- L-iiy iM IK , T f n - ft , . : j i' ' HO ''r-V',. Q u v. - Vi:'; V j M " - 'l I' , ' J "'MA . l:i I v'; fc ...vJKS1wy1:'3 J iz'.m inm - VOL. IV. LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1892. NO. 4. VVEAVEK N0M1NATEDM Great Speech of Hon. Maurice L- Wheat of Iowa, nominating Jas. B- Weaver for the Presidency at Omaha July 4. ' 'The Intrepid Advocate of the Common People, the Grand Captain of the Old Guard" who ''Stands four Square ., to all the Winds that Blow." J. B. WEAVER. In behalf of Iowa, Morris L. Wheat supported Weaver. He said: Mr. Chairman: No greater responsibil . ityr higher duty ever rested jipon a Imiuatt assembly than upon the one here convened. We are to nominate men who will bear our banner in; this first organ ized fight against the uwcrupulous but thoroughly disclipined hostf of monopoly. Struggles for equal rights and oppor tunities are as old as humanity and dot the pages of history with altercate success and failure, but among them all none call for more courage, devoted patriotism and skillfull leadership than the one about to commence between the concienceless ordes of plutocracy and the army of voters who will faithfully follow the ban ner of the People's Party to the ballot box next November. The common people of this country have at - last resolved to take the reins of the government which , their forefathers created and which they " have maintained into their own hands. We are to place in nomination a candi date for the presidency, not a pliant hire ling of Wall street, but one wha springs from the great plain people of the country; or in thorough sympathy with their wamV.onewho touches elbows with the toilf of the shop and the tiller of the fiel The leaders of the old party combi natwiistake their certificates ofleader r: from a plutocracy mightier, than that vlich sent Borne to her grave and holds Ar;op in its grasp today, a plutocracy iore dendish than ever Afflicted a nation. V touched he brain of the Minneapolis ind, Chicago conventions. The result ywybodo knows, or ought to know, is he woice of men who had been previ-1 usly chosen by the money power of the . TTm . A i J . i. 1 A. M & I . A. . otiaWT. 4 nay smna upon piatiorms mat n zlsb notMna to th Krfiftt mjr j: wealth producryr He who votes" for eRher throws hie vote away and sacrifices upon the base altar of prejudice the dear est rights of liberty, equality and home. It is not so here. This movement orig inated with the common people: with them it must remain if we would pro serve pure and Inviolate out rights, the ballot box and legislation. Now and here, in this first great conflict with pin tocracy, are we to choose a leader. He m ust be a man who will guide us "in the middle of the road," one who will carry our banner boldly and skillfully in the forefront of battle, one who has taught and will teach that "Equal rights to all and special privileges to none." and that "an injury to one is the concern of all," is the only enduring republican form 6f government.. We must not choose one who agrees with us only in part, neither, must we bow down to the old parity theory of nominat ing any one who we think will command the most votes regardless of whether he is in hearty accord with our entire plat form. It would be a criminal plunder that might give us a temporary gain,but in the end ruin and disaster. We want a man who is emphatically in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of tuver, and, also, of the issue by the government of full le gal tender paper to make, altogether $50 per capita in circulation, fiut he must not stop there, lie must be in favor of government control of telegraph and rail road lines and of the extinguishment of land monopoly. We have a man who pre-eminently fills the requirements, who has fought more battles for the toiling masses than ; any. other in this country. In the gloom of bygone years, ' when it was worth almost a man's life to es pouse the cause we hold dear today, he stood fearlessly and pleaded in congress the cause of the people. Then single handed and alone he compelled the hire lings of monopoly to call a halt. His record there is like a oasis in the desert of iniquitous betrayal of public trust. No bribe ever stained his character, no act of dishonor ever sullied the integrity of his heart. Through the dark night of partv prejudice has been heard his clarion "call of action." Serene in defout, always; confident of "final success while others were disheartened and doubtful of victory, wise, skillful and full of wonderful en ergy in bat tie. whou success has crowned his efforts he never forgot the plain, com mon people who so largely supported him: More than one of the mighty champions of plutocracy have been put to flight by his mental prowess and unanswerable arguments. The subsidized black guardism incarnate in partisan newspaper offices has hurled at him its poisoned darts of slander and ridicule only to see them fall harmless as they struck his glittering armor of truth and justice. Others have been great in noble self sacrifice, but there does not live today a grander advocate of the common people than tiiis brave veteran of the western prairie. In nominating him we shall make no mistake. As we enter into our first battle I am proud of the honor to nominate as our candidate for the presidency one who "stands four square" to all