The farmers' alliance and Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1892, May 26, 1892, Image 1

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m. . &
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NO. 50.
Various Phases of the Money Question Dis
cussed. Effects of Contraction. More
Money Needed-
Extracts from a Speech Delivered by Gen.
C. H. Van Wyck before the Knights
of Labor at Denver.
At your bidding I come to discuss a
subotance , which, not far distant from
the creation of man, through all nations
civilized and savage. Christian and infi
del, b)nd and free, for over 4,000 years
in continuous line has been not so much
discussed as approved without question,
and from necessity ever recognized as a
standard or measure of value. Silver
has been the favorite throughout history
as a money metal, more generally than
even gold, and is so with nearly all the
nations of the world to-day.
When Abraham made the purchase
of the cave for the burial of his wife he
would not accept it as a gift, but insis
ted on paying the full measure of good
money, and he weighed out 400 shekels
of silver, clearly showing that some
where and some how the tiat brand had
thus early been stamped upon it, and it
was recorded as equal or superior to the
exact weight, "current money with the
merchant." So down to the time of
Christ, nearly 19C0 years after, when
the heavens were shrouded and deep
gloom came upon the earth and the
biackdst betrayal ever committed by
man which only the best money could
obtain we find that SO pieces, not of
gold but of silver purchased the life and
blood of the Savior.
Why this persistent attempt to depre
ciate, and finally destroy silver? Before
demonetization in 1873 we were pros
perous. Seheming was required, and
under the innocent pretext of reorgan
izing the mint, the direction to coin
the standard dollar was purposely omit
ted. The conspirators knew why. The
infamy was completed and the dollar
demonetized. That act struck down
prosperity. Immediately our troubles
' increased, activity disappeared and all
the inevitable results of monetary con
traction cursed our fair country.
Those who toil for bread demand a
currency bo'-h good and abundant, a
currency neither depreciated nor
A money famine is often more deadly
than a grain famine. A power beyond
the government withholds the rain.
Human foresight cannot guard against
drouth. But how can an honest govern -meut
be excused a scarcity in money?
Man, through government, creates,
makes abundant, or withholds, to the
injury of the millions,
There is no such thing as money in
nature, diamonds, gold and silver are
valuable and will produce large sums
for exchange. Diamonds, the most val
uable, have never been vested with the
attributes of money, having no place
to put the fiat brand as the government
can on gold and silver. Nations us wise
as, and possibly more humane, than
ourselves never worried about its de
preciation or had spasms about cheap
money when made of tin. Lycurgus
taught a great lesson when he ordered
coins of iron, thereby aiding trade and
striking a blow at two classes net far
apart the hoarder and the thief.
Which is the depreciated money? Gov
ernment monetary issues are of three
kinds gold, silver and paper. If meas
ured by value of the paper the green
back is least valuable, yet it is the most
appreciated in use, next to the "cheap
and nasty silver." Do not the financial
prophets and political sleight-of-hand
ringsters know that- the government
brand makes each equally good? Each
will purchaso as much of the commod
ities and real estate as the other. Is it
not pandering to the plutocrats to fay
that the poor toiler will always receive
the cheap money? What autocrat above
the constitution will draw this distinc
tiction? Thank Heaven! the eagle
stamped on gold and silver and the au
tograph of tixty millions on a bit of pa
per make all equal to the money of roy
alty. They all nestle in the pockets of
free labor with the riche3 and sparkle
of the English crown. Which of the
three will not buy a dollar's worth of
the value cf one hundred cents?
These pharsiaical partisans are now
overflowing with iious regard for the
toilers. They are afraid the unprotected
poor man will be imposed upon by hav
ing palmed off on him the "cheap and
nasty dollars," when the millions of pro
ducers and laborers, with scarce an
exception, are begging for more dollars'
they care not of what material made so
long as they bear the imprint of the
eagle and enough of fiat to make each
the equal of the best. Don't be grieving
on the laborer's account. The dollars
he receives won't stay in his pocket
long enough to go into bankruptcy,
.however "cheap and nasty" they
may be.
Who forced the depreciated currency
"upon the soldier? The very government
which made the meney and whose life
ho was saving. Why was not the same
anxiety manifest then?
