JX. V 7 i Ld r Won.cn "1.1 true .ndi re rt-pub.U-a ihov.ir aom arotnen awe ot-" 'Joi. f'jtiff at Ke puri.uaa cocTf u'.;o3. if I wou.d t I must with robbers atsuJ: I mutt desire that slavery Shall 8'uri! In our lard. Ko lady cn the frtd Of human s juia endure, Or help to aid the toiler More justice to secure If I would be a lady I must be down to ttt d Content to see men surfer. To see bsbcs weai and co'A. Must love to ace tlie alien Rab sisters of their home And Jai.y pray to bylot k Quick let "thy kingdom came." But well we know eu:h lad ea No heroes ever bote. The Blotters of all patriots Now as in days of yore. Have lovers of true freedom And ciiua! jus. ice '-ten: Ana valued God's approval Above tlis praise of men. So. I'll ot bo a lady And wiih the robbers stand, Content to have injustice Still flourish in our hind. The last name tbat tlie Savior. When nailed upon the tree, Bestowed upon his mother Is (rood enough fir me. John, X1X,2ti. Mrs. J. T. Kellie. SCIMECTS KOll msCUSSIt'N. 1. Resolred, That the value of the dol'at should be regulated bym the Intrinsic value of t!io material from which It U made. 2. Vhy jlioiild 'Mid citizens vote tip; people's tiokef SVIWKt"lS KOlt F.5-AVS. 1. What can I do to advunce the Inter ests or the reform movement? 2. Habits, uod and b id. 3. Things by their right names. 4. Tiie m st important issue. 5. "Men air. only bos srosvn fall, hearts don't change tntit li after all." SUMKCTS FOIl SI'KIK IIKS. 1. Does the foreignor pay the tnrilT? a. "Plenty of mom y in the b ink's." :!. The man who sells his vote. I. The soldiers of the, ivjpiiljlic. 5. "The moneyless man." Eminently Correct, Lik HKiEM), April 21), "J2. Kuitok Ai.i.ianck-Imiki'kndknt: Kudosed plea.-e find resolution of Gracchus Alliance, No. 5(Ji(, for publica tion as notliiti on the .same subject has been printed that I have stvn: In regular session assembled April Id, IH'Ji, Gracchus Alliance, No. .Mill, unanimously fiised the lollowiiiif resolution: That Wiikukas, A penalty of 20 per cent is charged to all' persons upon ridei-min their lands sold for taxes; and Wiikukas, Such extreme rates ot in terest is in entire oppcsitnm to the laws which fix the Iet'al rale of interest in this state at sewn per cent, a;td all aliove ten per cent is usury: therefore be it litsolved, Hy this Alliance that there is a coiitlction of laws upon our .Statute books in this respect which should be made to hnrmoni.e. And be it further liesnl ed, 'lhat we deem it as unjust, and wholly in favor of the moneyed classes, and would respi-xtfully recom mend that this question com'; up before the next session of the slate legislature for actio-. J. W. IlKAl'V, .1. Ii. MriiitAV, Committee. About Poynter, Platte Ok.ntuh, Neb , May 211, ".12. Editor Alliance Ikdf.i'Bsdknt: I notice in your is.-ue of the 1!Hh Mr. Bryant of llaitismton says he is In favor of Hon. V. A. Poynter of IJooue county for U. S. representative lr,;in this liistrici. "That. .Mr. Poynter need'- no eulou-y is a well established lact. His record is a Jialt. of the history of the stale. His ability, popularity, chai icter and treni'th all point to him a-, the man f r the place." I am Uimoimhlv familiar with Mr. Poynter'.. public life for the iat three ! years and a.mee with my friei.,1 Ilryatu. j perfectly as to his qualifications, but it would be our choice :uel I believe' the j choice of tic majority of the mdepend i ent of the state that Mr. Povtit t should j be nominated to a b,ce in which, iri elected, lie would render the people of 1 the slate m ire immediate relief, "name- ly t.iovernur. C. C. C.MUtiii. How it. Looks to a Traveler. Lincoln, Neb., May 20th, IS1I2. Kditoh Alliance Ixoepesdknt: While in this city frequently lie ir re i;;arks mruie about the people's purty like this: " The people's par'y is dying out both in Western Nebraska, and in Kan sas." Now.'.vilhiu the past four weeks I have traveled through a larire portion of Kansas and western Nebraska, and I find things very different from what I expec ted. The members ' the new party are confident, and enthusiastic. I took the pains to inquire n si-veral different towns and vbiaues and the invariable answ er was: "You can rest .assured that we are gamini; ground every day. in tunny places they assured nie thai there are three independents to one democrat or republican. It looks to mo like it. is the political Mineral of the oilier fellows that is most .stroiiL'ly indicated by the hand writing on the wall. The old parties make ,i treat mistake when thev think the Alliance is all of the people's party. They fortret that there are thousands of vol - rs in other ormmizaflons, and in no or anizatinns. at all that are just as strong independents us the Alliance men are. . Years for Success, K. 1! SlIAMT. Correspondence Notes Rev. .1. M. Snyder of Verdun-tte, Sherman county .