THE ALLIANCE-INDEPENDENT. THE MORSE DRY GOODS O OMA H A , NBBRA SK A . Our Store Is the Mercantile Center of Omaha. LOW PRICES PREVAIL. RELIABLE MERCHANDISE with but a single profit. Fair Treatment and the Best Service You Can Demand. Buy your goods, supply your needs as far as you can, of your home merchant. If you cannot get what you want at home, SEND TO US FOR ANYTHING YOU WANT. Is we chance not to have, we will at once constitute ourselves your friendly aent?, and GET IT FOR YOU. WAVE YOU A DAUGHTER whose wedding is near? , . . HAVE YQU N whose wardrobe needs replenishing? HAVE YOU A HUSBAND whose linen and underwear need attention? HAVE YOU A WIFE whose costumes for travel or church need a freshening? HAVEYOU a single want we can fill? IF SO, AND YOU CAN'T GET IT AT HOME, SEND OPEN ORDERS, OR LETTERS OF INQUIRY. Send for estimates in dress making and samples of anything you want, and of which we can cut samples. Send for our illustrated fashion catalogues and Butterick Fashion sheets, mailed free. Prompt attention given to all mail orders. Shopping by mail is convenient, safe and satisfac tory, especially if you entrust your orders to us. 3- WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR BUTTERICK'S PAPER PATTERNS, HALL'S BAZAR DRESS FORMS, DR. JAEGER'S SANITARY WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, THE CELEBRATED REYNIER KID GLOVES. When your mind is upon any one thing which is apt to be found in OUR STORE, such as Jackets, Linens, Waists, Blazer Suits, Shoes, Hosiery, Mattings, Rugs, Gossamers, Underwear, Curtains- Dress G-oods Carpets, Silks. Capes, Newmarkets, Ulsters, Men's Furnishings, Toilet Articles, Laces, Embroideries, Gloves, Mitts, Millinery, Art Goods, Art Materials, Lawns, Ginghams, Organdies, Flannels, Corsets, Umbrellas, Parasols, Books, Handkerchiefs, Housefurnishings, Refrigera tors, Ice Cream Freezers. Send tO US Learn our prices. Learn our liberal method of dealing with you. It is knowledge that will pay you, The MORSE DRY GOODS GO. OMAHA, NEBRASKA.