AMONG OUR EXCHANGES. E. Rosewater: Lord. I sn man of authority. When I My unto a at convention "Swallow" immediately it swalloweth. Lincoln Daily Sun. Wiiy proMeuta ttaa maa Of woman. Who ttea J the ioom from off the common. But leaxe tie irreater felon looae, Who Meal the eoinmoa frjm the foose T -Ex. The Flint (Mich.) Citizen ft April 23rd contains 18 columns of niortgsge sale of real estate farms, agzregating about 4,600 acres. The average amount for which these little fcrnis are to be old is $3.15 per acre. Now if the own ers of little garden truck farms in the manufacturing state of Michigan, with in a stone's throw of the bin cities ot Chicago, Detroi: and Milwaukee, are being sold out in townships because they cannot raise a mortgage of 13 per per acre, isn't it about time the calamity nowi snouiu do raiseu aume muic- coin Herald. Silver men are becoming numerous outside of Colorado, and the earnest ri aba with which thev are working in' dicates the rapidity ef its growth. Dif ferent political interests, the Farmers Allianco, the people's party, Trades Unions, asseuiolies are all drawing nearer together, the final result of which will be the crystalization of their views into one grand combination which will work in unison for free coinage. Tin Cup Times. It now transpires that the Wyoming trouble had its origin in a scheme of the large stockmen to get rid of the small stockmen and homestead settlers, and resorted to hired thugs to do so. Without investigation the gsvernment sent its soldiers to assist these Hired assassins to diive these settlers from their home. This might be called "protection," such protection as vultur es give to lambs, such protection has the republican party been giving the com mon people. Onida (S. D.) Journal. The New Xation thinks "the mad scramble of a mob of 25,000 people to secure claims in the just opened Indian land reservation in Oklahoma has offer ed another object lesson of the basis of all claims to property in land. Tkere is but one original basis of property in land and that is a grab. If you trace back the title far enough you will never find anything but a grab at the end of it." What are you doing for the success of the people's cause this fall? Reform friends should profit by the oriental proverb, "If tby enemy be a moust- fan cy it an elephant" and get to work. Alliance Standard. Will Carry Georgia- A Washington dispatch of May 1, to Chicago Herald (dem ) says: Representative Lester of Georgia, to day returned from a visit to his state. While home Mr. Lester took occasion to study the political situation, and he reports the Farmers' Alliance making alarming progress. Mr. Lester is a democrat but he insists that his party will have to exert itself to the utmost to carry the stale this fall. "The people of the state want tree silver, and they demand several other thingi indorsed by the Allianco," says Mr. Lester- "They are becoming dis satisfied with both the old parties Georgia is considered strongly democra tic, and it has always been so, but it looks to me as if the Alliance would carry it at the coming election. Unless something is done to check the growth of the Aliiance down there. I sincerely believe the third party will be able to secure the presidential electors from Georgia." Mr. Lester's opinion is sup ported by that of Mr. Livingston and some of the other members of the Georgia delegation in congress. Even Mr. Blount, the eldest member of tLe delegation, declines to run again. Hi9 reason, it is said, being that the Alliance is so formidable in his district as to practically irsure the defeat of any can didate on the regular democratic ticket. The Chadron Citizen requests the Enterprise to "itemize Kern's record in congress and see if he has really done anything." Nothing would give us more pleasure, although we cannot give it complete. Keni voted for an indepen dent Speaker. He voted against the bill appropriating $100,000 to carry sup plies to Russia. About one year pre vious to this vote in company with Me Keighan he visited Washington; and tried to get a republican congress to make an appropriation for the relief of the Nebraska drouth sufferers, but it was