The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, July 21, 1892, Image 12

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Show Your Loyalty.
To the Keform Workers Throughout
llie United States:
The national committee of the Peo
ple's Party makes this appeal to you
for ai immediate contribution for cam
paign funds. Tne events of the past
few da's and the advices received from
every part of tho union render it cer
tain that a political cri?is is upon us,
and wo must bo supplied with funds
immediately to enable tho committee
to do tho work that ha been thrust
upon it. Civil liberty and public order
are at stake. Do Dot delay a moment.
Take up collections at onco and for
ward by money order, postal noto or
draft, to M. C. llankin, treasurer of the
committee, at Tcrro Haute, Ind. Let
every patriotic man and woman send at
least ono dollar each before tho 24th of
July. Tli is money is needed to meet
the legitimate and indispensable ex
penses of the campaign. This is tho
people's light and the people must sup
port it. "Quit yo like men; be strong."
Each individual will consider himself a
committee of ono to forward a dollar,
and in addition the chairman of each
club and each speaker will read tho ad
dress to his club or audience and tako
up a collection urging each person to
contribute at least one dollar and for
ward tho samo without delay.
II. E. Tauueneck, Chairman.
M. C. IUNKlN, Treasurer.
J. II. Tuhnkk ( Secrctaris-
Ool Slaps the P- 0- J.
Tuesday was Pinkerton day with
tho esteemed but misguided Journal,
which spent columns in endeavoring
to prove that employing corporations
havo a right to hire thugs to shoot
down pcoplo whom the Jaw does not
jerk around fast enough to suit. Our
esteemed contemporary does not be
lieve a word of its own sophistical rot;
but, believing that its party U involved
it flies to the defense of Pinkertonism
which, it is written, must go, in spite
of i!s alliance with the republican
) arty. Lincoln Herald.
United labor doesn't always get de
feated in its contests with capital.
Tho following is a case in point:
Whitely, tho great manufacturer of
reapers and mowers at Springfield,
Ohio, wanted to make an exhibit of a
mower at thi Fourth of July celebra
tion. Tho laboring men of tho city
declared that if ho were permitted to
exhibit, they would boycott tho cele
bration. Mr. Whitely was notified to
stay away from the grounds. But he
was determined to exhibit. He mount
ed u mower and drove to the grounds,
but he was met at the gate and refused
admittance. Ho stormed and swore
and waited for live hours, but it was
"no go." The laboring people arc
getting even with him for tho way ,.he
has treated his workmen in tho past.
Congressman Butler of Ohio says
ho was elected upon a free silver issue
and ho does not now propose to run on I
the Chicago platform. If his district
will not givo him a free silver platform
to stand upon in tbis fall's campaign,
some other man may have tho nomina
tion and welcome. But if a man is for
free silver why not join tho party, and
the only party, that is for freo silver?
If such men as Butler aud Bryan will
not renounce gold-standard Cleveland
they deserve to bo retired and probab
ly will bo. Tho common people cannot
see tho consistency of all this shouting
for silver when these men go right
along with their old party, supporting
a candidate fcr tho presidency who
would veto a free silver bill if they
should pas3 one. It is an inconsistency
bordering so closely upon duplicity as
o descry a rebuke,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
O'k School in a JleV) gocQiion.
Main Building, 2G5 Feet Front.
fJO-snGTAFFATi but
BEAUTIFUL, healthy, sightly location, 20-acre campus, electric street-car line,
magnificent buildings (main building, dining hall to scat GOO. power houso,
water supply system), tine equipments superior accommodations, strong
faculty, experienced management, comprehensive curriculum, thorough work,
high moral and Christian influence, and low expenses for students; make this
a Great ScTiool.
peparhpei)ts Courses:
Freparatory, Koview, Normal, Pedagogic, Special Pedagogic. State Certificate,
Model School, Kindergarten, Scientific, Classic Literary, Military, Elo
cutionary. Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Commercial
(including Banking, Etc J Pen. Art, Public S:hcol, Peuman
ship and Drawing, Desiguingaud Illustrating, Shorthand
and Typewrittiug, Musical (including band and
orchestra,) Fine Art, Telegraphy, and Physical
Training (including Dslsarto and
Swedish Systems )
You Can Enter at Any Time and Find Just Such Classes as YOu Desire.
A Practical Education Without Waste of Time, Money or Energy, is Our Aim.
In order that all may test the merits of the Western Normal College, and
see our superior advantages in the way of buildings, equipments and faculty, we
have decided to pay the railroad faro of all students from their home to Lincolu,
provided they are present en tho opening day of the fall term.
FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT., 1892. Catalogues and Circulars Free. Write to us.
WM. EV1. CROAN, Pres , or W. J. KINSLEY, Sec'y. and Treas.
Lincoln, Nebraska.