-ends us i.n excellent article on "Reserved Forces" which we, r: tret that we cani-iut publish on u-isnuir. of its great length. Mr. Joseph Pinkham sends us a lengthy report of John L. Webster's speech at Mittden written in fine humorous s'yie wliiclt we c:mnot liud space for. Mr. L. M. Putney of Aulctle sends us a clipping from a Custer county piper which !'.e thinks saoiild b reprinted. The article is written by a young man who bitterly reproa.'hes hi.s elders for their failure to vo'e right during tho past twenty-live years blaming them for the evils that tilibct the country. There is mm h ground frr such an "arraig iment, Hut is it not better to try to persuade me;, to do their duty now raiher than lo up build them for the wrongs they have done? Mr. J. M. Valentine, Lect. of illue Hidge A II lance, Gresh ini, Ne'e, sends a copy of an excellent esay writNn bv Mr. Wnl;. Silirui , pK s. .d t'lat. Alliance. .The article is wr.tea very cles'dv en both sides of the paper. Mr. ,1 P. Pr stm of llazllle Mills Neb. m m!s u r. ri in bo pr iftiii'. the dm'tin- - f invr-! , lie thinks ii-.trf;.; ii'r.l.i le !., lu' thir, at the 'iei1 tin.- tb.it 'If nr..: merit anain all trt-re-t U n ! ninl. rea-onun v or eript-iral. Hi- arei'ten's ; nre very well put, lm! a.ii! no! ;ic- ; to nive tin :n in fall j Mr F. I', "jvr, eo of (' "inty Omr.) , couiiiitlw cf Itox Ilu'te c mntv m-:: i n- i I lull report of t!ii List nittini; of tV 1 coniuiw and tti: fail fT the cn'ivy conven'li.n, and a r.-solirLui of -n-l'r neat fur tlie :-t. Louis onifereuc-'. I'lic ' Tli iMOVHn'.iou for tha' co.ii.iy !s o t ' held V HeminnloM .June -'otli. anl'he preoini" f iue.ics June Ollr.l. We are iriad t i pc.bii-h in.tc e; of cmio'V convention. Imt we rann it 'pure : 11. e ein 'f to pe.i;i-u n,e c .ii m iuu uu-le-s eunruitb s lin 1 i! !.ii-s-;'.i!. t i M iire tbrir pui.iiciU at home. A Reason and a Qdtotiou Lot v Cuv. Neb., May 21, Mi. Kuitok Alliance Inku'enkkn t: 1 s-eyouare H-rim: a b ok for a reason, and ivis-i'u; t rea 1 the .bo k I wiii ive V'Hi the reason aud the oi.ly true r-1 s m any one w ho can miist-r u; tor vi t n with t inier ol the old parlies inn .rd n.i ,.ii,t mire illsrPilneS4. " I would like to kno-v what you thin!; ofthe enclosed d'tppiu;; from 'he KitHis Citv Times. I tiiihk he is tiuinj t Kur.ipe for c,muaii;ii funds ..ir the . o. p. Ho y want a llttlo assistum ani a im-' bo lie mi ney to fight the independent: Atchihin-, Kan, May T --Fs-Setiat. r John .1. Irifralls will sail for hurop 1 u - mediately alter the Jlmneap-.lis cor.ven-, vocatnitf tho Allian e an an OJiica tion and mak a tour ol th- prlnupd UoU!ll 01.j,iinizHlI()lli nllvinj? hiin . -ITS of the continent. IV oyt-t ut his nM encmin Q. , Anilinco V1SO Will oe HI l 11." n ini.iiir-i ti 111 t-f 1 Upon special topics connected with the social and polirlc il conditions of tai- j countries UZ Will Vi-it f T '"l Am-ricaa j syndlca!". , Your Respectfully Mils. J. A Ssvoiifl. A Clinclitr. llAini.i.Y, Neb., M ly 20, ''2 EdITOU Al.LI KSCK i.M.I.I'KNUKNT: 1 u'e in vniir v ilmible pftp'T you olT'' to Hiivone stHtinc a Kood reason why tic y will 'vote the ilem cra', o:' repuMicaa ticket you wiii send them a pri. . I nUr, a Wavn county d.-ui ic;a reason b.r vottni witn me on p irues. .s his reason was rejected here 1 com- with hiiin . I 1 vole th" dem icrati.; tick.-: ne.-au-e Thomas ,Ieirer-oii win a demoera!, the I'a'her of all i :jd the d ocrai'y ever did ourcountry. 1 am a republican because Ahrilnm Lincoln was a rupuhlicni, n man tha', b lieved in "iqual rights to ull, special priv- ilec,'s tu none." I am a democra' and r publican b -cau-e 1 votetlie people's pii.ty ticket. No A' I h'lve got you. Pleiise do ni.. rete'r m to that old pu silbuiiuious (i rover Clevelend or that ava ricious .John Sherman or I shall take ob jections. Yours for Justice, .1. K. McDowell. X.itk:- -This argument isa clifchr, but our frieiid .McDowdl mu ' remeinb -r licit the the offer is for a (food I'ea.S e.l why ft man should vote the ticket lnhckd deino-c.-aiic or republican . Kimtoii. Getting fitady for tuy light. EPITIIU Al.LI.VKC:K-ISi)Kl'i'-.SIlENT: About twenty of us ni-t v.id, orani .! a club lust niiriit. "' are u t" 11 a i;ra.i'l rally J une ISMi ll.e.se. Mr. 