The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, June 30, 1892, Image 4

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    IE ALLIANCE-IN fhrrr-
fia:ned lor Its Crimes
is of Kobkery Denounced.
THICK, 2eU., .tune l.i. l'.t'.
Hon. .J. Kloat Fassetf,, 1 cinporary
Chairman, lion. Win. McK'nley, Per
manent Chairman Republican Conven
tion, or Whichever is Custodian of the
(la vol:
You came into possession on or alnnit
the Uh of June, of a certain "gavel"
made from wood surreptitiously taken
from the first homestead ever entered
in the United States.
This homestead was taken by me,
and 1 ttill own and reside upon it.
This demand upon you for the return
of the said gavel is insisted upon as a
matter of sentiment only, and not on
account of the value of the property or
the pecuniary loss.
was one ot the founders of the party
rgs anil damaged remnants
Ab'U with ttie gavel
jjom me.
rot as oi rrro
fielped to found it
landless," and the
evoted to homes
Parried out u. few
raW'-TlnUer ppe
n.liW WlMVv
.i .! IV I I I 4b HI1 "
turned - ... (f
rrced ana y-h
your party to atifv
ltv of railroad coil
a multitude
; , the '.the
..prec:ated greenback
m.y loaner
1 hi
poraUoUs and to si
While pay
Union in d
,.1 ,IWI
wea UN j - .,,.:
,)()luls of the count ry u terest
)W vennae, () your
mrtv by the hat ot u " nui.lcpiu-
oin, and by a Huent ,neeo
u-gislative legerdeim mll(le pay.
..ile in from-
'i:i,.x system ot iliion to enrich
the rich flwro impovorisn me poor
was fitly completed by the establish
ment of that crowning outrage ol tee
time the national blinking system.
The overmastering power of these
Corporations which are the children of
your parly, is at length manifest. Not
wUl'''tandiug the promises of parties,
as- nrvli ion to success at the jm11s,
the monNarv system of this nation is
still in tTnL hands of pri vat u corpora
tions who usS it to increase their al
ready monstrous fortunes, and tomulti
nlv i'ntn millions the arm v of tramps
aiid vagabonds which were tlie inevi
table product of your party policy.
While the workiag people of the
nation are swiftly joining the vast
army o vagabonds, the mauutacturer-
n : . .. . i : 11 I f. ...
iiitiiH'iuui es ai e piling i niiuwiu in-
llltli.t nt 41. . .. . . .. . . . . 4lv.. finllllllliiP .
dion under the pretense of
orietf for their products th;
Mlicm to pay hij
True it would enable tie in io do so.
But although .his. men tfrous system of
robbery of the many for the enrich
ment of the few does render them
amply able to pay wags yet the result
is a constant reduction of wages and a
constant increase in the millions piled
up by these cormorants.
Tlie railroad corporations fostered
and fattened by your 'party at the ex
pense of the body of the people, have
in the last few years approached so
near to omnipotence that government,
both state and national, has been com
pelled to abdicate and these creatures
laws of the country are power-
control mem, nave secured a
viiun ii its a liunwi nuiiuiiwiuii.
spectacle is presented to tlie
the laws of the land, but having
reirulations of their own con-
niuiiui lu.iii liii. l i.iiu l i ii i u til hum
jiiiblii; domain turned over as a
ity to roblK-r., the finances of the
dintry in the hands of the spoilers of
the people and the public h'trhways of
the nation turned over bodily to high
waymen. The people of the nation are weary
of being plundered under pretense of
law. Robbery is still robbery no mat
ter what tho form wkich may be given
to it. There is no longer justice or a
consideration of the general welfare
anywhere. The pe )ple groan and cry
out for relief from intolerable oppres
sions and are answered with sneers and
called in derision "calamity howlers."
For many years we looked to your party
for relief from these oppressions. Time
has at length convinced us that such
hope is vain. The enemies of the peo
ple have taken oinplet'; possession of
your organization and it is today the
very emblem of Wall street greed and
avarice without a thought for the mass
of the people.
These facts and this condition of
things thus faintly outlined has driven
me from tin; party thus prostituted to
the country's ruin, and lias compelled
me, with thousands of others, to at
tempt through the people's party to re
store the people of the nation to their
rights and avert those dire calamities
which in all times have followed wick
edness in'this world.