It is not too late forthese weeping
patriots to have the banks opened and
the difference made (rood between the
ragbaby as the democratic party
called them when the war was on, and
as the republican party called them
when the war was over and the dollar
which was paid the bondholder; and
the old soldier, or his widow and chil
dren will gladly accept that difference
in "cheap aid nasty" monoy, as both
parties delight to call it. You remem
ber during and after the war we were
always so solicitous to aid the bond
holder by act after act to "strengthen
the public credit," never to increase the
honesty of the public credit by doing
justice to the soldier.
We only ask the restoration of a law,
which by'its age and benelicence has be
come part of tho government. We
prospered under the free coinage of
both metals. In all sections, east as
well as west, depression followed the
attempted destruction of silver. In the
south, cotton, which once boasted it
was king, in the north, grain and meat
scarcely return cpst of production. The
English autocrat, aided by British gold,
demanded the demolition of one of the
pillars of our greatness, and we did his
bidding with the same agility we
obeved the behests of the slave
holder. The plutocrats are not only calamity
howlers, but genuine calamity doers.
They have for years been besieging
congress to blot out silver and have
golf alone as the basi3 of circulation.
Not succeeding they accepted the
demonetization act of 1ST3. We remem
ber how indignant was the nation when
that iniquity was discovered.
Cunningly disguised in a bill with
innocent title, the standard silver dol
lar was stricken down. Even Grant
signed the bill without intimation of
the crime against the people it con
tained. We are tauntingly told that England
has demonetized silver. How does that
concern us? We know it. And Eng
land demonetized silver here in 1873.
To day as then England controls our
financial policy.
We had free and unlimited coinage
from 171K3 to 1873. Did we have any of
the calamities and horrors these
prophets of evil suggest? All the ob
jections now urged and the wanton
calamities prophesied are abundantly
answered by the history of the world
for thousands of years and the exper
ience of our own nation for a
We are set upon by party orgars,
orators, and resolution makers, as if
seeking some new medium of exchange,
a new representative of value. We are
not seeking to add, only to retain. The
Hessian gang, who are always ready to
betray the country and ceceive the peo
ple even for the poorest kind of money,
are pat with the same epithets in what
ever field their masters employ (hem.
So quick-witted editers, sleek-tongued
orators are ready with "silver lunacy"
and tho "silver craze."
The situation in a single sentence:
Only the creditor nations of the world
want silver demonetized ; only the cred
itor portion want silver demonetized in
this republic.
Then the people must be deceived bv
the assumption that silver will drive
out gold. Where is the proof? Did
free coniage drive out gold during a
century? Then that "all the sil 'er of
Europe will be dumped on our shores."
J. hey can only speak of silver in con
tempt, so in the elegant language o! the
plutocrat thev say "dumued." Was
such the case during a century of free
coinage? inner nations have no sur
plus to dump here.
The nation knows hard times com
menced wtth contraction. Then
demoralization, the most deadly con
traction, followed a depression from
which we have nor yet recoveied. No
one has shown when and bow the peo
ple will be benefited by curtailing the
currency. Prosperity follows abun
dance, whether it be of grain or coin.
When money is scarce interest rules
high and labor sutlers for money and
bread. Disguise it as they may the
question of intrisic value is only a
Labor only prospers in the sunlight of
universal freedom, when trade and en
terprise are free in all their channels.
when money, the life and spring and
source of all industries, is puking warm
and strong in all the arteries of business.
A contracted currency dries up the ave
nues of human activities, with no en
couragement ana hope of gain or even
bread to those who toil. Thoso who
make gain by investment, and whose
harvest is from depression, want neither
freedom in trade nor freedom ineoinage-.
Those who become rich by development
oi Drain and muscle can only obtain the
means and secure the reward when
government will furnish an abundance
of money for the necessities of the peo
We are reproached at times because
of a conflict or struggle between capital
and labor. This conflict has always
waged and always will, while there is a
necessity for bread and existence on
one side and a greed for gold on the
other. The struggle is generally an un
equal one. Napoleon spoke with much
truth when he claimed that Providence
was on the side of the heavy artillery.
It is as true to day as when written
years ago by neither a crank nor a dem
agogue: Plate sin in gold, the lance of justloe harm
less breaks.