'Decb. Albel hi the ;ht t U ot, and M r. Tor rev will mblress the uieeli; W e a( e in the tijriit to win. We, heartily endoivi tlie St. Louis platform and our repivseu tatives in Counr-ss. Vonrs for Victory. G. Kin iikn, Sec'y. Valley, Neb., May 2Jmi. i.it) ;jo'iv,o- or nii i . It is tho jrolrt powor that is fi; tho free coiruio o:' silv.'r. Wli 111 sumo reason thai, a iy ol!, r i:.'c'ii would liii! a r.v:il I :a ;i 1. be e 'own d in Cm smie: con il cy vide lowers nnd boiior-i v. i Gold is now !il;-olulo in i: i! rules with uule.Mi.. iyr..-i.i . i.. doniinnnt pa. 'ties i.un ii iletei'in .i:i u thai, thi- r-.,e ; ... ii filler i' i-or iii.in- as to j b) (ii- I iili;i. iiiiil 1 tho ,-: ro i not, bo d most .1 . n . tyra is. tlie iieire n i h in- lil In ;i",i debt" ; or cm galls i "il I lo a.i S, m.i ir .! a ,:md. : i 'briiary 1 '. inn ii ii die .1. M.He e. the ioloUv. g,.ld: .No p"'o ever foil , ', is the :;.' oi ail ut.-ti do.-s ll"l does no' Armies bv goid. a a ''To;.' ney I ill iu a ' y a n rd y nr. , l:- '..i it inn ; s eo , i it ii:: i a i ir. er or lai"c are not ; ::' ,:'.'.' Ol ,1,1 : ek ami ii.-.. r 'al, and mi.. j'l cou.s .- It ni i - . r It y. ,.0.1 .nd r. il of i oat est uore led en amiiy becomes rum. N war by I trnry. in peril, it shi liltlO a.d er loii.b ; :.l . in i., of Hie ;. i.n ei.enn ' in tbe ;ii on ;iau pe. I i'' i.i) pen: v'ciorv. , doilbV-.-! com potent thfii : whi.'U the I'.: : . .e boon seei.: ii, claims tho ir.-, own o.Vii w.i! s end 111 mi" ,f the ed not oi tho ol tho iiK'ible Ciild l, gold of N WOl'ii us - oi I: and Lou i.i;i greater ii. juries 11; powder ;r.,d ic.id rebais. K w.-.s th cie-r.'iy o; ',,, j;;;', ill il'Oil mo - pant no siu.i.ci' the initio. .al worth in wl lowest. .1 1 wry creased '. aide, nnee with .r u and ai! lis one our destruel,;.).). or .-aiior. It In .'d li was . were it in n a a 1 II i' over. ai lor . '..-'ion Oilllg.ll 'iMH ui i our lortuip li'.'l'euv g.'ivo i t as in ajv. ton: les llio w i' ' : s v. ore V"" L .', as ,i-aal danger lias been averted and ihe victory secured, gold swaggers to the front nnd assert.-; its supremacy. Is il not a littio strange ih.it nn in toliigotit people like 'he people of the lui.e.i ; tale-, wi;'u their inoshau -ti liie i'oeurces iron varied imiils'i'ics, will ciiiig to tho casi-o.'i garment of monarchy, an.l peroi.t metal to mea.-iiro ti.oir evrrvl !: in r of x alr.e :i oi rule t li it so ru: solve., d Journal, Willi :: l',';'i 1yi ant's swiiyl1 ! but !. gold men 1 ' : i n -- i nr.:; and l!...ae i lie, i'J-- del Uin or Hie oriier. Tho remoerals now say that no ono who believes in tho principles of tho Ocala platform enn vote in their pri maries. Now what will tho Allianco men who have been sticking t i tho democracy do.' Will they lake iho medicine like some of their leaders, or will they stand like (run Allianco men and declaro that they wiii accept no man or party that does not accept their demands.? such I klim lor .ttoiii). I'll." says n small boy, "wliut is a blanket mortgage?" "M son," repl'es hit pa- "it is ono which Icoeps a u, mi wai in, Uiiiuping around to pay tho interest on it." or :h:il ill- . fU- .! Of 1 1- :e a.ih we:ii:u u I per l! tti . i ho a- lung ail it ! b ; ;: .lio, liolil tills ilobt wM ut.ii a.l thij of the nation? l'eople's I'urlv of history have Btorui lhat t os l'ajier: AH reakrs ial o'i tho 'ru,it 1 t.-e in New utiiu tin ."oiHtiiiiiCi' -. isli. ami hi-tor tit t.io which ha- i 1 iutu ,re:it tiit"tiibiv Wau-." iSut that (ja'e as hut an autumn bvot; f i Otu paicii with tlu iioiiticui ovc.tmo that is abuut to awoop over t:i:s fouatry. Tho Independent Theto aro prob ably iuor; poople idle now in tho I'nitcd States tnan c.cc bu! co nnd this too on the beds of tho arrest crops ever harvested i.i our history. The old pui t ,' papcr-t i nd poiilicians proinUed you pood times hist summer t r,l!l" the crops wore Uarvo-tcd but , 'have their pi'omisos been fuiliilod or , have they liodi' J Industrial World: I'rinciptos w-itli-out prartico aro as barren u- a mula and almost as bad as prn'-ticn without 1 p; iiicipics. Win n you see u man ad-' iu tho political field, thcro j some- j thinp; wron' with liim. 1'rincip'lcs , and practice u.ustyu hand in hand to get good rosulu , J-armors' and Liiborcrs' Journtil: Heador, aro you nwaro of the fact that in froo Amo ica millions of our peo ple aro living in inisi ry nnd want, bo cnuo ot tho present 'iiinnc'ial condition of tho country;' Oh' if love for homo nnd family and friend' means any thing, wili you not lioln to redeem this country by tho ballot bjforo no : os-iiy forces you to tho last. dc-puriito rc,ort to display your valor on battlefield! tho Tho Arkiuisas l'arm: Tho first question (iiscii.