace.
Tho convention also adopted resolu
tions thanking tho chairman and secra
on Tuesday morniog tho convention
adjourned after a continuous fession of
twelve and one-naii hours.
our candidates.
Today we present brief biographies
of three of tho independent nominees
for stato offices. Biographies of tho
others will appear as soon as we can
secure tho necessary dati for preparing
Our nominee for lieutentant-governor
was born llf ty-two years ago in Grant
county, Wisconsin. His father was a
farmer, and ho was brought up on a
farm. In 1867 he was married and now
has a family of three boys and two
girls In 1876 he moved to Lancaster
county, Neb., where he engaged in
farming near Waverly for eight-years.
Then ho helped organize what was
called tho o:d soldiers' colooy and
moved to Logan county, where ho has
since lived. Ho has a fine farm of 1,000
acres. He devotes special attention to
raisin? lino "hogs and horses. Mr.
Shrader is not a proxy farmer, but au
actual working farmer.
Mr. Shrader has a good common
school education, having graduated in
the high school. He has taught school
a number of terms both in Wisconsin
and Nebraska. At the age of eighteen
he enlisted in tho Fourth Wisconsin
volunteers in which he served with
credit to himself.
Politically Mr. Shrader was a re
publican (of the kicking variety) until
1888. He then cut looso from the
rotten hulk of the g. o. p. and joined
tho union labor fellows. He was among
the pioneer alliance men, serving as
chairman of the executive board of the
Nebraska state farmers' alliance during
the lirst year of its existence. .
In 1890 the independent of Logan
and Custer counties elected Mr. Shra
der representaiivo reversing a g. o. p.
majority 1,200. Ho was a prominent
candidate for speaker of tho house, and
served as chairman of tho most im
portant committee, the judiciary. He
probably did more to push independent
measures through the legislature than
any other man. He was a vigorous
fighter and a tireless worker.
Mr Shrader is one of tho ablest de
baters in tho state, and will bo a power
ful campaigner.
our candidate for state auditor was
born in Gibson county, Indiana, in 1847.
His father was a farmer. In 1850 he
moved to Menard county, Illinois,
where he lived on a farm till nine years
old when his father went into mercantile
business. Young Logan spent the next
ten years of his life in the store. In
1807 ho went to Wilson county, Kansas, '
where ho pre-empted a quarter section
of raw land among the Osage Indians.
Hero he followed farming for twelve
years. In 18SG he moved to his present
home near Fairfield, Clay county, Ne
braska, where he has followed the hon
orable, but unprofitable avocation of a
workinir farmer.
Mr. McReynolds received a good