The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, June 30, 1892, Image 2

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    IE A L L I A NCE-INi
jaitfned iar Its Crimes
is of Robkcry Denounced.
.'HICK, A eh., dune 1... l.tL'.
J Ion. .1. Sloat Kassett, Temporary
Chairman, I Ion. Win. McK'tiley, Per
manent Chairman Republican Conven
tion, or Whichever is Custodian of tlie
You came into possession on or about
thc'ithof Juno, of a certain "jjavel"
made from wood surreptitiously taken
from Hit; first homestead ever entered
in the United States.
This homestead was taken by mc,
and 1 ttill own and reside upon it.
This demand upon you for the return
of the said travel is insisted upon as a
matter of .sentiment only, and not on
account of the, value of the property or
the pecuniary loss.
A'as one ot the. founders of the party
,rs and damaged remnants
d with the travel
""of rrre
'Iped to found it
iid less, " and the
e voted to homes
Parried out & ivv
oHMMTlnder pjn
porations and to siuv n of
milium. m .
While pay
llaion in dt
.f.!iltliv money
. . ,'.f h.. country
ni,! i, e e uunvi.
nti:ieks. woro iv
(i-.i.t, of aUil,ui
, , . ..f
lYin. the ldl(k7 the
, moated -reenbaciy
()n(.y loaner (U,rivon
'illy pay
t of vour
U, madepaj-
lative logerdeim niade puy.
ol H'is: to enrich
t , 1 t u I It M ivin - ,
in iu
able in ivo
party, by tuo
able in com,
o' leLiis
able in gold.
I'ihe system
rthe rich aW'T) impoverisli t ne poor
was titlv completed by the establish
ment of that crowning outrage of the
time the national b;inkiuy system.
The overmastering power of these
corporations which are the children of
your party, is at length manifest. Not
wil'" tandie.L;' the promises of parties,
a" u. ondi 'u'ii to success at the polls,
the moiiary system of this nation is
still in Ulthands of private corpora
tions who usS it to increase their al
ready monstrous fortunes, and to multi-
public domain turned ovm as a
it v to robbers, the, finances if the
ntry in the hands of the sixulers of
the people and the public h'trhwavs of
the nation turned over bodily to high
waymen. Tin; people of the nation are weary
of beinr plundered under pretense of
law. Itobbery is still robbery no mat
ter what the form v.liich may bo yiven
to it. There is no longer justice or a
consideration of the general welfare
anywhere. The pe )plo groan and cry
out for relief from intolerable oppres
sions and are answered with sneers and
called in derision "calamity howlers."
For many years we looked to your party
for relief f rom these oppressions. Time
has at length convinced us that such
hope is vain. The enemies of the peo
ple have taken e jmplet'j possession of
your organization and it is today the
very emblem of Wall street greed and
avarice without a thought for the mass
of the people.
These facts and this condition of
things thus faintly outlined has driven
me from the party thus prostituted to
the country's ruin, and lias compelled
me, with thousands of others, to at
tempt through the people's party to re
store the people of the nation to their
rights and avert those dire calamities
which in all times have followed wick
edness in'this world.
And tli is being tho condition of mind
obtaining with me, I cannot consent in
silence that this gavel, mide of my
timber, given mo in the days of re
publican grandeur, shall bo prostituted
to tho -base'ollico of keeping order in a
convention of that party when it has
gone so far from its original purposes;
has nude, its If tho champion of the
enemies of human liberty and human
pinghts,.Ad is certainly ani rapidly
ountry into a bloody and
lej circumstance I demand
tho gavel, and unless vou
add to the other er aes
that of receiving stolen
tig them to be stolen I
the immediate return of
Awaitinsr vou ri v '
Vdv.j, Freeman.
vjnui ui lUMiiesfUcui i0WJT)l ICQ.'
uon ao. i: eniry ivxpatent No. 1;
recorded in pa-T?i voi vn. i roo.
ords general r tfier
lung tlu
rrible civil
Under thc-4
the return oil
are willing t
of your party!
roods, know i I
shall expect
the sane.
into millions the ai'iny
vagabonds which wer.
product of your party policy
ol t
i no vi-
Just befor
on tho street
ing from o
who wore
inuiy secu u
tion. Water.-
ing that hei
could get."
n. vV M. in:
trie 15. & Mi
1- I 1 . . f 4 1.,.
10 1110, UOlKl'J'! peoiue oi uie
are swiftly joining the vast
army ef vagabonds, the manufacturer-
millionairos are nilinir up collossal for-
huies al the expense of the consumers
1 , , , r
rn iiion urn or lit'' pretense oi
& M- Stories.
ri election l was ereeteu ud-
with "(rood morniDg." com-
ir presont Judge Waters.
