ftjmlhtr( Wrong. Utin mt rantlrf count? ta hit tpceck l riicaiios mvUa$ at i w: Vkn aarta produce fre and f tit Tea aalara t1 corn ; Wbi fra?riat f ru'.U pr rfuni Ibe air, And fleaey flock ar ahora : Walia tkOUMti mora with achiof head. And flDf th seaae! sona-: W Starr a. wa die; oh. fire us bread." There unit ba somethlof wrong. Wbea wM Ih la wronrht u seasons roll From aff the fruitful toll; When luxury from pole to pole Heaps fruit of human toll; When from a thousand, one alone In plenty rolls along. While other only gnaw the bone,' There aiut be something wrong;. And when production never ends. The earth is yielding erer, A copious h arrest oft begins. But distribution, never. When tolling million work to Oil The wealthy coffei strong. When those are crushed who work and till. There must be something wrong. When poor men's tables waste away To barrenness and drought. There must be something in the way. That's worth the finding out; With surfeit one great table bend. While numbers move along. While scarce a crust their board extends, There must be something wrong. Then let the law give equal right. To wealthy and to poor; Let justice crush the arm of might. We ask for nothing more. Until this system Is begun. The burden of our song Must, and oaa be, this cnly one, Tbra must be something wrong, Gosper County- Tte county alliance of Gosper county will bold a regular meeting June 2nd, at 1 o'clock, p. m. W. Winslow, Pres. W, II. Stone, Sec'y. Wants the Prize. April. Mr. Editlr: I sed in yer paper an offur to giv a cepy ov Bred w intra aad boud Huldius to tbe man who wud bend a gud resua why he sbud vot either uv tne old tickuts. Wall ! think i kin giv a powful good re sun wby I sbud vote tbe republikin tickut. First I was riz a republikin, sec ond mr pap was a republikin and what ptp dout know bant wuth noen. pap dident red none uv yer noose papers but pap wus a powful smurt man and noed what he wag a duen and i think what was o k fur pap is o k fur me. Tba tel me that this nue party wll mak tlms betur fur us, & wele bev plenty uv munney. wall! Wall! i wud not kik on the mun ny jist now fur my close luk purty shaby But I kant help al ( that ess pap votud tbe Rep; tickut and what is pat fur pap is put fur Josh, now Mister Ed; ye kin gist send on yer bred winers and a bleeged Josiah Kemp. Three Traitors. In the last legislature three inndepen dents turned traitors and voted against their party, following Boyd in his New. berry bill veto. Those three were Collins, Taylor and Gale. Taylor was secreted out of the state by tbe old party leaders, Collins turned democrat and was a dele gate to the recent democratic state con vention where he voted for Boyd and against Bryan's silver plank and Gale has been rewarded by Gov. Boyd with a posi tion on the World.s Fair commission. One can easily see where the corrupt in fluencscame from, which turned those three traitors. St. Paul Phonograph- Democracy's Only Hope- The democratic party has so basely and openly . betrayed the interests of the people and its own anti-election pledges by defeating free silver coinage that it can rely on nothing in the way of support in tbe next presidential election beyond what can be secured by the use of money. The "solid south" is no longer theirs. There is nothing in recent political events to show that their chances in any of the northern states are any better than usual in a presidential election, while it is plain that la some of them notably New York, their chances are much worse than for the last three presidential elections. The "machine" therefore must be oiled, and money in copious quantities must be used to furnish the necessary lubricator. And where can democracy look for this money? Where but in Wall Street? And whom can they send to Wall Street after it with any hope of obtaining what he asltsr Manifestly i.ot a western man, be cause If Wall Street can succeed in hav ing their man elected next November it will coet them less to win with President Harrison or James G. Blaine than with any western democrat whom thev would be willing to help; and while wil ling to spend money laviuhly to win and that is the only way they can succeed, if at 11 yet they will unquestionably choose what is plainly the cheapest way, ana that way will not be with a western democrat, as a mere glance at the election returns fully demonstrates, when the lie W political force at work in the south and west is considered. Iowa Tribune- The Tinest He Ever Saw. We take pleasure In publishing a testimonial to one of our poultry adver tisers. The writer i3 an independent member of the legislature as