The farmers' alliance and Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1892, May 19, 1892, Image 1

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vol. in.
NO. 49.
Of The People's Party met in Omaha
May 11, and 12. Arrangement
. Completed for the 4th of
July Convention. .
A Grand Rally. Speeches Made by
Donnelly, Davis and Others.
Prospects of Success in
Many States.
The national committee of the peo
ple's party met at the Millard Hotel
May 11th and 12th. Chairman Tau
beneck, Secretary Schilling. Ignatius
Donnelly, J. H Davis of Texas, and
Washburne of Massachusetts were
present. A large number of prominent
Nebraska independents were present
to pay their respects to these distin
guished gentlemen and to lend any as
sistance that might be needed in com
pleting arrangements.
Th-t arrangements for the national
convention were mapped out, many
points being carefully discussed. The
results of the deliberations are tabulat
ed and published in the Omaha dailies
as follows:
Owing to the desire to make nomina
tions on July 4th, all delegates will
meet for temporary organization at the
Coliseum building, Omaha, Neb., oh
July 2, 1892, at 10 o'clock a. m.
The various state delegations are re
quested to meet at 9 a. m. of the same
day to elect one member each of the
following committees:
First Credentials.
Second Rules and order of business.
Third Permanent organization.
Fourth Resolutions.
Also to elect three members of the
national committee from each state and
The following order of exercises has
been arranged:
1. Call to order by Chairman H. E.
Taubeneck of the national committee.
2. Prayer.
3. Address of welcome by Mayor
George P. Bemis of Omaha.
4. Response by United States Senator
J. H. Kyle.
5. Call of states and territories for
the announcement of committee on
6. Short addresses by L. L. Polk, T.
V. Powderly, J. B. Weaver, Ignatius
Donn-Jly, Jerry Simpson, Ben lerrill,
and others, interspersed with music
and singing.
After the report of the committee on
credentials the roll of states will be
called for the announcement of mem
bers ol the committee on rules and or
der of business, on perma nent organiza
tion and resolutions.
Rates of fare for the round trip have
been arranged with all railroads in the
United States, good going after June
29, and good to return from Omaha up
to July 15th.
Hotel rates not to exceed the regular
rates have been guaranteed, and good
entertainment ccan be obtained for from
$1 to $5 a day, as parties may
desire. Those desiring to secure rooms
in advance should address the secretary
of the committee on hotels, Mr. R. F.
Hodgin, Board of Trade building,
Omaha, Neb., stating how much they
are willing to pay.
The reception committees will be
known by a red badge and will be pres
ent on the arrival of all trains on and
after July 1. The members of this com
mittee will be people's party men and
delegates may safely intrust themselves
to their care.
A bureau of information will be estab
lished at each depot where delegates
will be supplied with any information
they may desire.
The chairman of the national com
mittee for each state should secure head
quarters at as early a date as possible,
notify his delegation, and report the
location by letter to H. E. Taubeneck,
Millard Hotel, Omaha, Neb., so that
announcement can be made. Mr.
Taubeneck will be in Omaha two weeks
before the contention.
All old soldiers, north and south, are
requested to meet at the convention hall
on Saturday. July 2, at 8 o'clock p. m.
The national committee of three from
each state will meet at its headquarters
Bee building, on Friday July 1, at 8
o'clock p. m.
Tickets of admission to the hall will
be issued by the national executive com
mittee to chairmen of state delegations
Headquarters of the national
executive committee will be at the
Millard hotel.
Nebraska headquarters will be at the
hotel Delone.
The District of Columbia and the
various territories will be entitled to
eight delegates each.
A grand ratification meeting will be
held on the evening of July 4, in the
convention building
A band will be in attendance at the
opening of the convention, and
alter that people's party glee clubs will
furnish music. Mas Meyer will
provide pianos and organs for the
The national central committee will
have headquarters in the Bee
The railroads will be requested to pass
all first class uniformed bands to this
citv on the Fourth.
Cards bearing the names of the states
will be placed ia the hall to designato
the various delegations.
The committee of Omaha citizens
who have the arrangements in charge
met with the national committee and
assisted in completing the arrange
ments. A bond of $25,000 was made
out and signed by Paal Vandervoort,
Gen. Van Wyck and others to insure
the carrying out of the provisions on
the part of the people of Omaha.
