The farmers' alliance and Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1892, June 16, 1892, Image 5

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    Nebraska Enterprises.
The patriotic Nebrvkan fels uuch
pride, doubtless, in the enterprises vt
hi4tate as the cit'.ztn of an J country
in the wrJ. Tbe bue and cry abiut
manufacturers becoming millionaire
through our prrjent protective ys
Um rle not apply tf our Nebraska
manufacturers, especially tbo.-e wn:e
later and interest '. in I chalfof the
ianuer and b': wife. Tne Allunce-
IxiJEi'Esi'EJiT must le xetid for en
tertaining a most kindly feeling toward
such institutions as th i'h ite Manufac
turing Company of Lincoln, Xeb. I' be
long in ettect to the farmer and the
farmer' wife. With it business bead
quarter established at the capital of tie
state, and its large factory in operation
at Weeping a'.er, it is the subj?t of
nonest pride to ewry citizen, it is a
new corporation having an authorized
capital of t.'OO.OOO, of which 1 120.000 is
now paid up ni. M. Ovler is rresi
dent. W. J. Wa:gh Vice President, L.
C. IluoiUhi'ev. Secretary and J. Chase,
Treasurer. The management of the
factory is under tne personal direction
of Mr. Chase at Weeping Water who is
well fitted for this position having had
several years successful experience in
manufacturing business. Mr. Humphrey
who organized and carried on the Ne
braska Savings Bank cf Lincoln has
reigned bis position a bank cashier to
take charge of the output cf the factory
and has opened general offices for the
institution in the Y. M. C. A. building
in the city.
The gentlemen are prominent and
popular citizens, all men ci acanowi
edzed ability and public spirit.
The specialties of this manufactory
are: 1 he improved Aoble sewing ma
chine, the Addis windmill with hinged
tower, the Favorite stock waterer and
cold rolled steel letters, figures, etc.
The improved Noble is a sewing ma
chine of the hiehest order, a? good as
any in the market and embraces the
modern improvements- It is light run
ning and elegant in finish and the stand
light and graceful, is matte of rolldd and
bent steel, being the only machine made
with a steel stand.
The Addi; Windmill commends itself
especially to the favor ef farmers in all
prairie states because of the novel ar
rangement whereby a few turns of a
crank lays the wind wheel Hat upon the
ground where it is safe from hih winds
saving a wondeiful amount of wear
when not In use. and making it very
easy to oil and keep in repair.
Every stock raiser will appreciate the
Favorite Stock Waterer. It is simple,
cheap and in effect is better than a liv
ing spring on a man's firm, for it can
be located wherever it is desired to
use it. Tbe Company has hai many
flattering testimonies from farmers
who have been usinc thim.
The fixed principle of the Company
is to turn out nothing but the best arti
cles and sell them on their merits.
See add for Western normal propei iy
on 4th page, be sure and look it over, the
greatest school ii the west.
Counterfeit Vnlon Labels.
Almost since the International Cigar
Makers' union adopted a label to desig
nate the product of union cigar rankers
unscrupulous manufacturers who would
not pay the union bill of prices (which
would entitle them to the use of the
labels) have counterfeited the stamps
made by the International and placed
them upon nonunion work. The union
has had a number of the counterfeiters
in different parts of the country in court
for violation of copyright, sometimes
winning and sometimes losing a case.
The decision has seemed to depend en
tirely upon the sentiments held by the
court on the labor question.
The latest caSe' Avas that of the union
cigar makers of Chicago against the
firm of Roper & Baxter, cigar manufac
turers of that city. The charge was
counterfeiting the label, and Justice
Brayton, before whom the case was
brought, decided against the defendants
and assessed a fine of $100, -which was
The cignr makers were practically the
pioneers of union labels, and their suc
cess in its use has surpassed all other
efforts in that line. The use of the label
and its recognition by organized labor
was one of the pet projects of Adolph
Strasser, late president f the Cigar
Makers' International union, and the in
fluence of the label today is one of the
brightest gems in the crown of that
great organizer and union manager.
Convict Labor and Country Road.