Aud this being the condition of mind
obtaining with me, 1 cannot consent in
silence that this gavel, undo of my
timber, given me in the days of re
publican grandeur, shall be prostituted
to the base'otticc of keeping1 order in a
convewtion of that party when it has
gone so far from its original purposes:
has n ade its lUtho ffiamjnoa of the
enemies ot human liberty and human
Plights- ;yi is certainly ani rapidly
Vountry into a blooJy and
e circumstance I demand
the gavel, and unless you
add to the other crimes
that of receiving stolen
ng them to bo stolen I
the immediate return of
Awaitinsr von u v
vt Freeman
tion No 1: entry NoJ?aTont No. 1:
recorded in parl. vol. No. 1. ree-
w in, this"
i million
00L. L. L. POLK- i the result of the
Col. I 'oik's death hai calPf nine thousand
many expression of.-profouj ,
and many tributes of respect a"Ove consider
from those who knew him as yn 1. J'. JJIand's
and lellow worKer in me cause ow Silver Con
trial liberty. The following artever silenced
ped from a few of the leading rjay that "o i
papers of the nation: iaaiag "q
THE VANGrAan. An not be too
His sacrifices were many, and es it from
erously made, ills jositions were fJoyal Coin
Can we say 80 to-davp' Th
Jtatesmen sht the good of all the
rr.v. uuu ine people ruled
so now Thon eff..
scientiously takeo, and stcadfasm table
him. Ho was honest and able, and the . or
did not fear to follow him. His belie:" u
that independent political action is the re( is
. 1 . . . i
farmer s way out ot worse tnan Egypt
ian bondage, was of greit weight when
other men as honest, but not as far
sighted, questioned such action. Not
the least of the good deeds to hi re
corded of him is the part he has taken
ic blending the blue and the gray, in
the burial of sectional strife between
C ol. Polk was one of the greatest,
grandest and best men of modern times,
a man who held the first place in more
hearts among the farmers and laborer? .
of America than any other niai of h'";itls:i
day. " J stand-
The thoughts and words that aj"css to
dressed to the memory of this 8- Values
leader must ever b3 of th duets o .eept
praise anu most proiounu rofve laiien stil
veneration. nave not
Ho was the friend and cited,
the poor and oppressed, 1 1 -i ..,.,.
- - ----- LILUHS
ated l v n., "r" flctu.
and wer lM P' ipiea,
ninflnn T ,-.w J
nih.- "'?,inU9 R0W? Then
and advocated ft. "S
democracy, a, we undorMaad democ
that on,- ,n::"Vcr SllW DOfor
placod and distrust all
country the consequence,
prt lZ ou l P:eS3' th9 8uidiZed
tne old party, and thTZ ? ln
can wo )mn ---ftu ii aione
sieved thera.
ueon mis
over our
f J 1 .
ueuveraaca Wo
n ... n .11
have llddl ru oia Partie9
their niI7;,n" ' " ..W na.v'?. danced to
w jours, WhliH Ihn
crnment mill ground out S). o 0
filled the land
lion aj res
In 51 Ifln In
of fn,:,u 7l?.a Per-abundnnc
(inosunT" ,"DOr' broad
slnng tliis
rriV)le civil
Under the
the return ofl
are willing t
of your partyi
goods, knowil
shall expect
the sane.
& M. Storief?.
JllSt beforlT -.lppf T wnc crropfnrt nn-
ou the streetlu-jth nr
ir presont Judge Waters,
7 x t) smile, the kind
ing from
who wore
mlly seeu u
tion. W aten
ing that ht1
could cot."
!$. &M. ma,
tno B. & Mi
on candidates before elec
asked me for my vote, say
" needed a'l tho votes he
I s lid "I boliovo you are a
n ; you were nonunatea by
and if elected will work
every way wu;ki
says tie l wiU tako an the V()tcs j can
get whethet. j &M or .)0t took
"to chance;, nml vote(l for x)wn, and
ll) one respect. But from the
a -tide in ast evoninRS si n, headed
Mayor vtlh. dkl a numauo acl j )e.
neve I am rj ht on the ..ownerhiu" of
the police U(1g0. uis B & M 1Ju,; lhat
is nothing. If Iamf?oin,r totcll j. &
Jae I might as well tell a guji
Jjl. ("vploj. who issounfortu--cWasto
weigh 245 pounds but who is
also so forhmato as to weigh down $100.
