The farmers' alliance and Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1892, May 19, 1892, Image 2

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    Tb Hew Staking Sjttcn.
Tia Alu sea Isdit dht:
Why wss Fultoa sbosrd tos first stn
boat called a hsrmless luostlc? Way
u Wd. Doyd Oarrltoa of abolition
fuss called crsxyT Why tu Morss tbs
lor otor of the telegraph called sislonary T
Why were the Peter Cooper jieenback
rs dubbed all tbeae hard nanea aad
Buy othsrs by bankeraf Why ia it that
the ability, the sincerely of the pioneer
worker for iaaproYement and rslprm are
seldom admitted or recognised by men
of the time generation?
Oor national banking srstem la landed
to the skies at the lest the world ha ever
Been, by the banker themselves, their
relatlvea, and employees. Under the
Influence of their continual praise, many
good people hare come to look upon the
robber system, as the best that can be de
vised. The currency reformers, the allrer men
when expoeknf the Imperfections, the
monopoly tendencies of the system; the
fjeenbackerawhen agitating for a repeal
of the law, and an Increase of the cur
rency direct from the U. 8. Tieenury to
the people axe met by the worshipers of
the banks at the oat set of their agitation
for a change, with the following and
many other questions:
How la the government going to get ita
money into clrculatien? Ia the govern
ment goiag to donate fifty dollars per
How can the country get along with
out banks? Is the government gpiag to
stamp greenbacks enough to make ss all
Who will redeem the government pa
per money? Wont it depreciate the same
aa the French asslgnats? Wont free coin
age of silver eVkeall the gold out of the
These qaestlons and bundereds of oth
ers equally foolish and absurd have been
propounped by the bankers for the pur
pose ef misrepresenting the aims of the
currency reformers and mystifying the
subject In the minds of the people.
These questions have been answered
many times over In the past twenty years
by the old greenback guard. But their
answers have never been entirely satis
factory to many of the business men of
our country.
Why not satisfactory? Because the
currency reformers, the silver men, the
greenbackers have never united in advo
cating a banking law to take the place
of the present system. We have never
bad a definite plan to advocate. Our
Ideas of the coming money system have
always betn to a certain extent In a
state of chaos. As long as the money
power of the world can prevent the peo
ple from uniting on some definite plan to
Issue their owa credit to themselves, Just
so long they know tbey are safe in their
power to enslave the labor millions and
prevent their advancing to a higher plane
of civilization.
Out of the chaos of ideas or the cur
rency reformers must issue a great re
form measure, a measure that must revo
lutionise the banking systems of the
world, a ' measure that must take the
banking business off ef the hands of lndl
vlduals and place It in the hands of the
government where It can be ased for the
elevation of the masses.
Of course such a measure will have to
meet the determined, obetlqate opposition
of Wall street and the banks. To defeat it
they will use money without stint. Bril
liant and unscrupulous talent will be era
ployed in the lobby. The press will be
(has been) bought up by the wholesale.
The devoted ohamplons of such a measure
will be tempted almost beyond all endur
ance. They will be taken to the moun
tan tops of their ambition and shown how
Croat they may become If they will con
sent to serve mammon, and become
traitors to their own manhood and to hu
manity . The patriots who have the hard!
hood to champion the measure through
thick and thin to a finish, will have the
worst blllingpgste this side of purgatory
burled at their devoted heads by the hire
lings of the money power. Mlsrepre
sentatlon, fraud and money wll be used
to prevent the currency reformers from
uniting on a measure of relief for the peo
ple. Currency reformer?, if they would
free the people from the grasping ruie of
Shylock, must all unite on some form of
banking to take the place of the present
system. A bill providing for a genera
system of government banking has been
Introduced Into the lower House bf the
Hon. O. M.Kem, of .Nebraska. We be
lieve this bill to be the pioneer measure
of the currency reformers, and as such it
will soon become the rallying point for
them. Mr. Kern's bill If it becomes a law
without amendment (which Is entirely
Improbable) will revolutionize the bank
ing business. It will giye depositors ab
solute security and reduce the rates of in
terest U every citizen to four per cent a
Mr. Kern's bill Is a satisfactory answer
to many of the misleading, mystifying
questions that haw puzsled the people
on the currency question and kept them
In the ranks of the two old parties voting
against their own interests. We believe
Sir. Kem should be renominated and
kept in a position where he can work for
the perfecting and adopting of a new
monetary system, and thus prevent a re-
charter of the national banking monopoly
and labor enslaving system.
The present generation should recog
nize the devotion of Mr. Kem to the cause
of humanity.
John Stebbins.
Shelton, Neb.
Another "Bepublioan" Gives his Reason
Lucas, Kana, May 11, '92.
Editor Aixiancr-Independsnt:
Here is my information for Bond-Hold
ers and Bread-Winners per offer in your
paper, as I have never read the above
named book and would like te see it:
In 1860 when the new party came into
power mr father put all bis property he
oould Into cold and carefully put it in i
safe place, as he was not sure the repub
lican party would protect capital. I was
a young man then. In 1861 I came In
possession of a theuiand -dollars ia gold.
