THE ALLIAHOE-INDEPENDEHT. Patronize Home Manufactories. mm mm V. 1 Patented Oct. 15, '80. Tlhe Perfection Gear AAagori, SIMPLEST, SHORT TURNING, HANGS LOW, ABSOLUTELY NO RATTLE. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Jnst the wagon for Farmers, Grocers, Milkmen in fact anybody. J3. W. CAMP &: soN, cwaxr' I .Kr I r- - ll I I KrS r- K I r- JS mw m mmm m mm -m . m -mm mmm m mm mmm -rnw 9 ESTABLISHED IN 1172. Offers a choice stock of trees and plants suited to Nebraska; also Nursery gaown seedlings suited to timber claims. Satisfaction guaranteed. Diredt trade secures careful selections. That we hay tested what we offer to sell, and send varieties that bear freely is evidenced by our own crop of Thirteen Thousand Bushels ol Apples and Eight Hundred Bnshels of Cherries. grown in'1891. At proper time we send out a choice yellow Dent seed corn, jielding in 1891 one hundred and five bushels and forty pounds per acre. In stead, of purchasing of travelling men from eastern nurseries, try a home nursery. Address for catalogue, E. F. STEPHENS. Crete, Nebraska. PERMANENTLY CURED OR NO PAY NO DETENTION FROM BUSINESS." NO QPERATION. WE REFER YOU TO OVER 1.500 PA TIENTS. Financial Reference: Nat: Bank of Commerce Investigate our method. Written guar antee to absolutely cure all kinds of RUP TURE of both sexes, without the use of knife or syringe, no matter of how long standing. Examination Free. THE 0. E. MILLER COMPANY, - 307-308 N. V, Life Building, Omaha, Neb Offices Denver, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Mil waukee. Des Moines, Salt Lake City, Portland, Butte. SEND FOB CIRCULAR. "We Atg the People. ., if you want a Fit and a Good Wearing Shoe ls Call or Send Your Order. 1 r A OYER nil ura books. Everybody should have our full and complete list of all desirable Reform literature, song books, etc, published. " The following are some of the leading books and should be read by everybody whether interested in the Reform work er not: 1.50 1.00 Labor, Land and Law. (Hon. W. A. FhillipB.) Farmers' Side, (senator iener.) The Way Out, .10 Bond Holders and Bread Winners, .25 Seven Financial Conspiracies, .10 The Money Question, - - 25 Send for our catalogue of 150 Reform works. This is the largest list publish ed, and the books are all sold at pub lishers" prices Address Peoples' Reform Book & News Co 120 Chestnut St., St. Louis, Mo. TWO- Awarded First Premium and Cold Medal at the World's Industrial Cotton Centennial Exposition at New Orleans, La., in 1884-5 after a trial Lasting Four Months. Wa Pronounced the BEST IN THE of teef pfejj 1225 0 Street I-iixioolxif 4 pur ttxpert Trap, EVERYBODY SHOOTS BLUE ROCKS (Every Gun Dealer Keeps Them) Tliey are tlie BEST FLYER. BEST BREAKER. BEST PACKER. BEST TRAVELLER. BEST PICK-UP. 11,000,000 Sold in lsei. Sevd fob iLLraim-cD Catalogue with Teap 8l msa jRcles. The Clev si, ,arget Qp.f eveuwu, t u. sa the EUREKA WORLD and to-day stands at the head and front of the whole wind mill family. It is the cheap- Star Pumps We Have Them Also. est and best as are also the Screen Wire, Screen Doors, Farm Dinner Bells, Plain Wire, Poultry Netting, New Idea Gasoline Stoves, All Kinds of Pipe, Fibre Ware, Ladders, Western Washers, Barrel Churns, Refrigerators, Lawn Mowere, Pumps and Pump Repairs, Tin Roofing and anything in the Hard ware Line. Especial attention paid to Harness Re pairs and Tin J ob Work. G. M. LOO MIS, 905 O St., Lincoln, Neb. .VtflE hope SELVAGE. iff Trtwm tJCCuawoTXwniiri3CfpoMcHic Fifty Thousand Subscribers Wanted An Appeal to Reformers to Help ' us Spread the Light. In order to secure 50,000 subscribers ' to The Alliance-Independent, and : correspondingly increase its power" for " good in the coming campaign, we havo decided to offer th'o paper from now until after the November election for 25 cents to new subscribers in clubs of five .' or more. . " We make this offer in the hope and bjlief that the reform workers of the " west will take advantage of it ; to send us in new names by the thous-'; and. - ' ; ,. ' People's party organizations should arrange for a systematic canvass of , every precinct and thus put The Alli- . A nce-Independent- ' in" the ' hands of . every man who will read It. C ;" We appeal to every believer in ,the truth of our principles, to every lover of liberty, to help us spread the light . Can YOU spare an hour in this cause? Almost any independent can get up ay club of five in an hour. Try it. Now. is the time to act. Alliance Publishing Company, Lincoln, Neb. : . HOW THE NAVAJO HUNTS. ' He Use a Mirror to Tempt the Fat I'ral. rle Dog From His Home. Living almost wholly' upon game, as they do, the NavajoSearinot bar prevailed upon to taste either fish or "; rabbit. I have known some very lu dicrous things to happen whon meanly mischievous Americans. deluded Nava jos in'.o eating either of these forbid den dishes, and sometimes there have been very serious retaliations for the ill-mannered joke. Rabbits are won-, derfully numerous in the Navajo country, according to St Nicholas, being molested only by feathered and four-footed enemies; but the Indian who would fight to the death rather than touch a delicious rabbit stew is greedily fond of the fat and querulous prairie dog. That whole region abounds in "dog towns. " and they are frequently be sieged by their swarthy foes. -A Nav ajo will stick a bit of mirror in the en trance of a burrow and lie behind the little mound all day, if need bo. to secure the coveted prize. When Mr. Tusa ventures from his bedroom, deep under ground, he sees a familiar im age mocking him at the front door; and when he hurries out to confront this impudent intruder, whiz! : goes a chalcedony-tipped arrow through him, pinning Him to the ground so that he cannot tumble back into his home, as he has a wonderful faculty . for doing even in death, or a dark hand darts from behind like lightning seizes his chunky nick safely behind the reach of his chisel-shaped teeth, and breaks his spine with one swift snap, r C M. Gardner has opened a hat and mon'M ftarniahin trnods store in the new Y. M. C. A. building, Cor. 13th and N. He also has 1 he agency lor wanamaur & Brown's custom m?.de clothing. We want 50,000 subscribers under our campaign offer. "Losses and Lies" shows up where 1 'profits" come from and how they are obtained. It is a scorcher, and don't you forget it. See our li-t. A Sure Thine. Sparkle Your sister is, wearing one of Miss Pinkie's rings. I wish you d get it for me. I want to take the measure. Going to buy an en gagement ring, you know. Barkle Eh? Has Miss Pinkie ac cepted youP " Sparkle She will when I propose, Last night she uked me how I like her mother. T. Weekly i HIHHIWIVHM-