At least one plank in the platform
adopted at the state convention of the
so called People's party in Danville will
command the respect of all good citi
zens. It relates to the employment of
convict labor, and is as follows:
We demand that SB convicts in this state
kereaitartw employed to the winter mom he
In preparing matt-rial (or, and in the summer
monfai in making, permanent roads and other
stat Improvem r -1 s.
Tbs) People's party is not without rea
son in accusing the two dominant parties
of gross and unpatriotic negligence of
the subject of prisou labor. As the mat
ter now stands a return to the odious
old contract system is precluded by con
stitutional amendment. The existing
contracts are expiring and the st.ite
must soon assume the problem, the last
legislature having dodged it in cowardly
wise. Since enforced idleness is a thing
too horrible to be considered at all, and
since the state must therefore furnish
employment of some kind to the con
victs, the question seems to resolve itself
into a choice between the application of
convict labor to public works and a re
turn to the familiar and therefore odious
system of labor on state account.
We venture that once the suggestion
of the People's party was adopted there
would be no further trouble with the
convict labor question and the scandal
of our country roads would become a
gradually vanishing quantity. Chicago
Fighting Organization.
One of the biggest humbugs of modem
times is the assertion made by the apol
ogists of capitalism that employers
have no objections to labor organizing
so long as it does not interfere with the
rights of others. It is sufe to say that
fully one-half of the large employing
concerns in this country hate the very
words "labor union," believing as they
do that labor is simply a tool to be used
to make them richer, and that a work
ingman is entitled to no more consider
ation than any other machine.
The Cambria Iron company, of Johns
town, Pa., is -fair sample of the class
of employers- referred to. 'Recently a
committee of the Brotherhood of Train
men called upon the company's man
ager and asked for an advance in wages.
The request was not discussed or even
noticed by the manager. He simply
asked the committee if they represented
the Brotherhood, and when they an
swered in the affirmative they were dis
charged without another word. That is
how capital is trying to establish
"friendly relations'' with labor.
ftatratf AIMnnre nirinr Mjdit.ona. to
j fnruwr dte tor K. nifht. ;! h lit ia
; )rct jrr for Unruli r ouily :
I Hfmoa4 Monflnf, Juur J i. at p. m.
Cttcuer. InijrHay. June V I, at S p. in.
hi maha. Vr,dj . Junr ai 6 n. in.
Fm am. :: ur.l. Jur.t- at p. it.
( i-ii)iLit(n- at i-aih piliit a-e rt'iuett'l to
ibor'juyb y aHviu me uittift aid not f
, tli ubceif f-Mtd it ikttunr tf ctiai r ntv
i mad. w. v. ;ht.
Brtnaujr P.O. Nit.
Congressional Convention.
Junes. IK".
Thhir.tfrfMumij onrfition of tbe get-i'tid
I corif reuiuiiai d.atrtu .tit the l'eop
I pendent party of Ntlraa. will meet in
Oxatta at lenira ni:. r . eouia rounecmn
trtt. oo tbe eveninr of June Si. irttj, at
o'Ciot k Tbe Uumnm of tbe convention
be ti :eot four deievatea and four alternate
to tbe national convention which uieeia at
Omati. Ju y 4. Tne apportionment to tbe
counties wii; be to tame a to ibe itat con
vention lxula.Vr. eiarpr ft, Washington 7.
ily order ot executive i-on.mlitee.
J. II. k IX NfcV, Chairman.
F. B. HibbLmd. cecr.
Eye, Ear, Note and Throat Disease
Are very common in this climate. Tbe
general all around doctor, is not pre
pared to treat these cases. If be U in
terested in his patients, as he should be,
he would advise thetn to consult a
specialist in this line of work. Among
those who treat all forms of catarrhal
diseases of tbe eyes, ears, nose and
throat, none are more successful than
Drs. Moore and Dennis, Catarrh Spe
ciilists of Lincoln Neb. Oradaates of
the best . medical colleges in America
they are thoroughly prepared to treat all
cases of polypus of the nose, obstructed
breathing, deatness, sore eyes, chronic
cold of the head, hay fever, asthma aud
bronchial and lucg troubles, all results
of nasal catarrh. Come and see m. A
consultation will cost you nothing.