refused. His government banking bill is attracting attention as one of the soundest financial measures that has been introduced into congress for many years. He is a valuable member on the committee on Indian affairs. He voted for the free coinage of silver. And as one of our independent exchanges we can't now recall which one, put it. "Educating ignorant republicans at $50 per educate." Lastly, but not leat-t, while taking an active inteiest in all legislation, he has ever by word and vote remained loyal to the people. It is .a record of which every independent may justly feel proud. Atkinson Enter prise. True if it is in the Bee. Although winter still lingers in the lap of spring the annual exodns of wealthy capitalists has begun from Boston. These canary birds have be gun their annual flight Jrom the Hub to escape the unpleasant visits of the tax assessor, who is liable to pry into their private affairs and cause them to con tribute toward the maintenance of lo cal institutions. It does not pay for a man to invest his money in real estate nowadays so long as he can escape tax ation by investing in mortgages, bends and stocks and keeping his movable possessions out of the reach of the tax assessor's clutches. Omaha Bee. . Those of our readers who are antici pating buying a road grader will find it greatly to Iheir interest to call on or address H. J. Walsh, Cor. 11th & O St., Lincoln, Neb. Binding Twine. State Agent Hartley has made arrange ments foi'twine for this seasons harvest and will issue a circular letter giving prices in a few days. Make no contracts for twine before getting his prices. Davltt Awarded Damage. Dublin, May 16. In Michael Davitts libel suit for 1,000 against the Irish Independent, the jury awarded the plaintiff I'M damages. railed for Over a Million. GaLgJJiTA, May 17. Gisboroe & Co. have failed with liabilities of a million and a quarter dollars. (The .Vat tonal Committee Continued from lit pajt ) than one-fifth mm hu- In 19ii0 where shall A voice "Poorhouse- "A New York statistician ha recently aid." continued Mr. Donnelly, "that at the rate the farmers are being swept off the face of the land in that state by the foreclosure of farm mortgage there will in a few decades not be a farmer left in New York who owns his own land. What claw of agriculturists occupy tne Dakota? lsroken down and bank. nipt farmers from Minnesota and Iowa horn do we find in Montana and Idaho? Broken down and bankrupt far mers from the Dakotas. Gee-third of the farmers in Indiana are tenants, and one-fourth of those in Kansas " "Did it ever occur to yon that there are no more Americas for Columbus to discover? Where are our people to go when these scoundrels have effected the consummation of their wjrk? Where are the soldiers who marched under Lee and Stonewall Jackson, Grant and Sherman? Their lives are slowly being ground out under this nefarious order of things that has made a nation of aristocrats and paupers. In my state of Minnesota the old parties have been narrowed down to the villsges, asd not the best element of the viLages at that. They are not farmers, but real estate meu. insurance agents, sewing machine agents and that class of men, who hold about the same relation to humanity that the flea does to the dog. ' If you staad silently by and allow these things, how can "you justify your self to posterity? How can you stand by the old political parties that have al lowed these results to work themselves out? There is the indictment against the old parties that by their silence they have given consent. Only in an upris ing of the people, such as the people's party is, can we have any hope 'of the preservation of liberty. The bill for the demonetization of silver was literally bought through con gress by an English capitalist, who came over for that express purpose. When General Grant was asked why he signed the bill he replied that he didn't know the demonetization of silver was in it. And nobody knew it was in it except that arch liend ef our politics, John Sherman of Ohio. They're talking of nominating him for the presidency, and I hope to God they will Why, I think that man has done more harm to hu manity than all