the winds that b?ow, the intrepid advocateof thecommon people, the splendid captain of the "Old Guard" General James B. Weaver. , "Truth's Approaching Triumph" U a song of the "thousand years," the reign of rig teou3Dess for which we are light ing. It is a beautiful inspiring compo sition, refreshing as a song of the augels to those who have become weary wait ing. See our campaign music ad. CONVENTION 1 The Beunion of the Blue and the Gray Memorial Services A Woman's Meeting The Single-Tax-ers' Meeting, A Series of Very Important and Profit able Meetings Held in Connec tion With the National Convention. A large number of important meet ings were held in Omaha in connection with the national people's convention. Space will not permit anything like a complete report of them in our columns. The following is a mere skeleton re port, of these meetings which without exception were marked by profitable educational work, and uplifting ingpir ation, to all who attended them. THE MEMORIAL SERVICES. On Sunday afternoon the memorial services in honor of Col. Folk and Rev. Gilbert Do Lamatyr occurred. The coliseum building was about ha 'f filled. President Loucks of the F. A. & I. U. presided. . C. W. Macune, editor of the.National Economist, a warm per sonal friend of Col. Polk, reviewed his work and paid a glowing: tribute to the great leader whom death had called away. He predicted that Polk would have been nominated as the standard bearer of the party if he had lived. S. W. Denmark of Raleigh, North Carolina, a son-in-law of Colonel Polk spoke next. Mrs. Todd, General Weaver, Mrs. Lease, Ignatius Donnelly, and Mrs. Vickery, a Kansas lady, followed In eloquent eu logies and tributes to the memory of the illustiious and brio ved dead. Ex Congressman Gillette of Iowa was then introduced and spoke of the work and character of Gilbert De Lamatyr. Mrs. Curtis of Colorado then read a beautiful and appropriate "Ode to Col. Polk." N. A. Dunning of Washington, D. C, and T. V. Powderly followed in short speeches. A plan was set on foot for raising funds by five cent contribu tions to erect a monument to Col. Polk. THE BLUE AND THE GRAY. About four thousand people assembd in the Colisiem building Saturday night to attend the rennion of the ex union and ex-confederate soldiers. John G. Moughermar of Indiana, a crippled union veteran, was made chairmen. Before the speaking began, the blues and the grays formed in two lines and marched "pasi each other shaking haods as they passed while tho band played Yankee doodle and Dixie, while cheers rent the air, hats were waved, and enthusiasm rose to the boiling point. Tho chair man asked Ben Terrell to preside, and each speaker was allowed five minutes. Wimncrly of Georgia 'first spjko in thrilling tonei of tho burial of sec tional hatred and tho reuniting of tho people in the new party, Capt. C. A. Power of Indiana told of his visit to the reunion of the Texas veterans last year. "Mollie and tho liable" was then sung by tho Qune'mo club. Co'. S. F. Norton of Chicagj spoke eloquently of tho days of th3 war, and said tho reunited vet erans were now ready to fightjio hosts of Shylock with bailees instead"" of burets. Ho said if tho private soldiers on both sides could have got together, they would have settled the difficulty in forty-eight hours, but this was prevented by the bond-holders and and land stealers who were interested in prolonging the war. Mrs. Ijease fo lowed in one of her most eloquent talks. She gave her ex perienco in trave'ing and speaking in this movement, espeeia ly the kind and chivalrous manner the southern people had treated her. Roberts of Tennessee, and Paul Van dervoort followed in eloquent short speeches. . The greatest good feeling and en thusiasm prevailed throughout tho meeting. It was a reunion of hearts and hands as well as voices. THE N. I. P. A. MEETING. The Nebraska Independent Press association held a meeting at the Del lone hotel on Friday evening which was the best attended meeting yet held. A large number of new members were admitted and the mem bership of the association was swelled to over sixty. It was decided to hold the next meeting at York, probably some time in August. A SIXGLE-TAX MEETING. A meeting of all those especially in terested in the land question was held in Farnam street theater on Sunday morning. Hamlin Garland was the principal speaker. The meeting was well attended and much" interest was manifested in the great is3uo of land reform. WORKING WOMEN'S MEETING. On Sunday afternoon about 3,000 peo ple assembled in the Exposition build ing at a meeting of the working wo men's assoc'ation. Speeches were made by Miss Susan B. Anthony, Mr. Powderly, Mrs. Diggs of Kansas, Mr. A. W. Wright of the K. of L. Those phases of the reform movement in which the women are particularly in terested were discussed, and wit, humor and eloquence flowed freely. The Stewart Bill's Fatal Error. Washington, July 6. Representa tive Culbertson of Texas expresses the opinion that the senate made a fatal mistake in passing the free coinage bill; that it failed to preserve in the repeal of the act of 1890 the legal tender quality of the coin notes issued under the authority of the sec retary of the treasury to redeem. The effect of the senate bill, he says, will be to demonetize more than 0 000,000 of coin notes find postponf thsir redemption. .1