1 made a good trade with one who was
still afraid of the new party and got three
thousand dollars In greenbacks for my
one thousand gold. I then bought bonds
at a slight discount. My thr thousand
dollar bond paid mt one hundred aad
eighty dollars per year, g JJ. 1 at st sues
nut mr boods la aoaUooal bask. The
stock was a hundred thousand dollars.
The republican party through the govern
ment save us ninety thousand dollars la
nation d bank notes which we liwnod to
fce people. This was In 155. My first
rears net income was s little over four
hundred aad fifty dollars. 1 ejch year
reinvented my Income is bonds and la
created my bank stock. Ia 1S70 I owned
forty thousand dollars ot this same one
hundred thousand dollar bank. The bank
did extremely well, the deposits were
large. The republican party had passed
the credit strengthening act as ay capital
was now gold. I have continued to rein
vest my income always in safe untaxsble
bonds and national bank stock. My
western bnk interests pay some yesss
oyer twenty percent, never lws than fif
teen per cent I am exempt from taxa
tion. 1 do not now wish to give my pri
vate accounts but will say 1 have succeed
ed beyond all the visions of youthful
Itnsglnation. 1 owe all my success to the
republican parly. That party restored the
confidence of capital. It has built up the
beet and safest banking sysfam the world
ever knew. It protects capital; under its
protecting laws capital has bulit up the
greatest Industries en earth. It has paid
mare in charity to Us country's defenders
than any other party. Destroy the repub
lican party and elect your people's party,
and my banking wealth would drop away
like rain from a cloud. No sir, my inter
est is in Hie success of the republican i
party. The man who will not vote ror his
owa inwest Is s fool. The republican
part v. we Know win continue io protect
our Interests. If the farmers will attend
cloter to there farms aad improve tasir
aouoty roads and let those who under
stand politics attend to the goverraent we
will be setter off.
If I have not gives a rood reason why
I should wile the republican ticket you
need not send the book, If I have I expect
the book as per agreement.
a iibpl'blb: AH.
Favors Poynter.
Haktisgtoh, Neb., May 9, '98.
Editor Allhsch-Ikdependkkt:
Your letter of April Wnd containing the
following paragraph:
"Who is cork to be nominated for cob-
gross in your district? No mistake should
pe make. The Independents don't owe
anything to anybody.
I cannot answer your question. For
my humble self I am in favor of lion. W.
A. Poynter of Albion, lie needs no
eulogy. His record 1b a part of the history
of the state. Ills ability, popularity,
character and strength all point to him as
the man for the place.
I am informed that tbre will be an at
tempt mads to have the independents
play the role of stool-pigeons in this dis
trict I am for the middle of the road.
If we cannot preserve our Individual ex
istence as a party, let us fall upon our
swords and die like Romans. Suicide is
despicable, but It Is preferable to still
birth. Wilbbh F. Bktast.
In Dixon,
Allen, Neb. May 10, 1803.
Editor Alliance Ihdbi-bsdkht:
Assistant state lecturer Fairchlld was
in Dixon county and spoke at liawkeye
in the afternoon of the 3d, at Martinsburg
at night, in the county before the Tollers'
Alliance In the afternoon of the ,ith, the
evening of the same day at New Castle,
and on the nigin oi the oth at Allen. At
all these meetings very fair crowds were
out, taking the weatner Into consideration.
The worst hit Bro. Fairchlld made on the
old politicians and the one that seemed
to hurt them the worst, was that the swith
is In line with the people's movement. If
you want to make a republican politician
paw the earth Just tell him that the demo
crats are all broke up and leaning the
Oh lord, it does chaff them to think the
"nlegerb" and the whites of the south
are iolnlng bauds to atriks down
On with the tight. Uixon, Cedar. Knox.
Dakota, and Thurston counties have join
ed the procession for lower frieght rates,
less monkeying and more money.
lours faithfully,
Co. Srcretakt.
Buz Butts County.
It Is quite refreshing to henr the people
of this "far west" county complain ? too
much wet; but It is sure a soaker.
There was a good attendance at the
county alliance last Saturday not-with
standing a stormy day. Ihe sunject of
mutual Insurance, and of organi.lng a
co-operative store in this county, were
discussed and an adjourned meeting will
be had In the forenoon of the 25th In at. to
further consider the same subjects,
Pres. John 11. Powers is expected to
address the people at llemingford in the
afternoon of said day and preparations
are being made for a grand rally. Ar
rangements are also made for him to ad
dre?s the people In Alliance, this county,
The "Reformer," an Independent paper
has recently been started In Hemlngford
and we DespeaK ror it success.
John P. Hazard.
Lawn, Neb.
About Kem,
ClABKsNeb., May 10, 'A3.
1 gee there Is an attempt bvlng made
by Boine of the so caKed Independent
papers of the state to down Hon. O. M
Rem for renuiumauon in tne utn district.