the criminals locked up in our penitentiaries put together. Wall street has both the old parties by the throat, Bradstreets declare in a recent report that there has been a decrease of 18 per cent in the values of thii country, yet the millionaires are getting richer. According to Poor's manual the amount of watered stock in the United States is $5,000,C00,O00. Out of thi comps the wealth of the Jay Goulds and the Vanderbilts. On thiswatered stock the people of this country pay $10 OOG, 000 of interest. All the railroads in Minnesota could be duplicated for $10, 000, and yet they are set down at the value of $44,000 a mile, and the peo ple of Minnesota pay interest oa $44,- ouo tor every mile of railroad, a sum that represents not a dollar of capital. And it is this way all over the country. You have an illustrious gathering of clergymen here in your city. What are they warring against? Why, against human sin, but what is human sin but human weakness under government pressure? Sin i? but the bloody sweat of poverty. Let the clergymen address themselves to the great govermental questions. What is the use of going around with lint, plasters and medicine picking ur the men who have been knocked down and robbed on the road to Jericho? Would it not be better to capture the n:en who are doing the knocking down and robbing. unme is tne result of poverty. This is shewn by the history of Australia, Where England sent all her worst crim inals, and under fair circumstances they grew into good men and women. Why, the nrst tamilies of Virginia are de- tended from girls picked up on the streets of England and shipped to the coast of the colonies, and they develop ed into a noble lot of men and women. No, our country is going to destruc tion and ruin, and worse than that, to moral ruin. YY hat means this Austra lian ballot, but that the pep'e have be come so depraved that a man cannot be trusted alone. Why, if Gladstone whs to appear to-morrow at one end of this town and Jay Gould at the other, more people would go out to see Gould thau would go to see Gladstone. But the people will not be good to the country until the country is good to the people, and the country that persists in making rascals into millionaires is not worth fighting for. Now my friends we must rally to the support of the people's party. The tree askad the ax why it al ways struck in the same place, and the ax replied; "How else can I bring you down?" And so we mii't stand together, organize and keep striking in the same place. We have no hope in the old po litical parties. They are rotten to the core, not the rank and file of them, but the infamous powers that dominate them, the selfish politicians, the press, the powerful and grinding corporations, the purchased courts of law. What are the judges of our supreme courts but the hirelings of Jay Gould? I say to you as sure as God lives there is no hope for the republic except in the people's party movement, and if you don't stand by it you are as false as hell to yourselves, false to the roof tree over your head, false to the babe in the cra dle, false to ail posterity. Stand up and make this light. Urge upon all to form people's clubs. It is humanity's cause. It is your cause, not ours, and we cannot hope for success tnless our voices kindle a fire for a good cause and for righteousness. Then we shall feel that we have done a good work for the beauty and dignity of civilization. MR. DAVIS' SPEECH. Born in South Carolina, transferred at three j ears of age to Texas, reared in the cactus wilds of this state, you can not expect to hear the rounded periods of rhetoric yoic have just heard from Mr. Donnelly. What I shall say to you will be in Texas parlance: plain cowboy talk. We must confront theconditions as we find them to-day. Tne people's party faces three problems, the greatest problems of civil government: land, transportation and money. What do vo find about land? There is enough of it in the United States to furnish homes for three-fifths of the people of the globe and yet not be more densely populated than Germany, yet there are 4,750,000 mortgaged homes in America and 34,- 100,000 of the people are without homes of