-si d by tho American congress was the tarilf. Tuls was H..2 yoai s :). a id il 1h been fiercely fought 'Vor since, and yet our aviso" statesmen tell us that tho tori.V mu-.t bo settled first, beforo auvtliiiiL' else can ; bu lakon up. In tho built of history tho thout'hl sicirc ts itself to us that ; men us klupid in thoso supposed" ! hta1o.-ni.in it.'o not lit to bo trusted with the reins of t'ovoni moat I f ' l'ro:;i cssivo I'ai'.n'!'!': 'I ho plu'.oci'ats I nro dole ruiined to poison tho ni.nds of ! the people if lliey can Lending par ; lisnn pupur.i aro beinr sent froj us j stimplo copies regularly to tlie farm i ers. '1 lie papers aro boint; paid for j by tho plutocrats. A number of laryo i papers aro oifcriu,'' their papers j clubbed with ot'u r papers froo of charge. 1 or iustancn. the prlco of a local paper is !.. 0 per iinnuin. Tho bijf juipoi' will bo elm, bed with that one at the same price ...0 for both. In that way you j,ot ono paper froo. Don't bo caught by any such bait. Pioneer Kxponent,. In tho discus sion of the silver bill ono of the eon (jressincii I ousted that ho novel' scratched n ticket, and that it was tho "first duty of a l.omuorut to stand by tho decisions of tho caucus and its conventions. " Such a mun glories in j his ignorance and in being a truculent j hido bound political slave. In all history, either In religious or political matters, it is tho indjpen lout citizen who bus opposed corrupt ring rub) nivi stood for principle, who has boon the greatest blessing to his country. Xutionnl Advance: Webster dolines tho word "plulocrney" as follows: "A form of government in which the sii prome power is lodged in tho hands of the wealthy classes iilono; govern ment by tlie l ien; also contro'liii;;- or influential classes of ricii men.' How is il that Webster and everybody ..i-,e seem to be nilveii on tho spoiling of tho word' Plub) in old inytholog, was tho god of the nelher regions an I riutus was the god ol wealth. Hence the word should be called pluluei'in y. Hut then thcro is no denying that tho plutoer.ils cause hell enough on e,t. th. j Tho Advoca'c: Tho Capital has discovered another mare's nesl. it : has learned through the Southern j L'enioerat ic branch of tile 1 enio-. o- publican slander bureau that limn) I was a secret understanding at M Louis thai, in consideration of tho : adoption of tho soldier resolution, tno j slaves liberated by tho war shall bo i paid for. And this is tho kind of rot I that the ( npitul relies upon and wiii continue to iullict upon a long s.i lor ! ing people during another campaign, j It is absolutely incapablo of either j fairness, honesty, or intelligent dis cussion of public issues, lis mis io.i ! is to strive to deeeivo, and by dni cp ! t.ion lo wo k upon tho prejudice i oi ! the ignorant clauses. North Dakota Independent: Kx-Seu- 1 ator 1-idtnunds of Vermont snys ho is- 1 goingjto Franco and is goingto eouv -ri ull bis money and securities iulo goid bofoi'o ho starts, for fear of tho l"ee eoinago of silver. Nobody will oh crt. , He may lug his gold with him wb : 1 ho goes. America won't bo a cent j poorer or a whit more lonesomo wit n- ' out him or his gold. Ame.pica got along very nicely beforo Mr. Kdmun.i.i was born; sho will do woll without, j him during his absence- in Paris, lie I and his gold aro tho least of America s prides and embarrassments. Hut 1 there is ono thing this poor old aule- ! diluvian moss-back goldbugovulonl ly i don't, understand: When ho gets re.uly lo shu l o oil' his rickety old careas , he can't, take bis gold with him to l-ie next world any easier than ho can di gest it hero on earth. I'n ly nml lleloi-'ii. There is a vast difference ! ;t ; : the man who alvoeates parly for Cm sake of reform and tho ono who a I voc.itos reforms for the sake of ; ac' -. Tie- oil'- will say. give me ntiyt . : label, ! lednii to gel inv parly s cess nn I the other will say. give nny puny to - cere Ibis iv mm i true e.i.i-e -.1' reform 1 - heavi y lo : i with men wiio neither understaii'l or euro for the ivlorms thai, aro pupii-ar but are doing tho most, agitating in favor of them, a (ib. I heir igneri.'! nnd err. mi mis -unp-ut of tncao'f s they do not anih-tvund is oltoii stro.i .' ' evidence against the eausu. Plow ;iu i 11 i!m i'rtjlfni pal Ho ic li.ea. M..:i m.u,v the people :.-.' j.uy.u.- ;,. .:voi.ij. tiT.