The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, July 14, 1892, Image 16

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On Getting One' Own XT my.
Young people who have been habitu
ally gratified in all their desires, will
not only more indulge in capricious
desires, but will infallibly take it more
amiss when the feelings or. happiness
of,others require that they should be"
thwarted than those who have been
rac'UcaUy trained to the habit of sub
duing and restraining them, and conso
squent1y will in general sacrifice the
happiness of ethers to their own selfish
' Tk War the Wlni Blow.
The supremo court has recency de
cided that a railroad or a manufac
turer has the right to require his'
hands to sign a contract not to hold
the company responsible for any per
sonal injury whatever while working
for such company. The decision., of
this court is that such contracts , are
valid. This will put every railroad
man or employe of any manufactur
ing establishment under the necessity
of signing such contract before he can
obtain work to support his
family. This is a demonstration, of,
where the sympathy of our courU are
in this movement They are against
, ihe rights o! the' people. This do
oision will be a decided surprise to
many 'laboring people in Georgia and
elsewhere and will teach them a lesson,.
If they wMl only study it Southern
Alliance Farmer.
Mrs. Peter Auldheim of Lihnnn
Mo., is the proud mother of triplets.
The astonished neighbors suggest that
they be named Grover, Frances and
A Sure Crop.
Rye is a sure crop in both dry and
wot seasons. The farmers of southern
Nebraska will verify this statement.
Considering the price of rye and the
certainty of the crop, it is the most
valuable and desirable to raise.
In the vicinity of the paper mills in
Illinois rye is planted very extensively
and the straw sold to the mills. The
Lincoln paper mills will use live thou
sand tons of straw during the next year.
Rye straw averages one ton per acre as
against one half ton of oat . straw. To
encourage the raising of rye the Paper
Mill company will furnish seed to re
sponsible parties, and invite the fann
ers to call and make inquiry, at their
cilice, 736 O street, Lincoln, Neb.
Notice to Bridge Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that sealed b!ds will
be received at the office of the county clerk
of Furnas county. Nebraska, on or before
noon of the 29th dayofJu'y, A. D.. 1883, for
the construction ef the following' bridges:
8 wart z bridge across 8wartz creek oa town
line between towes 3 and 4 and section 4, in
town 3. and s.ctlon 33. in town 4, range 21.
Said bridge te be 33 it. span and 8 ft. ap-
S i caches at each end, 11 fL high; Jacobs
ridge across Jacobs creek, on the Valley
road on the southeast qr of section 33, town
4. range 23, sakl bridge to be ISO ft span with
6 ft approaches at each end and 8 ft high; A
Caapser bridge across Caapser draw on the
east and west half section line. In section 28,
town 4, range S, said bridge to be 2u ft span
and 8 ft approaches at each end, and 8 ft
Bids received on both combination and
iron bridges 14 ft roadway, 3-inch hard pine
flooring. All bids must be accompanied by
good and sufficient bonds, and filed in the
oonnty clerk's office f Furnas county, Ne-
Drasfca. on er before noon of July zvtn, a. d,
1892. Commissioners reserve the right to re
ject any or all bids.
Dated this the 29th day of June, 1892.
H. W. McFapden,
- County Clerk.
Subscribe for the Alliance-Independent,
One dollar per year
Our Expert Trap
(Every dun Dealer Keeps Them)
Beoause Thev arethe
11,000,000 Sold in 1301.
Send fob IixusmiTin Catalogue with Trap Shooting Rules.
The ClevelanQ' Target Co., Cleveland, o., u. s a
, TKT ITITT L.1 "11 L'Qm
Great Reduction of Prices for this Week.
Lin enDepartment.
The largest linen stock in the west.
Get our prices on napkins and tablo da
mask, they are the lowest every time.
Wo don't alrow any house to undersell
us no matter what the cost. We buy di
rect from the makes and are in position
to back up our statements.
Ladies Jersey Bibbed
In this department we are overloaded
on accouut of bad weather. We will
to-morrow commence a great clearing
sale in this department.
Ladies' 15c vests, reduced to 8c
20c vests, reduced to 10c
25c vests, reduced to 15c
40c vests, reduced to 19c
50c vents, reduced to 25c
Special sale of Ladies'
T A I 5 Aut
Special Sale of Ladies'
and Children's Hosiery
1 lot of children's fast black cotton
hose, derby ribbed, only 15c pair worth
Children's fine imported hose, only 25c
pair, worlh 40c.
Ladies' fast black cotton hose.
Richelieu ribbed, only 121c pair worth
Muslins and Sheetings
Muslins are down. , See our bleached
muslin at 31c and 5c yard.
At 6c we offer a special bargain equal
if not better than Lonsdale or
Langdon G. B , 12 yards for $1.00.
Fine 36-inch wide cambric, 12 yards
for $1.00. . , . -
Pillow case muslin and sheetings in all
the different widths and grades at prices
lower than they have been.
Red, white and blue bunting for decora
ting, 5c yard.
All sizes in flags, from 5c a dozen up.
Wash Dress Goods.
New striped bedford cords, 121c.
Plain bedford cord in plain colors,
beautiful shade of cream, etc., 15c
Fancy printed bedford cords, 25c
Satin striped sateen, 35c yard.
Plain ecru crinkled seersucker, 10c
Fancy prfnted crinkled seersucker
Side band armadale zephyrs, 40 .dches
wide, in plain colors, 15c yard.
Shantong pongee, in remnants from
2 to 12 yards, only 10c yard, in dark
Special sale on Scotch zephyr ging
ham,32 incnes wide. We have too many
of them and have reduced the price to
121c yard. The best bargain offered
this season on line gingham 121c
Special Attention to Mail Orders.
Write us and name this Paper.
Hayden Bros., Dealer in Evrything, l8lUS2!!5.l,B'
" '" ' """
Center Crank Stationery and Traction Engines.
Send for Catalogue.
GUS STATES, General Agent, Brancn Mouse Lincoln, Neb.