He Is charged with not being as brilliant
as some other men In his district. Yes,
brother farmers of the th district, by all
means relegate Mr. Kem to the rear, and
put in his place some brilliant city chap,
either bauker or lwyer, who hat got
brains enough to legislate in the Interest
of the dear people, just as you have
been doing for the last 30 years excepting
liftiO when we were foolish enough to
send a poor farmer to congress who lsn
brilliant enough to vote against free coin
age of silver, and who doesn't knw any
better than to believe the tariff Is a tax
on the consumer, and who believes in a
government banking system, to taka the
place of our vicious national banking sys
tem, thereby robbing the poor bondholder
of the privilege of receiving double In
terest on his money.
Who, but these so-called brilliant men
have placed us in our present condition?
I for one say, in the name of humanity
and a suffering people, let us hereafter
send men to congress who are not quite
so brilliant, but who have more integrity
in their hearts and enough good horse
sense la their heads to draft and vote for
just such measures as brother
banking bill. Let the farmers of the ffth
district see to It that they return O, M
Kem to congress aud not allow any wolf
In sheep s clothing to influence them
send some man In his place just because
he happened to be a little more bril
The same is true with regard to every
member of the last legislature who stood
by his guns and did that for tiilcb. he was
W. F. Porter.
Another Batification-
April 15. Spring Green Alliance, No
617, passed resolutions endorsing the ac
tion of the St. Louis conference and wish
ing the 1776 delegates to the Omaha con
vention Oodepeea. Mgnea.
H. L. Williamson,
W. E. Champion,
M. E. MoCameck.
I SL.1J. 1JS..-SS. .. J-JIM -i..
Jas B Weaver.
C. A. Patrick of Thaw county sends
ss the following extract from s speech
delivered by Geo. Wesver in congwa,
May 10, 190:
The millionaires of Boston. Philadel
phis. New Tork, and Chicago have floor
ed eon rows with petitions for the
instruction of the greenbacks. One dis-
tlsgulshec! Senator presents a petition
Viand to morocco, like a fine family
Islbla, the words "honest money" in let
tors of gold acmes Ita back, signed by
over fifteen hundred capitalists in New
York, praying for the retirement of she
greenbacks; signed by Governor Itobin
sod ex-Heeretary Brlstow, signed by over
two hundred names on Fifth Avenue who
owa in the atrgregate more thin $248,
000,000, which paya not one nt of taxes
and escapes all the burdens or the state.
Now contrast this petition with another
which 1 hold In my hand, tattered and
soiled with (be soot from the hand of the
blacksmith, the sweat o' the day laborer,
aad lb greasy band ot the mechanic.
What does ttiia petition can rorr it
humbly prays this House to stand be
tween she laborer and the grasping exact-
ous of the money power, sna prevent
the destruction of the greenback which Is
at once their hope and their defense. The
nm petition comes Into congress witn s
flonrlftb of trumpets, adorned with
curiously wrosght signatures and costly
array, while the other bears the homely
slcnature of the man of toll. Che first
petltaos represents those who live upon
the labor af others. The last represents
Most class of our people who prod ace all
the weatth of the country aad bear all
the burdens.
Talk about "good faith," 'solemn prom
ises' and "honest money." Why, Mr.
Speaker, this silly cry deceives no one.
It Is an unmitigated fraud, to thinly dis
guised as to be nowa and read of all men.
These Is not a law nor a promise in tne
universe which these men respect.
In 1370 they "solemnly" passed an act
that the bondholder misjt have 15.8 grains
of gold or grains of silver for hia
bond. It was a highwayman's law but
the people concluded to abide by it. Now
under the hypocritical cry ot "nonest
money" they demand gold only, or a gold
dollar's worth of silver for every dollar
marked down In their bonds. This
would amount to an additional bonus of
from 12 to 15 per cent on the entire debt
of the nation. It Is the proposition of a
set of men who respect neither law,
equity, nor sontract, and who mock at the
straggle of the poor and laugh at thslr
pleadings for mercy.
Hard Questions About Silver.
Hhmiiwfokd, Neb., May 7 '92.
Editor Ajxiakck-In dependent:
I have not noticed In the Alliancr
IsdrjK2CDB5T any reference to Congress
man Bartrne's speech on silver as ptib
litshed In the Daily Bee of March 25tb. He
said American wheal was sold on the
London market In competition with India
a silver basis natloa, and was paid for
with Una-Una silver dollars that paid 100
cents domestic debt In America, although
their dollars are the same as ours.
This difference is made at the exchange
offices where foreign money Is offered
for native money.
Now cannot it be safely said, that all
farm pcoducts sold in foreign markets in
competition with silver basis nations, are
paid for In sll'er, and the man that takes
It Is the loser, by reason of Its depreciated
bullion value, when offered for exchtiugs
for his native money? This has been
going on ever since the demonetisation
of silver, and the farmers have been taking
the dishonest dollar and did not know It.
This would have made about. 15 cents
better price on the bushel for our last
crop of wheat If we had free coinage.
Query: Canada beings competitor in
the wheat market, does she take silver,
and what Is it worth In the payment of
her domestic debts? If it pays 100 cents,
Is not the American farmer, the man
from the rural district being bunco-steered
by other nations? Every man tuat handles
American wheat from the time It leaves
the farm until 1: is sold In the London
markets, gets his pay in 100 cent dollars,
snd ths wheat Is sold for 70 cent dollars,
and tha farmer bears the loss.
lours Fraternally,
U. H. Hdhlinson.
Total Depravity,
Editor Aujamcr Imdrpekdemt:
Please allow me to call your attention
to enclosud clipping from a county paper
The barpy Republican. It Is so at vari
ance with your report or tlio same affair
In your last issue that we deem it but
Justice to your readers that you be al
lowed to -explain.
loujr, ALovbuop Truth.
Notb. The following is the clipping:
"The Colorado republicans in spite of
the free silver feeling which was said to
east oat there unanimously endorse
Harrison. It turns ont that the mine
owners, who are the only ones to be bene
fitted by free coinage, are all demo
It is Clipped from the Republican Sen
tinel of PapllliOB Nebraska. In regard
to tbs endorsement of Harrison, we will
say that we got our news from the daily
papers, and especially the republican
dallies of Denver where the convention
was held. The papers all agreed that the
resolution endorsing Harrison was voted
dews by more than COO to two.
The ISsntlnel Illustrates the methods of
the lowest rank of partisan papers, It
takes up three or four rank falsehoods
weaves them into one sentence and casts
It out on the world In the hope some
poor prejudiced partisan may read, be
lieve, and become more narrow minded
and Ignorant than he is.
ash papers have no regard for truth,
They pabllsh statements which they know
are false simply to bolster up the bad
cause they represent They are utterly
irresponsible, and should never be taken
in the homes of intelligent patrotlc peo
pie, unless It should be to show the rial
dren an actual example of that old
scripts ral doctrine ef "total depravity."
A Good Word From Platte-
Piuxttb Cbhtkr, Neb., April 29, '98.
KDrron Alliancb-Ihdei'BNdent:
lion. W. H. Dech spoke to good aud
ence In this county as follows: Colutn.
bus April 25th, Platte Center April 26th,
Humphrey Apil! 27th, Lindsay April 38.
Bro. Dech is certainly one of the ablest
speakers In the state and is doing a vast
amount of good. The way he handles
his audiences seems to work up the
sleepy, knook the fellows off The fence
Into our ranks and send the money kings
into paroxysms.
Much credit Is due to the state Alliance
of Nebraska for keeping such men in the
Allow me to suggest Bro. Editor, that
you attain oall our peoples attention to
the risk they are running in signing their
renewal mortgages payable in gold. It is
uniubt because their original contract
did not call for gold and unsafe as it will
aid In the depreciation of other legal ten
der which the people receive for their
products by again putting gold at a pre
mium. Fraternally Yours,
Frkd Jewell.
Secretary Platte Co. Alliance.
Tfcair Mm Is IS Spirt af
lrrsTM. t Mn.
Qsrlyle voioed tbs seatiment of
man a discontented ono when b
said: "ft is not to die or even ito die
of hunger that makes a man wretched.
Many toon have died, all men must
die. But It is to lira miserable, ws
know nqt why; to work sore sad yet
gain netblsg; to be beartwora weary,
yet Isolated, unrelated, girt in with a
cold, an i versa! IaIssox Faire '
It Is just this spirit that calls to
gether and keep together the peo
ple's reform movement of the present
time, Tbe reformer ass law-abidiag
ciilzeas says a writer in tbe National
lioonomist, usually honest industrious
sod conscientious. But in addition
to their daily toil they have set them
selves the tafik of finding soma wsy
of making life more endurable for
themselves and the masses who have
no champion to plead their cause.
The reform mosemenv. ia the eye of
the conventional world, has oommittod
an unpardonable fault k has dared
to be dissatisfied with the existing in
dustrial condition. With all rever
ence for oar free institutions it does
ot Uilak them perfect; nor in many
respects, even equitable. It feels that
the distributive forces of societv which
have developed during ths laet centu
ry must be re-arranged to fit ths ven
ditions whioh have created them. ' We
have s monopoly of poliu'oal or social
wisdom. We are opposed to monopo
lies on principle. We giadly discuss
our projects with anybody who cares
to study them sufficiently to be In a
position to analyze or criticise. We
are eager for new suggestions aad
better remedies. We have transferred
our homags from hereditary kings and
moneyed pnlooes. We are no less
reverent than thw common people of
old, but ws now do homage, not to
men, but to new ideas and the spirit
of progress.
