THE ALLIANCE-INDEPENDENT. Patronize Home Manufactories. Patented Oct. 15, '80. The Perfection Gear Wagon,, SIMPLEST, SHORT TURNING, JIANGS LOW, ABSOLUTELY NO RATTLE. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Just the wagon for Farmers, Grocers, Milkmen in fact anybody. D. W. CAMP & SON, 'MKr' CRETE - NURSERIES. ESTABLISHED IN I F72. Offers a choicft stock of trees and plants suited to Nebraska; also Nursery g-aown seedlings suited to timber claims. Sitbf iction guaranteed. Direit trade cuvr s ca-etul feloition?. Tbat we have tested what we offer to sell, and send varieties that leaf freely is evidenced by our own crop of Tliirtcca Thousand Bushels ol Apples and Eight Hundred Bushels of Cherries. grown in 18 'l At proper time we send out a choice yellow Djnt seed corn, yielding ia lfc'.H one hundred and five bushels and forty pounds prr acre. Ia stead cf purchasing of travelling men from eastern nurstrics, try a home nursery. Address for catalogue, E. F. STEPHENS. Crete, Nebraska MOPPING MADE CLEAN' COMFORTABLE Model Mop Pail and Wringer Combined. haddyvork. PLEA5&NT EMPLOYMENT. The only invention before the public at one ehVrfp, strong and easily managed. Can use boiling water, ice water, or strongest lye water. No sprained wrists; no chapped hands; when wringing s-tand erect and natural. You should have one. Ask your dealer, if he doesn't keep tliem as he should, send $1.50 and one will be shipped to you at once by the IVfodel MP Pcilciqd Wi'iqgei Cc. Uooom 7, Uichanfs Block, Lincoln, Neb. Agents wanted in everv nown and precinct; sells on sight; good chance to make money easy. Live agents sell 50 a day. hfeiul $1.50 for sam ple outfit. Cut this out, you may not see it again. 4 Leads them All, The Lincoln Road Grader. For im tonuation address H. J. Walsh. Cor. 11th & O St., Lincoln, Neb. Most of the faculty and students of another Normal unite with the Lincoln, Nebraska, Normal University, making t by far the most successful indepen . ent Normal in Asucrica. A OVRR M Rf 01 HOOKS. Everybody should have our full and complete list of all desirable Keforin literature, sons books, etc.. published. The following are some of the leading books and should be read by everybody whether interested in the Keforin work - r not : Labor, Land and Law, - - $1.50 (Hon. V. A. Phillips.) Farmers' Side, 1.00 (Senator Peffer.) The Way Out, .10 Bond Holders and Bread Winners, .25 Seven Financial Conspiracies, - .10 The Money Question, ... 25 Send for our catalogue of 150 Reform works. This is the largest, list publish ed, and the books are all sold at pub lishers' prices Address Peoples' Reform Book & News Co 120 Chestnut St., St. Louis, Mo. E I Awarded First Premium and Cold Medal sit the World's Industrial Cotton Centennial Exposition at New Orleans. La., in lssi-r after a trial Lasting Four Months. the BEST IN I HE the EUREKA WORLD and to-day stand at the head and front of the whole wind mill family. It is the cheap- raatt,s,n: Star Pumps We Have Them Also. Screen Wire, Fibre Ware, Screen Doors, Ladders, , Far n Dinner Bells, Western Washers, Plain Wire, Barrel Churns, I PQyfUryJettirg Refrigerator?, Pxt.;. t.i.. i - i: t xi ierv idea viaauuuu uuwu luuwt'la, Stoves, Pumps and Pump All Kinds of Pipe, Repairs, Tin Roofing and anything in the Hard ware Line. Especial attention paid to Harness Re pairs and Tin Job Work. G. M. LOOMIS, 905 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Half Rates to Saratoga, N Y. Via B. & O. R. R. The Baltimore and Ohio K R. will sell tickets to Saratoga Springs, New York, ob the occasion of the meeting of the National Educational Association, lor one fare for the round trip. Tick tin -will be on sale July 5th to 7th inelusiTe, and will be valid to return until Ju)y Oth inclusive. All It. & t). Vestibuled Express trains, with Pullman fleeping ca s, pass through. Washington. For fell information as to rate, time of train?, and sleeping car hcromodatijos apply to nearest B. & O. agent, iy L S Allen, Ass't. Gen. Pass. Agent. The; Rookery, Chicago. Cheap Rates For The 4th. The Union Pacific offers its patrcts cheap 4th of July rates as usual this year. For dates of sale and limits of tickets or any additional information apply to J. T. Mastin, C. T. A. 1044 O Street. E. B. Slosson, (Jen. Agten Union Pacific System. Lincoln, Nbi . 4th Of July Excursions Are very popular and successful. Ttoo exceedingly low rates offered by the Union Pacific this year will insure them an immense business Excursion tickets on sale at all Ticket Ollices of the sys tem. For dates of sale and limits of tickets or any additional informal ion apply to J. 1. Mastin, C. T. A. 1044 O Street. E B. Slosson, Gen. Agent Union Pacific System, Lincoln, Nebr. The Lincoln, Nebraska, Normal Uni versity is the high grado Normal of the west. Wives. You who have borne so much" on whom the burden rests so heavily through drink accursed drink. Ve have a remedy for the poor husband and father. We take away from him the appetite and desire, so strong that his wiil and resolution is so power Jess to combat. We mako him again the man he was when In was your idol and your lover. Write us for information confiden tially and we will send you our pamph lets. Bedal Cold Cure Co , 1137 P street, Lincoln, Neb, Low Rates to New York and Return The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co.. will sell excursion tickets from Chicago to New York and return at rate of 00 for the round tiip for all through trains leaving Ch'cago July fth to ?th. inclusive. The tickets will be valid for return .purney until Augut lflb, ami will ))i good tor stop over at 1 cr Park, the famous mountain resort on ibe sum mit of the Alleghanies, and ak-o at Washington City. Tickets to New York aud return via B. & O. ItrR. will also be on sale at the otlices at the principal roads throjighout the West. For full information as to time of trains and sleeping car accommodations apply to L. S. Allen, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent B. & O. R. It., The Rookery, Chicago. C. M. Gardner has opened a hat and men's furnishing goods store in the new Y. M. C. A. building, Cor. 13th and N. He also has 1 he agency for Wanam&ker & Brown's custom m?.de clothing. We -vant 50,000 subscribers under out campaign offer. The Lincoln, Nebraska, Normal Uni versity has the finest buildings, equip ments and ablest faculty of any other Normal. TLe Litest invention w the model mop pail and wringer described in another column. EVERYBODY SHOOTS BLUE ROCKS (Every Gun Dealer Keeps Them) Because Tliey are tli BEST FLYER. BEST BREAKER. BEST PACKER. BEST TRAVELLER. BEST PICK-UP, 11,000,000 Sold, in 1891. Send kok I i.lubi k itu) Catalogue with Trap Shooting Kc.s. The Cleveland Target Ca, Cleveland, o., u. s Our Expert Trap. 1 1 nun ynt: j Uii' 1 1 1 i i n m-p i m- Pi "r '"""t.