their own. How did the few get the lnnd? WThy, down in Texas the demo crats would say, 'Those infernal repub licans gave it to 'em.' I voted the demo cratic ticket, my father voted it all his life, and he is 80 years old. But, I tell my democratic friend3 to tell the truth about then selves and abide by the con sequences. The fact is that Stephen. A. Douglas and Jeff Davis introduced the first land subsidy bill in congress ten years before any republican goc there, and the republicans have kept it up ever since, except when Cleveland was president, and then the democrats kept it up. Now, I'll drop the land question right here. We are not anarcLists or the dis gruntled office seekers that you read j about. We hold that the dollar i creat ed by man and in the reward of labor and should e subservient to him. but to-day money compels the tired tuatcle to bend the knee in all part of the country. In ISjO the world was shocked by the announcement that America had a millionaire. The old world couldn't understand how it could happen under our form of government. In 18s we had five of them. Now there are 30.000 millionaires in the country. How much longer can this go on until the mass of the peaple are serfs? Both parties try to rover it all up under some borf of a sleight of hand, hocus po ena legerdemain that they call tariff. Admit that it is a tax. if you please. something like 113 a head, as some of our southern democrats figure it, how about the tariff on watered stock of 1-1 a head? The democrats are just as high tariff a party as there ever was in the country. What did they kill Morrison's bill for eight years ago? ny Cleveland stood by and kept still while Morrison had three tariff re form bills killed in a democratic bouse. Cleveland was busy talking about coin age. But when he saw the democratic majority in the house reduced to eleven he and Mills got fearfully exercised about the tariff and ended up with the Mills' bill, and you know what came of it. The two old parties are determined to talk about nothing but tariff. I have all mv life been taught to believe that John Sherman was all that was pernio ious and vile in polities, and I was taught to revere just r.ueh men ai Carlisle and (lornian. out when one month ago I saw Carlislo and Gorman and Morgan too, stand up on the same floor and on the same day with John Sherman and move that the money question be referred to a joint commis sion composed of the? emissaries of Great Britain, I felt the name law that impell ed me to detest John Sherman also mi pelled me to despise and detest Carlisle and Gorman. But the old parties talk about their pedigrees, and get grand and glorious about it. Well, I was b rn in the state that threw the first bomb against the American eagle, and thank God that that eage swooped down on the old pelicean at Appomattox and picked every fenthor from its car cus. I thank God that such a man as Abraham Lincoln lived, and I know that if to-day I could call his sacred bones from the tomb he would help me and you other reformers to write another emancipation proclamation that would not only free those black boys, but the legions of white slaves be sides. They're coming, continued Mr. Davis. He meant by this that voters were coming into the people's party. He described the advance of the movement n the south where planters were not getting cost for cotton. He said the last straw that broke the camel's back was the defeat in a demo cratic house a few weeks ago of the free coinage bill. He said tnat in the south and went the fences were all down and the people were coming by the thousand. Resolve yourselves into American citizens, realizing that to be an Ameri can citizen is to be an American sovereign, and jjin us in the fight for emancipation. OTHER SPEAKERS. Mr. Schilling of Wisconsin described the men who choose to remain in the old political parties as canary birds that have been born and trained in cages and though the doors are open, do not know any better than to stay in. He does not blame the Goulds and the Vander bilts for grabbing unearned millions at the expense of the people. He blames, as he says, the infernal fools who have the votes and