.There is one class whom wo
mortally offend. Unfortunately it rs a
larg-e and Influential class. It labels
itself "conservative." The town is a
convenient one snd Hke charity, it
eovers a multitude of sine. To be
frank the conservative is the man or
woman who finds it too much an effort
to think. They acoept their idea
ready made, and, bless you. how con
venient it fe.y Of course, ready-made
Idoas, like ready-made clothes, are
sometimes a mis-tit But the owner
of either commodity is usually tb
last one to find It out. The conserva
tive is sure that our institutions have
always boon and always will be per
fect, and therefore etprnal. In
ado p tie g this argument he forgets
that it arrogates to purely bnman
Institutions attributes usually
assigned to ths Creator. This motto
of "whatever Is, is rfgb-t." shows not
only a lamentable lack of original
thought but woiso than that a total
ignorance df history. A well known
English writer remarks that "tbs
United States government ieasuooess,
because any repulflic that is not" a
total failure is a succeos." Perhaps
our conservative friends mean it in
some such Pick-wickian sense when
they speak in such delightfully general
terms of the success of all our institu
tions. A New Somc fw the Field.
-Tho Atlanta Georgia, (nstrftation,
thp Topeka Capital of southern De
mooruoy, sys:
Q TVcro d a aoog in the fiqhl wbero
the ptowettse is gleaming a song eg
hopo for tUe harveet ahead.
The farraets are reaping their cion
promieo), and taking heart for the
That,mov be a new song in the
g. o. p. wfn? of too south, but it has
booomo a roichty old chestnut in
Iarepiy to Hie hspetal strain of
the Coosutuuoii, too People s Paper
of Atia&to. auys:
1 thore is a "sonf in the fwld."
And it a BOtig of bopc" It be
gins: !o,od-byo, old party, good
bye, and cuds (With a cheer for tiw
St Louis platform.
Aye, yos. they are taking heart
for tho future, tbeao farmers. Woy
have everlastingly -sat down' on the
men and vtho parties that havo load
thorn to the brink of destruction with
proiiss, ' tmd have not only deoided
to run policies for thomsdlvos in the
future, but have proven their anility
to hang together, and to erer
lastingly wallop' any man, or sot of
men? or paper, that tries to sido-track
thorn and their movement That be-
lojr the ease, wiy thould thoy not
taike heart? The hardships of the
present are raudo et.iitii'.ihi by them
oortaimy, now that tl "v know how -to
obtain justiee in tkte 4...:i:-u
111 Constitution is i Ut! There
is a so-ig ia the field wlici-i the plow
share is gleacalcg: -ood-bye, old
party, good-bye.'" Aluaneo i'ribuno.
Some Pet Schemed.
The Tribune is not making a special
fight for any subftrcasury plan, but
there are several ' such plans we aro
feminst all the time. Ono is the plan
thai alljows the secretary of the treas
ury to make sub-treasuries out of bis
pot national banks, and the other is
tho distillers' sub-troasury plan. They
aro bo'.b Republican institutions and
both very popular with certain classes.
Topeka Jribuno
Tho Industrialist: Tho sentiment
ha favor of a gfadoatod income tax is
gaining ground throughout tho coun
try. About the only persons opposed
to it are the millionaires who fatten
on non-taxablo government bonds,
nnd thoso reformers who are "pos.
sessed by nn idea"' nnd desiro to re
strict taxation to land values exclu
sivoJf. Thus we see again that ex
tremes meek."
The Southern Star: The South is
in debt Ninety per cent of its people
are In debt. Whatever increases the
volume of currency increases tho
price of products. Yit enlianco
ment of tho prica of products comes
larger profits and greater prosperity.
Silver would not increase tho volumo
much, but to the extent it would, that
would relatively beneSt every man in
debt aud every producer and laborer.
Southern Alliance Farmer: Both tho
old parties are clamoring for honest
money, but what do they mean' by
honest money? Thox moan money
that can be cornered by Wall street
money that will como at a high prica
to the laborer. Money that tho farm
er and mechanic cannot secure at any
price. This is tho honest money tbey
are contending for. Will you support
them in thoir robbery longer?
Adopted tt St, Leuia, Febrau? 24, 1381
This, ths f rt grraU labor oonfennoa of
the I'nltaS Paste aad of lb world, reprems
das' all SIvIsiobs of urltaa and tuitl orraa
laad tudustrv, assent-iad la national oongrr,
invokin apoaits acuoalt. blesainc sod pra
tnctlaa ef Aimlrnty bod, pais forth to sad
for tk produoor of this uuoa, this doelarsr
' Uua of union sad ladsponden-j.
The ooodlUou which sarrouDd ns bast
Justify oar ee-operstloo. We nsct Is tha
midst of a natloa brourht to the verve r f mo
ral, political, sod malarial ruin. Camptloa
damioatas the ballot box, the legislatures, tha
aonjrrea. and touabas evea tha ermine of tha
beaoh. The people are demoralized. If any
of the stata Lavs bean sampelled to isolate
the voters at the Minus paoes la order to
prevent aolvaraal iHtlaudatlea er bribery-Tha
neaspapen are subsidised or maulad. pabllo
oplnloa sneuoed, busts prostrated, our
borne oovered with mortstses, labor Impov
erished, aod the the laad oaoeentratins la tha
bands of oapitallst. Tha urban workmen are
deoiad tha nrht ef orrsaUaUon far seif -protection;
imported paapeHaad labor boats
down their was; a hireling- standing; armjr
unrooog-nlzad b our laws, is established to
hoot tbam down, and thay ana rapidly do
(BnaraUnfto Ruropeaa eonifTtions.