well as a chicken fancier: Burweix, Neb., May 2, '92. A. J. Hickox, Alma, Neb. Dear Sir: I received my brood of Brown Leghorn chicks iu good shape, and must say that they are the finest brood I ever saw, and that is the opinion of everyone that has seen them. Yours truly, C. W. Hknnick. The Lateit In Mice. r At a meeting; of the zoological society m Tuesday evening Mr. Sclater ex hibited some curious black and white mice recently added to the society's col lectijn of living animals, says the Pal! Mall' Gazette. These creatures are the product of Japanese ingepuity, and show several curious characteristics. Thefr black and white color is remark able, since they appear to be merely 8 variety of the common domestic mouse. They have a habit, too, of pursuing thelrown trails. This habit is paralleled ia a remaakable way by the "tumbler' Pigeons. In tbe two cases it may possi My be due to a defect in brain structure. In any case, the peculiarities ar handed down from parent to offspring in both animals. The mice are usually called "spinning mice." Fitted the Occasion. r It is related that at the marriage o1 Mr. aod Mrs. Sumner Soule of Free port, Me., recently, the minister in the course of a long prayer said; "Oh, Lord, give j'raoe to somo soul to-day." -As the groc m was known famiarly at "Sum" Sonle and as his bride's name was Grace the prayer was answered satisfactorily, although the clergyman ws unconscious of ' having said any thing so well fitting the occasion. THE IHUDrS KESITE. After tba acretsUm of the pmriit taperor wf Mnr.wcn, an oflkvr in rm laatxi ui tne iortra of Tt-tuao "a executed for havinjr pi.it ted again! k.t iver(fn. Hi wire fled in haMe, but tine of them, the tnothrr of his son Aciiiiied, heard that tbe Emperor was about to aend t"r the boy to bring him to court. Thinking that her son would alto die sue nurui&el bim in woman s clothes and circulated' the report that Achmed had escaped, lie was intro duced by his mother to the ncighlmrs as her niece and he finally fell in love with the daughter of a prie&t. (lie had ceased to complain of the cod flneiuent of the harrm, although nearly a year had passed away in it's monoto nous seclusion. De wore his haigue with such a grace, and was so sprightly and entertaining to his mother's friends, that more ihan one lady asked the supposed Bicoe in marriage for her son, and were not a little surprised to find her so averse to matriiuonr. The good priest next door had hinted to the widow his disposition and ability to add another jewel to his harem, but his overtures were most unaccountably repulsed. As a roan never sees his wife's face before the marriage, they have to de pend on the opinion of their old lady friends, who are regular marriage brokers in Moslem countries. These use ful personages were not exactly agreed aSjto the respective superiority of Ach med or fhe priest's daughter, Amuna. Achmed was too tall, certainly, and not quite so soft in language as Amuna; but then in wit and gayety he equalled Ayeslia, the best beloved of the Prophet. I short, the friends were the most celebrated belles of their quarter, 'and rivals, as it were, in spite of themselves. The old priest caused H to be intrusted to Caled Bey, who had ordered some in quiries to be made touching the per sonal attractions of the rival beauties, that Amuna would bring a dower worthy of his notice, while the widow's niece would, according to the more usual custom,' demand one. Caled Bey wished to appropriate both, and carried out his plan by making overtures to the priest for his daughter, and informing the widowHhat he wished, or rather commanded, "her niece tq attend his bride to her mansion as her future companion, .The old lady flatly re fnsed oto part with her Jniece, and theeatened to appeal to the Basha if the officer persisted in his demand. Amuna, on her part, entreated and im plored her father not to consign her to a man so notorious as Caled Bey unhap pily was, for repulsive looks and do mestic thnrshness. The old priest was not so ridiculously indulgent as to refuse a rich son-in-law merely because he had a taste for kill ing his wives and his daughter detested him, and the marriage went on. The mot.icr of Amuna exchanged presents with the senior wives of Caled, the day, dower and jewels were fixed uoon, and the bride ceased to lament, that she might examine her robes in company with her confidant, the widow's niece. Achmed, too, gave up all opposition to Caled's order, and submitted so cheer fully to an adoption in that officer's household that his mother, in sheer disappointment, left the city the morn ing of