The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, June 30, 1892, Image 10

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dit ion tha
Prof. Andrews at Olay Center.
CLAV CKNTKK, N'rb., -lunc H, '2.
KlITOK A L L I A N C E I N I ) K I K N I K N T".
The republicans of this county held
their "ratification" lat)iitfht.
1'rofcbHGr V. K. Andrews, their nom
ine for congress, wa tin; chief .sx;ak
er. A great many independents had a
desire to see the man who will "talk
tariff" while McKeighan goes to con
gress. So the court room was well
Professor Andrews is a gentleman of
pleasing address, and convinced all
that he is well versed in all the "quaint
and curious volumes of forgotten lore;"
but in meeting MchVighan on the
issues of the day, his came will le
"pants," and "nothing more."
The speaker gave an eloquent peror
ation on freedom from the Mayflower
down and asci ilxjd it all to the re
publican party. He brought into re
view all the great characters of Amer
ican history, and claimed them .Jeffer
son and all as exponents of the princi
ples of the republican party.
He compared the period between
178.'J and 1789 with the present time and
assumed that the different condition is
due to the wisdom of the republican
He spoke of the "southern outrages"
and charged t hem up to the democratic
oi i tie
Maine ailoTae
v luuuca uie rceijn
matchless man from
protection of "Tin" MeKinley, but
thought that Harrison should have the
credit of it all.
lie '.rave it as his opinion that, as the
our nation are In better con-
in are the people of uussia
and Ireland we ought to bless the g. o.
j). and he content.
He closed his discourse by wondering
how it is that under a republican form
of government like ours all men are not
republicans, and telling the voters that
he would take it as a favor if they
would all vote for hiin.
Hon. Ti. (!. Hurd was then called for
and made the "hit" of the evening
when he informed I'rof. Andrews that
if he boat "the man from Cork" he will
bo a daisy. He also said that the chop
ping down of the Sycamore (Nettleton)
had caused quite a disturbance in the
republican atmosphere of Clay county
but lie believed that it would" subsice
and all would rally to the standard.
Mr. Hurd's remarks were of a humor
ous nature and woke the people up in
good shape.
We have since heard a number of re
publicans say they believed they would
vote for their candidate.
the meeting was advertised to be held,
and although a fire breaking out on the
premises of our president drew many
away, yet a large and enthusiastic
audience greeted the speaker. It was
noticeable that Mr. Fairchild spoke as
a "lecturer of the alliance" and not a
a "people's party" speaker. Using his
own words he was a "member of no
party." "Was glad he had broken
loose from party ties. No party in ex
istence was above taking bribes. They
were all corrupt," and he "wished all
alliance members to cut loose from
Mr. Fairchild believes in mixing re
ligion with his politics, which fact
somewhat startles his old party fcon
temporaries who know that their poli
tics and religion are strangers. After
the address the writer heard the fol
lowing comment from many lips: "It
is the best sermon T've heard for many
years." S.
Inez, Holt Co., Neb., June 18.
Enthusiasm Unbounded
York, Neb., June 18. Editor Alliance-Independent:
Though York
county may !; alphabetically at the
tail of the list of the counties in the
state, yet in enthusiasm for the princi
ples of the independent party she ranks
away up.
We held our county convention to
day, the veteran Dr. Moore of Brad
shaw presiding, and selected delegates
to the different state and district con
ventions. Entire harmony prevailed,
throughout. The delegates appeared
to be all of one mind in 'One place, and
when a resolution was offered to in
struct the different delegations elected
to fuse with neither of the old parties,
in making their nominations, the en
thusiasm was unbounded and it wis
carried with a whoop and a yell.
I can desorib3 the feelings and ac
tions of the convention no better than
than to quote the language of aCennan
delegate present. He said: "You pot
dis is a pully convention, and nopody
got mad already."
Yours for anti-fusion.
J. V. Harrison.
He Is Preaching Reform Gospel.
Sunny Side Alliance was given a
treat last Saturday in the shape of an
address from our assistant state lee
turer.S. C. Fairchild.
