THE ALLIANCE-INDEPENDENT. What They Think of Him. Tho following are a few of the com ments mado by the' rt form press of tho county concerning Ilolden and his Liberty: Just set him down as a self-exposed traitor. Stockville Sentinel. L'berly, a new paper published in Lincoln, makes a complete ass of itself in attacking Congressman Kem's bill. Crawford Boomerang. Please remember that anything pure will emanate from Holden's counsel about as quick anl easily as from a case of Limberger cheese. David City Banner. If Liberty is sent to you free do not take it. -It is like admitting to your fireside one who would destroy the peace of your home. People's It ghts, Seward. The editor of Liberty seems to desire to occupy the same niche in the inde pendent party that Uosewater does in the republican that of imperial dicta tor. The Sun, ltushville. Who supports Liberty? Its editor has repeatedly said that he was run ning it to make an honest living! Its two or throe columns of adveitising do not support it! Its subscription list cannot support it! Leigh World. Tho reform presi of tho state should at once cut from their exchange lists any paper whoso work stamps it as an attempted breeder of discontent in our ranks. The Tecumseh Republic. Liberty sajs to the independent press suspend judgment until I (Ilol den) unmask the cur. He should hivo said until I build up a reputation upon the ruins of others. But Holden ap pears to 1x3 built that way and can't help it. Minden Workman. The mission of his paper is to breed suspicion in the ranks and consequent ly hostility and cdefcat. Wo have no doubt the paper was started for the one purpose of damaging tho cause. Let all true independents give it the cold shoulder. The Schuyler Quill. "O, how happy are they Who they masters ftey." This is the little rhyme sung by W. C. Ilolden of tho Liberty, and be shows himself to bo earnestly in the work of defeating reformers while tho subsi dized press all over the state is patting him on the back and sayicg, "sick'im." Ho works for the corporation master. Ord Journal. A man who has wallowed in rotten ness, who has been scourged and drum med out of the camp of the independent porty, who has lloated in the sewers of political corruption, is dragged out of his despised surroundings, by the old party henchmen to do their dirty work, ando evated into the sanctum of a so called reform paper to abuse the cush ion of an editorial chair. What a sub line and impressive spectacle. ltush ville Sun. "Llbir!y, the new so-called indepen dent paper at Lincoln a stool pigeon of the U. P. railroad is being very widely quoted by the old party press over the state, and the machint poli ticians are reaping much satisfaction from "Iteformor HoldenV discordant utterances. Liberty is fighting Kem and the indepenpent party generally, and its editor is a wolf in sheep's cloth ing, whose mission is to aid in tearing down instead of building up tho people's cause. The mission of Liberty might as well be understood now as later on Merna Record. It strikes us tnat a newspaper man posing In the position cf Mr. Ilolden, would serve a better purpose by light ing tho enemy than by treacherously striking the friends of the cause he pre tends to champion. Otce County Alii ance. Liberty's mission is to kick, be quoted by the opposition press, create disturbance, disruption, disintegration and destruction of the independent party. "Whosoever is deceived there by is not wise." Let us "keep in the middle of the road." Custer County Beacon. Liberty, a paper- recently started at Lincoln, under the guise of an indepen dent paper, but which proves to be nothing more nor less than a railroad tool, is none other than the "Judas.5 Let the independent press of the state keep an eye on the Liberty and expose in time any serious break that dis reputable sheet may make. The Genoa Banner. Liberty, a paper published at Lincoln by W. C. Ilolden, appears to bo itching to disrupt the people's party. Holden seems to have undertaken the job of manufacturing one thousand and one candidates. Every issue of his paper is equally laden with soft soap and dirty flings silly and vile slush about the people's p'arty. Platte County Argus. The Liberty is no more of an inde pendent paper than it i9 a piece of tho moon. It's a newspaper that is doing a dirty work for nothing or else being paid for it. Every issue of the paper is filled with dirty flings against tho people's party and its representatives, but such papers are alyvays receiving the congratulations of the old party We see the dirty schemes cf this Judas now to disrupt our forces by as saulting our leaders. He is too well known, it seems to u, to make it neces sary for the state papers to exert their power and for our ablest men to spend their energies upon to unmask. His own course speaks louder than words and no true independent can help but see the hand he holds in this game. His assaults are untimely and uncalled for and will never accomplish any thing for himself or the clique in whose interests he conducts the Liberty. El wood Independent. i, Some time ago the Nonconformist came out with a warning against Hol den on account of his boodle record in tho old union labor movement with which they were familiar. Tho next week Holden followed with an attack on the Nonconformist and a big boom for The New Forum which he paid was going to take the place of the Noncon. The New Forum replied in the fol lowing words: It don't take long for the people to detect the wolf in sheep's clothing in this reform movement. The Liberty ? published at Lincoln, Neb., has been properly located. MODERN SURGERY When Liberty, the new independent paper at Lincoln came to our desk we could not give it the welcome we desire to tender co-workers for justice. We could not do so liecauso we were afraid that, bearing the crooked reputation he docs, W. G. Ilolden, its editor, meant mischief in the battlecfor right, and that his talent as a writer would be guided by the guardians of monopo lies and corporations to aid in disrupt ing tho movement. Yet we said not a word, hoping our suspicions were groundless. But in a very short time the new