"Tha fruit of tha toll of million are boldly
Stolen to build up colossal fortune, unpreoe
dented la tha history of tha world, while their
poMossor desplsa tb repablio and endanger
liberty. From thesam proline wombofg-ov-eminent!
lnJusUce we bread tbe two great
olassee paupers and millionaire. The na
tional power to areata money la appropri
ated to enrich bondholders; silver, which baa
ba aooapted s otfla alno tha dawn af his
tory, aa haa
n demonetized
to add to tb
by decreasing;
purchasing power af gold
valaa of sfi form of property aa wall aa hu
man labsr, and tbe supply ef currency Is
purposely abridged to fatten usurers, bank
rupt enterprise and enslave Industry. Avast
corunlrwsrairint mankind ha bees organ
IzedentweeontUenss sad Is taking- posaea
slfnof the world. If not metasdoverthrowaat
oaee It forebode terrible soots! eonvnaiona,
the destraetioa ef oivlhaaUon, er the astab
usbmuot or aa absolute deaaotiiai.
"1 a this crisis of human affairs the intell-
6nt snd working people, produoar of Use
at ted btate, have eom together fn the name
f peace, order and locloty, to dafead liberty,
prosperity, and luitioe.
-We declare our unlen and tadapendoso.
We assert our purpose to vote with that po
litical organization which represents eur
"WecbargUustth controlling Influences
dominating- the old pellUcal parties hare al
lowed the xltitur dreadfai conditions to de
velop without serious effort to res trail or
prevent ahem. Neither do titles' new intend
to accomplish reform. They have agreed to
gether to ignore, In the coming oampaign ev
ery Issue bat one. Ifcey propose to drown the
ontorie of a plundered people with the up
roar of a sham haul over the tariff; se that
corporations, national banks, rings, trusts,
"watered stocks," the demonetization of sil
ver, aad the oppressions of usurers, may all
be lost sight of.
"Tbey propose to sacrifice our homes td
oWlldren upon tha alter ef Mammon, to de
stroy tbe hopes of tbe multitude in order to
seenre corruption funds from the great lords
ef plunder.
" We assert that a pelltloal organisation Jrwp
resentlncth political principle hereto stated
1 redress the grievances of
wbicb we complain.
"Assambled an tha anniversary of the
birth cf the lllustriou man who led the fliet
great revolution on this continent against
oppression, filled with sentiment which act
uated that gsand generation, we seek to re
store ths government of tbe republio to tha
hands ef ths "plain people" with wham It
originates. Our doors are apen to all paints
of tha oempas. We ssk ail honest men to
join with aad help u.
"In order to restrain the extortions of ag
gregated oapltai, to drive the money
changers eut of tha toraplp; to form a perfect
union, establish Justaje. lifeure domestic
tranquility, provide for tb eommoa defense,
romote the general welfare, aad secure the
lee sings af liberty for ourselves and our pos
terity, we do ordain and establish the fol
'We declarethe snioa of tbe labor forces
of the Unites States, this day accomplished,
permanent and perpetual. May its spirit en
ter late allhearts fof the salvation of the re
publio and the npliftingof mankind.
Wealth belong to him who creates It. liv
ery dollar taken from industry without an
equivalent Is robbery. If any will not work
neither shall he eat. The Interests of rural
and urban labor ars the same; their enemies
are identical.
"1. We demand a national currency, safe
sound and flexible, issued by the general
government only, a fall legal tender for all
debts, publlo and private, and that without
tbe use of banking corporations, a just, equit
able means of circulation, at a tax not to ex
reed i per cent as set forth in the sub-treas -uryplanof
ths Farmers Alliance, or soma
better system. Also payment In discharge of
its obligations for publlo improvements.
"3 We demand free anM unlimited coinage
of silver.
"8. W demand that the amount of circu
lating medium be speedily increased to not
less than 50 par capita.
"4 We demand a graduated lnoome tax.
We believe that tbe money of tha
country should be kept a mnch as possible
in the bands of the people, and hence we de
mand that all national, and awte revenue
ftiall be limited to the neeexaary expenses of
the government, economically and honestly
'-a. Wedemand that postal saving banks
be established by the government for ths
safe deposit of. tbe earnings of tiie people and
to facilitate Exchange. '
"7. The land, including all the natural re
sources of wealth, is the heritage of all tbe
people and should net be monopolized for
speculative purposes, ana alien uwnurouiu oi
land should be prohibited. All lands now held
by railroads and other corporations in excess
of their actual need s, and all lands now owned
by aliens, should be reclaimed by the govern
ment and held for aotual settlers only.
"8. Transportation being a means of ex
change and a public necessity, tbe govern
ment should own nnd operate the railroads
in the Interest ef the people.