Although the old party mosbaeks
tried to break up the meeting by dom
ing; us the use of the house in which
The Political Regeneration of the World.
Editor Alliance-Independent:
The people, imielled by necessity,
are at last bestirring themselves in
defense of their "inalienable rights."
Fired by the same hopes, ideas and
wishes, allies in the impending strug
gle for supremacy between monopoly
and the masses, the great, plahr
of the, United S-i"r71C
i "f" -'B arc now deter
1 ( UmwAii the wide gulfs, digged by
Liuman selfishness that yawn between
man and man," and plant thereon laws
that shall secure to every citizen,
liberty without license, and justice un
sullied by the foul touch of bribery, un
clouded by partisan bias.
"When there shall be no sex in citi
zenship, no sectarianism in religion,"
"When the day arrives when he who
has no work to do will not find it good to
show himself in our quarter of the solar
"When pauperism shall cease to be
the unavoidable condition of existence
for any worthy member of the toiling
"When, through the agency of or
ganic and statue laws, there shall be
guaranteed, to every citizen equal op
portunity for equal industry, intelli
gence and economy.
Whee the governmental policy and
practice of all nations shall be securely
based upon the equitable basis of
Then political regeneration of the
world will approach its accomplish
ment. A fall to the greatest must precede
the full, final, thoroughly political re
generation of the world. Yet no van
dal hands can ever reach and grasp and
secure this great boon to long suffer
ing, misgoverned humantty.
The right to change any existing
form of government, to amend or re
peal constitutions or statute laws, is
only given to the few statesmen who,
in originating and advocating meas
ures for the public good, are endowed
with the ability and wisdom io estab
lish better forms of government, and
enact more equitable laws.
No practical reformer ever attempts
to "take from any man what he trusts
in until he is prepared to accept the
substitute offered him." Anarchy lurks
in the breast of any man who, under
the mask of reform, proposes to "de
stroy the soul of the land, by the de
struction of its shrines and sanctua
ries," Let contentious sectarians wrangle
over their various translations of the
Word. It is our duty as citizens of
this great republic, as free electors, so
to use our franchise as to enact laws in
conformity with the decalogue, and
administer the laws in line with the
golden rule. Thus will come the politi
cal regeneration of the world.
Old Equity
Syracuse. X. Y.. June 24.
Franklin Is All Right
Franklin, Neb., June 24.
We are .still a kicking down in this
neck of the woods. McKeighan's name
is our watchword.
Marion Allhnee No. 1472 gave an
entertainment and supjcr June 18. A
cake was voted the prettiest girl and
and one to the homeliest man. Total
proceeds $22."0. The money is intend
ed for campaign purj)ses.
A county mutual fire and lightning
insurance company has been organized
in this county. Also many farmers are
insuring in the state hail company.
You can safely count on Franklin
county for the indeendent ticket.
Yours for success,
Frank Kimherling.
Pierce County.
The county convention of the people's
independent party of Pierce county,
met at Foster on the 18th and elected
delegates to the state conventions to be
held at Lincoln June 30th, and at Kear
ney August 3d, and the district conven
tion cf the Third district held at Nor
folk June 21st. A vote of the conven
tion was taken as to preference for
" u v cram uuu uui j k i t-sn; i ,
Wright's Appointments. If
vc v wriirht psi8tant state lectu i
Alliance will be at O. Hull's ai
neur Greenwood Saturday evealnjr. Jufl
Enttrnrlse alliance near BeHnrtt, ;
T - - 1 , V.
Panama. Lancaster county. July 12tt
Raymond, Friday evening juiy i;m
.nuntv fro Til .111 v ibid to -.fra.ii
Ah meeting will be thoroughly advUtised
and arrangements made for a grand rly of
A, J, R1GBY & CO.,
I nnnc I aw and Collections. t
hivui J r
L MACK. Att'y&Mg'r.i
1025 0 Street. Lincoln Neb.
- ' i
Real Estate, Insurance and Collections,
Van Wvek.itatlSMiO3
Lwij"a,WSrr!ie choice of the con-
for the latter nomination. The con
gressional convention however, saw lit
to nominate Senator Povnter. which
gives good satislaction here.
It. A. Tawney, Sec.
Pierce, Neb., June 211.
Lincoln, t 5 "'
"' ii Hi i
Have you a brother or a sweet heart
who drinks too much? Use your in
lluence to have them come to us to be
cured. We can do it and make them
worthy of a sister's affection and love
Hedal (ioLD Cube Co.,
1137 P street, Lincoln, N
Stand by Principle-
The independents seek to unite the
people in order that the laws be made
and administered in the interest of the
people instead of in the interest of a
few citizens who are organized into
With the people divided on old dead
issues the corporations 4 'scoop the
board," and take the profits of every
legitimate industry as completely as
the slaveholder gathered in the results
of his chattel's toil in the days of negro
Andrew Jackson was right when he
pounded the United states bank into
the ground. If the people's party is
true to its principles it will bury the
chartered privileges of corporations so
deep that they will never see a morn
ing of resurrection.
If we show that we mean business,
every farmer, laborer, business and
professional man who believes in fair
play will be with the people's party in
the end. C. M. Clakk.
Lincoln, Neb.. June 2.".
An Outrage Condemned
The following resolutions refer to the
cowardly midnight assault made not
long since by some ruffians on J. S.
Meseraul, editor of the Crawford
Boomerang, one of our gocd reform
Whereas, Our brother, J. S. Mese
raul, having incurred the enmity of a
certain class of citizens by his fearless
efforts to maintain order and secure
the enforcement of the law;
Whereas, We have cause to believe
the outrage perietratcd upon himself
ana wile on the night of June 11, 1892,
was instigated and preformed by the
lawless class which he has antagonized;
be it therefore
Keso veil That the White Itiver Val
ley Alliance No. lfi, of which brother
Meseraul ond wife were cstpm.wi mom.
- - ,11.4V 111
bers. condemn in unmeasured terms
the cowardly assault committed upon
them as above stated; and be it also
Resolved, That we, as an alliance, en
dorse and commend Brother Meseural
in his efforts to maintain law and
order. p. Wolfe,
T, . Secretary.
Lndorsed by Spring Creek alliance.
S Field Fan
140 S. Ilth St., LINCOlA
Thoroughly fresh and true
to name.
Hon. O. M. Kern will be almost unan
imously renominated for congressman
from the 0th district, and he will also
be reelected. Mr. Kern has made a
good clean record, as an honest con
scientious worker, and there is more
work in congress for just such men to
perform. Independent Era.
A Wonderful Traton
Do you want the best Traction KninJie in tin-
World. With patent wrought iron tiud stel
frame and many other improvements
found only on our
New patept Hpgipes.
There are no wheels
holier, and it will last far longer and pull more
than any ot her. Also do you want Stationary
Engines and boilers, or Threshers, Saw Mills.
Steam Plows. Swinirimr Stackers etc tc it
so don't fail to write and get our new cata
logue etc.
L. H. WICKE, General Agents,
No. 2, 4 and 6 W. lOtk St.
A new and Complete Treatment, consisting of Sujv
poBitnries, Ointment inOapmilrg, also in Box and rill:
a 1 ositive Cure for External. Internal. Wind or ifleel
ing Itching. Chronic, Recent or Hereiitary Piles, ami
many other diseases and female weaknepses; it io M
ways a trrent benefit to the general health. The first
discovery of a medical cure rendering an operation
with the knife iinneoesBary hereafter. This remedy lwn
never boon known to fail. $1 par box for $5: i.t
by mail. Why Fntter from thin terrible disease when
a written gunmntee in ponitively given with 6 ben,
to refund the money if not cured. Send stamp fer
freeKnmple. Guarantee issued by J. H. Harley.dniK
gist, sole agent. 11th and O Rtrceta. Lincoln, Neb.
Was writcn under the abovo title V -
The Book of the Century.
The grandest reform hook now in
print. Every thinking voter should
read it. Price, $1.50. For sale1 at this
oflice. 4 7tf
Sondfor our complete book list.