The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, July 28, 1892, Image 1

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NO. 7.
Eon- B Olark Wheeler, a Delegate to the
Minneapolis Convention Joins
the People's
How Harrison Was Nominated Forty
Papers In Colorado Desert the
Q. O. P. and Take Up
the People's
Cause. '
A New Convert Speaks.
Hon. B. Clark Wheeler, editor of the
Aspen, (Col.) Daily Times, and one of
the leading republicans of Colorado, has
come out for the people's party. He
was a delegate to the republican nation
al convention at Minneapolis. Speak
ing of that convention he says:
"I went to Minneapolis and studied
the situation thoroughly and well. I
found that candidates were preceded
by their strikers. There was John C.
New, Harrison's consul general to Lon
don, who draws a salary of $25,000 a
year, and nearly doubles that amount
in perquisites, and his son, and Mich
ener, and the son of United States At
torney General Miller, to secure tbe
nomination of Harrison. I got into
their precincts behind their forces. I
saw as delegates to that convention 123
office holders sent byJHarrison from the
south, and more than 60 additional
officeholders from the north. Others
were promised offices as a considera
tion for their support and when that
failed they had $100,000 with which to
buy votes. It was not the people who
were there to nominate a president,but
Harrison's hirelings."
These words were uttered in a speech
before a people's party meeting.
After discussing the situation
at some length he closed "with the fol
lowing words: - -
I am going to bo with the people's
party. I will not be in the republican
convention to oppose his nomination,
but I'll be on the stump to oppose him
for election. If you men who have
pledged yourselves are sincere, if you
mean business, if you are ready to ful
fill what you have said, you cannot fall
into line and into active service for the
people's party too soon, nor can yon
make the movement effective unless
you go from top to bottom. Hois
your state, your district and county
ticket. Nominate your candidates for
governor, congress; nominate your
judges and county officers al' and
then press forward with the determina
tion to elect them. We can do it, and
while we are at it, let's take the whole
hog. I know it's hard to part with the
old party, but our firesides, our homes,
our investments and our country is at
stake. The hour has arrived for us to
protect ourselves. I am with you, tho
people's parly, first, last and all the
The Coming Crisis of Pueblo, Col.,
publishes the names of forty papers in
that state that have deserted the old
parties and come out for the people's
party since the national conventions
were held. Twenty-three of them
came from the democratic party, and
seventeen 'from the republican party.
Six of the forty are dailies, and the
leading papers of the state.
These papers have gone to the new
party because their subscribers have
gone pefore them. The people's party
will make a clean sweep in the Centen
nial state.
And Still Another.
The Review, Madison county, Iowa
Hon. Geo. W. Seevers, one of our
well known and prominent attorneys,
who of late years affiliated with the
democratic party, addressed the peo
ple's party club last Tuesday night. He
will support Weaver and Field this
year. Mr. Seevers made a masterly
address and claimed the party had
wandered away from its time honored
principles in an abje3t surrender to,
and i blind idola'ry of, the stuffed
prophet of William Street and in the
interest of the plutocrats of the coun
try. Mr. Seevers' speech was listened
to with great interest and furnished
honest democrats much food for reflec
tion. '
Van Wyck In Brown County.
LONG Pine, Neb , July 22, 1892.
Gen C H. Van Wyck addressed a
large audience at the court house in
Ainsworth yesterday. T believe it was
the largest political gathering ever
held in the place. The largest delega
tion coming in from tho west was re
ceived by a procession of those already
assembled, and headed by a martial
band was escorted through the princi
pal streets to the court house which
was soon filled to overflowing.
In his speech the general showed the
hopelessness of expecting relief through
either of the old parties; that reform
was necessary and must come from the
laboring people themselyes. The peo
ple, he said, never had too much money
and had never had any depreciated
currency except that which tho bond
holder forced on the soldier during the
war. He was frequently cheered
throughout his speech.
Our song entitled "The Taxpayers
Sette the Bills," relates in the keenest,
funniest, most sarcastic way the differ
ed between the Robbin Hood stvle of
At Ulysses.
On Saturday afternoon tho opera
nouse at uiyses wa crowded to over
flowing with peop'e who came out to
hear State Lecturer Dech who spoke on
the issues of the da v. osnpoiallv tho
money question. Ho was followed by
TT T r . ,
non. jerome anamp wno made an ex
cellent sp-jech on the transportation
question, rne enthusiasm ran high.
