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About The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1892)
THE ALLIANCE-INDEPENDENT. A Stick in the Mud Why do we vote the demo-republican ticket? We are like the hungry man. He ate fourteen big biscuits, one and a half pounds of beefsteak, a polful of po tatoes and went right to bed. He was tired, poor fellow. He thought over production was the cause of low prices and he would consume some to raise the prices. What happened? About 2 o'clock in the niorninc he wakened lm. gets his wife up, she gets camphor, lin iment and hot cloths. She said. 4,lke. what is the matter?" "My God, I don't know, I will surely die in ten minutes if jou don't get this pain stopped." ""ike, you ate too much supper. ' ''No, I didn't, you get them hot cloth'. Oh. my God, I will die." The hot cloths eased him some. Then she said, "Ike. your supper don't agree with you." "Yes, it does. I know now, what is the matter with me, Matilda; When was a little boy I was kicked ia the stomach by a mule. Uneducated Clodhopper. People's Independent Stato Conventions. Tho peoplcfl independent electors of the etate of Nebraska are requested to elect and Bend delegatus from their several counties to meet in convention at the -.lty of Lincoln, Thursday.June 30, 1892, at 10 o'clock a. m., for tho purpose of selecting cijrht delegates at large tome people s National convention, to beheldlnOmaba.Neb , July 4,1812. And also to elect delegates to the Btato convention to be held at Kearney, Neb., Wednoeday .August 3 ,1892, at 8 o'clock p. in., to nominate the following state officers, viz; Governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, treas urer, attorney-general, auditor,commissioner of public lands and buildings and superin tendent of publie instiuctlon. The basis of representation will be tho same in both con ventions and the same delegatus may act for Dotn conventions, or wo sots or delegates may be elected as counties may determine at their county conventions. The basis of representation will be one delegate for every one hundred votes or ma jor fraction thereof cast in 1891 for Hon. J. W. Edgerton for Judge of tho supreme court, men gives me xoiiowing vote ay counties: Adams 12 Jefferson 10 Antelope 10 Johnson Banner 2 Kearney Blaine 1 Keya Paha Boone 9 Keith Boyd 2 Kimball Box Butte 5 Knox Brown & Lancaster Buffalo 16 Lincoln Butler 1 1 Logan Burt 9 Loup Cass 13 Madieon Cedar 1 Merrick Chase i McPherson Cheyenne 4 Nance Cherry 5 Nemaha Clay 14 Nuckolls Colfax 7 Otoo 14 Cuming 6 Pawnee 7 Custer 1-J Perkins 4 Dakota 6 l'icrco 5 9 1 1 10 7 1 6 9 9 Dawes Da we on Deuel Dixon Dodgo Douglas Dundy Fillmore Franklin Frontier Furnas Gage Garfield Gosper Grant Greeley Hall Hamilton Harlan Hayes Hitchcock Hooker Holt Howard t Phciji-: J Mail's ': yet. T i -G(. Willow J I KiohcrtiBon ? i'-cck 1 Halino li Sarpy 7 Saunders 8 Sootts Bluff 8 Seward 18 Sheridan 2 Sherman 4 Sioux 1 Stanton 5 Thayer It Thomas 11 Thurston 8 Valley 3 Washington 5 Wayne 1 Webster 11 Wheeler 9 York 8 13 11 7 13 2 14 5 20 2 12 10 6 2 3 10 1 2 7 7 4 10 2 14 Total... 722. While tho committee do not feel it best to lay down any definite teBt as to who should be allowed to ote at the primary elections to elect delegates to tho various conventions. as any test would not work equally well in all localities, yet we would urge upon county and precinct committeemen, and all having the primaries in charge, to adopt such rules and testB as will best secure a fair expression of the independent voters of the state. Tho qu cation of eeiectirs delegates to the National convention to which lho to groa sioiidl districts are entitled is left to the dis tricts themselves, either to call congressional conventions m their respective districts or to select them by districts at Lincoln at the state convention, at ihe Famo lime tho dele pates are selected to represent tho state at large. We would recommend that no proxies be allowed at either convention, but that the delegates present cast the full vote to which the state or county is entitled. We would also recommend that the pri maries for electing delegates to t he County conventions be hbld Thursday, June 23,1892, and that the County conventions be held Saturday, June 25, 1892. J. V. Wolfe, C. H. Pirtle, Chairman. SecretM. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. Tn addition totheabove named officers eight presidential electors will re nominated at the Kearney convention; ne from each congress ional district, and two from the state at large. C. 11. Pir.iiE, j.V.Wolfe, Secretary,. Cbaiimwu Another colored man gets it in the neck, if we may be allowed to speak in the figurative vernacular of the daj William D. Crura, a colored physician of Charleston, S. C. was a delegate to the Minneapolis convention, and was promised tho post-office of Charleston. His name was sent to the senate, but before action was taken President Har rison sent a message withdrawing the name. And thus again is the colored brother recognized by the g. o. p. ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given thht a special election in the city of Lincoln, Nebraska, will be held on August l'.'lh 18W, from tho hours of o'clock a. m. until 7 o'clock p. m. for th purpose of vot ing upon the following propositions: 1st. -Khali the city or Lincoln iasue its bonds to tho amount of Forty Seven Thousand Hollars with interest coupons there to attached, payable and redeemable ''0 ye irs after date thereof, and redeemable at the option of tho city at any time after ten years from their date, and draw inter est at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum from their date, pavable semi annually, said bonds to be dated dctober 1st, 1892, and the interest -nd the principal t '-e payable at the fiscal agency of ihe stale of Nebraska, in the city of New York, for the purpose of constructing extensions of the water works of said city and shall the city Council of paid city levy a lax on all taxable property of said city, in addition to all other taxs, sumeieut to pay the interest and Ihe prin cipal upon said bonds as the same may become due and payable. 2nd. "Shall ihe Mayor and Council of the city of Lincoln, Nebraska, have the power to vote and borrow money and pledge the properly oi said city upon us negotiable bond o an amount not exceeding Fiftv Thousand hollars to be used to defray the costs of pavlr-g, repay ing, or macadamizing the extensions ot streets or space opposite alleys in said city, and to levy a tax upon the taxable properly oi said city, in addition to all other taxes sufficient to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as the same may become due." .srd. "shall ihe Mayor and Council of the city of Lincoln, Nebraska, have power to borrow money and pledge the properly ot said city upon its nerotialile ootids to an amount not exceeding One Hundred and Eighteen Thousand Dollars, to be used lor the purpose ot lunding the out standing indebtedness of eaid city, and to levy a tax upon oil taxable property in said city, in addition to all other taxes sufficient to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as the same may become due. The places for voting npen said several propo sitions at said date will be at the following places to-wlt: First Ward, Freclnct "A" City Building. " " " " "11" 102't T Street. Second Ward, Precinct "A" Bohanan block " " "It" Court House. " " " " "C" Holmes build ing. 11th Street, bet. II. and (J. Third "ward, Precinct "A" Applegage block. 1 "B" Gaddis shop- Cor 1.1th and R Streets, ALL THE WORLDS no" ir.onn c i,.,..t ii ti ic "D" 42''()() 41 " ' " ' "E" Cox building U Street bet 1.1th and 14th- Fourth Ward, Precinct "A l'-iO So. 12th St ' " " " "B" :m so. nth st " " " " "C" Grocery store Wth and K Streets. " " "D" Heater and Kin nis, bet 20ta and 21st O St. " " " " "" Grocery store, 20th and J St. Fifth Ward, Precinct ''A'1 F St Engine house. " " " " "B1' J. R. Rings shop. " " " " "C" South Street car bnrn. ' " " "D" Kippe's store u ..E, 415 j) street Sixth Ward. Precinct "A" 8. M. Melick's barn, 21th and F Sts. " " " " "B" Cor. V &. 27 St " " 23rd and Wash ington St. Seventh Ward, Precinct "A" Lincoln City Electric U. K. power house. " " " "B" 8C9 north 27 Street. " " " ,:C" Byrnm's store, 27th, Street. Attest: - A. II. Weir, 1). C. VanDittn, Mayor. City Clerk. seat,. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. Tho board of supervisors of Harlan Count v. Nebraska, will receive sealed bids for the con struction of two combination bridges as follows: une combination nridge accrosa Kope creek on main traveled road between Alma and Or leans, known as the Clay pool biilge, said bridge 10 consist oi one spa n ;0 leet across with a road bed 1(5 feet wide, snid bridge to rest on '! oak piling at each end of the hiidge, with an ap proach of 32 feet on west end and the road bd to be not less than IS feet above low water mark. Also for one combination bridirc across Metho- list creek i Alum township, known as the Mezger bridge, the same to consist of one span 50 feel across, with a road bed lt' feet wide, said bridge to rest on 3 oak piling at each end, with a 10 feet approach at em-h end. and road bed to be not less than 20 feet above low watermark. Separate bids Mill he received for 2 inch hard pine and oak flooring of the road bed of each of he forgoing bridges. Sealed bids must he filed with the uiulersitrned on or before August 22nd 18U2 at 10 o'clock a. m. at which time contracts will be awarded Bids must be accompanied bva eood and suf ficient bond in caee contract is awarded. Ihe county board however reserves the rie-ht to reject any or all bids. witness my nand and seal at Ahna this day of July, a. d. 1892. Thko. Mahn. : - wm-mm ON FOOT AND YOU ARE AMONG THEM. A Demand for Good Shoes. How are Your Feet? Do You Want Easu Shoes? Do You Know Us? S. B. Nisbet, FootTrainer, At 1015 O Street Lincoln, Neb J. C. 3Ec5S:ElX-,XJ, Successor to BADGER LUMBER CO Wholesale Retail Lumber TELEPHONE 70.. 0 ST. BETWEEN 7TH AND 8TII LINCOLN, NEB. FAIRBANKS AND VICTOR SCALES. Eclipse Box 382. Wood en and Steel Wind Mills. J. P. CARSON, Agent, Lincoln, Neb. kA" Grade $35. Have You Seen Our New Catalogue for 1892 ? It contains more valuable in foimation to the page than any catalogue you ever saw. We can't begin to tell you about it in tins small space, send your 1A" Grade 9iO. . ALLIANCE. GRANGE. me address and UNION. PATRONS. rirnr get one free. You will be sur- F M R A mm mm r M W mm "A" Grade 316. prised and pleased at what you get. We're Headquarters for everything on Wheels: BUGGIES, WAGONS, SURRIES, ROADCARTS HARNESS, SADDLES. SAI.ESUOOM3 AND FACTORY : Sycamore and Canal Sts., F. M. B. A. "A" Grade 872.50