C.othe it in rairs, a pigmy straw doth pierce it.
Jackson and the elder Harrison were
in favor of free coinage; why are not
Cleveland and the grandson? Don't
you clearly see an effort to change the
policy of the government? No party
lines on this question. Corporations,
syndicates, trusts, money ldaners, have
no politics, and no party must have any
politics to interfere with such of their
schemes of building up and tearing
down as may be necessp.ry to add to
their millions; the only issue now is De
tween the wealth gatherers and wealth
The successors of Jackson's bime
tallic party, the administration, with all
it3 power as such freely used to dragoon
men's convictions, forgetful or sacred
nromises. betrayed their trust. Fit
counterpart of Black Friday and the
demonetization act!
Still there is hone that the Lord does
not alwayn sleep. The Methodist church
for years enjoying the distinction of the
pioneer church, has always seemed
nearer to the hearts of the people, anu
we trust nearer to the heart of Christ,
and, while not always coming promptly
to tue help of the Lord against the
mighty, has m the end generally re
sponded to the sufferings of the oppress
ed. And now this name Methodist
church with over 500 men, in learning
aud piety as grand a body as ever as-
erer assembled, are in session in a
great conference at Omaha. As years
ago, through ar. other rift in the clouds
comes another ray of hope in a resolu
tion offered in that body by Kev. Dr.
Thomas Hanlon of Pennington semi
nary, declaring that the '.'Methodist
Episcopal church should come out
squarely upon the great struggle be
tween capital ana laoor now oeing
waged in this country." He said the
church had not shown sullicidnt sympa
thy for the toiling millions, that the la
boring ciasses were uniting away, tuat
the church to a large extent were made
up of women, and that the churcn had
been too much inclined to lean toward
the interests of capitalists. Tne journal
added: "Dr. Hanlon was vigorously
applauded from the gallery." Tho reso
lution was referred to the committee.
Let us watch and pray that the bishops
do not play the roie of nursing mothers
and put it to sleep.
Ihe silver wrong is only one ot many;
one in a great series, a link in the chaiu
which is binding free labor to the chari
ot wheels of capital. The people are al
most powerless. All large business in
terests are each protecting the other,
all built upon fictitious capital, watered
stocks, railroads with $4,000,000,000
capital not costing a farthing even of
the "cheap and nasty" and divided be
tween the nobility of England and
America. Then Standard oil, sugar
trusts, more than four times watered
Western Republican Wolf "Drop that nonsensical silerr
flirtation and be my bride. You will ruin the g. o. p. and your
self if you persist in your headstrong course. It's only a uemo-
cratie scheme to bust up us republicans.
and divided in the same manner. The
flouring mills, breweries, and a few
months ago the Vanderbilts reorganized
the Chicago stock yards, adding 15,
000,000 by tho stroke of a pen, and let
in Johnny Bull as a partner. And
while all this fraudulent inflation was
gohsg on, tilling the bank vaults of
millionaires, lor the rest of the nation-
Mow this samo class, unable to secure
all they demand by legislation and have
all money demonetized except gold, are
playing tne role of the highwayman, to
stand aud deliver, and the large corpor
ations are making and negotiating
bonds payable in gold only, commenc
ing in earnest to loan money on bonds,
on mortgages, on notes, in lact putting
the business of the country on he gold
basis, to the exclusion of silver and
greeubacks. The end is easily foreseen
hen there is not gold enough in this
country to pay 5 per cent of the indebt
edness. He cannot realize the disaster
impending. Everything is ii peril. The
danger in the time of Seward aud Lin
coln is increased tenfold. At the first
attempt to collect debts in gold then
premiums will be imposed, ruin will
threaten ill enterprise and industry, and
gloom will follow more appalling than
tne last rcniniwrrTiTotineea.-
Bui tho plundering goes on un
checked, i he people have been amused
by a national commission to regulate
railroads, which Is enforced when it
suits the convenience of the railroad;
they sport and toy with it as a play
thing. Even in purely agricultural states
seeking relief from extortion through
legislation and commissions none can te
obtained. Industry is in gyves. Capital
controls state and national lcgislntin
and makes combinations lo restrict and
control trade and enterprise. Yet if
laboi era form unions, even when oul
tiilo of politics, and merely for social
aud ible purpos s, they are ostra-
ci-e I aud the laborer must forego the
privilege to toil fr bread or abandon
the crder. Year bv year our condition is
les3 fav.rab'.e. 't he multitude t)il; the
few gather in th: fruits. L':ncolu said
this republ'c could not exist one-half
free and one-half slave. The nobility of
America said that was treason. Can it
any more live while the great majority
produce wealth and the few gather it?