Seats will be reserved for the 1776
delegates first. Then of the other 5,000
seats the Omaha people will have 1,500
at their dispossal, and the remainder
will be under control of the national
Speaking of the reunion of the "blue
and the gray," Mr. Davis said that the
blue and the gray were going to have a
reunion during the convention, and
men from all over the south were com
ing just to attend it if they had to sell a
mole to get here.
Mr. Vandervoort stated that the
union soldiers in the people's party in
this state would attend to that matter,
and Mr. Davis could tell all the old
greycoats in the south that ample
arrangements would be made to take
care of them and a hall furnished for
the blue and the gray to howl
A representative of the Alliance-
Independent was in attendance and in
conversation with the members of the
committee gleaned many interesting
Secretary Schilling says that the
movement is spreading like wildfire in
many parts of Wisconsin. He thinks
the new party will elect three congress
men in that state. He also spoke of
Kentucky which he thinks there is a
chance to carry.
Mr. Davis said that the way the peo
ple were organizing in Texas is wonder
ful. There are now not less than 93,000
voters organized into people's party
clubs. There have been two reform
elements in that state woi king for the
same principles but on different plans.
The first element was organized into
Jefferson clubs to capture the primaries
in the democratic party last year. But
after the St. Louis conference the
representatives of these clubs conferred
with the representatives of the people's
party and now they are all in line for
the new party. He feels quite sure the
new party will elect five out of thirteen
congressmen, and thinks iu certain con
tingencies it will carry the state. He
says the negroes in the rural districts
are organized and will stand true to the
The coming election in Oregon was
the subject of much discussion. The
election in that state comes off Juue 16.
If the people's party can score a victory
it may start a grand tidal wave that
may end in the election of a people's
president. Reports from Oregon are of
the most inspiring character. Gen.
Weaver is there making speeches and
thinks the state can be won. J. W.
Edgerton will leave at once to work till
after the election. Paul Vandervoort
and Mr. Davis of Texas expect to go
soon. Governor Fennoyer of that state
has come out for the new party and
there is a I egular stampede of '-democrats
and republicans to the indepen
dent ranks.
Mr. H. Vincent of tho Son-Conformist
was present and in reply to a question
about Gresham said that there was no
doubt about lj is adherence to our prin
ciples. He mentioned a number of old
greenbackers who are intimately ac
quainted with Judge Gresham and who
say that he has for years been far in ad
vance of the people on the question of
finance reform, while his record on the
railroad question is well known. Mr.
Vincent could not sty as to the proba
bility of Mr. Gresham's becoming a can
didate. Mr. Davis said he had promised to
speak at the Beatrice Chautauqua
July 6th.
The World-Herald, of April 13th says:
Several hundred people met at Wash
ington hall last night to hear the gospel
according to the apostles of the peo
ple's party movement. On the platform
were seated Ignatius Donnelly, H. E.
Taubeneck. J. V. Wolfe, J. H. Davis of
Texas, Mr. Washburne of Massachusetts
Mr. Schilling of Wisconsin, W.ri. Dech,
Allen Root, J. W. Edgerton, John Jeff
coat, Paul Vandervoort, T. C. Kelsey,
C. ii. Pirtle and others. J. V. Wolfe
Chairman Taubenect's remaris: "The
great problem that confronts the Amer
ican people to-day is how can we and
shall we prevent the rapid centralization
of wealth in the hands of a small per
centage of the population? There is no
trouble about the creation of wealth.
A laborer to-day can in three hours,
perform as much work as a laborer
could ia thirteen hours 50 years ago. A
farmer today can accomplish as much
in five hours as he could in eleven hours
thirty years ago. Every month there is
produced $150,000,000 more wealth than
is consumed. The difficulty is the dis
tribution of wealth. The two great fac
tors in this distributon are money and
transportation, and these factors are in
the hands of a very few corporations
and individuals who use them only for
their own aggrandizement. Therefore,
the only remedy is to take these factors
out of the hands of the corporations and
Ignatius Donnelly 't address: An every
day charge against the speakers of the
people's party, is that they are calamity
howlers. While many are inclined to
regard this as an insult I for one am dis
posed to accept it. The fact is that the
two old parties are manufacturing the
calamity and we are protesting against
it. There can be no reproach in pro
testing against wrong.