7x1) smile, tho kind us
on candidates before elec
asked rne for my vote, say
"needed al tho votes he
I slid "I believo you are a
u; vou were nominated bv
and if elected will work
every way possible for them." "Well"
says he, "1 will take all the voles I can
get whether J & M. or :iot." 1 took
Me chancy nnd voted for Alien, and
I lost in 'one respect. But from the
allele inf last evenings Sin, headed
;;MayorV0ir did ahumauoact," I be
lieve I am rjght on the "ownenhip" of
the police judge: it is B. & M. Uut that
is uo thing. If I am going to tell Ii. &
"'otu"c-'i migni as weu tell .a krjo"(t
A U I. It
AU. tV 'Ml -fi'"
ylu'm to pay high
True it would enable th'
Hut although'Htv wno issounfortu-
priod for their products tl.ajC"i to weigh 245 pounds but who i3
in.w mj loiuruaiu as io weign uovvu Jiiuo.
00 when the pay car couies around, is
desirous of going to Chicago, and tak
ing treatment to reduce his avordupois.
Well a subscription paper is sent the
rounds among the poor laborers and a
fee of $2.00 each is asked to bear the
expense, and if tho amount is not forth
coming the delinquent is, well thev
find some excuse to lay said laborer oil'
Many a poor laborer (who is asked to
boar tho expense of cutting down this
corpulency,) is only getting $1.30 for a
12 hour day.
The above is not a ono man's storv
but I cau furnish you at least nno col
umn per week of such H. S: M. ism"
provided you will not crowd out uioro
important news. Kohrx.
m to do so.
his system of
robbery oi the many for the enrich
ment of the few does render them
amply able to pay wagos yet the result
is a constant reduction of wages and a
constant increase in the millions piled
up by these cormorants.
The railroad corporations fostered
and fattened by your party at the ex
pense of the body of the people, have
in the last few years approached so
near to omnipotence that government,
both state and national, has been com
pelled to abdicate and those creatures
party having grown so strong
laws of the country are power-
'control them, have secured a
form of government for them-
raiown as a railway commission.
spectacle is presented to tho
n a class of citizens not union
(the laws of the land, but having
regulations of their own con-
Siiold, then, the grand result of tho
lanagement of your party:
Tho Lincoln Road Grader was ono of
the leading features of the paride on
Thursday. For information address
Lincoln Road (Jkadkii,
co Lincoln, Neb.
If you play or sing, vou should have
a few of Mr. Gibson's "Songs o! the
00L. L. L. POLK
Col. I 'oik's death ha called for
many expression of TTOfdUlwLgricj
and many tributes of 'respect and love
from those who knew him a? a loader
and fellow worker in the cause of indus
trial liberty. The following are clip
ped from a few of the leading reforxa
papers of tho nation:
His sacrifices were many, and gen
erously made. His positions were con
scientiously taken, and steadfastly
kept. He was sincere and men trusted
him. Ho was honest and able, and they
did not fear to follow him. His belief
that independent political action is tho
farmer's way out of worse than Egypt
ian bondage, was of weight when
other men as honest, but not as far
sighted, questioned such action. Not
the least of the good deeds to b3 re
corded of him is the part he has taken
ic blending the blue and the gray, in
the burial of sectional strife between
C ,d. Polk was one of tho greatest,
grandest and best men of modern times,
a man who held the first place in more
hearts among the farmers and laborers
of America than any other mai of his
The thoughts and words that aro ad
dressed to the memory of this great
leader must ever ba of the highest
praise and most profound respect and
Ho was the friend and champion of
the poor and oppressed, and his sym
pathy always went out freely to those
in trouble and distress. Ir. intellect
ual attainments and ability he was the
peer of any man, and his oratory was of
the highest order, enabling him to
touch the mostsusceptib'o heart-strings
of his enraptured hearers in his God
inspired appeals for truth and justice.
He possessed a heart big enough to
love the world, and of too lino a text
ure to ever for a moment admit an im
pure motive. He combined, with an
indomit ible perseverance and energy,
a pure christian manhood which en
abled him to square the problems of
every day life with the law of God. No
higher plane than his can be reached
by man. A proper conception of re
sponsibility to God, of duty to himself
and fellow man, are essential attributes
of a great leader, and t his man possessed
them in the hignest degree.