"S. The telegraph and telephone, like the
post office system, being a necessity for ths
transmission ef news, shoald be owned and
e perated by the government in the interest of
me people.
Dates of
Assistant State Lecturer W. F.
" May 2 to 7.
- 9toU.
" lfito2J.
" " 23 to 28.
" " 3U to Juno 4th.
Asslstsnt Lecturer Fairchlld will be in
following counties on the dates named:
Holt. May 12-13 14.
Boy ' 16-17-13.
Keya Paha, " 1D-20-S1.
Kock, " 23-24-25.
Biown, " MW27-28.
Cherry, " 30-31
June 12-4,
The f fflcerl and members of the county
alliances should see that the meetings are
properly rppoinud and well advertised, that
people may reap the benent ortlieso lectures.
8tate Lecturer W. H. Dech and J. B. Romine
will hold a series of meetings in Seward coun
ty beginning at
uerinantown, June 4.
Re, ' 8.
UtU-a. ' 8.
Beaver Crossing, " 9,
Olendale Alliance in J tewt ship, ' 10.
Friendville, ' 11.
All public meetings and everybody invited.
Speaking to begin at 7:30. p. m.
Pres. Powers' Appointments.
President Powers has n-.ade the following
announcements for Mav and June, and wlii
be in the counties on dates named. Local
comnnttces should arrange places and time
of Holding meetings and notify State Sec
retary Thompson as soon i g possible where
tney save not a reaay acme so.
Banner county: May
" 18.
Harrleburg, " W.
Scott's aiutl county:
Gering, " 31, 1pm.
Box Butte county:
' 23 25-
Dawes county:
Crawford, " ?H.
Whitney. " 27.
Chsdron, " 28.
Sheridan crnfoty :
Hay Springs, " 30.
Rushville, " 31.
Gordon, Juns 1st.
Cherry county:
CoSy, JnneSd, 1 p. m.
Valentine. " 3d, '
Woodlske, " ltd, "
Brown county:
" 6-7.
Rock c aunty:
" 8-10.
Koya Paha county:
Nsrden, " 11. Sp. -n.
Pnrlrgview, " 13,
Mills, " 14.
Hlt county:
Stuart. " 16.
O'Neill, " IT.
Swing ' 18.
Boyd county:
" 28-2J.
Niobrara. " S3.
Bioomtteld, " 2.
' Creighton, " 25.
TIssj Uowt roworful.
, v-ss tis SunpUst ia
B53aSg4.7 "ST MfHiA
Jw "" . . " iajiSt
SSWOUW Tt MS rtT. "S,l
Wood and Steel Mills also Wood and Steel towers.
Onr Bills are ruaranteed to not be exce.'ied by any and we can makyow low pr! and
low freight rates. II eur. mill should blow o the tower or need any repair within
year from she time of sale, we will replace tame free of charge.
33-1 m SPENCER MANUFACTURING CO., Blue Springs, Nsb.
This Institute lias four courses of study, viz: Business, Short
hand, Penmanship and Telegraphy. The short-hand course ii-
eludes instruction in shorthand, typewTitiag, penmanship,
correspondence, initiatory book-keeping and spelling. This ia
undoubtedly the best equipped Short-hand 6chool in the west;
it has 15 typewriting machines, each having an elegant drop
cabiaet which keeps it clean and free from dust when not in rise.
The business course is mo6t complete, thorough and practical,
and includes instruction in book-keeping by single ana doubk
entry, rapid business writing, business arithmetic, commercial
law, business correspondence, actual business practise, rapid
calculation and spelling.
The department of telegrapny is in cnarge ot agenueman
who haa had twelve years experience in railroad and telegraph
service, lne course includes instruction in ujiegrapny, rapm
drill, plain penmanship, railroad book keeping and spelling.
students prepared here readily secure situations as station agents
and telegraph operators.
The penmanship department is designed to prepare pupils to
teach penmanship. Instruction is given in plain aad ornamental
penmanship of every description by one of the finest penmen in
the world.
A full staff of experienced and
and a course of instruction in any department of this school will
be of lasting value to every earnest and faithful pupil
Good board and lodging may
week upwards.
Catalogue .and Journal of Education will be mailed free on
application. An elegant set of capital letters fresh from the pen
that cannot be equaled by any one else in the west, will be seat te
those who ask it and enclose ten cents in postage stamps.
THE cnt presented here is sfao-gim'Ie of a badge designed and patented
by Mr. Bfgnell of Cheyenne, Wyoming. This badge is Intended for use by
members of the People's Party, and reads: "People's Party ; jor our Ouua&y
and flag; America."
Mr. Blgnell Is a member of Cheyenne Assembly, No. 2487, Knights of Laser.
These badges are made in Solid Gold at $1.50 each; Goldflated, 75 cents: and
In silk 10 cents, reading tbfi "People's Party Campaign badge." Thl Badge is
for the millions. Good agents wanted everywhere. Write to the patentee for
particular and agency. 49tf CEORGE BICNELL, Cheyenne. WjfO-
B7For sale at this office. Mention tills paper.