paper proved its mission and is now doing our party moro dirt than any other factor. People's Banner, David City. A NEW SURGICAL INSTITUTE FOR THIS CITY AT THE HOTEL IDEAL. H might be well to remember that this is the same W. C Ilolden, who, as plaintiff in a libel suit was brought fane to face with such testimony (affidavits be had made in the past) that he had to admit that he had sold out to the Union Pacific railroad for $1,200, and again did the same thing and was paid $00 by John M. Thurston; again that he sold out J udgo Hamer for $ 142, and also that he sold out to the democrats in '88 and the republicans in '89. Who can have aught but supreme contempt for such a man, and where is tho man in the independent movement who can have any confidence in the man, or can tell whether he is to-day speaking forth the words of truth find soberness or is olavinar into tho hands of some renublr can who wafrts the place now filled by An Institution Which Has Long Been Needed in Lincoln A Capable Staff of Physicians Modern Surgexy in All Its Details. Dr. Thad II. Woodward, who, since his residence in this city, has acquired an enviable reputation orer the state as a skillful surgeon, has recently asso ciated himself with a number of oilier leading physicians and surgeons, and having leased the Hotel Ideal building on South Fourteenth street, has opened up a modern surgical institute. The medical staff comprises Dr. Thad 11 Woodward, abdominal and intestinal surgerj ; Dr. II. C. Demaree, general surgery; Dr. W. M. Knapp, late siper intendent of the Nebraska hospital for the insane, diseases cf the brain and nervous diseases; Dr. II. B. Lowrey, diseases of the heart, chest and general medicino. These are all physicians of recogtized skill and ability and men whoso honoi and integrity have never been questioned. Modern surgery in all its branches will bo practiced, using rigid asceptic precautions in every operation. Spe cial attention will be given to abdominal and intestinal surgery. The building is what is known as the Hotel Ideal, on South Fourteenth street, a half a block south of 0, and is reached by the street car lines from all parts of the city. It is a modern building, well furnished throughout, with steam heat, water, gas, plumbing and other modern sanitary conveniences, and has room for sixty patients. Trained nurses will be in .attendance and the pitient can have all the care and conveniencies that are guaranteed in the large medical and surgical institutes in the east. The names of the gentlemen at the head f Ihe institute are a sufficient glial antce that everything promised will be done, and that patients can rely on honest, honerable and skillful treatment within its walls. A correspondence with the profession throughout the west is desired, and physicians who visit Lincoln will be made welcomo by calling at the institute. Homes, and Irrigated Farms, Gardens and Orchards in the Celebrated Bear River Valle y on the Main Lines ot the Union Pacilic and Central Pacific R. R. near Corinne and Sgden, Utah. Splendid location for business and in dustries of all kinds in the well ksown city of Corinne, situated in the middle of the valley on the Central Pacific R.R. The lands of the Bear Kivcr valley are now thrown open to settlement by the construction of the mammoth system of irrigation from the Bear lake and river, just completed by the Bear River Canal Co., at a cost of $3,003,000. Thp com )any controls 100,000 acres of these tine ands and owns many lots a:d business ccatuns in the city ef Corinne, and is now prepared to sell on easy terms to settlers and colonies. The climate, soil, and irrigating facilities are pronounced unsurpassed by competent judges who declare the valley to be tho Paradise of the Farmer, Fruit Grower and Stock Raiser. N ice social surroundings, good schools and churches at Corinno City, and Home Markets exist for every kind of farm and garden produce in the neighboring cities of Ogden and Salt Lake, and in the great mining camps. Lands will be shown from the local of fice of the Company at Corinne. 15tf HOG CHOLERA. We will guarantee not to turn over the earth, but to cure a.ny case of genu ine or so-called hog cholera in from three to five days or refund tho money. It is nature's own remedy, and in proof will be veadily eaten by any hog after first taste, it will also prevent the spread of the so-called disease in 21 hours after use. Price $1.00 per ten pound package or we will furnish one package free to any farmer having many sick hogs, so quit kicking, bring on your sick hogs, or address for full particulars, Lincoln Chemical co. ;. P.O. Box bGl, owe mi, 15th and O Sts. We Cap Suit you, We make a specialty in this line. If you have horses and cattle to trade for city property or farms, send full particulars to us. We have all kin ds of city prop erty for sale or trade. If you want any kind of merchandise for your lands ATTENTION ! FARMERS If you want to sell your far ms for cash, -OR- If you wish to trade them come and see us. ffc Can Find You Buyers. Awarded First Premium and Cold Medal at the World's Industrial Cotton Centennial Exposition at New Orleans, La., in 1884-5 after a trial Lasting Four Months. TUC CI IDCI A Was Pronounced 1Mb tUriCllVM the BEST IN THE WORLD and to-day stands at the head and frcn of the whole wind mill family. It is the cheap escandbestas O t- a m IT"! i n - are also tho O u m r- o We Have Them Also. Screen Wire, Fibre Ware, Screen Doors, Ladders, Farm Dinner Bells, Western Washers, Plain Wire, Barrel Churn?, Poultry Net tin g , Refrigerators, New Idea Gasoline Lawn Mowers, Stoves, . Pumps and Tump All Kinds of Pipe, Repairs, Tin Roofing and anything in the Hard ware Line. Especial attention paid to Harness Rs . pairs and Tin J ob Work, G. M. LOOMIS, 905 O St., Lincoln, Neb. i AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY. An t-lleciua remedy for the euro of Pain in the Stomach Colic, Cholera Morbus, (.ramp Colic, Bilious oli ), 1'ainter a Col ic, Surrmer Complaint, Dvgeritery. , Diarrhaio, Biloody Flu, Chroulo Diarrhoea, Cholera Infantum, Cholera and Bowel Coin piaint in all forma. For Sale by all Druggists. 4