power to prevent and don't do it. He advised the people to cut loose from putrid reminiscences and vote the 'ieket of the people's party. Mr. Washburne was introduced as the gentleman from the millionaire growing state of Massachusetts a state which he said, was more cursed than any other by monopoly. To illustrate his idea of the two old parties he told a storv of two horses so lean that they could only stand propping each other up. As to money he said there wasn't half enough of it in the country to transact the business of the country. He claimed that "the 70 cent dollar" was an unfair term. It is a 100-cent dollar having just as much sil ver in it as the first silver dollar coined. It is a 70-cent dollar only when com pared .with a gold dollar which I is at a .id per cent premium. Ada Arbor Convention.' Aun Abhor, Mich., May 17. The con vention of Republican College clubs met at 11 o'clock, being called to order by James F. Burke, president, of Ann Arbor. A. E. Ewing welcomed the del egates in a speech during which Bl-ine's name received great applauae. S. B. Draper, of Albion college, was chosen temporary -luuroian. Committees were appointed and the convention took a re cess until 2 p. m. Governor McKinley and John M. Thurston of Nebraska ad dressed the convention in the evening. For Carlisle for President. Cincinxati, May 17. Democratic con ventions held in various parts of Ken tucky show an overwhelming preference for John G. Carlisle for president, and the Kentucky delegation will doubtless go to Chicago solid for him, with in structions to secure his nomination if possible. TELEGRAPHIS BRIEFS- Five hundred members of the Box maker's union struck in Chicago for in- creaseu wages. A hundred union trimmers, armed with clubs and revolvers, attempted to drive the non-union men from a steamer in Escanaba, Mich. They were mat by a volley from Winchester rifles and beat a hasty retreat, leaving behind one of their number badly wounded. THE MARKTS. Chicago Grain and FrovMom. Chviago May j;, whkat-sut. wf; July. siu& CORN -May, Sin: July.iji-ic. BOATtV My, c; July, mia. PORK-Julf. ?9fo. LKO July. So.XTVto&g) 6HORT Rife-July. Chicago Live Stork. Unios Stock Yahi. t?HHiAr:n. Unv 17 f CATTLE Eeti mated receipts 6.5ml head. Boeves, $A60i&4.(!O: cows and tmlU, $2.i(A;i.lM; Texana, SL-'itfriW; wosterns, l.X2,i.7i. Mar ket stMujy. HOtiJj Estimated recnipts. 23.000 head Hoary, tt.W&4.;o; mixed, $4.30iL4.0i: liKut. H. tfWlCif. Market firm. SHEEl'-WesMras, R75&6.40; natives, U.Ui B.15; Texans, S8.5uaa.ttL Kansas Citv Live Stock. Kansas Citt, May I?. CATTLE-Ttlmatod rewipts, 1.1UU head; shipments. 1.8UU. Steers were strong; cows 10c higher; feeders weak: dressed beef and shipping steers, 13.M&4.M); cows and heifers, $3 Ui&lM; stackers and foedtrs. fcS.aoftS.a. HLK49-Estimated receipt,; lju head, ship ments, 3.4MU: market quint and 5c lower; the extreme ranire' of prices was J4.u5a4.iu; the bulk oi sales were made at 4.404.45. SHEKP-- Receipts, 6.OJ0; shipments. 325. muttons, lo.Si. Omaha t,ive Stock. Union Stock Yaiids, Omaha. May 17. 1 CATTLE Estimated receipts, 5.U00 head. I, 300 to 1.5U0 lbs. W.40&4.W; 1.UJU to 1.UU lbs, HaaA9U:-00 to 1,100 lbs. 3.25a3.7S: choice cows, ta.50tWl.Si: common cows, J1.24,'3.5K; good 'feeders. t2.Tfci3.HU; common feeders, U2 70. Market 10c to 15c lower. HCXS Estimated rocepta, 1,1000 Ihead. Light, 4.2ii4.4u; mixed, $4 2V4.35; heavy, 4-Mi4.40. Market 5c to loc lower. THE AULTMAN TAYLOR SPECIAL TRAIN Tb Banner Shipment of tht Season rrofusely decorated ilh flags and banners, a long train of agricultural im plements pulled into Omaha yesterday, which left Mansfield, O . on Monday nioining last consigned to F. L. Loomis of this city, general western manager of the Aultman & Taylor Machinery Co. The train was in charge of Mr. I-oemis, and was extensively advertUed along the entire route and was greeted by large and enthusiastic crowds of people. The train consisted of thirty two cars. tho contents being valued at 100,000, and was hauled over the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ky., from Chicago by two of their heaviest engines, and when it is considered that the weight of the train was 1.200 