WM MIL COLLEGE n Lincoln. Scbrnskn, &n O'k 5cl?o1 m Q J2 ocQTt'on. TbU famoai college b locatwl in the taautiful, Wealthy inbnrb of Hawthorn, ami just outai.le the corporation limit, giyiog citjr atlvantgwwith -country taxes. fROM FiFTV TO ONE HUNDRED HOUSES Will be neeltd for the aniniolation of to dents before September 1st, ami th management of the W ttern Normal College GUARANTEE THE RENT AT THE RATE OF $48.00 A ROOM FOR THE FIRST YEAR. and the owners of houses to receive pay for fuel and light extra. , No better place than Hawtl orn to build houses for investment. Property will double in value within twelve , months, and now is Jthfi time to invest JLOTS SOLD ON EASY The association has a large donati-m of land which they hare platted in lots and have put tlim on the matktt at very low figures fur the next 00 days. PRICES OF LOTS FltOM S50 10 Electiic cars to run direct to the collg. 1300,000.00 to $500. 000. 00 will be put in I uild ings More January, 18U3. Any parties bujing lots can double their investment ia a short ti're. It is the best investment ever offered in IJucoln. This school enrolled 4.300.tndnts in 1801. It will take from L',000 to 5,000 people to care for the students alone. Barber & Fowler are Eiclosive Agents (or the Hawthorn Property. For apy ipfori"tiop cTT op or addrss, Barber & Fowler, FOOT 0, 04l o TP"T, LINCOLN - NEBRASKA. Formerly of Shenandoah, Iowa, Now of Lincoln, Nebraska, Prof. M Croan at Its Head. Is Second Largest Normal College in America This college is located three to three and one-half miles southwest of the city on high. ; rightly, ground, overlooking the city of Lincoln, a city of 65,000 to 70,000 population. Wholesale Farming. The great wheat farms of the Wert -mad Northwest are to the (mailer East ' ra Farms what the great wholesale job bing houses are to amtll retail ttorea. The more conservative Eastern farmer ope at hii eve with wonder, and perhaps f bakes his bead with Incredulity, when 1 he hears tales told of the immensity of the great "bonanza farms" and their wholesale methods of farming. Ten-thousand acres of wheat in a "Ingle field seems like a fairy tale, and thirty or forty self-binding harvesters at wort togetner seems quite oeyona tneir belief. The DokotU are a land of big things, big distances, big winds, big crops, "big Injuns" and big farms. The picture accompanying this article n-epresenU a scene on a bonanza farm In .Vorth Dakota. So far as the machines -are concerned the picture might repre sent a harvest scene on any big farm, tor it is an undeniable fact tbat the famous self-binders shown In the picture are used, to the exclusion of all others, on nine out of ten of the big farms of North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota Colorado, Montana, Tennessee and else where. Twenty or thirty self-binding harves ters in line, clicking steadily along through a thousand acres of ripe yellow wheat is a sight that one wl'l not soon forget. Stand at the edge of the uncut grain and watch these twenty Deering Binders go by each cutting lis swath of six or seven feet and following close be hind the machine la front, a line four hundred feet long. A visit to these great farms of the Northwest is enough to convince the most sceptical that tills country cf ours rightly stands at the head of all countries of the world for the preemlnenoe of agriculture. The American far cers lead all others and fully deserve the large measure of success that has crewned their efforts. EMM DEPAETUENT. j. i. m. owiuakt, secretary ar tne Nebraska Mutual Crolnne, Taroado and Wind storm lniursHos Cora pan, KDITUH. i: rom-munloatlont on tin, Cretans or Hall Insurance should be addressed to aim at Crctone. If you read the papers you know of cyclones In all directions. But as we he Rudge & Morris Co., Hardware i Furniture ' 1118 AND 1122 N ST., LINCOLN, NEB. OAKLAND STOVES. GUILDERS HARDWARE. BARB WIRE AND MAItS. FARMERS TOOLS, ETC., ETC. CHAMBER SUITS, SI4.tot.2C0. PARLOR SUITS, $20. to MO?. DININO ROOM SUITS 10. to 80 Couches and Lounges 6. to $60. We will make a Special Delivetd Price on Furniture delivered out of City. Rudge & Morris Co. 1886.- -1802. Farmers Supply & Grain Go. OFFICE 511 CHAMBER COMMERCE BUILDINO. ro. M. FULWILER, Bus. A, f. AU CHICAGO, III. This Company eondaeU Oeeeral Mercantile and Grata Uuslneee and ! prepared ta raralsh at the Lowest Prices . ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE, FARM MACHINERY AND UTENSILS. BINDER -:- TWINE A Sf eeUItjr. We D.al In all trade. Write for Information and prices, INDEPENDENT OF THE TBUSTS. Receives Consignments of Grain, Hay, Wool, Etc., Etc. Money advanced on ehlpmente when desired. Direct shipments save pnioaiaman a profits. neauon mil paper. want Out Jbrpert trap. EVERYBODY SHOOTS BLUE ROCKS Every Qun Dealer Keeps Them) X3eoau.se They are tile BEST FLYER. BEST BREAKER. BEST PACKER. BEST TRAVELLER. BEST PICK-UP, 11,000,000 sold in leei Umd roa iLLCSiaitso Cataloous wits Tap Bhootiko Butts, The Cleveland Target Co., Cleveland, o., u. s now have a mutual Cyclone Co., should not be helped who is not wiilli to help others by insuring with the cheaD est and best insurance company in Ne- orasica. aena to toe editor oi tins de partment for Information on all insur ance subjects. Fire and Lightning Two more companies were organized last week. There are about twenty-five now Incorporated in the stato since the new law took effect last Aupist. We hope every county will either organize a company or Join in with neighboring counties so that the whele state will be covered with mutual insurance. Hail. We are now sending out contracts and making the irsuranoe good and are de sirous to have 500,000 acres insured this year. We have no paid agents but every member of the comnanv should see that his neighbor (whether he is an ainance memoer or not) la insured. This company will terminate next December when all. losses are paid. While there is seemlnslv some flaws in our plan we can tot change them this iaie in me season, cut tney can oe remedied next year. We nope shat wmie you are in Lincoln at the conven tion you will call on us. Ine re were several hail storms in the state last week, Wanted. Fat cattle, calves, and all kinds of butchers .tock. butterescra and produce Have also purchased the New York Dining Hall at lit South th. street, and will conduct a first class res'.aurait l-2t D. W. Sbafeb. Notice. Secretaries of county conventions of the reople s Independent r arty are re quested to send to the secretary oi tne state committee the credentials of the d legates elected to the Lincoln conven tion June w. u. n i'irtlk, bee. State Com Beatrice people are crying for water while the contractors are a'suring tho newspaper men that the plant is being repaired and extended and will some time yield an abundant supply. At Norfolk yes'erday Enirlneer Geo, Martia, while leaning out of the cab of his engine and looKing backward, had his head struck by a bridge with such force as to fracture his skull and knock htm out of his engine. He is a tingle man whose home is at Sioux City. His In jut In are considered quite danger ous. ife. George Buker, from near Beat' rice, while vlsitls? on a farm near Table Hock, undertook to make friends with a Polled-Angns bull, when the an iraal knocked Mr. Baker to the ground, breaking his caljar bone and several rib, the ends of which penetrated his lungs. A Wonderful Traction ENGINE. Do you want the best Trafltlnn Enirln In tha World. . With Daunt wrought Iron and steel frame and many other patent Improvements found only on our fleJW Fte)jtt EpglTtsa There are no wheeli or areartnir baits to th Doner, auu it win last iur longer ana pun more than any other. Also do you want Stationary Engines and boiler, or Threshers. Saw Mil In. Steam Plows, Swinging Stackers, etc., etc.. If so don't fall to write and get our new cata logue et. LH.WICKE, General Agents, Ho. , and 6 W. 10th St. Wanted. Two car load of good po tatoes. Write J. W. Hartley, State Agt. Notice. Notice is hereby given that we have formed a corporation by the name of the Llnco'n Medical and Surgical Hospital, and that the prinotpal place of transacting Its business i Lincoln. Lancaster county, Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transact ed Is to operate a Med oal and Surgical Hospital for medical treatment and he prac tice of surgery. The airount of capital stock la auinonzmi to ie twenty ere mousauu dol lars. Twenty-live hundred dollars Is to be paid In t once for toe furniture and fitting upof said Hospital. The time of commence ment snail oa May loin, eras, ana snail ena Slur Vt. 1HW. and the highest ameunt of In debtedness, or liability to which the corpora tion ! at any time to suojeot useii is twenty- nve m.usana aonars. ana tne names er ine officers br which the affairs of the corporation are to De ooauuoiea are one Burgeon in charge, one assistant Surgeon, and one Treasurer. THAO. rl. WOODWARD, r H. C. Dbmakks. Bis Last Home of Clay. Colonel E. A. Crawford, who died rv eently at Atlanta, was laid to rest in the old and Uttered confederate nni form which he had worn during the war, and which, in ItsbuUet holes, told how aear he had been to death from the federal foe. tit DE MOINES, IA, i5 , fffSPIMM rail" r Jain iiulldlsf, 20 ictt irwnt. 