Several hundred people have been suc
cessfully treated in Lincoln during the
past year. All classes, trades and pro
fessions, ladies and children are repre
sented by those who have been, or are
being cured by our treatment.
Drs. Moore & Dennis
Office Cor. O & 10th Sts.
A Reliable Company.
The Farmers' & Merchants' Insurance
Co., of Liucoln, N Q , is reliable,
prompt and successful. It insures
agaitst less or damage by fire, lightning
cyclone, tornado and windstorm. It
does busiue-s iu a way that insures to
the convenience, and satisfaction of its
patrons. It is a henu co-xpany and
money spent with it remains in the
state,;:tnd is not driven away to the east,
as is the case wi'h outside companies.
It makes a specialty of insuring farm and
residence property. Consult your own
interests by consulting this company
before you insure.
Songs of the People.
These songs will be a factor ia the
comin campaign. They will be sung
from ocean to ocean, and from lakes to
gulf. Both words and mus-ic are new
in nearly every case, and they will give
Dew impetus to the reform movement
A dozen of ihese songs :re now in the
hands of the printer and will be out by
the 4th of July.
Address all orders for these songs to
the Alliance Publishing Co. Prices
are given bolow:
The Workers Battle Hymn of Free
dom 35
Right Shall Reign.-. 25
The Weanest Must Go to the Wall. .35
The Taxpayers S.'ttle the Bills 35
Sons of America , 35
Get OH' the Earth 35
The f lig of Liberty 35
The Co 1 Baron's Sonar 25
Truth'o Approaching Triumph 30
God Save the People 30
We Have the Tariff Yet. . . '. 35
Other songs written, but waiting for
the m tsic, are "The Money Power Ar
raigned," "That Honest 'Dollar," "A
Politician Here You See," and "Losses
and Lies." The list will be steadily
added to. Order at once and get your
glee cluhs organized.
One hundred boxes Lemons for sale.
Sheridan County.
Our county convention was held here
last Saturday. It was well attended.
We elected two sets of delegates, one
for the Lincoln conventions June 30,
and the other fcr those at Kearney Aug.
A resolution was tassed instructing
for Powers for go ernor and Kem for
congress. Bro. Sheldon of Chad-ron
made a good speech to tbe convention.
L P. V.
Liberty alliance, No. HiOO.
of PolK county. sends resolu
tions of cond ilenee on the death of
one of their truest and best members,
Brother T. J. Richards, and extending
heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved
family. I Thos. KLOSSY,
Sighed - A. T. WILSON.
( Geo. M. Kries.
Spade alliance in the northern part
part of Buffalo county sends in resolu
tions, 1 endorsing the St. Louis plat
form: 2 extending the right hand of
fellowship to alliance brothers of the
outh, and to all organized labor: 131
approving of the course pursued by
Hon. O. m. Keinin congress.
Signed. BERT McNeil. Pres.
Mrs. M. R. Cool, Sec.
The Lincoln Road Grader has i:
qnal for cheauness and durability. '
Call on or address H. J. Walsh,
Cor. 11th & O St., Lincoln, Neb.
A eood five acent in eyery county to
put up the Wilson Windmill Regulator.
n,. K. w ILSOX.
Central City, Neb.
State Alliance Business Agency Can
Furnish Anything Needed on
the Farm.
We quote this week
GJidden barb wire at $3.25. Galvanized
3 60. Granulated sugar $4 75, yellow
C 4cts. Rice 5 to Ms. Co i.mon flour
OOcts per sack. Picnic 03c, Alliance
straight $1.10, The finest patent !. 25.
Mo. dried peaches Sets per lb, evapora
ted apples 7i Snow Hake hominy 2cts
pcrlb. 3 lb. cans tible peaches f 1 .50
per dozen, mitimore sweet corn acts
per dozen. Inwa xtra sweet corn 11.10
per dozen, uootn tomtitoes i.uu per
doz" .