let the struggle in a republic as wen
as under a monarchy endures the same
disappointments and hopes, and the
lot tells but history in each wnen ne
Truth forever on the tcaffold,
Wrong forever on the throne;
But that scaffold sways the future,
And behind the dim unknown
Stamdolh God within the shadow
Keeping watch ot er his own.
Three Burned to Death.
Guttekbcro, la., May 24. The 4-
year-old sons of John Luther and Frank
Goodrich set fire to Luther's barn Sat
urday. While rescuing the children
Mrs. Luther was so badly burned that
she did Sunday night. Both children
died yesterday.
National Relief for Endangered.
Washington, May 24. The secretary
of war has authorized the chief of engin
eers to use government boats upon all
western rivers to save human life where
residents of the flooded districts are in
Fraternal Circle Receive.
Baltimore, May 24. Judges Phelps
and Dennis, sitting in circrit court,
appointed three receivers in the Ameri
can Fraternal Circle case. They are to
have bonds of $100,000 each, and all
claims are to be authenticated with the
clerk of the court before September 1.
There are about $700,000 in the circle's
treasury, and claims of over J,000,OUO
outstanding in different states.
Methodist Frotestant General Conference
Westminster, Md., May 25 One of
the most important subjects to be dis
cussed by the Methodist Protestant gen
eral conference in session here is "the
woman question." A large attendance
was present at the morning session in
expectation of a report from the com
mittee on credentials on the standing of
the four female delegates who were
elected to and came to the conference.
The committee made two reports on tho
standing of delegates. After consider
able discussion the first report, which
referred to an Indiana contest, was com
mitted. The second report cited that
tho election of Rev. Mrs. Eugenie St.
John and Mrs. M. J. Morgan of Indi
ana, Miss M. M. Bonnett of West Vir
ginia, and Mrs. R. O. Murphy of Iowa,
were contlary to the law and constitu
tion of the church.
Rev. T. B. Appleget of New Jersay
made a minority report reciting that all
the delegates were duly elected and ac
credited and the. rplljts. made bp by. the
secretary contains toe true list of the
members entitled to membership. As
the list of the secretory contains the
names of women delegates and the re
port favors the continuance of them in
their seats the matter was not disposed
of. .
Cumberland Presbyterians.
Memphis, Tenn., May 24. The Cum
berland Presbyterian assembly received
the report of the board of missions and
church erection. All of the branches of
the Presbyterian church consolidate
their work in Japan and operate under
the title of the Church of Christ.
Against this consolidation New Hope
Presbytery of Kentucky has protested
and the matter was discussed at length.
It is hardly probable the protest will be
acted on favorably. The board of mis
sions and the board of church erection
consolidated under a resolution of the
general assembly passed in 1890, and
Rev. J. M. Kuton led the fight to do
away with one of the secretaries. The
committee recommend making one sec
retary the superintendent of tne board
of missions and retaining the other sec
retary. Southern Presbyterians.
Hot Springs, , Ark., rMajr 24. The
Presbyterian assembly received a letter
from Rev. H. George, D, D., secretary
of the Sabbath Union, urging the
adoption of resolutions commending the
labors of the Sabbath Union, whose
mission is to unite all Christian forces in
an effort to secure the observance of the
Sabhath to the end that there be no
Sunday newspapers, Sunday saloons,
etc. The committee to which was re
ferred the matter of international arbi
tration reported that the executive com
mittee now had the matter in hand.
The report ef the committee on theo
logical seminaries showed the total re
ceipts for the year amount to $24,820,
against fci,;i59.
Successful Armor Flate Teat Science of
Agriculture Money 'Will Do the
Russians Postofftce Changes.
Washington, May 24. As a result of
a test of a piece of armor the govern
ment will at once accept the twenty
diagonal plates for the battle ships
Indiana and Massachusetts, aggregat
ing about 800 tons and representing
about half a million dollars in value.