25 DEPARTMENTS. THFFTT TBCHKF I f-OTs-SCCTAmAK. BT Auu pKeiAUTTTHOpouaHLiTCHPITIArs TEE LARGEST HORUAL SCHOOL III THE WEST. rUKMEHLV LUCATtU AT 8UEMANUOAU, IOWA. BEAUTIFUL, healthy, elghtly location, 20-acna campus, electric street-car lin-, magnificent buildings (main building, dining hall to seat 600, power house, water supply system), fttie equipments, superior accommodations, strong faculty, experienced management, comprehensive curriculum, thorough work, high moral and Christian influence, and !ow expenses for students, nuke this a Qf f School. pepariiriei)is ai) Courses: PrMiaratory, Review, Normal, Pedagogic, Special Pedagogic, Stat Certificate, Model School, Kindergarten, Scientific, Classic, Literary, Mi itary, E o cutlooary Civi' Ennineering, Electrical Engineering, C mmereial (inc uding Banking, Etc.), Pen Art, Public School Penman ship and Drawing, Designing and Illustrating, Short hand and Ty writing, Musi el (including baid and orchestra), Fin Art, Telegraphy and Phjsical Training (including Delsarte and Swedish Systems.) You Can Enter at Any TIB'S and find Juil Such Classes as Yeu Pire. A Practical Educillos Without Wails ol Tims. Money er Energy, is Our Aim. YOUR CAR FARE PAID. In order that all may test the merits of the Western Normal College, and see our superior advantages in the way of buildings, equipments and faculty, we have decided to pay the railroad fare of all students from their hemes to Lincoln, provided they are present on tho openiog dy.of the fall term. wfHTE FOP PiFTTCUtAFS. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT., 182 Catalogues and Circulars Free. Write to us. ADDRES81 WM M CROAN, Pres.. or W. J KINSLEY, Sec y and Tr: as. WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE, Lincoln, Nebraska, Those of our readers who are antici pating buying a road grader will tiud it greatly to their Interest to eall on or address 11 J. Walsh, Cor. 11th & O St., Lincoln, Neb. China Hall. When in want of Mason Fruit Jars call at headquarters China Hall 121!i O street, we have also the Alaska Refrig erator best and cheapest in the market. Full line of Arctic and White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers, Complete line of Glass and Ironstone China at prices to please. 50 4t Geo W. Lorimor- JAPANESE W7 CURB A turn and Complete Treatment, ooiwiiting of fnp pnaituiiea. Ointment iaOspwke. elm in Box and Pills; a Ponitlre Care for EtterosL Intn nsl. ni ad or Bleed ing Itching. Chronic Recent or Haregitarr Plls. and many other diaeaxea sud female weaknoses: it i al wsye s greM benefit to the genera' health. The Brut dlncoYcey of a medical curs rendering an operation with tlie knife nnaeoKMry hereafter. ThU rameilr hm never been known to fail, gl wr box S for Sis; writ bjmsil. Why suffer fromthi terrible disraewhen a written gunrantee is poHitively given with ti boxes, to refund the money if not cared. Kend stamp ( free sample, (inarantee ismed by J. H. Harley, drug gist, sole agent. Utb and 0 auieta, Lincoln, ki. HOW IS IT? Have you bought your new spring suit? If not try us. Our stock is complete with with sll the latest Novelties nn w.-ll as staples. Prices are correct. You can fled bo fault when ynu take into consideration what you receive for your money. Satisfaction Guaranteed. We Always Try te Please. If you should buy anythln of us and It should -not prove satisfactory let us know aud we will be pleased to make it right Gome and Bring your Boys with Yon. stock consists or Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc TRUNK AND VALISE DEP'T IN CONNECTION. Have been in bufiness several years, and have succeeded in building up a good trade now we want you for a customer. Baker Clothing House 1 125 O St. LINCOLN, NEB. J I. CASE THRESHING MACHINE CO " L Center Crank Stationery and Traction Engines. Send for Catalogue. GUS STATES, General Agent, Branch House Lincoln, Neb.