"Every great reform began with a
few men. Ourreligion, you know, began
with twelve men and their chief went
further than we do. He actually drove
the money changers out of the temple,
while we have only gone so far as to "say
they ought to be kicked out. The great
est calamity howler this country has
ever seen was Patrick Henry. , George
Washington was a calamity howler, and
the political hacks of the old parties are
the legitimate descendants of the old
tories who said that whatever is is right.
But is everything going right? I see in
the statistics of your own state that the
farmiug lands of Nebraska are mort
gaged to the extent of $131,000,000. The
fact is that in the last forty or fifty years
the world has been graviting down
hill and at a rapid rate. Take the farm
ing clasj. Here are the figures: In 180
the farmers own five eigths of the wealtb
of the country; In 1860 less than one
half; in 1870 a lit'.le over one-third; in
1880 a little over one-fourth; in 1890 less
(Continued tu 5th page.)
The Methodist General Conference
Decides to" Make So Additions.
A Resolution Introduced Looking to Her
AdmlMlon a a Lay Delegate Com
pletion of Memorial Services.
Chaplain for the Army.
Omaha, May 18. Bishop Hurst pre:
sided and Dr. Bills of Genesee confer
ence led the devotional exercises in the
Methodist conference yesterday.
A resolution was introduced by the
North German conferance calling for a
more satisfactory juvenile Sunday
school paper than those now published
by the church.
Dr. Hargis offered a resolution to
make those paragraphs in the discipline,
viz: 55 to 65 inclusive, referring to the
plan of lay delegation and representation
the statutory basis of lay.reoresentation.
Looking After the Army and Nary.
Dr. Swindells offered a resolution de
claring that the army and navy of the
United SUttes should be instructed in
religion and good morals, and asking
congress to provide a competent and
sufficient number of chaplains for this
purpose. ;The secretary of war was
especially requested to consider the
subject. The resolution also recom
mended that a board of three Bishops be
appointed, by the conference to pass upon
the qualifications of all Methodist
preachers applying for a position as
cbaplainsbip in the army or navy; also
that the president of the United States
and the secretary of war be
requested to refuse all applications
from Methodists who could not
furnish the recommendation of this
board of bishops for the position chap
lain. Another clanse was introduced
protesting against the proposed change
in the army rules bv which the chaplain
wonld be employed the same as team
sters, cooks, eta. Another clause pro
vides for the appointment of a commit
tee of twenty-five from the Methodist
church to consider the steps most expe
dient to secure a more efficient chap
laincy in the army and navy.
Dr. Carman of Canada, the fraternal
delegate from the Canadian Methodist
church, being obliged to leave for home
gave the conference a parting word.
Bishop Hnrst responded.
A resolution was adopted by which
no resolutions or memorials will be re
ceived from committees after May Vi.
Another resolution intending to shut off
all reports after May S was offered, but
laid on -the table. Another resolution to
adjourn the conference sine die on May
ae was defeated by a vote of 2J1 to lyn.
Plea for the Women.
Dr. Ridgeway, for the Woman's Na
tional council, presented a ringing reso
lution asking the general conference to
come out squarely in favor of the ad
mission of women into the legislative
councils of the church and to declare
that there was no such thing as sex in
the church of the livmg God. Referred
to the committee on lay delegation.
A resolution came in stating that the
names of two women bad been reported
as reserve delegates from one of the an
nual caiiferencee, and calling on the con
ference to refer the matter to the judici
ary committee that the law of the
church upon the eligibility of women as
lay delegates might be freely and plainly
expounded. The resolution was refered
to the judiciary committee. This was
heartily applauded as the first indication
of a victory for the women.
The completion of the memorial ser
vices begun on Friday, was then taken
up. Bishop Bowman presided. Bishop
Foss offered prayer. The4 first memoir
read was that of Rev. Christian Bl.ynn
by Rev. George Abele.
The memoir of Rev. George Hare, D.
