V THE A L LXA.g 0 E-INDEPEND EN T. Fartwell to Shylock'g Twins. v The people's arm y is crofting the plain. Good be, old Benny, good Ijje; "Wearer and Field" is the loud refrain. Good bye, aid Denny, good bye. Iowa's bob will lead in the fight, Good bye, ol Benny, good bye. Till victory crowns the cause of right. Gecd bye, old Benny, good bye. Chorus: Bye.Tarif Beany, . Bye, Free, Trade Grover, Bye, twins of Snylock - Good bye, old parties, good bye. nur leador is tried and brave and true, Good bye, old G rover, good be; And the power of truth will carry him through, . Good bye, old Grover, geod bye; We've taken the Field in Virginia state, Good bye, old Grover, good bye, And Adlai, "the headsman," will be too late. Good bye, old Grover, gocd bye. Chorus. Teu kicked Blaine out that you might stay in, Goodbye, oYd Benny, good bye; But you'll look down your nose when .the hay -seeds win, Oood bye, old Benny, good bye; For we've got the Weaver that's woven the web, Good bye, old Benny, good bye; That catches the vote of tho blue coat and rt, Good bye, old lsenme, good Dye. Chobus. Free silver we want and will havo it too, Good bye, old Grover, good bye; In spite of your hireling gold-bug crew, Good bye, old Grover, good bye; The Carnegie tyrants may do their best, Good bye, old Bennie, good bye; With Pinkertoa hounds, but you':l hear from thte West, pB: Goodbye old Benny, good bye. Chorus. . -' The masses are rising with vigor and might, Good byo, old Grover good bye; And Weaver stjsck is "way out of iight," Oood ye, o!d Grover, good bye; Your downfall approaches, and now you may Reid, Good bye, old Benny, good bye; Beishazzer's warning, your fate is decreed; Good bye, old Benny, good bye. CHORE'S. Lincoln, Neb., July 11. J. A. Wells. Senator Van Wyok's Opinion. In conversation with a Journal re porter on Wednesday last, General Van Wyk expressed the opinion that the Homestead labor troubles would cost that state to Mr. Harrison; that it was sure to set the laboring men in all the mines, mills and workshops against the republican party. This was said the day before the reports of the battla between the workingmen and the Pinkertons came to the west, and if that was true in anticipation of no such trouble as did occtir, the situation must be far more serious for the party which represents low wages, high tar iff? and a supprecsion of union labor Plattsmouth Journal. Dech at Western- Hon. W. H. Dech spoke to a fine audience at Western, Saline county, on Saturday night. The opera house was crowded. Prof. Caldwell of Wil ber presided. They had music by the Western brass band and also by a mar tial band. Mr. Dech's speech was re ceived with much enthusiasm as are all his speeches. On Friday Mr. Dech spoke at Clay Center with Van Wyck. He says the farmers of Clay, Fillmore' and Salina counties have the finest crop of wheat he ever saw. Mr. Dech goes from here home where he will spend some time resting and looking after privata affairs. Notice to Committees. To People's committees desiriag a good speaker, Mr. J. u. .nomine oi coln is respectfully recommended. C. H. Piktle, Sec. State Com, tultrflrtf Hflmont. nf "Son of jvu vM w m - r the 'people" in. another column, They . f 1 I 1 X lrtnl mill. Lincoln, Nebraska. Main Building 2 C.I Feet Bront 25 DEPARTMENTS- THIRTY TEACH EF TH OFOUGH liT GH FIOTrAT THE LARGEST NORMAL SCHOOL IN THE WEST. lORJlKRLT LOOATED AT SDKNAM DOAJU. IOWA. BEAUTIFUL, healthy, sightly location, 20-acre campus, electric street-aur tine, itfagniftcent buildings (main building', dining hall to seat 600. power house, water supply system), fine equipments superior accommodation, strong faculty, experienced management, comprehensive curriculum, thorough work, high moral and Christian influence, and low expensef for students make this a Gyeat School. pepartijieijis ai)d Cotarsesi ; Preparatory, Review, Normal, Pedagogic, Special Peiilagpgic. State Certificate, Model School, Kindergarten, Scientific, Claic Literary, Military, Ilo eutionary. Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Comwrdali ,, , (including Banking, Etc ) Pen. Art, Public School, Penman-- . , ship and Drawing, Designing and Illustrating, Shorthand : and Typewriting. Stusical (Including band and orchestra,) Fine Art, Telegraphy, and Physical Training (inclnding Dalsarte and : v '" Swedish Systems ) Yob Can Enter at Any Tims and Find Just Sued Clasies as YOu Oestro. A Practical Education Without Ufa s to of Tim. Wonsy or Eaeryy is Oif Aim. YOUR CAR FARE PAID. Ia order that all may test the merits of the Western Normax Collhgb, and soe oar fupedor advantages in tho way of buildings, equipments and fatnlty, we have decided to pay the railroad fare of all students from their horn to Llnsoln, provided they are present cn the opening day of the fall term. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT., 1803. Catalogues and Circulars Freo, Writetou. WM. M.'CROAN, Pres , or W. J. KINSLEY, Secy. Jd Treas. WESTERN NORMAL GOLLGB, Lincoln, Nohrn&ka. J . llll are tne ursi anu oesi umw .uu uw lished.