The piece which was tested is one of the
thickest pieces of armor ever manufac
tured in this country, being fourteen
inch nickel steel diagonal plate. It was
subjected to, an uuusually severe test,
more severe in fact than the staudard of
tests adopted by foreign countrie s. A
ten inch gun was used, the projectile
weighing 500 pounds, with a powder
charge of 140 pounds, giving a striking
velocity of 1.410 feet a second. None of
the three shots fired succeeded in get
ting far enough into the plate to show
the backing. All three shots rebounded,
one of them back to the muzzle. The
deepest penetration was fourteen inches.
One of the projectiles, an imported
Firth, broke, while the American pro
jectile was uninjured.
Argentine and the World's Fair.
Washington, May 24. Dr. Bortelette,
world's fair commissioner to the Argen
tine Republic, writes that the Argen
tine commissioners are now actively at
work, and that they will want 8,000
square feet of space at the exposition.
The commissioners are sending
out largo quantities of papers and
circulars to the different officials
throughout the country and to the news
papers. Tho mining exhibit, which is
to be very large, will be under the
charge of Dr. Hosmold, chief of the
national mining bureau. It is hoped,
but not definitely settled, that many in
fluential ladies of tho country will take
measures to secure an exhibit for the
woman's department.
Science of Agriculture.
Washington, May 24. Senator Pad
dock has introduced a bill for the ad
vancement of the science of agriculture.
This bill provides that any person who
invented or discovered any new plant,
fruit or flower not known or
used by others in this country, shall
obtain a patent therefor. The claim
must be made in writing and shall be
filed in the patent office with the man
ner and process of making aud using.
The secretary of agriculture shall have
the same power as is imposed on the
commissioner of patents.
Washington, May 25. For Iowa:
Fair: slightly warmer; southerly winds.
For Nebraska: Fair; cooler in western
Dortions; winds becoming northerly.
Southern Democratic Tiokb "Hop into the ring
with me, birdie, Bnd quit your 'hollering' for silver.
You will ruin the democratic party if you persist in
your foolish course. It's only a republican scheme to
bust up us democrats."
Tho Irish Bill Causes the Most In
tense Bitterness.
English Workinpaien Denounce the Poli
ticians in All Parties German Taxa
tion Berlin Bank Manager Gone
Wroug News from Abroad.
London, Mfcy 24. The debate on the
Irish local government bill dragged
along monotonously in the' house of
commonB until Mr. William O'Brien,
Nationalist for tl'e northeast divisjon of
Cork, made a hot attack on the govern
ment, covering its whole policy toward
Ireland. He was followed on the floor
by Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, who was
interrupted frequently by jeers from the
Irish benches and cries of "Oh! Oh!''
from bis sometime colleagues, the Glad
etonians. He said that he regarded the
measure favorably because it gave to
Ireland exactly what similar measures
had given to England. He could not
agree with the opposition that no safe
guards were necessary to protect the
property of the minority from the local
authorities who practically would be the
representatives of one party. The limi
tations put by the bill on the local au
thorities were indispensible, and he
would vote for the bill. (Derisive
laughter among the Irish members.)
Mr. Timothy Healy replied to Mr.
Chamberlain maintaining that where
the bill was not harmfnl it was ridicu
lous and pointing out that even Mr. Bal
four had been unable to say much in its
favor. The grand jury system was to
continue to fulfill the very duties which
had rendered it so obnoxious to the Irish
people, After reviewing Mr. Balfour's
scheme in detail, Mr. Healy expressed
the opinion that the bill was the most
contemptible thing that he had ever
seen in the house and that no self-respecting
Irishman could vote for it.
The house adjourned after Mr. Healy's
speech and the Irish members went out
hooting and shouting. Today Mr.
Gladstone will speak. The government
expects a majority of at least sixty for
the bill. .
The Labor Conference.
London, May 24. The labor confer
ence was largely attended. Mr. Eelley
of Manchester was elected chairman.
He urged that efforts should be made
to form a powerful labor policy in par
liament. One of the speakers said that
the aristocratio and moneyed classes
filled parliament to protect their own
interests. Despite all the promises
made at Newcastle and elsewhere every
politician of note had taken a negative
position on matters affecting the de
mocracy. Mr. Gladstone was evasive
and had snubbed the labor party, jir.