tons, some idea of the work performed can be obtained. One of the most interesting features of this extraordinary shipment was an engine and separator in full operation at the rear end of the train. The arrange ment of the details was in the hands of Mr. Loomis, who hifs spent some weeks in perfecting the plans for handling the shipment, which is the large t single shipment of the kind tver brought to the west. The run from Mansfield was on a daylight schedule and short stops were made at all stations along the route to afford the assembled multi tudes an opportunity of examining the train and witnessing the machinery in motion. It was a gala day in Iowa along the Bock Island road and at a number of towns business was suspend ed during the progress of the train, schools were closed during the day and a regular outpouring of grown people and children welcomed the attractive exhibition on wheels. The following officials of the Aultman-Taylr Com pany were with the train and heir courtesy and intelligence in explaining the operatii ns of the machines was greatly appreciated by the risitors to the train: F. L. Loomis, general west ern manager; A. Kallmerton, secretary, and John Reynolds, treasurer; also Mr. F M. Loomis and various officials of the Rock Island road in the operating and freight departments. Tho train was in spected by a large number of people at Council Bluffs yesterday morning, and reached Omaha at 0:80 a. m.. as per schedule. The Aultman & Taylor Ma chinery company are noted for their train-load-load shipments throughout the United States and Mxico, but it is safe to say that the shipment in ques tion, which was brought about by the indefatigable energy and enterprise of their western manager is way ahead of all former efforts. Wanted. A good live agent in eyery county to put up the Wilson Windmill Regulator. E. B Wilson. Central City, Neb. The Lincoln Road Grader has no equal for cheapness and durability. Call on or address H. J. Walsh, Cor. 11th & O St., Lincoln, Neb. A Reliable Company. The Sulivan Transfer & Van Line of Lincoln has in the past two years built up a large and successful business and it is to day tho most popular firm in the city. They have a full equipment of teams, wagons, and covered vans, with experienced workmen in every depart ment, and can handle anything in light or heavy hauling iu a first class manner. W. H. Sullivan is the general roan a ger, and the entire force will be found courteous, efficient, and obliging. If in need of the services of a transfer Co. you make no mistake in intrusting your business to their care as satisfaction is guaranteed in every particular. Call and see them at southwest corner of 10h & O street, or ring up telephone No. 111. Write H. J. Walsh Secretary of the Lincoln Road Grader Co., and secure in return information regarding one of the best road graders in tne west. Notice. Notice is hereby irivea that we have formed a corporation by the name of tho Lincoln Medical and Surgical Hospital, and that the principal place of transacting its business is Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. The KcnerAl nature of the business to be transact ed is to operate a Medical and tiurtrical Hospital for medical treatmentand the prac tice of surgery. The airount of capital stock is auuiorizoa 10 ce twenty nve thousand dol lars. Twtnty-ftve hundred dollars is to be paid in at once for the furniture and tlttlnf up or sam Hospital, me time or commence ment Bhall be May 15th, 1M)2, and shall end May 15, 1H97, and the highest amount of in debtedness, or liability to which the corpora tion is at any time to subject itself Is twenty- nve inousana uoimrs, ana tne names or the officers by which the affairs f the corporation are to oe conducted are one surgeon in charge, one assistant surgeon, and one Treasurer. Thad. H. Woodward, H. C. Dkmaree. Notice to Bridge Contractors. Xotice Ir liprehv LMvpn thnt nii0i1 iMa nrill Km reeeived at the office of the County Clerk of Fur nas counij.neu., on or ueiore noon or ,iune v,:a, for the construction of the following bridges. J. Crawtord bridge acros a draw oa Section 14 -J '. in rond district No. 1M. Diniemuani -a ft epau. 