--t i'i 7 j-cr f un Uicir ...it-:, ne-ii ami tn.it tl.v avi-rac i;,vivr- Coantj. Xotioe t hi rwbv rivrn t1"" tor -f the i'eopie s I'arty (.f lji!n-aiir ' oumy. N, 1 ra ka. tuai thw wui ! e a fO'jii'r hhivimuhi .f I aid iirtjr held In Linnun n Vrieay. JuvvU. i Kuno'McUa, f r r ike unw of : e.ecllr.ir tbilrt om- d, n-rit i toai rod . t h of the Male von vi ftlona of the I'mpn (lartv of Nebraaa. ti btf be.d at t'ic fo niwinjr time ; and p.u--: At l.lnooln. Neh.. Thurwlar Jutw :tt. UeitHiiteie.itrioihef.'aiiim,l com i ni 'on ; and m! Kearney. Ni-liranku. A-i-trut.i it:, to notuinai j catididalca !ur'.'..it4 ottic.-ra. TUB APPOnTIUN.'iC-T. The t-aum of repn'in r.tati n wti! he one vito inr ri ry i or iraii.nn eac tor t. iaa i.aacr lor t ;er or the IniOrlrt curt. precincts wi.l he ut foi.ows: VNanls Klrl Ward tHci.nd Third " Vourth " Fifth " sixth ' uventh " Hudii I"rvinct t'enlrriiie" Her.luli " Elk " llraat ' tiarfleld " Harhland " Ijtncasterl" Ultic Ba.t" I MildeCrk Pre. .1 II MiiiOr'k H S, UKiH s S-i North li.ul " : 31 (m I) lj liuve Hr.iuch " :' I! I'm. mi, a - J Km-k ;,m k T haili!ii , 4 rsi.iirt Pai: ' 5 Si 'vr i: Crt ck " 4 T ,tK'!lton 4 4 WaviT.y " f 2 rt Oa! " t i Vnrki'f lii 1 " 5 1 H'vat Lituo.u " 4 Total Il is recommended thn. t.e duciau a nrc enl from the ai veral warilmimi irM !,,.,,,.,,,.( tho full vole of the aeiegatfoi: ii.nl 1 hut no pnmes tie anoweii . Iht) prluiary elect tins o" II e cu'ernl nm. olncts and war Is w'.M he hi linn UVIiu'.u,iy. Jun 2J, 1SK2: tb hour nml ,i .ai . f je lrnnir the sa:fl to be Ox-A upon ijj Km cotLuiltlec- men iroin cacn warn ant! uree in r. Il la recoiuiiiei ilisl Unit tsellii j iidlnen rf tho ooaiiiy convention, after pi r i.ner.i i r iranliEMtinh. be the aek ctl ja el a dainty cen tral eommltie Hy ordHTof the County C rlrui erent'i; -, of tho Peopla s I'jrty of Liioeafter Ciiurity. Nebranha. wa. IVisti.h, tbi'Mkn Josrs. Sic'y. ChHiiuiun. People's Independent Convention. The nf'ipfpi'enlaollhelhlril ronatenloi'ii d iliict of NilirnakH. -Kill m.'i t in di-ienHie coi v rillo" ai ll.e I'l era hnniie in ,N( rlnllf, ni n.,l mull y Nik,, on '1 in mlay, June 1 Lt.J, ul 3 o'c i i a p m . tor Ii nieorurr nra-iu'-2iiti.. n and el 7 si u elmk p. in. lor r t riiuiiii nt oma-iiatii.n, Inr lh piiiimne i,l en in if ii imr. siicnal ill. ti Ut ((in in it lee, and I he sis ii ('Unit ol tour lie i K"'i arm four alien no to n p. eenl lies to; irrciMni al district nl itie iBliin.tl (oiiviu'lcii lobe held at tiioilni. Ni Ii . .Mi I) 4 P'.i--', a .d t put in nciioiihil'iii a tar.d('Htt for ilit third toi'irr. nloi'nl ditr 1 1 of Ni b., ai d .he dii-pi sal ol tucli ether in,i. mis in. in, ) (a Hie ln-lorc liie coiivcnllen. '1 he 1 una i I ri p'i i ulal I'm Is one de!iali hi .sin- lei i aeh county a il lor e.-.ch vui yd' t ni liiHjur trni lui'i Ihereof rant for K. ,4. flail. lee CAt:iltl() 1-r l((jWlt!l l r., it ir foVenisi Anleici r A, tloOl i 4. Ilurt5,(rliir4. Ciiifan 4, (limli It a, iNliola a. Dixon 4. limine, hnnx.'i. Maiiinin il. M. rru k 4, Nioii e 4, pn ice a, 1'iiuti 7, iioitoli 11, 1 liuislnli 'J, Wuvne 1. it ' n coiii ii i mu d Ii v the I'lln. aiMii the! the i iiumi ci'iivi'iittiuis lie hel'l Mituribir June IS, Nn pn idia ulil lie Hi. owed Ie!eifle pnei I ih In-allowed to cHt the full vote m I'-.elr ret pi ctlM counties. J. II. II tiriKl.li f'li'm. ft. A. Vii i. oiis S..u' liati d Nt Hart). Nrli , March '-'1 Is.i'J. Head ouioti'ia ami reilucid rtuia at the I'ttc.llc Hotel. Conrc&a'.onl Convention. Tlie Ci t'ir i flonal Convention of th" lb'l col li. iHiloiiui ill-..rict oi thn i'i op e"n luce pel di lit pHr o. i tirNKkii, wl,i nil', t at l.lu colli . .June an! Inr..'. '1 In. bunnemi of I he con vinlloii will he to cl(vt t'liir ileteir.ilea ni:d P ur nlti riuiti . to the NiMlonHl CoiiVi IUIhIi h lm Ii ii 1 1 Is nt i liniihii, Jue. 4ih . h" ii cii'i lli.i'int nt to the i online w ii lm Hie sioni' a totlie iiu'e (.ocventniii ol miiiic (Lite u liicl', is us fnl own I in cin. r ".' Cii I I Otoe H .b'lmsn.i ' IllcliiinUi n IS NeiiiHlin I. I'uwihc T To. al I'l 1 he tevei lil i'( unties In the did rlet will ace lhat den (.nil s to i eui'tfd to I he (lout, rcsliinai I eiiei.t."ii nl liie Mime time lliey e eel dele iratif lo I In- Kline I" ri'ention. or lent ruii Hie ilelcuiili a id I lie Dtntu on veil 1 1 in to I'd aim) at the I oi uri'i sio.iii Cumi'iilU'ii, th('C!)ii venllnn will meet ut l o'clock, a. ri . (.Iiiirti, of Paul iiiile at the Lin 'ell hole' km tne H I lit -1 nvi'iitioii lull IB ut I'' ii. in . id UiidiU'iitin'B Hall. J. K. LtMAnTKil, Cll'lll, Congressional Convention, Fourth District. T) e f-nnirri-palnnn I Convcnllon of the Pen ple'ii I nil ep' mil nt I'lirly, fur tho Kmiith Con (in ssioniil Dlslrlci of Ncluiisk ".. is ealii d In ineei. In K. of I.. Hull. In tlie Cliy of LIiiooIh, JiinfHU. at I o'l'iics, 1). in., k1i.ii p. to icleel ii it r iieli'irMtis lo th" National C'anvi lit Ion cidicd In nmnriii, July 1st to tin. 