Morley had insulted it, Lord Salisbury
twitted at it, Mr. Balfour had been cyn'
ical and Lord Randolph Churchill had
been hysterical. There was not a rep
resentative man in either party who was
not opposed to the labor program. The
ruling classes cared nothing that the
millions were weltering in ignorance
and poverty, so long as their own pock
ets were well filled.
German Taxation.
Beklin, May 24. The government
was divided on the bill to secure secrecy
for income tax returns. It is said that
the clericals and conservatives will hold
together to defeat all other government
measures relating to the taxation.
These two parties were aided by a large
number of independent deputies when it
come to the vote. The allusions of the
minister of the interior to further finan
cial bills were received with cries of
Ordered Out of Saxony.
Berlin, May 24. The police of Dres
den, Saxony, have informed the Russian
pau-slavist agent,Herr Von Wesselitzsky
Bojodadaravite, who was recently or
dered out of Prussia at the instance of
the kaiser, that he cannot take up his
residence in Dresden. This, notice, it i3
understood, has been given at the re
quest of the Prussian government.
Another Bank Manager Gone Wrong.
Beklin, May 24. Herr Schenck, man
ager of the St. Gall branch of the Fed
eral bank, has been arrested for embez
zling the funds of the institution. The
amount that be has taken is at least
3,000,000 francs, and probably 3,500,000.
to Bays SlWsrfrlead, Who Has Returned
te Ilia Economite People.
Beaver Falls, Pa., May 24. H. D.
Silverfriend, the Hebrew Economite
who has gained considerable notoriety
owing to th prominent part he baa
played in Duss-Teed-Hmrmonite affairs,
is now stopping at the Grand HoteL He
taid that he had severed all connection
with Victoria Woodhull and her party,
and was now home to complete his final
settlement with the Economite society
and the Valley Glass company, of
which Utter organization be was secre
tary. fcilverfriend says that Dr. Teed has
alxnit given up his attempt to form a
combination of his socitty and the
Economitea. He buds it would be
about as easy to mix oil and water as to
form an alliance between the staid,
phlegmatic Economitea and the mer
curial, flighty angels -of the Teed band.
Dr. Teed, ne says, is seeking for pastures
new, uulesa all signs fail.
The Blaine Boom Given a Lift from
Uemocratlo source Houth Dakota
Democrats Morrison Their Man.
ClNCiNNAVi, May 24. The Enquirer
prints tho following dispatch from its
Washington correspondent which,
in view of the warm social rela
tions between Mr. Blaine and Mr.
John R. McLean, may be con
sidered significant: "The convention
to be held in Minneapolis on
June ? next will nominate James G.
Blaine for the ofrive of president of the
United Slates. This information is not
based on street gossip or curbstone con
ference. It is a living, indisputable fact.
Ever since the name of Blaine has been
connected with this nominations, its
ratification required only his assent.
Up to , forty-eight hours ago this was
withheld. It u no louver withheld.
The situation has reached the crisis.
Mr. Blaine has spoken to this extent:
'1 will do notlhng to prevent my nom
ination. I have made my last denial.'
Aud I can say likewise that if nomin
ated Blaine will make the race. The
assurances so persistently made that
his own name is stronger than any
other have had their- effect. Yielding
every consideration to party welfare, he
is iu the hands of his delegates. He
will ueither seek the nomination nor
run away from it."
Morrison the Man.
Chicago, May 24. The meeting of the
Btatb central committee in this city was
the oecassion'for the gathering of most
of the Illinois delegates and of politicians
from all quarters of the state, and was
productive of not a little surprise when
the presidential preferences of delegates
were canvassed. The forty-eight dele
gates from Illinois are instructed to vote
as a unit in the national convention and
recommended to favor the nonfiuation
ot Senator Palmer in case it should be
deemed expedient to come west for a
It now appears certain, however," that
Colonel Morrison, and not Senator
Palmer, is the ehoice of a very decided
majority of the Illinois delegates, and
that after a primary ballot for Cleveland
and a complimentary ,one for Palmer it
is the intention of the majority to' throw
the solid support of the forty -eight votes
of IlMnois to W. , R. Morrison. Under
the unit rule, imposed by the state con
vention, this can easily be done, and as
even the friends of Senator Palmer con
cede that Colonel Morrison has a ma
jority of the delegation there is little
doubt this plan will be carried out.