D., was read by Dr. James M. King of
New York.
The memoir of Rev. M. M. Bovard,
D. D., was presented by Rev. W. S.
Mathews. D. D. of California.
The memoirs of Rev. Jamee S. Smart,
D. D., was read by Rev. L. R. Fisk, D.
D.. of Albion college.
Dr. Rankin from California read the
memoir of Cancellor Hartson. The
memoirs were all adopted as read.
No More Bishops.
The fight over the episcopacy began
by a contest between , Dr. Buckley and
Dr. Neely as to which should get the
floor. Dr. Buckley wanted to present
the report of the committee on epis
copacy, while Dr. Neely wanted the
re-ort held off until Tuesday. Dr.
Buckley won his point and was "greeted
by applause.
The first part of the report recom
mended that Bishops Taylor and Tho
burn be retained as missionary bishops
in Africa and India. That part of the
report was adopted without discussion.
The committee further reported that
none of the present bishops should be de
clared to be ineffective for work, al
though it was probable that their ad
vancing years would prevent their giv
ing the active service during the next
quadrennimn that they had in the past.
The clause was adopted.
Regarding the inater of increasing
the number of bishops the committee
rejK)Eed adversely, and no sooner had
the report been submitted than Dr. Wil
son of Oregon moved that the matter be
made a special order.
The previous question was ordered
and Dr. Wilson's motion was snowed un
der. The report of the committee recom
mending that no more bishops beelected
was adopted, the opposition refraining
from voting.
The fourth part of the report recom
mended that there be no colored bishops
elected for the reason that no more
bishops were needed at present and
when the time should arrive to increase
the number the question of color should
not be considered in the election of
bishwps. The fitness and qualifications
of the men and the necessity of having
more bishops elected were the only
questions that should enter into the
problem of episcopal election. Adopted.
The report touching the election of a
colored bishop was adopted.
Then the last part of the report came
in recommending that all the present
episcopal residences be retained and
episcopal residences be located at De
troit, Mich., in the state of Washington
and in Japan and Europe.
A long wrangle ansued over an effort
to divide the question.
The report was so amended as to pro
vide, for an episcopal residence at De
troit and one in the state of Washington
and adopted.
The People's Savings Dank of AtchUoo
Will Pay Out In FnlL
Atchison, Kan., May 17. Judge
Eaton, of the district court,' ordered
John C. Tomlinson, receiver of the Peo
ple's Savings bank, to accept the propo- (
eition of the directors of the United
States National bank to purchase the re
maining assets of the' former institution
for a sum sufficient to pay the' $7,000
expedites of the receiver and' the balance
due depositors, amounting to c'7,00t).
The assets aggregate $it,0tHh Payment
of depositors in full will be commenced
May 20. The liabilities of the People's
Savings bank at the time.of the failure,
less than two " years ago, aggregated
1140.000. Enough has already been re
alized from the asset to pay eight 10
per cent, dividends to depositors. j
Captain P. W. Egan of the Vessel Owners
Association Mysteriously Disappears
From View In Chicago. '
Chicaoo, May 17. There has been
much suppressed excitement and anx
iety among members of the new Vessel
Owners' association in Chicaeo and
Cleveland for several days past over the
mysterious disappearance of Captain P.
W. Egan. Captain Egan and Captain
Biemel came to Chicago, having been
especially selected to manage the Vessel
Owners' shipnjng office here in opposi
tion to the seamen's nnion. Two or
three days after their arrival, just when
arrangements had been completed fof
opening the effice, Captain Egan turned
np missing and has net been heard from
for six days and six nights. His clothes
and effects are in the room just as he
left them on the morning he was last
seen. He is known to have had $600 on
his person and foul play is feared. En
emies of the Seamen's nnion intimated
that the committees of that organiza
tion had induced Egan to desert his col
ors or had scared him into fleeing from
the field, but these intimations are
Against "Cryptogram" Donnelly.
Chicago, May 17. Ignatius Donnelly,
Alliance candidate for president, and
anthor of "The Great Cryptogram," was
defeated in Judge Blodgett's court
u a bont with his publishers. The firm
is R. S. Peale & Co., of this city who
ihad the contract for printing and cir
culating Mr. Donnelly's book. Mr.