the nuptials. Attended by her faithful companion, Achmed, Amuna was conducted in state to her husband's mansion, where, loaded with gems and embroideries.she received the congratulations of her fair friends- Caled, according to the Moorish custom, paraded through the city with a gallant train on horseback, and at the lucky moment when his bride was lifted over the threshold of his house, amid music, and shouts, and the ringing of firearms, he turned his face homeward; to meet his invited sruests at the bxidal banquet in the men's apartments. When the hour approached at which he was to see for the first time the face of his wife, Caled withdrew to the inner apartments. A servant wimhed to in terrupt him to inquire whether he had ordered a horse to remain at the dooi saddled for instant use. The bride groom impatiently waved him away and entered the chamber. Before him on a wide divan of crimson and gold, trembling through her irr geoug veil, knelt his unconscious bride, but nearer and between them flashed a gleaming blade in the bands of the stranger youth.' It was Adhmed who presented his sharp steel, to the bosom of Caled Bey, and commanded silence. Indignant, yet wonder stricken, ha obeyed. "Swear, by Alia and his Prophet, by the grave of your mother, and your hopes of Paradise, that you will neither prevent our escape or pursue us for the rising and setting of two suns, and live; refuse and die," was the brief alternative offered by the stripling. It was accepted. Amuna, hastily throwing off the cumbrous trappings of the marriage ceremony, and hon estly selecting from her jewels those only which were the gifts of her father, passed forth with Achmed, amid the astonished household, mounted with him, unopposed, the fleet charger at the door, and in an hour had left the wails of Tetuan and the possibility of pursuit far behind. Ten days after a mounted Arab presented himself at the gate of Tetuan, leading a steed capari soned in the rich trappings that had graced Caled's wedding day. "Achmed, my friend and guest," said he, as he transferred tbe bridle to a soldier at the gate, "the brave and prosperous Achmed greets Caled Bey, and wishes honor and increase to his house, and may every day be like the one in which they last embraced." Si THE FA KM AND FIELU valuable points or in-por MATIOM FOR FARMERS Seasoning Farm Horses--Crowing born Buying Farm Imple ments Root Crops Polaona, Buying Farm Implements. Already the agents for agricultural Implements are out among the far mers attempting to push the work of making sales. While wishing them well, there are two considerations that every farmer should keep in mind First, the buyers must pay for ail the time and money expended by amenta in making their sales. Consumers of all lines of goods pay all expenses, otnerwtse dealers would be losing money and quitting the business as fast aa possible. This being true, do not farmers allow the incuruient of too long expense accounts on their supplies? If an agent spend a day with a horse and buggy in effecting one sale of a harrow or mower, his price must be from $2.50 to $i high er on that account. Then, toe, if he has reason to believe that he will have to call once or twice for the purchase money, after waiting an undue lencth of time for it, $2 or $3 more must be added for that. We fail to see this in cjir individual cases, because we know that we pay only the customary price; but that price is fixed,. must be fixed to cover all such expenses. The sains are made in an expensive way, and we pay all the bills. The remedy is simple: In stead of allowing men to spend time trying to tell you what you want, use your own judgment. If you are not reaoy to ouy it is a piece of imperti nence in anyone to waste your time in an effort to prove that he knows your business better than you do. If you are ready to buy nine times out of ten the implenient that would suit you is on a neighbor s farm, i.xam ine it there, ask the owner all about it and make your decision. In this way yo'u will rarely make any niia takes. When it is decided that an imple ment is to be bought, and a certain kind is sure to give perfect satisfac tion, go direct to the dealer with the cash, even if k has to be borrowed at 10 per cent. A confidential cut price will always be made you, as such sales pay and please all dealers. If they can make $2 or 3 on a $30 sale merely by a'five minute talk, and run no risks, they do as well as to make S5 or S8, after a day's trip to see you and with a chance of having to wait months for their money. Another point is this: It is seldom wise to buy an implement different