1 1 for samples. Yours ejtc,
By S. S. KING, Kansas City, Kan.
A Portrayal of Some Political Crimes
CommitteJ in ths Name of Liberty.
Fads and Figures from the Eleventh Census
With maps and Illustrations;
Massachusetts enabled to accumulate rore
wealth than nine great westerni and southern
states) Pennsylvania more than teivei
New York more tnan niteeni i griCTiivurc
and labor robbed. Road what they sy :
nnmrresiimftn O. M. Kem. Nebraska: After
careful perusal, I unheBttstingly pronouoco
it a grand little wora ana uuk" iu o muio
hands of every American citiaci.
Senator W. A. Pefler You hare done a
good work in youi littie book 'Bond Holders
and Bread Winners. It Is the best presen
tation of the subject ever made.
C. C. Post, tho great leader and anther of
Georgia: It is a valuable addition to the re
form literature of the day. The showing of
who wins and eats the bread of the people is
elear and lucid. The work 'is unusually read
able. Single copies 25c. Address an orders,
ALLIANCE PUB. CO.. Lincoln, Neh.
"iieep in tne Middlo of the Road."
People's party Medal !
Made of solid Alnmlr.nm, the slie of s silver rtol
lar, weighs snout as much as a twenty live cent piers
Aluminum Is stranger than iron snd no heaviei
than wood. It is more valuable to humanity than
gold or silver. Its cost in bulk Is no greater thai
copper snd la is becoming cheaper from day to dav
as improved methods of securing It are devised
The best practical illustration of the fallacy of bar
ter money. Its "Intrinsic value" is far greater than
that of gold or silver, though their market valu'e I
higher. The reverse sidi of the medal contains th
words: "Commemorative of the Founding of tin
People's Party Mav 19th aud 20th. 1891, at Cincinnati.
Ohio.' It is sold for the purpose of raising cam
paign funds for the National Committee.
Liberal discount, to reform speakers an organi
sations. It Is expected manv speakers will usable to
pay their wav by. the sale of this uiedaL
Let sveryiodv boom Us s. ,1b.
In ordering state whether you want the med
trtached to a pin to be w.orn as a badge, or plbin, to
e carried as a pocket piece.
ALLIANCE PUB. Co., LlncolnJieb.
J. M. PARR &
2045 M Street, Lincoln, Neb.
In sll localities where we have ss estab
lished scants- we wi I sell directly to Jen
at price which will b satisfactory.
mills pump, tank. pipe. tcM wa woatd
be giad to hav you oorrespood wll as. Ws
manufacture boU;
r t '
capable teachers are employed
be obtained at from f 2. 50 per
& COURTNEY, Proprietors,
We Sell to all for Cash and to
All for the Same Low
"We guarantee the price on e?ry arti
cle in our store and will, refund the mon-
ey to those who think they have paid too
J much. If that is the way you like to do
business we want your trade. We want
those who cannot call at the store to send
MERCHANDISE. Our stock replete with everything In tbs
musical line. Prices to uit the times. N. P. CrranS. & Co.
Don't be Duped
There have been placed upon the market sev
eral pliNiogrftphie reprints of an obiwlet edition
of " Websrten'e Dictionary." These books are
offered at low prices
canvasser?, dry goods dealers, grecers, clothiers,
etc., and in a few iHntaoce by newspapers as a
premium for subscriptions. Books coBEipting
partly or wholly of this comparatively
reprint are given various names, "The Original
Webster's Dictionary," "Webster's Kncyclojetie
Dictionary," " Webster's Unabridged." " Web
ster's Big Dictionary," etc., etc. Many announce
ments concerning tne
Reprint Dictionaries
are very misleading, but the HV'ebster reprrat
portion of each from A to Z is ths eamc, forty
five years behind the times, and printed from
plat made by photcgraphlne th eld rase?.
There are no illustrations in the bedyef thi-se
books, nnd such as are grouped at th baekmro
ir.oatly discarded pictures from old bocks. The
lJ dictionary
Long Since Obsolete
is padded out by various additions culled from
various sources, but the body is tsae same til at
was published when Polk was president and duly
buried at the incoming of Lincoln. The Web
ster current fr-m Lincoln to Harrison, is th
popular oopyrighted "Unanridjced,' whioh has
recently been superseded by Wswrsa's Intu
national Dictionary, a new book froui eovfjr to
cover, fully abreast of the times. .
43 Send for free pamphlet tiring partieuLjig.
Springfield, Mass., U. $, A.
W. C. T. U.
138 S 12th St., Lincoln.
First class table and attendance.
Lunches at all hours, 30ti
BEST $1.50 AND $a oo PER DAY
E. JENNINGS, Proprietor.
Cor. 9th & Harney, Omaha, Neb.
S. W. Cnr. 16th & Douglas St,
Omaha, Neb.
If you want Reliable.
at correct prior-.
Send for our Illustrated spring catalofrua
mailed free upon application. Chargrs pre
paid oa mall orders, MehRon this paper