The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, July 21, 1892, Image 16
V it :" THE ALLIANCE-INDEPENDENT. fr T1 ill Sn 1:1 1 ,1 i :i s J V Oalhonn On Democracy. The defeat of free coinage in 'the house Wednesday is to be deplored not only because it shuts away from the people all hope of immediate financial relief, but especially because It shows that the national leaders of the democ racy are in collusion with the moneyed power that rules the country and the old world. It confirms the worst fears .of those who distrusted that the leader ship of the party was not in sympathy with the people, that democracy a at present organized and controlled is the servant of Wall Street and is no more to be trusted than the gang of republi can tariff robbers. v v The action of Wednesday was in spired and directed by tho managers" of the democratic campaign for the presidency. Sneaks and cowards stood up in the house and vowed that they were true democrats, they were friendly to free coinage, they wished to see it, but this was an "inopportune time" to get it. So they voted against it. They had been told by Mr. Cleve land's managers tho men who will dis pense the ofliccs and divide the loaves and fishes if he is elected that tho pas sage of the bill would lose him tho state of New York and make his defeat certain. And then the crumb-begging curs stood up and swallowed their convic tions and delivered their constituents into a longer and harder term of slav ery to the debt holding .magnates who have no real choice between Cleveland and Harrison Lincoln Herald. FOR SALE: A fine Holstein bull calf, 1952 G treet Songs of the People- The Call has been remembered with a little volume of "Songs of the Peo ple," by the author, George Howard Gibson, which has iust been issued from tho press of the Alliance Publish ing company or this city, ine pam phlet contains fifteen songs, and all but three of them are the work of Mr. Gibson. All are full of earnestness and fire for the cause of the people, and manv of them will no doubt havo wide circulation. The only fault the Call finds with the hymns is that many of them are too long. Otherwise they are stirring and timelv. and manv of them show pootic talent far beyond the ordinary. The words to most oi tne songs have been set to music, and dur- imr the corning campaign they will wake the echos all over the prairies of Nebraska aiid the west Lincoln Ca 1. Notice to Bridge Contractors. Notice is hereby (riven that sealed b'.dB wiU be received at the office of the county clerk of Furnas county. Nebraska, on or before noon of the 2!ta day or Juiy, A. u.. jw, ror the construction of the following bridges: Swartz bridge acroes Swartz creek on town line between towns 3 and 4 and section 4, in town 3. and section 33. in town 4, range 21. Said bridge to be 33 it. span and 8 fc ap proaches at each end, u it. nign; jacoua bridge acr ss Jacobs creek, on the Valley road on the southeast qr of section 33. town 4. ran eo 22. said bridsre to bo 20 ft span with 6 ft approaches at each end aad 8 ft high; A uaapaer Dnage across uaapser araw on me east and west half section line in section 28, town 4, range 25, said bridge to be 20 ft span and 8 ft approaches at each end, and 8 ft high. Bids received on both combination and iron bridges 14 ft roadway, 3 inch bar.1 pine flooring, All bids must be accompanied by good and sufficient bonds, and fifed in the connty clerk's office it Furnas county, Ne braska, on er before noon of July 29th, A. D. 1892. Commissioners reserve the right to re ject any or all bids. Dated this the 2Uth day of June, 18!)2. H. W. McFaldkn, County CJerk. OurLxpert Trap. EVERYBODY SHOOTS BLUE ROCKS (Every Gun Dealer Keeps Them) Because They arethe BEST FLYER. BEST BREAKER. BEST PACKER. BEST TRAVELLER. BEST PICK-UP. 11,000,000 Sold in. 1S9I. Send fob Ilmtbiiuted Catalogue with Tbap SneoxiNO Rules. The Cleveland Target Co., Cleveland, o., u. s a THE OHLT ALLIAUCE STORE IN THE WEST. Great Reduction of Prices for this Week. LinenDepartment. The largest linen stock in tho west. Get our prices on napkins and table da mask, they are the lowest evry tirao We don't alrow any house to undersell us no matter what the cost. We buy di rect from the makes and aro in position to back up our statements. Ladies Jersey Ribbed Underwear. In this department we are overloaded on accouus of bad weather. We will to morrow commence a great clearing sale in this department. Ladies' 15c vests, reduced to be Ladies' 20c vests, reduced to 10c Ladies' 25c vests, reduced to 15c Ladies' 40c vests, reduced to 19c Ladles' 50c vef.ts, reduced to 25c Special sale of Ladies' Special Sale of Ladies' and Children's Hosiery 1 lot of children's fast black cotton hose, derby ribbed, only 15c pair worth 25c. Children's fine imported hose, only 25c pair, worih 40c. Ladies' fast black cotton hose. Richelieu ribbed, only 12c pair worth 25c. Muslins and Sheetings Muslins are down. See our bleached muslin at 3Jc and 5c yard. At Olc we offer a special bargain equal if not better than Lonsdale or Fruit. Langdon G. B., 12 yards for $1.00. Fine 30-inch wide cambric, 12 yards for $1.00., Pillow case muslin and sheetings in ail the different widths and grades at prices lower than they have been. Red, white and blue bunting for decora ting, 5c yard. All sizes in flags, from 5c a dozen up. Wash Dress Goods. New striped bed ford cords, 12Jc. Plain bed ford cord in plain colors, beautiful shade of cream, etc., 15c yard. iancy printed bediord cords, 25c yard. batin striped sateen, 35c yard. Plain ecru crinkled seersucker, 10c Fancy prfnted crinkled seersucker 25c. Side band armadale zephyrs, 40 .denes wide, in plain colors, 15c yard. Shantong pongee, in remnants from 2 to 12 yards, only 10c yard, in dars ground. Special sale on Scotch zepbyr ging hnm,32 incnes wide. Wo have too many of them and have reduced the price to 12icyard. The best bargain offered this season on line gingham 12Jc yard, Special Attention to Mail Orders. Write us and name this Paper. Hayden Bros., Dealer in Evry thing, ,6,h0radhaD,ti ;8,i- J. I. CASE THRESHING MACHINE CO. Center Crank Stationery and Traeticn Engines. Send for Catalogue GUS STATES, General Agent, Branch House Lincoln, Neb. V v. ' " x V