from those near you, as it does not pay dealers to keep the supplies. They may say supplies' will be kept, but if the implement is crowded out by those of other manufacturers, usually it ia difficult to replace the worn parts without vexatious delny. The writer allowed himself to make such a mistake in buying a plow, which, although it did good work, had small sale in his section, and it waa finally thrown away because repairs were so hard to get. With mowers and reapers repairs are even more im portant, andjother things being equal, always buy a machine that has gotten a foothold in your neighborhood, and then a stock of repairs will not fail to be kept. Root Crops. Spring turnips are not generally grown and yet they are an easy crop and need but little care aa compared with the majority of what mnybe termed early garden crops. Some early variety should be selected, care taken to prepare the soil in good tilth, scatter the seed evenly and cover lightly. They can be sown in drills or broadcast aa may be desired. A good plan is to dust the plants with some insecticide as soon as they show well above the ground and re peat two or three times to prevent damage from tne black turnip fly. Parsnips make one of the best root crops to grow for winter and early spring use. The soil should be worked deep and thorough in order to secure a good growth of long, smooth roots. The seeds are light and need but little covering and require that the soil be in good tilth. They germinate very slowly and it is often a good plan to sow a few radish seed with them so that if necessary the weeds can be de stroyed before they get too good a start. Plant in drills 18 inches apart; use plenty of, seed so as to secure a good even stand, and then thin cut after the plants are up -well, if necessary; the plants ought not. to stand closer than two or three inches. Good cultivation is necessary during the early part of the season, at least in order to secure a good growth. They can be left out all winter with out injury, and are better for being frozen. Cauliflower needs much the same treatment as cabbage, except thaf in oFder'to secure clean white heads it is necessary to draw the leaves well to gether and fasten a few days before they ripen. They need a good, rich, well prepared soil. If very early plants are desired they can be grown in a hot bed or seed box. Later plants may be secured by sowing the seed in a seed bed. After the plants have made a good start togrow.transplant in rows two and a half feet apart, set ting the plants two feet apart in the rows. As with cabbage, the early cul tivation is the most important and care must be taken to keep the soil in good tilth. They are not as generally grown as their excellence warrants, at least in the iarmers' garden, although market gardeners usually find them a profitable crop to grow. X. J. S., io Prairie Farmer. Growing Corn. An Eastern farm journal devotes an entire issue to the subject of corn growing. Nearly a score of success ful farmers grve their methods of cul ture of their crops, and a summary of the leading thoughts and suggestions are made for the benefit of our readers. The corn plant requires a rich soil for its best development, and is a gross feeder on manure. Sod land is The A.nltmfui& Taylor Maohinerv Comp C5 f T iy; 1 OUR MOTTO: "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. preferable, and the manure should be spread on the grass during the pre reeding summer. Good drainage ia important. Fall plowing is advo cated -by some in clay soils with heavy sod. Too much attention can hardly be given to securing good seed. This ia done early in t lie fall by gathering the early maturing ears of good form and size with deep grain, and drying them perfectly before freezing weather. Corn wants sunshine. Do not drill fields that grow extra heavy fodder. Cultivate with fine tooth .harrows be fore corn is up. Kill the weeds before they getthrouchtheground. Cultivate shallow after the corn is knee bieh. Break the crust after every rain, hut do not prune the root". A rich, sandy loam, thus treated, should prodnce 100 bushels of shelled corn to the acre in a most favorably season. Seasoning Farm Horses. Spring is the hardest reason of the year on farm horses. During the win ter they are partly or wholly idle, and they come out of the stables with softened muscles and tender shoul ders. Spring work usually pushes, and, too oken, teams are overworked. They lose flesh and become jaded be fore the crops are planted. It is far better to do only moderate work the first two weeks. This does not mean half work at allut only