00 when the pay car comes around, is
desirous of going to Chicago, and tak
ing treatment to reduce his avordupois.
Well a subscription paper is sent the
rounds among the poor laborers aud a
fee of $2.00 each is asked to bear the
expense, and if the amount is not forth
coming tho delinquent is, well they
find excuse to lay said laborer oil'
Many a poor laborer (who is asked to
boar tho cxpeuse of cutting down this
corpulency,) is only getting $1.30 for a
12 hour day.
The above is not a ono man's story
but I can furnish you at least ono col
umn per week of Bitch B. & M. '-ism"
provided you will not crowd out more
important news. Koiirn.
AT ..1 i. i.
painy anvup m-iitum irnnrr Giq(l
nloUo..y0u foQJ
.stop to
in iroubiG
ual attainments
TK!er of any man, an(
the highest ordery-
touch the mostsuf, .1 "II,PrXeiiMni.
voters o"
WQ live in an
us examine and
of his enrapturo(
inspired appeals ent Let
1XU HfJSUSSUU U tPltn Mi!.,.
love the world, ai i'""""y-
ure to ever for a " lne peoplo of this re
iurc motive, iieive said of a
The old narti.oa tn
. . . vw' UO
wealth producers
that tho old
larirr question ia th i . 1110 O1o.
poopi th 1S9ue Wore
v says we shall
certain article of
Pay; $1. 4S
r' " - . . " " '
T "
Tho Lincoln Road (iradcr was ono of
tho leading futures of the parade on
Thursday. For information address
Lincoln Road (Juapkii,
co Lincoln, Neb.
If you play or sing, you should have
a few of Mr. Gibson's "Songs of the
4 A
ifiir n nn
u i- uvv'nment under tii
a pure christian ""uer mo
abled him to squart
every day life with t
higher piano than
by man. A proper
sponsibility to God; o
and fellow man, are et
of a great leader, and t
them in the higncst dt
Col. Polk was a man o
ties, of unquestioned ho
pose, and of unequaled
pacity, as his remarka'
guidance of the farmers' alliance
present position as a reform factor
attest. He was a most eloquent
speaker, ana every one who hai
heard him will at once recall th
pression ot intense earnestness an
swerving loyalty to the causA of
great common people which ehVrai
lzed him. Unable to combat lim
questions of justice, and unalo
crush tlie great popular movement Q
the freedom of the masses, his poltk 1 GC0
'frwanems nave resorted to tb6.ffiu.
weapoiTsVorrsftrStTr.'TiT,' ii
foul means within the
blacken 1 i is good nanu
without ellect other th
clearer their own infamv
rig niness oi cnaracter and bis unsul
patriotism in the cause of the peopU
Col. Polk is dead. It is the sad. pai
ful truth, and there is no eseinin"- i
Our truest, our bravest, our b:'st.4
taken from us. and ten million hctrt
throb their gri.'f in sympathet ic unisYm
Among living Americans not, (W
could die who would br mniv widely
sadly and lovingly missed. His death I
uianwa, vimi in ten million hearts, and
none can lill it.
But, brothers, let our tribuk- to th!
memory of our beloved leader be 11
tribute that he himself would ir
have wished. Let U4 consecrate
selves afresh to the cause for wIik
died. Remember that he was I imTT
saying that the cause was r -ll X Xl
any leader, as though iu, '
tion of his untimely tak'
prove his saying ti';;,.,
and uetennined st
from death. 1'ero"
ful Father will
parted brother
Eurono n,-n "IIieoe391ty.
'or 1.00. The ! r 8011 to
tKL... ltie other party ,,,. ,
. men (ror the sake of a iftn 7,Z
enco. you know) we wn l0 dIfter-
sumers to nay n'm, , ,"u uav con-
derstand, it Z R '0l' un-
to devour, at onca TV01
Has so Inn., etT'T "'u vor'. that
This difforeoco of 7
enough to kn . tu? Wl 1 be
know, asTurdorr,?
""o uasi.
to then s ii.
Mr ixjK. I
but utV 1
ban to im a
my and his "V-
a B 1 1 inTTTTn
9 I " I I I I.I I I
on iui u H M
1 1 unfifi, I
I if!
anagenient of your party: