heel -Bar row. never seen a wneei-Dar i 1 re, ana was rnucn exerciswu how to Bet it in motion, lie facing the wheel, catchint? with both hands and trying backward. Seeing the wheel )t turn, he let go and took Observations. It dawnod upon "Za at once, for the native mind is quick, that as the barrow had two arms it required two men to lift it, and hallooed for one of his mates to come to his aid. They both tried to pet within the arms of thebarrow, one man laying hold of the leffc arm with Mie left hand while the right encircled fellow a waist, whose right hand fro hold of the other shaft, while his in t'8age'l arm WftS .bound around jo's nock, and they were prettily 1; but they covered no ground, and y and by tripped each other and Tlul-mell over the wheel-barrow, of the of course, turned over. Then, mattn hour or two, Wlimo under aecowipw to wheel this barrow, the nocui , t) unumaiuuu roi kf WHS 0 Phair, a Ueacon street 11 t 1 1 .1 r old, nioueis ner wrik anu i i i -in ion on tnose or ner eiuer who are much given to and the slang of sport. atafra-cyes are -peepers, - ner n,1a are "dukB9uv une uay wnen fe had run till neaffjvout of.breath fe SftlU, lUUUlcr, mji, uviiuno ptcm it of order. wra recently her mother, ooserv- i er t a'estlcds, said, "Natalie, is the matter with you? You . to bo on needles and pins." -atalie pondered for full a minute nd than said, "Mother dear, I don't know what you mean. Of course I know that lny pins are my legs, but what do you mean by saying that I'm on needles?" A Lesson In Circulation. Iyou place a visiting card or light screen between you and the flame oi a candle, and blowon it you will find that you will not put otft the light, as your breath cannot pass through the screen, but a curious effect will be pro ducedviz., the llanies of the candle H incline towards you, asif blown Hnie one in au opposite direction. breath striking the pasteboard n has been thrown back toward with sufficient force to carry with certain quantity of air surround tha flame, thus enclosing it in a ent of air going in the contrary ction to your breath. Our Debt to the Mule. re were told by a confederate cer some years ago that the bat tle Gettysburg, which was the tu rning tint in our civil war, was decided in vor of the Union by a balky mule, he Union troops and the confeder tes were racing to reach a high point, he possession of which practically lecided the battle; the confederates were blocked bva balky mule. Wha a debt of gratitude present and futur reneratioris owe and will owe to the jjel Our Dumb Animals. 1 IE ALLIANCE-IN DENT. HE ALLIANCE-Ii, & N u E N T. J 1HE AULTMAJN & M a ohinery Co m p an y . TAYLORl CL and A Great General. Caius Marius, the great general, was once in a camp when a man of repute among the enemy came oyer to him and said, "If you aro indeed a great general, M'ariaus, leave your camp and fight a battle. Marius was not to be persuaded at at moment, so he answered the .laNckwith a taunt that was decidedly expressive. "Not so," he replied, "butif youare a great general you can make me do so. Our Only "Honorable." The onlv person in this country ho is constitutionally entitled to be ddressed by the title of honorable 18 ie heutenant governor or iHASsawiu tts. Hkj right to it is set forth in ha fundamental laws of the state. d it is to be found nowhere else, 1 W A & ' ' ' i 'I S AKi fcv OUR MOTTO: "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST." F. L. LOO MIS, Manager, Omaha, Neb. Wit I TIC l'OK P KICKS" There are a great many other lionor- ables here and elsewhere, just as mere are a great many majors and colonels. They flourish by courtesy only. xne Boston Herald. Knew the Defendant Was Hon est, A pleasing story conies from a Maine court. Farmor A. was the plaintiff; Mr. Vt., a merchant, the de fendant, Farmer A. was giving testi mony, and would not be restrained by counsel or court. lie was very generous to his opponent, and in sisted upon saying that he was an honest man. "And," said he," "I will tell you how I know lie is an honest TTl 1 11 ill ( man. J have traded wun nun ior many years. We always settled every four month. One time 1 asked him how we stood, and lie looked at his books and said I didn't owe him a cent. His clerk said there was not a scratch of a pen against me. Yes. Mr. B. is an honest man, 1 tell you! I just pulled out my wallet and paid him 8.75 that I knew I owed him, and which he did not have charged to me. Oh, there's no doubt but what Mr. B. is an honest man and a good man to deal with." The next day, as might have boon expected, the case was settled by agreement of parties and withdrawn from court. Lewistor Me. Journal. Klnb Si tin j mail!, M A N II FT U UK US OF Pure Hemp Binder Twine FROM HOME (JUOWN FIBKK. We can offer to farmers a better article for less money tha' they nave ever before known. 36 5, m Will ship sample bag and take lodge note payable Oct. 1,'92. Patronize Home Industry. hor further information address Nebraska Kinder Twine Co. or J. V. Hartley, Alliance Purchasing Agent, Lincoln, Neb. Fremont, Nob I.:: Ir v. Ciipital. Labor is the only tiling the law of supply and demand controls. You can't pool on to inorrow's nnis do. Neither can tho workman live on un used muscle. His prayer to capital is, Give vis this day our daily bread.'' John Rockefeller earns (?, his weight in gold each day. Jay Could could buy Ms weight in gold two or threo thousand times over. Why can't we get up a Standard Oil company or Missouri Pacific railway? J. C. McKELL, Successor to BADGER LUMBER CO. Wholesale 1 Retail Lumber, TELEPHONE 7O i. ST. BETWEEN 7TH AND 8TH L INCOLN, NEB. J. I. PARR 4 , PAINTERS, 2045 M Street, Lincoln, Neb. DorriLK Breerh-Loadtr $7.99. ii il.iv RIFLES $:.oni II 111 I. PICTM C1C. All klndf ihumr tho eUeahers. La. tore you bay, mdJ tmp for llloiUUj Culo(tu6 to Tk ia.k. ClnolnettOMo. BINDER QTAVlI DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO CONSU Write for prices, Bninplc8, blank orcprs, etc. G. A. SINULKV. Manufacturers A MOILTOX, IOWA. See our advertisement of "Son! tho people" in another column, I; aro tho lirst and hest of lhe kind r Jished. w that t L'tracJt V Sd lowly iuruen oj U 3 with! 'i inmissio.4 L ? Vyek is :i f, sideshow 0; old patr' 'eep its l