a little hus banding of strength until exercise hardens the muscles. The horse that ia grain-fed during the winter bears up under severe spring work much better than one kept in condition on more bulky food. The oats, bran and corn ration makes firm tissue. In any case it is only humanity to accustom the teams to labor by degrees. Shoulders should be washed every evening with strong salt water, and the draft on collar carefully adjusted. Hame hooks on most patent names are too low, let ting the weight of load come on the point of the shoulder. Collars are more often too large rather than too small. Poisons, The West Virginia station offers the following cautions to farmers using poisonous substances for the destruc tion of insect enemies: The poisen should be kept in a safe place, and plainly labeled poison. Do not distribute the poison with the hands. Always keep to the windward side of plants or trees when applying the powder or liquid. Uo not use them upon leaves or fruits that are soon to be eaten. There is seldom, if ever, any danger in eating vegetables and fruit after they nave Deen .xposea to tne rain and sun a few weeks, aa several pounds or bushels ot treated Iruit or vegetables would have to be consumed at one time by one individual to get a suffi cient dose of the poison to produce serious results. Test the strength of thediluted mix ture of a few plants first to ascertain if the mixture will injure the leaves. JNever apply it to fruit trees while in bloom, as the poison will kill the bees so necessary to the formation of per- tect iruit. When to Sow Onion Sead. Many amateurs do not know at tvhat time to sow onion seeds to raise sets, when they are gathered, and how taken care of. The Country Gentleman thus makes the matter plain: "The sets are required of small growth, and therefore a poor soil is better than rich a one; this soil is thor oughly pulverized and made smooth, the seed sown by a line quite thickly, as large ones are apt te run up to seed, the bulbs should not be less than the size of grapes. They are taken up in August, driea, bedded in chaff four inches deep, and coveted with several inches of hay for protection through winter. Early in spring they are set out in extra rich land, thoroughly mellowed, three inches apart in the rows, the earth pressed compactly about them. They are to be kept perfectly clear of weeds till the middle of June, when they srre first taken up for market. The Strasburg and Yel low Danvers are found best for this treatment. The Wethersfield red is more productive, but less adapted to sets." Wet or Dry Food? - A discussion is being conducted in several journals regarding the advisa bility of giving the food in a dry or wet condition. Both methods are ex cellent. There are occasions when it is an advantage to feed moist food especially when potatoes or turnips are plentiful, and if the ground food ia scalded the hena will prefer it. Some things depends on the season of the year, however. In the summer and fall but little grain should be given, and it may be fed dry, as vthe hens will not require ao'mn 3" V. -kC ing the colder season. If freU M$rrtied with grit, for grinding, 'ha IftrgCnr- por tion of the food niiay o0 M dry. Farm and Fireside. Peas and Oats for Swine. jT'" Pe'os and oats sown together this month make one of the best crops to grow for swine. One batthel ot peas and one and a half bushe's of oa ts per acre, sown early, will make an enor mous green crop and will thrash out as handsomely and as easily as oatw alone. On good ground 40 to 60 bewh els per acre may be expected, 40 pounds perbuBhel. Peas and oa4s make a grand hog ration whole or ground. When ground they tke trie place of bought foods, thus leeening the bifla and increasing the profits from hogs. The peas are sowed and plowed four or five inches deep, then the oats are sowed an3 harrowed in. EGOS, EQQS. EGOS. Thirteen eggs for II. 25 2fl eggs fcf 12.25 from great big light Brahroas. Also White Guinea, eggs 13 tor 11.25. Bronze turkey eggs 9 for 12.00. Satisfaction guaranteed- Address, Rosa D. Rand. Wahoo, Neb. Pcbe Bred Foultrt. White Plym outh Kock. White Games Partridgo Cochins. Toulouse Geese, White Hol land Turkeys, White Guineas, Fakln Ducks. Eggs in season. Prices low. W. A. Bates, Jr., Fremont, Neb. 86 ti S. C. BROWN LEGHORNS LARCE8T AND FINEST PEN OF Thoroughbreds In the weatern tmtpi Ears Der Mttlni of 15. Sl.W. UCblok4 to 6 dav Old exorMS- ed In a naat. Heat cave, with ban that aatcaad them at 2.60. W. J. EUGKOX, Alma, Kt)D. Mention t l paper. 