10 ft. high. H ft. approarh at each end. I). Mcl'hee bridue across Askcv creek on the O- N. Kcetor road. C. E. Lnreraek bridge across the draw on half section line iu section '1 .range 22, west 6 m. Dimensions 'JO ft long, N ft high. A. Mi Musier bridge across the Sauna creek be tween iiocKioii ana spring ureeu precinct on range line 11. W. M'Fadden brldgf across Deer Creek on section line between Sec. and 15, Town 4, Knnge 84. Dimensions 40 ft Bpan with 8 foot a) proach on the east end and 1(1 tt approach on tne west end, with 14 ft high from bottom of th creek aim 14 It wide. ). (;arlingho'ise bridge across the Sappa creek between section 1M Ai 14, town 1' range IM. J. F. Harding bridge across the Heaver crck between the N'.W.'., of Hec. . range '5 Sherman precinct and the S. W.Ji of Sec. 31, range 'la Wil sonville precinct. W. T. Colilngs bridge across Heaver creek on township line on the unrth east unarter of the sijiMh east quarter of Sec. "4 .township 2, range J. B. Carncs bridge across Sappa creek on Sec tion line between Sec '.I Jt IK, town 1, range 21. O. H. Deaver bridge across Sappa creek on sec tion line between Sec. I in town Land Sec. :H in town Also a bridge across the Sspps creek on section line between See. 4. town 1 and Sec. 113, town range '21 (J. F. Cltiph bridge across Beaver creek on range line between range !.' A St on Section line between section 19 A- 24. James Itrowhard bridge across Sappa creek on range line between Kichuiond and Spring Green precinct. Iru French bridge across Drv creek between Sec. Si and 1, town 4, range Also a bridge across the itepabllcan river at a poi nt near the town of Oxford. The enact loca tion is not yet determined. Said bridge to be four hundred feet long. Bids received on both combination and Iron bridges. All to be pile bridges 14 ft, road wav, 3 Inch hard pine flooring. All bids must be accom panied by good and sufficient bond and filed in the Clerk's office on or before noon of June 2'Jnd, A. D. lHim. Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. II. W. MoFaidei Connlv Clerk. ROOFING GUM-ELASTIC ROOFING FELT costs only . 00 per 100 square feel. Makes a sood roof for years and any one can put It cn. GUM-ELA8TIC PAIXT costs only 80 cents per gal. in bbl. lots or tLnO for 5-gal. tubs. Color dark red. Will stop leaks In llnor iron roofs that wU Inst for yonr. Try it. Bend stamp for samples and full partiuclars. Gom Elastic Hoofing Co., 3H& 41 West Broadway, New York. Vi-'im Local Agents Wanted. WAT I PAPFR II UUlI 1 111 UH FWRsypt nil o , ImMjJ 1036 O Street, Have bought at Sheriff's Sale the entire assets of the bankrupt firm of Henry Choenle & Company, The Goods Have been Removed to their Store and are Now on Sale Wool Dress Goods. Cotton Dress Goods. White Dress Goods. Black Dress Goods. Ladies and Children's Hosiery. Underwear of all kinds. Corsets all Makes. Black Silk Laces. Lace Cream Silk Laces. Linen Laces. Embroideries. Table Sheetings and Muslins; Prints and Ginghams. Cloaks and Capes. Parasols and Umbrellas. Men's Underwear, Shirts and Hosiery. FITZGEEALDS, LINCOLN FOR THE CAMPAIGN OF '92. The Alliance-Independent Till After Election For Fifty Cents in Clubs of Five or More. Fifty Thousand New Readers . Wanted- Help Us Secure Them And Thus Insure Victory. The campaign of 1882 will be one of the most exciting and momentous in the history of the nation. The great battle of the people against Plutocracy is to be fought. Victory for the People depends on their zeal and energy in spreading the light. The Allianck-Indki'ENDEnt will be a great power in aroumng and educating the people. It should be in the hands of every independent voter. It should be in the hands of thousands of democrats and republicans who are willing to read both sides. Its columns will be an arsonal from which the soldiers of re form may arm themselves with facts, figures and arguments. The Alliance- Independent will give full and accurate reports of the great conven tions of '92. It will give the news of the movement from all parts' of the state and nation. It will give reports of the work done by "the alliance wedge" in congress. We want someone in every community to solicit subscrip