An f ITffitual remi dv for ihe cure of
Pa'n in the Stomach. Colic, Chelera Morbus,
tratnptii.ic, mjuoub lou rimm-re vui
ic, Mimin r Complaint, Dysentery,
Diarrhuti. Uileody Flux, Chronic
Diantivi, Cholera Iniantum,
Cholera and t'owel Com
plaint in a'.l to nu b.
For Sale by all Druggists.
I'lilCE, tlict.
The (tail I'liciip Store.
It pays to trade wit'i in. N te the
following special bargains wo are offer-
in; for this week:
8(1 trimmed bats, worth $2.2', for
only 11.83.
3 triuiund hats, worth I3,r.0, for only
9 UU.
20 tricimed hats, worth V, for only
120 dczeu fast black Inse !)c, worth
.38 dozen fast black hose worth 3Jc, at
only 17c.
00 dozen fast bla?k hose worth 20c,
only 12c.
Gents' silk Lisle hose worth 03c, cn'y
Extra heavy one-half hoe 4 pail's for
80 dozen fancy towels worth 30, 40,
50 and 00c. Your choice of tho entire
lot for only 25c.
33 boys' suits ac II, cheap at tl 65.
30 boys' suits at 1.5, worth $2 75.
36 boys' suits at 3 50, worth $4 25.
25 dozen men's pants only (1, worth
We can save you 23 to 30 per cent od
anything we sell. We alio y no one to
undersell us. Mail orders promptly
1211 O STREET.
Binding Twin
State Agent Hartley has made arrange
ments for twine for this seasons harvest
and will issue a circular letter giving
prices in a few days. M?ke no coutracts
for twine before getting his prices.
The Lincoln RoadKJradcr wa? one of
the leading fixtures of the paride on
Thursday. For information address
Lincoln Road Grakkb,
eo Lincoln, Neb.
J. W. Hartley State Agt. offers Jute,
Hemp, Sisi', Standard and Manilla
twine. Give no order? till you get our,
prices. l-2w
Strayed or Stolen.
On April 4th. 1992, from 1624 O street
Lincoln, Neb., 1 dark bay mare, 4 years
old, i English shire, large bone, square
built, long hair on legs, weight about
1100 lbs.
One red roan mare. 4 years old, from
same shire horse and out of a pony mare.
Weight, P.bout 925 lbs.
All had halters on when they left.
Liberal reward will be paid foi their
return, or for information as to where
they can be found. Address.
S. H. Moss, Owner.
Care of Lincoln, Neb.
S L. Wright, 1013 St.
A. J, RIGBY & CO.,
Loans, Law and Collections.
L. MACK, Att'y:& Mgr.
1025 0 Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Rooms 24 25 Burr Bl'k. Residence 1310 G St.
Write-for prices, samples, blank
ore ers, etc.
G. A. SING LEY. Manufacturers Apent.
S Field Farm
Thoroughly freeh and true
to name.
140 S. Ilth St., LINCOLN, NIB.
Tj) mm you:-A1:-11
Cheapest Store m the State
IF Wf4Ef;
You fail to call and see the
Largest and best selected stock in
the City. Prices Lowest, Quality
the best Note the Address.
1112 O St., Lincoln, Neb.
Great Reduction of
Linen Department.
Get our prices on napkins and table da-
1. iL. .U.. 1 . .
nmif., nicy are inu lowest nvcry ume
We don't alrow any house to undersell
U3no na'.ter what the cot We buy di
rect, from the makes and are in position
to back up our statements.
Ladies Jersey Ribbed
In thig department; we are overloaded
on accomi ; of bad weather. We will
to inotrow enmmetici! a great clearing
sale in tlm department.
Laslifs' ton vests, reduced to 8c
Ladies' 20 1 vv,s, reduced to 10c
Ladies' 25c vests, reduced to l!5c
Ladies' 40c vests, reduced to 1i)e
Ladles' 50c vet.K reduced to 35c
Special sale of L tdies'
Special Sale of Ladies'
and Children's Hosiery
1 lot of ctiiidrmV fast black cotton
hose, derby ribbed, only 15c pair worth
Children's line imported hose, only 2.V
pair, worth 40c.