At Wabash.
The Allianco people of Ca3S county
had a very successful picnic at Wabash
on last Saturday. ., Willard Kiefer,pres-
luent oi tno county Alliance, presided.
Hon W. F. Wright was the principal
J. Lynch, a young farmer, and Mrs
Kiefer make snort speeches. Music by
tho Wabash band. About 800 present.
The young people had a dance in tho
At Hazard
The independents of tho southwest
ern part of Sherman county had a mag'
nificant rally on July IGth. They had
a parade with nearly three hundred
teams in line. The speakers were Rev.
J. M. Snyder, Hon. Stanley Thompson
of Kearney, and Hon. John H. Powers.
There was singing by the Hazard glee
club, music by the band and a grand
picnic dinner. The business men of
Litchfield and Hazard closed their
houses from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.f an ex
ample of courtesy that might well be
followed elsewhere.
Meetings in diss County.
Lincoln, July 22, 1892.
Notwithstanding the intense heat of
last week I closed a series of very suc
cessful series of six meetings in Cass
county. At Eagle, Elnawood, Union and
Cascade Alliances held rousing good
meetings. At Alva and Wabash
a grand rally at each point,
point. Cass county people party men
and women are thoroughly arou-ed and
there are no more earnest workers in
the state. I
The demo-repubs at every point are
on the run. Oar boys are crowding
them to the wall, and a more woe-be-gone
set of politicians than the repubs
and demos has not been seen since the
year One of the "earth's creation."
W. F. Wright, '
Assistant State Lecturer.
A great fight is on in Texas. Mr.
Mills and Mr. Iteagan have entered
the campaign and are trying to save
their state from going over to the peo
ple's party. But they have no easy
task. Thero has been a revolution in
Texas in tho minds of the people.
Mills' old district has been carried by
sn independent and he is renominated
forafu'l term. The whole state is
aroused, and well it may be. Texas is
getting a little pre-election taste of tho
apnroaching land-slide. And Texas is
not alone in the shaking up: The po-
Ht.1ml tromnrs arn hpf-nmincr pnirlAm!r
1 Ub" jra asd their latter dav friends. I from the A tlantTn tn tho PH fin.
Two line Hogs Worth $25 00 Each to be
Given Away.
Bischol Bros, of Kearney are propria
ofs of the U. S. Tecumaeh Corwin Herd
of Poland China hogs. They are also
enthusiastic workers in the people's
movement. In a letter received a few
days ago they make the following offer.
To the person Taising tho largctt num
ber of subscribers to the Alliance-Independent
before Sept. 1, '92, they will
ship the first choice of their spring pigs;
and to the person getting the second
largest club they will ship tho second
choice. These pigs will be worth not
less than $25.00 each. They -will be
about live months old. They are bred
from stock selected from the best herds
in Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and
Nebraska. They aro as good as can be
found anywhere. Their hogs are main
ly of the U. S , the Corwin and Tecum
seh strains of Poland Chinas.
The editor of the Alliance Indepen
dent is well acquainted with tho Bis
chel Bros , and can vouch for tho gen
uineness of this offer, and the reliability
of their representations.
Here is a line opportunity for some
patriotic independent to help on the
cause of reform, and improve his stock
at the same time. Who will try it?
Let us hear from you at once. We will
accept subscribers under this offer for
one year, ix months, or for the cam
paign. One yearly subscriber counts
as much as two for six months, or four
for the campaign. If you want to work
for this premium, mark everv list on
send in "For hog premium."
Lincoln, Nebr.
The Fremont Tribune and tho Stato
Journal arc worried because so many
men "who ought to bo killing weeds,
are trying to reform the world." Just
so. Let the people go on killing weeds
and meeting all the drudgery in life,
and leave it to the republican leaders
to reform the world and reap the in
come from the toil of the masses and all
will be well. These old ringsters aro
greatly alarmed lest these weed killers
should band together and enjoy some
of the fruits of their own hard labor
instead of turning it all over
to ; the bankers and rail
road managers and political managers.
And there is good crround for this
alarm. The farmers and the laboring
men are getting J'together. and in due
course of timo the horde of idle pol-
!i 1- i m
uicai managers wno nave lived in lux
ury by, the sweat of other men's brows
will have todosomo'of the weed-pulliag