tions, Address the Alliance Publishing Co., Lincoln, Neb. Strayed or Stolen. On April 4th, 1892, from 1624 O street Lincoln, Neb., 1 dark bay mare, 4 years old. j English shire, large bone, square built, long hair on legs, weight about 1100 lbs. One red roan mare. 4 years old, from same shire horse and out of a pony mare. Weight, about 925 lb3. AU had halters on when they left. Liberal reward will be paid for their, return, or for information as to where they can be found. Address, S. H. Moss, Owner, Care of Lincoln, Neb. S.L. Wright, 1013 St. The Population of Lincoln Is about 60,000 and we would say at least one-half are troubled with some affection of the Throat and Lunfrs, as those complaints are, accord ing to statistics, more numerous than others. We would advise all ur readers not to neg lect the opportunity to call on thlr druggist and get a bottle or Kemp's Balim for the Throat and Lungs. Trial size noo. Large bottles SUc and CI. Bold by all druggists. 2,'-6m S Field Farm EA5D GARDEN E SEED. Thoroughly to name. freth and true -AT- Dgriswold's SSEED STORE, 140 S. Ilth St LINCOLN, NEB. Mws, Mm, Mes ai Rcmre Cnnmafi n PinpialtiT ot PUm I EIETnUED'O H20 o$t.. Beware of HUMBUGS. We Manufacture the ALLIANCE SWEAT PAD made of heav BROWN DRILL with 3 SUCCESS HOOKS. None are Genuine without our name stamped on inside of Pad. Ask YOUR DEALER for it and take no other. LINCOLN SADDLERY CO., Lincoln, Neb. If 111 at just one-half the Curtains. Linens. Great Reduction of Carpets and Oil Cloths. One car-load. 800 pieces, choice Oil Cloths and Linoleum at prices lower than ever seen in the city. We will sell a good Oil Cloth at 20c and 25c per square yard. The best English Linoleum at 50c and GOc per square yard. Also a full line of new Brussels Car peta good one for 47c per yard. Ingrain, in all grades, from 25 to 40c for a good cotton chain. All-Wool Carpets 50c, 60c and 65o per yard. Harness Department. We have the largest display of Single Harness of aay retail bouse in the west. Any one intending to purchase a first class Harness will find it will be to their interest to come and examine our stock before buying elsewhere. All goods guaranteed strictly first-class. A full assortment of Cowboy's Stock Saddles and Side Saddles. Straps of all kinds. Halters, Whips, Curry Combs, Brushes, Collars, Sweat Pads, Bridles, etc. Buggy Tops of all kinds made to order. Ill Special Attention to Mail Orders. Write us Hayden Bros., Dealer? JOHN B. WKIGHT, Pres. T. B. SANDERS, Vioe-Prea. THE COLUMBIA LINCOLN, Capital $250,000.00 -DIRECTORS.- . 8. RAYMOND. JOHN B. WRIGHT. HANS. P. LAC. Interest Paid on Farmers and Alliancemen's Patronage Solicited. Lincoln, Neb. PL old price. For Just One-Half THE PRICE Asked By H. Choenle & Go. THE OUT ULUICE STOLE. i IN THE WEST. Prices for this Week. Special Bargains on Sale New styles of Pineapple Tissue, 10c. 86-inch wide Armenian Serge, 5c yard. New Corduroy, lOo yard. Bedford Cards, 10c, 12c and 15c yard. New stock of Llama Cloths, 10c yard. Brandenburg Cloth, lc yard, La Tosca Gingham, 12o yard. 82-inch wide Zephyr, reduced tol7o yard Dress Ginghams, 5, 6 and 7ic vard. Standard Dress Calicos, 8io yard. 8-4 all linen Bleached Napkins, 11.00 dozen. Fringed Napkins, 25c dozen. . 6-4 Fringed Chenille Table Covers 99c. Fancy Turkish Tidies, 15c, 19c, 25o and 35c each. White Crochet Bed Springs, 50c, 65c. 75c. 88c and $1.00 each. Bargains in Bleached, Unbleached, Turkey tied and Red and Green Table Damask. Outing Flannel, 5, 6, 8 and 10c yard. Fine Cream White Flannel, 25, 85, 40 45, 60, 55, 60, 65, 75. 85c and $1.00 yard. All-wool French Flannel, 59c yard. New spring styles in English FlanneL 50 and 55c. We are overstocked on Muslins. W are lettingdown prices. See the Bargains we offer in Maslin at 5, 8, 8i, 7i, and 8tc. Also, get our prices on double-width Sheeting and Pillow Casing. It will pay you to do so and save you lots of money. A full line of Flags, all sizes, from So a dozen up. All colors in Bunting. andjname this Paper. in Evrything, ,6,ho",ih,DS.s, J. H. McCLAF, Cashier. NAT'L BANK NEBRASKA. CHA8 WEST. THOMAS COCHRANR. JOHN H. McCLAT. EDWARD RTSIZER FRANK L. SHELDON. T.E.SANDKRS Time Deposits.