Sou'h Dakota Democrats.
Yankton, S. D May 24. Delegates
to the Democratic state convention have
arrived aud preliminary skirmishing is
proceeding. The first fight will be in
the meeting of the Democratic state cen
tral committee today, when the ques
tion of the place for holding the next
state convention will come up. Cuaui
bvrlain wants that question decided at
once, while Hot Springs, Sioux Falls
and other towns that want the conven
tion are working to have the select ion
delayed. P. F. Fellows ot White Lake
will be temporary chairman.
Mut Favor Sliver.
Denver, Colo., May 24. The Arapa
hoe county Democratic convention
adopted a resolution that delegates to
the national convention njust be unalter
ably in favor of the presidential candi
date and platform tor free silver. A
resolution favoring Cieveiund was voted
Miller National Asnociatlou.
CuiCA'iO. May 24. The sixteenth an
nual convention of the Millers' Na
tional association began ttiis morning at
9 o'clock. The convention will last
three days and before the adjournment
there w til probably be some lively times
over ' Ha'cli's anti-option bill. An at
tempt will oe made to prevent tue as
sociation from placing itself on record
on the measure. Senator Washburn of
Minnesota will lead the attack on the
enemies of the bill. The association is
already on record as opposed to board ot
trade speculation, a resolution having
been passed at the convention two yem-.i
ago indorsing the Butterworth bill to
prevent speculation in futures.
The Editorial Association.
San Francisco, May 24. The Na
tional Editorial association opens its
convention this evening. During their
journey the delegates passed through
Delmont and San Jose and visited the
Stanford university and the famous
stables at Palo Alto.
Dividend for Bank Creditors.
Washington, May 24. The comp
troller of the currency has declared a
second dividend of 15 per cent, in favor
of the creditors of the Madison National
bank of Madison, S. D., making 30 per
cent, in all, on claims proved amounting
to $4S,334,4r.
No Fusion on Kansas Candidates.
Topeka, Kan., May 24. It was an
nounced here that there will be ao
fusion on state offices between the Peo
ple's Party and the Democrats. This
action was decided Saturday.
Smallpox at Chicago.
Chicago, May 24. T. S. Meek, a trav
eling salesman from Philadelphia and a
guest at the Palmer house, was suffer
ing from smallpox. Meek was removed
to the pest house.
The Red Cloud Volunteer Firemen' aav
tociation was Incorporated.
Rowland reports that kt is te have aav
eral new building in a short time.
James McDonald shot James Mason at
North Bend in a quarrel over a game of
Frospects for a crop of mall grain la
the vicinity of Ord could not be more en
couraging. ,
Bradshaw citizens have organized as
Improvement company with a capital
tock'of J,0O.
The Nebraska Gospel anion will hold its)
first state Bible school on the fair grounds
at Lincoln, July 18 to 24.
Three large cans of pike frota the state
hatchers were placed in the Elkhornln
i" county last weec.
Louis Vleth, one of the meet prominent
German citizens of, Lincoln, died ot
rheumatism of the heart.
An outbreak of hog Cholera U feared
near Diller because a farmer threw a lei
of dead hogs Into the creek.
Mrs, Gillilanil, a missionary in Chili,
who formerly resided near Prosser, idama
county, died recently of smallpox.
A ut w bank is to be established at Burr,
to be known as. the German America
bank, wtth a capital stock of (31,000.
Ball ia reported as having destroyed the
crops In portions of Boone, Buffalo, Chey
enne, Garfield, Greeley and Bed Willow
counties. '
Fred Smith of Boone county imported
four head of fine shorthorn cattle of the
Cruikshank family, and has them on his
farm near Albion.
The Wayne high aohool has received a
telescope which it purchased in Paris at a
cost of f 100. The school now . has 1300
worth of fine.lnstruments.
George F. Underwood, .a popular Rock
Island conductor, died suddenly and un
expectedly at Fairfield. His remalna
Were sent to Jackson, Mich.
