THE ALLIA1T0E-INDE P E 11DQNT. - WAS IT TREASON? On the evening of July 8th, Jerry gimpson of Kansas, addressing a great mass meeting of laborers in Philadel phia said: The introduction of the Pinkertons into the state came under the head of high treason, and that they, with Mr. Carnegie, should be tried and hung for murder. Many persons will doubtless pass this statement by as the language of an im 1 passioned orator, but we believe it is worthy of serious consideration as a matter of law and fact. To bagin with, there has been an "armed invasion" of the state of Penn sylvania. Several coach loads of arm ed men were brought into the state or ganized and officered as an army. But this army was not organized under the authority of the United States or any state. Its officers had no legal author ity to command armed troops. This army came into the state fully prepar ed to shoot down citizens of Pennsyl vania, and within a few hours aftro they came within the borders of the state, they did shoot a number of the citizens of the state of Pennsylvania. This army was brought into the state at the instance of Carnegie, Phipps & Co., and hence tho members of that corporation, who are citizens of Pennsylvania, are responsible for an armed invasion of the state. If this be not treason to the state of Pennsylva nia in law, it certainly is in fact. There neither is nor can be nny ex cuse for bringing into that state an armed force of private soldiers. The laws of the state provide for ample protection to the lives and property of its citizens. In case the municipal au thorities are unable to render this pro tection, tke county and state ?authori tiesin turn may be called upon, ana the constitution of the United, States provides that tho power of the general government shall be exercised to pre vent internal disturbance in case tho authorities of the state are insufficient. But without having used, much less exhausted, the legal authorities that wero at its service, this corporation imported an armed force from Chicago, with the results before stated. We are not well enough versed in the technicalities of law to say whether or not Andrew Carnegie and his hired assassins can be convicted of treason under the statutes of Pennsylvania. But of this we feel certain, that in the court of enlightened public opinion, they must be held morally guilty of TREASON TO AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS. One Mr. Johnsey, weiner-wurst ped dler, while at a wedding in Omaha, for cibly extracted a kiss from the lips of of a Bohemian lady guest whose beauty, Johnsey thought, justified the proced ure. The weiner-wurst man thought HO WttS at nvJUUCI uuu nixv? iouj gu.tou thought she got the "wurst" of it. She and her husband therefore laid tho matter before Judge Berka, to whom the public is indebted for fixing the value of an Omaha kiss of Bohemian extraction at $40 and attendant costs; and, it should be added, that they are considered cheap at that. When the state board of transporta tion reduced the cost of shipment of apples from Nebraska City to Kearney, by way of Omaha, why did it not think to reduce the distance by making a rate direct from Nebraska City to Kear ney, thrcugh Lincoln? The board got a tremendous big curve on itself when it made its rate around by the way of Qmaha and up the Platte. ' -' OFFICE-HOLDING POLITICIANS.1 . The adoption, by the Omaha conven tion, of a resolution prohibiting pubTic officials from serving as delegates in future conventions of tho party, is at tracting much favorable comment, not only from members of the party but from honest men in the old parties. No man who has watehed the course of political affairs can deny that in both old parties the disposition of the men in office to manipulate the conventions of their party in the interests of their own retention in office, has become a menace to the republic and an -impediment in tho way of carrying out the will of the people. What has been generally conceeded in this line has been vividly typified in tho recent conventions, especially in the national republican convention, at Minneapolis where a horde of office holders came together with a horde of railroad and corporation favorites of the administration, and laid their plans for their own perpetuation in office. It has remained for the people's party to sound tho noto of reform in this, as in many other lines. The declaration has gone forth that office holders shall have no hand in the con ventions that are to pass upon their future retention in office. This is not only a step in the right direction but is one which will win much respect for tho new party. The old party manip ulators may talk as much as they please about the new party being in the hands of a lot of fellows who simply want office, but tho course which the new party is pursuing gives the lie to such statements and proves beyond question that the people's party is in the hands of the people and that the greatest pos sible effort is being put forth to pre vent its falling into the hands of office holders and office-seekers. Our refonh papers should take hold of this question and keep it constantly before the people. The masses are thoroughly imbued with the belief that there is no honesty in politics, that every man who is in politics is after something for himself and that one set of fellows is just about as good and just about as bad as any other set. If it can now be forced upon the attention of the public that the new party has decreed that every man in office shall stand or fall by reason of his work in office rather than his work in future conven tions, the new party will receive credit for having made one of the grandest revolutions in politics which modern history has witnessed. Let the people know the truth and the new party vail profit thereby. BARON OARNEGIE. The following press dispatch will show what Andrew Carnegie is doing while the widows and orphans made by his hired assassins at Homestead are shedding bitter tears of grief and des pair over their dead fathers and hus bands: CARNEGIES OFF FOR THE LAKES. London, July 8. A four-in-hand, luxuriously and splendidly equipped, left oBraemaer, Aberdeenshire, this morning for Loch Rannoch, Perth shire. It contained Mr. and Mrs. An drew Carnegie, M'ss Whitfield and Mr. Armitage, and they were on their way to one of the most charming spots in Scotland, where they will make their summer headquarters. Mr. Carnegie seemed much brighter under the influ ence of the bracing air and delightful highland fcenery, and had evidently overcome the agitation which affected him yesterday but still refused to be interviewed and declined tq say wheth er he had any knowledge of the strug gle and loss of life at Homestead. SENATOR MANDERSON. Senator Manderson has bo n in the U. S. senate eight years and wo have yet to hear of anything of importanco that he has accomplished for tho peo ple of Nebraska. Wo do not propose to enter into a discussion of bis record here, not for the want of space, but for the want of record. But the Senator has been heard from at last. He has introduced a bill (by request) for the creation of a "na tional highway commission." He has also made a nice little speech in which he tells about the great future of the nation's highways. Ho believes in "tho construction ultimately by this govern ment of great highways or boulevards that shall connect metropolitan cen ters, and the use thereon of different modern vehicles." "Boulevards" is good. It is French you know, and very much more high-toned than tho term "big road" used by tho vulgar masses. The Senator is progressive too. Ho wants to seo "modern vehicles" used on theso roads, not tho clumsy chariots and carts of tho ancients. He mentions particularly "tho bicycle." He says "no one can foresee what will bo tho final development of that excel lent implement," especially when we find out how to store up electricity, etc. Proceeding ho says: t I do not believe there could bo a bet tor expenditure of public money than to aid the states in the construction of a great model highway that would con nect the city of Washington with the city of New York, passing through the cities of Baltimore and Philadelphia. Every farmer and producer along the road would bo infinitely benefitted. How nice that, would bo indeed, and all in the interest of tho farmer and producer you know. They "would be infinitely benefitted." Perhaps the Senator refers to the infinite pleasure the farmers along that model highway would derive from seeing the sons and daughters of eastern millionaires spin along these "boulevards" on electrical bicycles while they (tho farmers) toil and sweat in their fields to raise money to pay tho interest on their mortgages held by tho aforesaid millionaires. And how enjoyable it will be for Sen ator Manderson's farmer constituents to pay the taxes for building and main taining this "model highway between Washington and New York!" The tariff will have to bo raised a little higher you see, and the farmers of Ne braska will be "infinitely" benefitted," by an increase in the blessings of pro tection! Yes, Senator Manderson is determin ed to be heard from. When his term is out the people of Nebraska will also be heard from, and Senator Manderson will retire to private life "by request." A Glee Olub Organizer. W. A. Howard, of the Schumann quartette of Lincoln the quartette which did such fine singing at the Omaha convention, we are glad to in form the public, will respond to any appeals for his services in the drilling and formation of glee clubs, and will furnish music for conventions, meetings and rall'es for the people's party. Those wishing his services should write for dates and terms to tho Alliance Publishing Co. Mr. Howard traveled eight years with the celebrated Baker family and has done much singing in campaigns. He will sing the "Songs of the People" our shset music series, including some phoice new songs not yet in print. WHAT IS B10K OF IT. Tho bankers of tho country realize that government banking is one of the comfng issues, and they seo in Hon. O. MT'Kcm a champion of that idea. Whenever a member of congress has the courage to introduce and advocate a measure that endangers their power, the 'bankers organize a war on bim with a view to his retirement. It ap pears to us that the. present attack on Mr,: Kem and his banking bill furnishes an excellent illustration of this fact. Not long since the writer fell into conversation with a man whom ho knew as a professed independent in a city of central Nebraska. Ho showed a jf very accurate knowledge of the standing of every bank in his city, also an 'accurate knowledge of tho standing of Lincoln banks. He had in bis pocket copies of bank statements which he pxpfalncd minutely. Finally the con versation drifted around to Kem's banking bill. He at onco begun to assail and ridicule Mr. Kem and the bill using exactly tho same arguments that have been used by W. (3. Holdcn. He also said that all of tho farmers in central Nebraska had had enough of Kpni. Further conversation with this man convinced tho writer that ho is in tho employ of the bankers' association whlcfit opinion was greatly strengthened by the fact that although he remained hero several days, ho carefully avoided making his business known. This cir cumstanco taken with several others leads us to believo that tho bankers' association is behind tho fight on Mr. Kem and his bill. -SHOW YOUR LOYALTY. July 24th, and August 16th, are the dates set by the national committee of the people's party foV meetings every where to raise campaign funds. . The people should respond to this call with promptness and liberality. This is the true.way to ratify the work of the Omaha convention. Let meetings be held everywhere on tho 24th and collections be taken up to start the campaign. Then let subscrip tion books be opened for funds to be paid in monthly till the close of the campaign. Where is the loyal independent who cannot pay one dollar per month or more? Let us show our political oppo nents that we mean business, by put ting up the "sinews of war" for tho great contest. Take off your coat and roll up your sleeves ior the independent ticket. "We must have harmony in the democratic party," said one of Gov. Boyd's apppointees out at the insane asylum, as he knocked down a fellow appointee. The, new people's party paper of Georgia got 1,374 new subscribers week before last. Looks like the peo ple's party "craze" is on with a ven geance down there. TO THE state board of transportation, Greeting: Please let us have a reduc tion in the freight rate on green toma toes from Lincoln to Beatrice, by the way of "Chadron. The Philadelphia Press says the the republicans may yet win in the coming campaign notwithstanding the declin ation of -W. J. Campbell, tho man se lected for chairman of the national committee. To a man up a tree such a remark indicates that the machine i in a badly rattled condition.