Col. Polk was a man of brilliant abili
ties, of unquestioned honesty of pur
pose, and of unequaled executive ca
pacity, as his remarkably successful
guidance of the farmers' aliiance, to its
present position as a reform factor will
attest. He was a most eloquent public
speaker, and every one who has ever
hoard him will at once recall the im
pression of intense earnestness and un
swerving loyalty to the caus.V of the
great common people which cliWaeter
izedhim. Unable to combat lim on
questions of justice, and unawlo to
crush the great popular movement for
the freedom of the masses, his political
' TWUDcms nave resorted to tho Xisun
weaiMjnVrrfS,t rieiby eW V
within their powerA to
Rooms 24, 25 Burr Bl'k. Iter
J. W, Edojkhton.
y f the
E. T. FAHPnd Wind
Attorneys and Counselc-
Law. iave now
ch more
Room 614 New York Lira Build will be
ktl 1 rni'y
:he yearw
n saved
rear and
ings be
i would j
vou can .,"
jest and
o siaie,
an i agents
niinnr Of this
m mm mm A
An effectual remedy for the cure,nce Wf
Pain in the Stomach, Colic, Chelcra Ir blank
Cramp Colic, Bilious Colli, l'ainter te have
ic, Summer Complaint, Dysent . . .
Diarrhcro. Biloody Flux, Chrond t0
Diarrhoea, Cholera Infantum,
Cholera and Bowel Com- )Pr spp
piaintinallforms. te8 arid
For Sale by all Druggisthe law
rniCE, 25ct8 to in
' - ' " 11 c&sh
FARMERS' ALLlAdentlegis
,ne law si
Dr ruanv
iisands of
rmers ol
Allirmeo Kmhlpm I'in. which nnri'M-ili Ompiei
find is npplicnMe to every state in tidy othe.
rui uynuit r luniiMi u iieaiiy prim
iiv! irmce, wnicn enn wnttsi-iii-u ( ti
I'in during loinc services, showiiiiL' un
he rcKulur order, irith nnmoniul mmfbi
Alliance. After lo Ipre scfii''(s tho nln i
l(.-tached and wo-n lis ni every dnv -Wl U- streo
TlUi JKADI.KY'MfrV;. c VAnr
, FortWdnh. year
Pon't be Duped' "'un-;
Thfro have been placed iidoii tl e wher
eral pliBtogfaphic, reprints vf an ololete 1(
RV fNeh
canrassers ry goods dealer?, grocers, c
etc., and ina few instances hv nimni ' '
rioiuiuiu .ju i-uuMiipiions. noolis
parny or whrtiiy ol this comparatively
ot " Webxtd'r s
ottered at ItMv prict-8
tout moans
l)laok'.'n Ins good naino, but
without olU'ct other than to m
clearer their own infumv :m,i hi
rightuoss of charactor and' his uiisuUii
patriotism in the cause of the people.
Col. Tolk is dead,
ful truth, and there
It. is the
1 . 10
;ad. 1 ai ti
ls HO esciliinrr lo
Ourtrucrt. cur bravest, our b-st is'
taken from us. and ten million hearts
throb their griof in sympathetic unison.
Among hying Americans not one
could die who would be more widHv
sadly and lovingly missed. His death
makes a void in ten million hearts, and
nono can hll it. '
Hut, brother
memory of our
;- let our tribute to the
belovi-rl li-ri1.n. 1... 4i
Ti'llntn ili.i 1. i .
lK- 4 eonseerato 0U1..
v V ,, , uu' rauH0 fi" which
uieu. jvcinemner that he
-iiiK luai i ne cause
was fond of
was greater than
1 -l . i,' vlllvl
prove his saying tr;;,,:(n(rllv a
and determined st:ilui i..u '
from death. lVrch "7,i
e '
rpprintare givein vari.-,us rmmes, "Th ft' , ,
Webster's Dictionary," "Webster's icj ndi
Dictionary," " Webster's Unabridgld? riu '
Bter'8bigiiictioiiary,"etc.,etc. WanyVar.
mentsconceruiiijK these u a jl
Donirit niA4;nnoM:e t
4 HCJI Itll UllllUliai C
tjare very misleading, but the Websfmanv
Ifortion of each from A to Z is the K"."-L
Jive vears bpbin,'! the times. Aiirl'nPrieiOrs
atfs made by '"Rraphing tb Well-kne
tie are no illustrations mine i rrirrmim
'is, and FHch as ar Krwuped at
tly discajded pictures from ole
lonary : j o. juuhiiaj
Long Since 0
rrii I'Kk :,r 'n bo cured.
5 sources, iut iv . T
was pudlistiedwtieff roiKjiFtt"y ul iixw
buried at t8te ineontjng oCh.o name COIldit
Hter euireiJ fi-m Lincoln to Hfh.,to(i
popular coiiyhted "Unabridged," Wn, , ,l
recently befn niperseded by WEnsT'i!U8 a
national D' (TicsAUT, anew lKok fronicom t
cover, fully ibrt ast of the times. ?f
AjS--Send p":ir free pamphlet giving parti
C. & t. MERRIAM & C Neb
Springfield, Mass., US.
ful v.u iYli. ).finit rv,,.. n J
lind i
-1 on c
Headquarters f f r this Class of fser 11
lie Lin-
Jl ' lity for -