Ladies' fast black cotton hose
Richelieu ribbed, only 124c pair worth
Special Attention to Mail Orders.
Write ns andlname this Paper
Hayden Bros., Dealer? in Evrything, ,6,h0rlDt;8U
We Manufacture 'the ALLIANCE
SWEAT PAD mada of heav BROWN
None are Genuine without our name stamped on inside of Pad.
Ask YOUR DEALER for it and take no other,
' 7. -
you ff EED
Prices for this Week.
Muslins and Sheetings
Muslins are down. See our bleached
muslin at 3jc and 5c yard.
At Gic we offer a special bargain equal
ii not better than Lonsdale or
Langdon G. B , 12 yards for $1 00.
Fine 30 inch wide cambric, 12 yards
for 11.00.
Pillow case muslin a d sheetings in all
the different widths and grades at prices
l wer than they have been.
Red, white and blue bunting for decora
ting, 5c yard.
All sizes in flags, from 5c a dozen up.
Wasti Dress Goods.
New striped bedford cords, 12ic.
Plain bedford cord in plain colors,
beautiful shad; of cream, etc., 15c
Fancy printed bedford cords, 25c
Satin striped sateen. 35c yard.
Plain ecrn crinkled seersucker, 10c
Fancy prfnted crinkled seersucker
Side band armadale zephyrs, 40. dches
wide, in plain colors, 15c yard.
ShantOKg pongee, in iemnants from
2 to 12 yards, ouly 10c yard, in dark
Special sale on Scotch zephyr ging
hxm.32 incnes wide. We have too many
of them and hve reduced the price to
12ic yard. The best bargain offered
this season on fine gingham 12$c
in r
I ais
Solid Oak Three Piece
Chamber Suit to Match
his Cheval Dresser.
Lincolr. - - - Nebraska.
Steel Hamsters
When D. M. Osborne built the first all steel Harvester and Binder in 1885 it
marked a new departure that left all our competitors far in the rear. They have
all complimented us by imitation.
The New Osborne placed upon the market this year is slso a lonv stride ia
advance that places us at the head and proclaims us the leaders in all that per
tains to cutting and binding grain.
Lightest Strongest and
BECAUSE its frame is all made of angle steel and put together with steeJ
bolts. No round or square iron pipe about it.
BECAUSE it has the steepest deck, thus insuring a quiofc. delivery to the
packers, and avoiding all trouble from packing aud choking.
BECAUSE it has tho widest drive wheel, being over 18 inches-, an. the face,
thus avoiding all danger of sliding in dry or sinking in wet weather..
BECAUSE you don't have to elevate the grain so high.
BECAUSE all its parts are steel and malleable iron, thus insuring four times
the strength at half the weight of cast iron.
BECAUSE its chain drive, front cut and straight pitman apply their powe
direct. No lost motion- .
BECAUSE, it is the easiest adjusted, easiest handled, and best built machine
on earth. Don't buy a machine until you have seen the New Osborne. Two
rscs can handle it. Its use on a farm is proof of an intelligent fanner.
No. 4 MOWER.
The Number Four Mowers; i, S and 0 feet cut stands at the head of the list.
Ask any one of its hundred thousand users and the same reply will be made. "It
is good enough for m" "
AN ALL STEEL RAKE can only be
the best is nono too good for you.
WE ARE NOW fighting the Harrow trust on your behalf.
BIXl'IXO TWINE. We otter too. vll the best srrades of Binding Twine at
fair prices, and are not in any way interested in the great Twine Monopoly that
is trying to squeeze the last cent from the already overburdened farmer.
For terms, prices, etc, address
CEO. YULE, Lincoln, Neo.
T. J. ROSS, Ormha, Nebi
D.M. OSBORNE CO.,ChicagoJIJinois
Oil 201
and Mowers.
Simplest Machine Hade.
bought of an Osborne agent. Farmers
' ''''''''