Donnelly secured a loan from Peale &
Co., of $4,000 five years ago. The book
was not the success that (was expected
and the result was that Peale & Co.,
were $4,000 out. They began suit for
the amount and interest and Judge
Blodgett entered judgment against
Donnelly . for $5,S73.bO The judg
ment was "entered on- Donnelly's
failure to file affidavits ' of merits.
Mr. Donnelly's claim was that Peale
& Co., conld not recover, as they bad
already realized'the amount on sales of
the book, or if they had nqt, it was
because they had failed to push the sale
of the publication.
Threee Men Drowned at Crete.
Crete, Neb, May 17. William Bien.
hoff, Nelson Packard and Joseph Wpod
ard, all men of families, were drowned
in the Blue river at the City roller mills,
Bienhoff was a professional fisherman of
this city. He attempted to cross the
river in his boat and was carried
over the dam. Packard and Woodard
j umped into the boat to assist the drown
ing wan. When they reached the mid
dle of the stream, below the dam, the
suction upset the boat and both disap
peared in the flood. The body of Bien
hoff has been recovered.
Against Fourth Class Postmasters.
Washington, May ) 7. The court of
claims decided adversely to a large class
of fourth class postiuasters, who had
sued the government for increased
salary based upon an act of congress
which authorized the postmaster gen
eral to readjust the salaries of fourth
class postmasters, but which adjustment
had never taken place. They tendered
their accounts on the basis of the read
justment and when the government re
fused to pay .the increased salary suit
was instituted. ,
An Engine Explodes.
Hot Springs, S. D., May 17. As
train 45 oh the Burlington road was
running between Edgemont and New
castle the boiler exploded without warn
ing. Fireman Rhinehartwas instantly
killed and Engineer Wilson was so
badly injured that he will die. Brake
man Woodberry, who was on the en
gine, was also severely injured. The
cause of the explosion is not yet known.
Plantation Territory Covered.
Vicksbcbo, Miss., May 17. The
Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific rail
way is threatened near Delphi, La., by
a flood from the big breaks at Panther
Forest levee, which is coming down the
Macon river, now ont of its banks.
This river will flood another big planta
tion territory in Arkansas and Louis
iana. "Won the Brooklyn Handicap.
New YoRK.May 1 7. Trainer Green B
Morris, won tjie rich Brooklyn handi
cap at the Gravesend track with his
good horse Judge Morrow, who had be
hind him when tle winning post was
passed some of the best handicap horsee
in the country.
Richmond Terminal Reorganization.
New York, May 17. After a session
lasting three hours the Richmond Ter
minal 'Reorganization company formally
announced that the plan to reorganise
the road proposed by them was a failure,
and they declared it inoperative.
Perished In an OH WorkfUro.
Beklin, May 17. - The Hikes oil
works have been destroyed by fire, in
volving a loss of 2,O0O,OD0 marks. Two
men are missing are supposed to have
perished in the flames.
Crops In England.
London, May 17. The Mark Lane
Express says the crops in England are
backward and it is doubtful whether
there will be a full vield of any cereal.
Much rain is wanted".
A Colored Victor.
Cokey Island, N. Y.. May 17. God
frey defeated Launon in the fourth
Important Investigation to Re Un
dertaken by the Senate.
All Questions Hearing on the Subject
Will It Thoroughly Examined by the
Committee Census Ilureau Inquiry.
' Testimony of J. A. Collins.
Washington, May 17. The senate
committee on agriculture is about to
enter upon one of the most important
and comprehensive investigations ever
suggested in congress. It is nothing
less than an inquiry into the causes of
declining prices for certain agricultural
products, the influence of crop reports
in speculation and in genoral the con
sideration of agriculture, and whether
such conditions can be changed favor
ably by legislative enactment. A reso
lution to this effect passed the senate on
April 10. The resolution authorizes
Senator Paddock's committee to sit
during the recess and sessions of the
senate and to send for persons and pa
pers. The southern senators who view
with dismay the fall in the prices ef
cotton, are particularly anxious to prove
that the result is due to th6 decreased
prices of silver1 1
A plan was formulated for the in
vestigation, which will result in a most
comprehensive inquiry, under Senator
Paddock's supervision, through various
subcommittees. It will include the in
vestigation of the conditions of all sta
ple crops present and prospective, soil
and climate conditions, average yield
per acre, facilities of transportation to
primary markets, annual prod notion
and consumption, present and prospect
ive competition and methods of market
ing. The question . whether fictitious
dealing in staple products' tends to de
press t prices will also be considered.
