The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, August 04, 1892, Image 20
THE ATiLUHOB-IHDBPBHDBNT. A? The Greenback This is the wav an old soldier puts It: Suppose Undo Sam should grind out a new f 5 bill and send it to me as pension money what would 1 do with . .... a. . m m it? I'd buv d worm 01 corn 01 coign- bor A. Ho would co to neighbor V a coal digger, and buy b worth of coal. B would pay it to widow u lor a fat olcr: Mrs. C would buy a load of hay for her cow getting it of farmer D, who wants to just use $5 for fence posts. And so you seo by tho time the new greenback had been paid out for posts it would nave done &25 worth of good. And it would keep on traveling, helping to make trades everv timo it changed nands. until at last it would bo paid back to Undo Sam for taxes, alter, doing its work as well as if it had been made of gold. Yet thero -are people who had rather bo taxed to deatn tnan to have Uncle Sam grind out new green- backs to swing around tho circle in a useful way. Industrial Review. I1H, Tfhat Senator Gorman Said. Your revenues are about $450.- 000,000. Under the operations of the law, your expenditures at tnis con press. In which our party originates ... a , A A .S the bills, will Do S&uu, uuu. uuu ana mora Ibat mean3 a billion dollar congress. So loug as tne country grows in population and weaun. me appropriations will increase no mat ter what'party is in powor." The following table taicen irom ine Record, shows the expenditures for a number or years: rwtw-thif.l nnncnvvso JRRj3.T94.0C0il A Ui ll'Hi"! " 7 ' " vWv.fnm-th rnnerftss. 1S77-8. 595.597.S3.' 28 Forty-fifth congress, 1819-8 . . 7.54,57,4 (5.93 Forty-sixth congress, 1881-82. 727,537,eSU2 . . - flL0 i'orty-seyemn cougress,,! a-j-'. 84 I i (,l V,!)iO.Oi Fortv-iKhth congress, iS8V8(J 655.209,4 ;2.28 Forty-ninth congress, 1887-88. 74H.34.',9d.80 ' -. ' Tt "DiViVtar? Fiftieth congresl, 1889-90..... 8,7,863,859.80 LaClIeS JGrSeV ItlDDeCL r iity-nrst congress, loww.,. co,in,.ou.o? National onomisi THE OIILY ALLIAUCE STORE IN THE WEST. Great Reduction of Prices (or this Week. XinenDepartment. Th lorcrest linen stock in the west. Get our prices on napkins and table da mask, they are tne lowest evt-ry ume We don't alrow any house to undersell as no matter what the cost. We buy di rect from the makes and are in position to -back up our statements. The Banner will advocate the prin ciples of the Alliance 'mainly for two reasons: First Because we were conceived, born and roared a Jefferson Democrat the Drincioles of which have grown with our growth, and strengthened with our strength to the present time; and for the further fact that tne Alii ance principles represent tho only true. Simon-mire Jeffersonlan Democ racy extant: our old political mother (the Democracy or yore) naving ae- narted from her pristine glory and virtue by her persistence in consort incr with muerwumDism and plutoc racy, and now masquerades in name and formtonlv. without sub'stanco and honest verity. Second. Because the welfare of the people which is the real essence of Democracy is better conserved, prompted and protected in the establishment and perpetuation of the principles and demands of tho Alliance. " . FOR SALE. A fine Holstein bull calf, 1952 G street p" i T;!rtt 1711 form in seven different court es. Only high grade independent Normal mine suue. rincsi uuhuihkj, uijihh. and ablest Normal faculty. No experiment, but an octahiidiAri manacrement. ao courses and specials " ; t- ties, 35 teacners ana lecturers, n. the masses. Write for catalogue to F. F. Uoose, Mgr., Lincoln, Neb. . Notice to B rid ere Contractors. Tnls la tiarotw fftrsn that aoaled b'ds will be received at the office of the county clerk a Vimnoa nnnnrv NAnriRiiL nn ur DHiure noon of the 29tn day of July, A. D.. 1893, for the construction oi ine iouuwiu Bnugce. Bvl, )irMimirnMI Kwariz crpeic on iown lino hot An tnwna 8 and 4 and section 4. In town 3. and section 33. In town 4, range 21. OnlH hrlilira ta hn X! IT. RrtH.n KqQ o IL BU- LIMIU U.tUKU w - r " at onh pnrt.ll ft-tllffn: jaCODB .wiAno. aniriro lannrii nrA.r. nn the ValleV road on the southeast qr of section 33. town a -onran on ulillinHntAhaSllft Rnfln with A tt innma1iM mt. onch And and 8 It hlCb! A Caapser bridge across Caapser draw on the oaar ma wmi nuiT Htniinn line in eu iub &o. mn mniro 25. Raid bridsre to be 2U ft span and 8 ft approaches at each end, and 8 ft high. .... .. .. . . . m -j vanaitraii nn nnth pomninatin ana inn v4iaa 11 ft. rnailviiir Jtlnoh hs.r.1 nine All Mill maiiat. ho nnnnmnnnipd hv g03d ana BUincieni Donas, ana uieu iu iuc connty cier B omce ti luruaa cuuuijr, bra8ka. on er before noon of July 29tb, A. D. 1892. CommiSBioners reserve the right ta re ject any or au dim. m naton tni inn 'zmn niv ot juie. iow. H. W. MCF1DDIN. County Clerk. Underwear: Tn this dfinartment we are overloaded . . . r tn nn c(nnin nr had weatner. e win to-morrow commence a great clearing sale in this department. Ladies' ioc vests, reauceu uu cu Ladies' 20c vests, reduced to 10c Ladies 25c vests, reduced to loc Ladies' 40c vests, reduced to 19c Ladles' 50c vests, reduced to 25c Special sale of Ladies' Muslins and Sheetings Muslins are down. See our bleached muslin at 31c and 5c yard. At uic we oner a special Dargameyuai if not better than Lonsdale or Fruit. Langdon G. B., 12 yards for $1.00. Fine 36-inch wide cambric, 12 yards :or$l.C0. . .. Pillow case muslin and sheetings in all he different widths and erades at prices nwer than t.hPV have bten. Red, white and blue bunting fordecora- mg, 5c yard. All sizes in flags, from 5c a dozen up. Special Sale of Ladies' and Children's Hosiery 1 1nf. nf children's fast black cotton hose, derby ribbed, only 15c pair wortn 25c. Children's fine imported hose, only 25c pair, worth 40c. I .aril PS' fast hi ark p.otton hose. Richelieu ribbed, only 12ic pair worth 25c. Wash Dress Goods. New striped bedford cords, 121c. Plain bedford cord in plain colors, beautiful shade of cream, etc., 15c yard. Fancy printed oeaiora coras, zoc yard. Satin striped sateen, sdc yard. Plain ecru crinkled seersucker, 10c Fancy prfnted crinkled seersucker 25c. Side band armadale zephyrs, 40 .denes wide, in plain colors, 15c yard. SShantong pongee, in remnants from 2 to 12 yards, only 10c yard, in dark ground. bpeciai sale on scorcn zepcyr gmg him.32 incnes wide. We have too many of them and have reduced the price to ISicyard. The best bargain offered this season on fine gingham 12Jc yard. Special Attention to Mail Orders. write us and name tnis raper. Hayden Bros., Dealer in Evrything, ,6thoyyb8' J. I. CASE THRESHING MACHINE CO. if I kV ' JiiUlilNlttimiHIlMTMmMHlllllllftim ill I & M rf A Center Crank Stationery and Tracticn Engines. - 'A N4n