'I he coinrreHdiuiHl oonvi-nlloii of the I'eo pic's liuiepK. (1 'lit I'nrlj ol the Kmulli Con (irctPtenHl Dial i lei of Nc-hrask. to oluce In tiDii. i ii ii l inn n cui.dlilnle fin' n prcsentallve In cot'tfi'e."! . wld iiiei-l. Iii Hie eniiri room In Sew ard, on Thursday. Aiurust lull, 1st'-', ut S o'clock p. in. It is :cit optional w Hi the electors of each c in t; , whether t! ey icml the sii.nn ili)lratcs lo tu tii cnventloiii-. or elect sepiiniln ilceKit tint'i fur each convemlon : ii rid by snirircslion o! Hie s.a'e i iiii.ui'.ive , the de cu-uiea lo the ciiiveiiihh tin.. iinctH in Lincoln, tuny lie i he dc.ciriiti s to Hie stutCciii vein ion It mi (lo am l 1 1 e l i'lilesen'i.lii.ll will be i he Hllllie itiholh i iii.'i'i'fHiiiiiiil coiiveinii r: ami the Pus's ol I. pi i . I ii, i, ine.it Is Hie same as Hull usi il !( rt.ie Html' eoiivi'iit ions. It s iei oniiiiLi'ileil Unit no proxies he al lowed liiinlipi "Hi rs of He com in It too 111 Lincoln wl'i lie lit ;lie Llmlcli. I.H. I ii iMULiii.AiN. Chnirns'i. St , oius'jiirK J. II. T)i i iw. tsecretury, lii.ni.-lce. Six Congressional Convention. Tc li Iniii i I'lati nl vnti rs i,r the f'i.vtli (.'on 'ii. sua nl li hincl of iS'-hraiuoi : A t ii mi ci .i n i t he i oniiessionKl Cuni mi. tce.ot lin Mi.x.ii I i tiiMrifioniii DiMriet, heat lit ltlivi l'"li, Mlil'ch I!.. IMC. il was decide.! thin the vn.loiiH ilelceii'lons in m cumuli's ol I he Sixth llisu let to the SHUe ''or.veiilKin. lo he lie d ut Lincoln, .linn. :M, IMU. he empn( r cd to eh ct Inn r ill IcKiUes to Ihe National ( 'on veiaioii. v.hicii nit-da ut, (imuha, July 4, IN.-'. ! it nus lurtlier decided to (Hp a Cnniru-s fjniiMl Conventii'ii. of ihe sixth lllstiM't, u un ci In Ki Mi'.iev. AeiMiBt llrri, Isiri. ut In:, in n. tie. for the p'.i i'f e of noiiiliiHtii if a canilii' ate P r coiwirii-s, n Icctlnif a l'iiiiti-cuslouil Ceiiiiiiitlie. ai.d lUt'iuliiK '" such olhci I'lisiiii-f s ts may projierlj ci.mo before tne i-'fiiivi nthiii. Iu conformity with Hie nhi ve, a C.'niiro' sfo: a: ('eir.enlieii is heieliyesiled to meet at K (-ai ney. ."x h-ai-sa, rtiirusi a siij,hi. liiilln a in. 'I he tn!s ( H p ( si million shall tie one (lelcuiiK' tor ivi'iynnc liundied votes, or nuijor Intc'iion llieicol. cusi for, I. W. Edtiei ion, ii'T si.'p.'ctiie .liKe i.i islt. ivc iicnmmeiiit iliul de;( ki.tes in tills convention le cUctid hy .lie i iiiiiun'onvenl ion when hey meet lo ( lei t lie i talcs lo ihe .state ( on vi tit f. ii to Le held ut Kearney, A.iifnn a, isw. i he Timid rr of dplcmlcs from eiicli ennnlv is ihu Fume us ihe i i.iul er in the sone con vei.lion whu h inei Is in Kearney on Hie Be tin cut0 .). II. Ei'MiNs'l'aN. rhulrniaii. H. .1. WlllNN, hi c. Tho Chicago Kxpress: Along in 70' s tho cry was for a greenback dollar lo bo made us good ns a gold dollar." And tho dear people, all but n few, voted a great big "11111011." I'nder Ihe Sherman policy tho groon back dollar was "equalized" until it would hold more beef and lork. corn cotton and w heat than was over bo foro crammed into a dollar of nny sorb Hut tho pcoplo havo found out to their sorrow that this- big dollar counts only one when it comes to pay ing debts, and thai "loo much hog in tho dollar" moans too many big pork ors iu the mortgage. Now t ho farmer knows that Wail stivol's " -eeiesl. dol lar" is the worst kind of a thief. I Southern Allianco I'a.iiier: Il is ; about time for tho town lawyer fo take to tho bushes to instruct tho ignor ' ani farmers" how to voto in the- 1 mn i ing ("impiilgn. lleretoloi e .1 le' 1 out : required lunch ini.trut lieu. Hon: the 'yuiig solons 'or tho itcl tun or li'icn i year-, but now the issue is clear nil : u,-,il tho negro is nut "in it." Sitn c ; t he war t ho while pcoplo have !n-ru ' yd in ;' against 1 ho negro i'oaardle'-i of nil il n, gbt bo lie ir interest now lib--,, i:a.o tltmr ci s (i)i:ii, and will I to1 . hero their in.er. st is. 1 heso ! lnvyo. can now star! on tho ivinuis. I It 1 t i , 1 v wtll find lliing 1 i han 'e 1. I 'I',. ' ; I'le-ie have b'erned t rat the poli j I , 1 . : -. ic , . 1 1 :i" - ni "ivniiii'., 1 -r tlie Mir j 1 ' of I ' p, 11,; I le i.m ;( in of I . . i- an 1 '.ley iuo O'dag tho .