41tf 8. C. Brown Leghorn, laraeit and flnaat Ben of thorouhbred in the (tate. Err par setti.ii; of 16. fl 6); To settings In one order DELIVERED FN EE of axpress ODargcs io ny point in tae state. W.J. Hickox. EGGS FOR HATCHING S. C. Wbite Leghorns and Barred Ply m outh Rooks. Took first premium at last State Fair on above varieties of fowl. Errs $2.00 per 18 from prlzo winner only. SMITH BROS.. 33tl Lincoln, Neb. C0BNISH INDIA GAMES UNSURPASSED AS MARKET AND FARM FOWLS. Eg? 15.00 ptr 13. 815 N. 33d St. 34-3m Send for circular. L. P. HA KRIS, Lincoln, Neb. EGGS FOR SALE. Order for eggs now booksd for hatohln from the famous Barred Plymouth Rock AND S. C. White Leghorns. fl.60 per 13, 13.60 per 28. Stock for sale after Ootober 1. 183. SStf E. S. Jennings, Box 1008, Lincoln, ' Neb. J. M. ROBINSON KENESAW, ADAMS CO., NEB. Breeder and ship- fier of reoorded Po and China hor. Choice breedlne stock for sale. write for wants. Mention Alliamcb. CD FURNAS Co HERD BIG BERKS. Beaver City, - Neb. Thoroughbred exolattvely. All are. Either lex. Sows bred, Stock guaranteed as represented. Prlcet right. Meulien this paper. H. S. Williamson, Prop'r. 40 PEERLESS FEED GRINDERS! firtnd from 100 to SOO ItnsheU par day aocor dlnii to nnenam. drlnrii ear corn, oats, etc.. fine enough for anr Durnoee. We warrant the PKEKLr'sS to be the BEST and CHE APKST MUX ON EARTH I JOT Write at ono for prleee and agencr. Tnare Is moner Io this mill. Made only by the JOLIET STR0WBRIDCE CO., Jotiet, III. (General Western Agents for the CHAMPION WAUON, The ilorse Friend.) Y v 1 it iaSUaiJMMMHaaa. MMBIl&iM WKITK FOR FRANK IAMS, Tynporter apd Dfeeder- ($3 lams' Horses were " In It " the great Kansas and Nebraska state fain sf fl. niSCLIDES SHIRES A5D PERCHEBONS ' Were Winners of 61 Frizes Mostly lsts. lams is the ONLY Importer in Nebrask that Imported his Psreheront froa Frsass la 1881 and the largest importer of Clydes In 1801. They arrived . September 1801. All Blacks- Grey Horses $300.00 Less Than Solid Colors. His Percheron mare won Grand Sweepstakes prize at Kansas state fair In 1891 OW the great Paris Wlsnsr " Rota Bonkusr," and 1st prize at Neb. state fair. lams Guarantees ?o show yon the largest eojleotion ot first-class Mg Flashv Draft Horaaa ef the various breeds, of the best individual Merit asd Royal brsedlss. s to 6 years old 1600 to 2300 weighs and or cneaper man any live importer or pay your iare w see mem. Speoial Prloes to .AlUajaoe Do's. (CnnBaved by buying of lams. He doe net want the earth and It feoeed, tor prats. Goad guarantees every hsrso reoorded good terms. HANK IA.HA, WRITS IAMS. St. Paul. Neb, leon the B. tL and U. F.Ry. BU Paul, Nebraska. Ve-t r,., -.A vftmwtnffr uuxxuuii Yorkshire Coach, Belgian, English Shire Clydesdale and Percheron Stallions. We have alway on hand a rood assortment of the above named breeds. We meet ail competition and guarantee satisfaction in all deals. Our price are moderate and Horses ExceTlepta We aire long time and the most llbaral sruarantee of any firm In America. All horses must be a represented or we will not allow tbe purchasers te keep them. 86 Write for particulars. Address, W. J. WEOXTGHTON CAMBRIDGE, FURNAS COUNTY, The Record Breaking Stud. Hi W -AND HACKNEY W. M. FIELD Importers and Breeders, OUR SHOW RING RECORD AT 167 Premiums; Myat.) 6 Slim and the 1,000 SILVER CUP offered by The Largest and Finest Stud of English Horses in 49 State Fair Winners on Hand Now. Stallions and Mares, Each FAVORABLE TERMS TO Special Terms English Shire Stallions and Mares. To intending purchasers of this breed I can show them as (rood a lot ot Tount AAw - 1 : a., , . i , B own uuui jrenmuga uy, aa mere is in we WoBu THOROUGLHY ACCLIMATED. LAST SHIPMENT 1890. Their breeding ia from the best strains of Drize winnlno- MnnH in V.mnA coupled with superior individual merit. My imported mares are superior to any in the west; they are all safely in foal. All My Stock Guaranteed, and all Recorded and Imported by Myself. . If you want a Hackney Stallion, I have as good as was ever imported. Come) and see what I have got, and if I cannot show yon as good stock as aray man will pay your expenses. Prices as low as the lowest. 44-6m any 3 PRICES" F. L. LOOMIS, Manager, Omaha, Nat. 100 BLACK 100 PERCEIIflOtlS, FRENCH DRAFT, CLYDES&SIIIRES. at Alliance Prices and Terms, W. J. WROUGHTON & CO., IMPORTEB8 OT wuuuui viuiuiuuu auihi & CO., NEB. HORSES. & BROTHER Cedar FTTs, Iowa. STATE FAIRS IN 189O AND 1891: Medals; 21 Sweepstakes: !4DIbIiz the English Breeders of Bhlre Horses. America. Remember, we will not be UnderwM. Breed, All Ages, For Sale. RESPONSIBLE BUYERS. to the Alliances. umhrn Rots Wil BURGESS. Blue Valley Stock PtRH CRETE, NEB.