While L. Kinsman ot Beaver City waa
attending to his horses one of the ani
mals kicked him in the groin, inflicting
what is supposed to be a serious Injury.
The Grand Army of the Republics and
kindred organizations at Leigh are mak
ing preparations for observing Memorial
day in an appropriate and fitting man
ner. . . '
Ufttiie ureea citizens nave petiuoneu
the county commissioners to call an elec
tion for the purpose of voting on bonds
to build a system of waterworks and a
Jail. .
Martin Daniels of Oxford was chosen at
the IToldrege convention - to represent
Furnas county on the independent con
gressional committee during the ensuing
In punmance of his project of gathering
comnlete statistics of the graded schools
of Nebraska Superintendent Goudy
mailed blanks to the principals of 168 such
4 lTvV .mint f rrr, t namaii TtoftV
was found dead In a ditch near his home '
by Mb wife. The ditch was full of water
and It Is believed that Drake fell into it
while suffering from a fit.
The annual meeting of the Old Settlers'
association of Platte county will be held
at Columbus on. May 30. for the purpose
of electing officers and making arrange- '
ments for the annual picnic.
Mr. D. 1m Darr, for several years cashier
of the Holt county bank, has severed hla
connection with that institution and will
immediately commence the erection of a
fifty barrel roller flour mill In O'Neill.
B 1 he Janiata city council voted 8 to 3 for
a saloon, aud granted a license to Mat
School to establish a store for the dispen
sation of spirits. Thus ends the long fight
for the preseDt year in regard to saloons.
A planing mill at Randolph is now ful- 1
ly assured. The supervision of its con
struction is having the attention of the
projector Mr. Caswell of Odebolt, Ia.
The main building will be 30x40 feet in
dimensions, with double floors.
Labor Commissioner Andres sent oat
blank letters of Inquiry to the ihlefs of
police of Nebraska cities to ascertain the
number of hotels in the state which liava
been provided with fire escapes according
to the provisions of the statutes.
The amennt of breaking this season in
Thurston, Dixon, Wayne and Cedar conn- .
ties will equal,or exceed the total amount
for four years past. The emigration into
the four counties In the last eight montha
has been the greatest in their history.
James Kirkpatrlck, a farmer living two
miles south of Phillips, suffered a heavy
loss by Are. His two barns burned with
contents. Twenty-one head of horses
and seven sets of harness were burned.
Several of the horses were valuable ani
mals. Extensive preparations are being mad
at Oakdale for the third annual encamp
ment of the North Nebraska district. The
counties of Antelope, Madison, Boone,
- TT ' ' II" .. I," t . -
fierce, noil, wayne, veusr, auui, iw
kota. Wheeler and others are expected to
Ed Thompson, a notorious character
who has been confined in the county jail
at Thedford on the charge of assisting two
men in assaulting his wife, broke jail and
has so far succeeded in keeping out ot the
reach ot the officers, who are making a
desperate hunt for him.
The county division meeting held at
Broken Bow adopted lines intended to
divide Custer county Into three equal coun
ties, dividing north and south. This di
vision gives numerous towns chances for
acountyseatandit'looksasif It will be
a popular plan and may result in carrying
the proposition at the fall election.
The NatiuL-al Export Swine association
meets in annual session in Lincoln the
last Tuesday in this month and the ses
sion continues three days. By order of
the state association of the state ot Ne
braska the officers extend an invitation to
all breeders of thoroughbred swine to
meet with the association on this oc
casion. The case against Charles H. Paul, for
embezzling publio funds while treasurer
of Adams county, was called up for pre
liminary hearing before Judge Burton at
Hastings. County Attorney Halpner dis
missed the case and filed a new complaint
charging Mr.P aul with defaulting $53,900.
88 county money, which Is the amount
found by an expert" who has recently com
pleted an examination of the books. Mr.
Paul waived examination, ant? gave bail
for his appearance at court. In the first
case the torn of complaint has been changed
to a general charge of aiding and
abetting Mr. Paul in the defalcation of
the funds, aud leaving out the specific
Indianapolis Shocked.
Indianapolis, May 24. Indianapolis
felt a distinct shock of earthquake at
8:36 last evening. The disturbance)
lasted about five seconds.