-,IU10 I Ih.ng l:-.l:i . Nebraska Savings Bank i 13 an 1 O St., Lincoln. Capital 5ICO.OOO- The Oldest S.ivj Br.' of Lincoln. LAI101 - i-. I., t 1 r fri-.,jTows Pays .Infiet .:. ; .st Liberal T-,r-.,. Kiccn . ...... ., . .... ,r ,,,4 op. wro i d I ..- . 1,1 c , , ) , ,., riMfi Dini, I er a -in ,1, nn,,,,,.,,,., wn.Jt savo.,11 .ii'ii'i i.iiliisii'. r iniur iiiai', a. 1 , 1 . il iu.,,, .... . .. . - 1HM ht-l t I A -,f J V. I. ,,'.,:, ,.s, K. T. rv. - lii'lili;: I 'IN .v.- I A!:S A it;; j i, Al fuilMds a.M d, Nl -I.AU.-lioovi it;i xnw v.iMk i.irr Cm 1 ..,. "' ' f i M 1 iitsl KOTICti T. ORGANIZED LA30R lviieit pureh- l t i''r "f ;dill,. a,.,, ,,,. it.cv hmve ''I. a'ei on i,m. .fk lor 11 nx demand " mlr FARMERS' ALLIANCE. EMBLEM PIS J jr wc w 1 ( Oliii'li'le i,.c. saiet. aa eiNTt icm. f.i'xni:a ar.w asn iKriciituT tsaoI!Mht. Tha ahoya la a (run rei'rcuciitation of nnr iieM alllaticu l inlileiii pin, Hhlcli renreiwiila a ilnw and la niipllcnlili' In rvrry tnte In Die I11I1111. Knr revidia we lurul-h a neatly printed ileum sail frlnve, which can Ih'hIi.m In d In Iho K.iiMcin I'm d.irliiit Imlae HTVIeen, nhowlnie i-arh n'tieer iu Ihe ri'Kulnr nnler. wlih imliiraiel liuinher of 1 1,0 Mllance. After lo,lv servleia Ilia (in imiv In icliichtal ami worn as an every day F111I lein I'lii, Till'. IIHAIO KV MKi. Ci, Iu lit IVurih Tmm THE FARMER'S SIDE " Where we are, how wi got hen, and tho way out." Dy Hon. W. A. PEFFER, c. t. iMiToa ruua aaasia. limn, cloth . I'rlca, tl.OO. There Is a detnanil fr enmpn lionsWa in- sutlioriUitiva hook whitli shall hpresflit tb fnr.ii.ir, and act furth his condition, tin Indu tiiws siirroiindimi liim, and ilaus ami 'rnfcb fur the fiitiirs. This book lioa benn written h Hon. W. A. I'ofTur, who was alerted to th United Status Sonata from Kansas to suieroi Senator liiitulls. TU litis la Tna I'rmik' Ulna, and this indicates tha urposo of Iho aorli In tho earlier chapters, (?cnntor I'tilur dc scribes the condition of the furnn r In vmii-u parts of the country, and ecu. pun it itli tb coiulition of men In other culling, lie can full unininm the cost of labor, of living, tin prict of crops, taxes, tnortiiKCK, and rates of Inter Ha (rivva elaborata tabids holn the liirreu of wealth In railroads, uianufactures, blinking und other forms of business, and ha compart this with the earnings of the farmer, ano ill watfo-workurs In Kfl,eial, In a clear, fnreihl style, with ahunilunt cttutliuia of facta and !! urea, the author tells linw tbe farmer reach his primunt unsutlsfuctory contlitlnn, Tin 11 foi lows an eluborato discussion of " The Way out,' which is the fullest and most autliorilutive pies entaliou of the aims and views of the Kniniers' Alliunca that has been publishcil, IncluilitiK fill' iliscuiioiu of tlia currency, tho qucsllctu ol lnterost ami iiKirlngds, rnilrnnils, (lis sale 01 crops, and other mutters of vital consequence, This bonk Is tho only one which altcinpta U cover tho whole ground, and It Is ininii'snr to empluuiiifo its vuhia. It is a C'lnpemliuin ol tbe facta, flgiiros, and niggenticus which tli farmer 0U(lit to huva at liuud. Tiik Faicjur's Sin lias Just hern Issued, and uiiikus a handsome and iiihstnMiiil book of 'JH.l piiires. Wo huve arranKcd with the pul lishnri for Its sale to our readers nt the pub lishers' price. The book may bo obtained a 0111 olBco, or we will forward copies to any address, post-paid, ou receipt of 11,1)0 per copy Add runs A Mil A NCK ITU. CO., Lincoln. Neb, Homes and Irrigated Farms, Gnrdctia and Orchards in the Celebrated IJear Itiver Valley on tho Main Linca of the Unicn I'acitic und Cet tral Pacific R. R. near Cprinne and gden, Utah. Spiciidi.l localinn fur buaines.s and in dustries of all kinds in Ihe well krown cit v of Coriniie, slltiatcd In the middle :.f 1 lie valley on the Central l'acillc R K. I'iiC lands of the. lienr Klvcr valley art) now -.brown open lo set I lenient by the construction of tbe muiimmili sysicni of irrigation from tlie. Hear lake and river, just cciinplctcil by tlie Hear KiverCaiml Co., at a cost of Jll.'Jil.v.bOO. The coin ..any c.o ,t wis I(!0,b00 aei i'8 of theso linn ianils nnd owns many lots tivd business !ecat; its in lliu oily of C'oi'innc, ami is now prepared to sell on etisy terntfl to settlers and colnnics. 'J'he cl'itiiite, soil, i.id irrig. ling facilities are pronounced uustil'pnsscd bv coni)tlcnl, tudges who di'i l'ire the vn'lcy to lie the l'lirndiart of the Farmer, Fruit (irower and Slock Uuiscr. Nice .social siirroundlngs, good ichoois and clmrchcs at Corinno City, slid Home Markets exist lor every kind of farm ami garden produce in tho neighboring cities ot Ogden and Salt l.r. 1, e, and in liie gieiit mining camps, l.ai'ilii will be .shown twin the local of ice i f the ('mnpnny nl (loiinn'v Ifilf .fcOHilJ., ouioiiuiiu nuiviiboip O ! n .. 