hi Ml HI IUMI. MURE PIP II AjU JBL JDJill w iiiMAuw ww 265 Foot Frontage. This famous college is located in the beautiful, heallby suburb of Hawthorn, and just outsido the corporation limifs, giving city advantages, with country taxes.. From Fifty to One Hundred Houses Prices of Lots from $50 to $500. 'Will bo needed for the accommodation of students before September ls and the management of tbe Western Normal College Guarantee the Ieijt at the Rate of $48 a Iooiji for the First Year. And the owners of houses to receive pay for fiv?l and light oxtra. No better place than Hawthorn to build houses for investment. Property will double in alue within twelve months, and now is tho timo to invest. The association has a large donation of lands which they have platted in lots and have put them on tho market at very low ligures for tho next ninety days. Electric ears to run direct to the college. $300,000.00 to $500,000 00 will be ' put in buildings before January, 18D3. Any parties buying lots can double their investment in a shoft time. It is tho best investment ever offered in Lincoln This school enrolled 4,300 students in 1891 . It will take from 2,000 to 5,000 peo- plo to care for the students alone. This college is locatt d three to three and one-half miles southwest of the city on v " high sightlv ground, overlooking the city of Lincoln, a city i of 65,000 to 70,000 population. Bargains in City and ram Property Always on Hand. LOTS ON EASY PAYM ENTS J?or Any InformatiOD J Pall on or Address ) ARM & FOWLER ROOM 10, 1041 O St 1 LINCOLN. 77