1 1 It n Hnn.lll. "MM Aflcy for CAVEATS. X TRADE MARKS, DESIOM PAISNIli uvir isiuniv, oiu. For Information Brd free ITnndhonk write 1,0 M II NN A CO., lllll IIHOMIWA V, NHW YollK. Oldest linri'iiu fur sei'iirliur piiientN in America. ItTory pntent Inkeii out hy us Is tirniiirlit hefniu lliu public lo a until) id veil true of liaiiie In 11 1 u Lammit elrciilBtlnn of any selentlne pup er in t,i win-Id, Hiileniilillr Illustrate.'. No iinelliin'iil, mull should lie wit In nit p., Woeklv, i.'l.l,0 . j-ear 1 H.'il si niontlis Addreiis Mt.NN Si () l'CDLlsiihlis, iiiil llrnadwav, Nuw Vork. PATENT On NO FC A Ifi pnuc hook tree. Address W. T. HTZGKKALD, All'y-.i'-l.aw, C'nr, wth ninl K Sl. Wiisliiniil mi, l. C A New Song lluoli Wn have received a sample copy of 'Sunns of Industry," words and music, iy Charles S Howe of Michigan. It Is ("choice collection of songs for farniel'.s' lil.iinc.i nnd industrial and labor re 'ci'm oi'Knnii'.atioiis, tempi lance meet nps nml the homo Alliances nnd others reilinu tip cniel taiumenls will liud it .aiuable us the music Is new an. I the words well ndnptcd to the inspiration to desirable in songs of this character. The book enn be ordered from this allien or nf the author, Cliat'les S. Howo, South Allen, Midi. 1'rlce .Ti cents per copy, or 'JO cents a copy by thn dozen. nun n i BINDERS Mggs 137,665 1091 SALES AND TWENTY-SIX MILLION POUNDS or TWINE "Tc-T GRASS, GRAIN & CAIN' ' f.f gg&. PEERING AGENTS Wlfl. PEERING & CO, EVERYWHERE CHICAGO, U. S. A CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK LINCOLN NEIJRASKA OAiMTAL, ::::::: $.500,000. (!, W. MObllKU, President. II. ..WALSH, Vice Prcaident. K. C. OUTCALT, CiwhJor. .1. W. MAXVs'KLL, Asis-tf!t Caihlur DIllfcCTOIUI. 1). K. THOMSrON. K. I. HAM Kit, A. P. 8. BTUAKT. ACCOL'WTI (UI.ICITKII. W. W. IIOLMK3. it. c. rnu.Lirs. LJNDELL .-HOTEL INDEPENDENT HKADQUAKTKILS. CORNER 13TH AND M STS., LINCOLN, NEB, Tliroo Mock from Capitol ImtMliiK. Lttifloln' tiowttdt, ticaloat and best rip town hotel. Kin-lity new room Just completed, Including lnrgn coniinlttB roiMut, making W, rwm In all. tf A. L. HUOVKU & BON, Vtof'n. Euccewor to OADGCR LUMBER CO. Wholesale Retail Lumber TELEPHONE 7O1, ST. BETWEEN ITU AND TJ LINCOLN, NEB, WHERE DOYOUBUY DRY GOODS? -- 11 THE cut prosei.tel hero Is a fao slto'le of a tiadjra dcslitned and paletitod i Tjv ,,J' Mi. hlifiiell of I liuyciinH, Woinliig. Thla liadire Is liileinlnl lor uao hy in era mo i enpiu s i nn j, iinu reads: - reiipiti s rariv i ior our uountry und I'hui : America." idr. Iltirnull Is a iiiciiitiur of OhoTenno Assembly, No. 24s", K.iIkIus of Labi r, These bailKeS are iiihiIo in Hoild (iold at II. fin i iielii (lold i'latiid, Vficontsi and In silk III coma roadlnv the "People's I'arly Cuntpiuiin badso." This lladito is for tho rnlilions. (iood aauiils wanted evervwhore. H'rSuln llm tiiilniiii,ii rnr PHrtleiilar.ard uirency. ,(lif CEORCE BICNELL, Cheyonno. Wyr. Jlf l'nr sale at Hiis oillee. Monthm llils papiir. ' ' j 1j 11, M A- 1 WHOLESALE BRANCH Hals, Caps ai Firaisis Gcflfls BKATRICK, CItANI) ISLAND, FALLS CIT', WEEPING WATER AND AUBURN. lfitf Special Attention 017 ( 1019 0 STREET. MUSICAL ADVERTISE alliance'-iIependent. A CALL TO ACTION, GEN. IAS. B WEAVER Ibis writrn uinler thu nkovo title The Book of the Century. Tim Rrundi'st reforni book now In print, Every thinking voter should read It. I'rU'c, 1 Ml. For salo nt thla clllit', 7tf Scud for our complotn book Hut, MACHINES t&tf C. VV. MORHKU. C. K. YAW.. Wo Sell to all for Cash and to -All for the Same Low Price. We guarantee tho prico on every arti cle in our Btoro and will refund the mon ey to those who think tht-y have paid too much. If that is the way yon like to do liusinesM we want your trade. We want those who cannot call at the store to send for Ha in pi cm. Yours etc., MILLER & PAINE, 4'Jtf LINCOLN, NEB. Q AND RETAIL si HOUSES: to Mail Orders. LINCOLN, NEB MKKCfl ANtliSK, Ouritnck rcplpto with evarythliitf In tb musloal line. Prices to ull tho times. N, I', Cbiitim. i Co. imimt BALE-TIE 03, O- MsNHFAOTURIR (If AUJUSTAULU WIHK BALB-TIUS. Headquarters for this Class of Goods wuith rou rnicKs Station A, Kansas City, Mo, CHEW and SMOKE m.Uxod NATURAL LEAF TOBACCO Vi.ll IiiW I'llleRS WSItM TO niCHlWKTIII.il A I O., liiikslllS TMni