Cost of lands,, machinery and plants,
fees of Middlemen, quantities of pro
ducts, prices, culttvatable areas, divers
ification of farming industry, irrigation
as a possible factor in increasing prices
and all correlative subjects will be
fully discussed.
Western Pension.
Washington, May 17. The following
list of pensions was granted: Nebraska:
Original V. Walter Owen, diaries
Brink, Sylvester Harmon, J. F. Ankrum,
Henry J. Sturgeon, Mxttas Daniels,
Amos Harrison, William Lessig, Asa Lin
coln, Samuel W. Jackson Frederick Sta
pleton, William Jefferson, James" I'lialps,
Edwin J. Gardiner, John Smith, Daniel
Kleiusinith, Frederick W. Kreinherder,
Lucius Augustus Mnnger, John W.
Hawk. Additional George Pratt.Ches
ter Banister. Increase Wilder E.Wells,
Jasper N. Jones. Reissue George W.
Linton. Original, widows, etc. Fan
nie E. Graham.
South Dakota: Original-Charles W.
Truax, George B. Leighton, Andrew J.
McConnyhy. Additional Timothy Cole,
Fergust Anderson. Original, widows,
etc. Charlotte Norton.
Wyoming: Original George W.
Census Bureau Inquiry.
Washington, May 17. J. A. Collins,
an employe of the farms, loans and
mortgage division of the census bureau,
who had testified that political pressure
had worked to the detriment of the
bureau by causing inequalities in salar
ies and dismissal of competent persons
to make room for persons who had in
fluence, resumed his testimony before
the census office investigation committee
and explained in some detail how it oc
curred. He said that $1,000,000 had
been appropriated for tho mortgage di
vision, and a part of the money had been
used in the work of goting statistics of
population. It was common report that
when persons wanted more pay they
went to their congressmen instead of to
the chief of the division in the office.
Writing to Aot ss Arbitrators.
Washington, May 17. Justice Har
lan and Senator Morgan formally noti
fied the president of their willingness to
serve as arbitrators on behalf of the
United States in the Bering sea matter.
Sixth Clues Rates Not to Do Raised
St. Louis, May 17. The St. Lonio
East Bound Traffic association held a
special meeting Monday to consider a
proposition made by a committee of the
Trunk Line and Central Traffic associa
tions that sixth Clss rates, except on
grain and grain products, be re
stored to a basis of 25 oents Chicago to
New York. It was decided to refuse to
raise tho rates until a positive guarantee
is inade to the trunk lines that the lake
rate from Chicago shall ,be maintained
on the ttasis of the established differen
tial. Sugar to Be Transported Cheap.
Kansas City, Mo., May 17. The River
Transportation company has contracted
to transport 1,000 barrels of sugar from
New Orleans to this city at loss than
the regular rate, but at how moch less
is not known. This will doubtless re
sult in a further reduction of the rate by
the railroads.
Beat Brodie's Record.
Memphis, May 17. Tbomas A. Mad
den of this city, made a pfcerxitneual
dive of 149 feet from the great bridge
into the Mississippi rivw, edipsiag
Steve Brodie'e leap from Uiq Brooklyn
bridge. Madden did not .drop as pro
fessionals', but leaped feet down.
Seckiug to IMssotve the I d)wm Wmi.
Atchwok; May 17. The state beard
of railroad commiseiotKwe - and the an
terior wiiotesale grocers filed a uuMen
in the district court to dissorve the tleni
poray injunction in the Hymns case.
Death of "Johnny Dobbe."
New York, May 17. " Johnny"
Dobbe, ' the noted bank burglar, com
panion of "R"d" Leory.j George Wilkes
and "Big Slim"' Thompson, died in
Dellevue hospital.
Indiana's Oorernor In Kansas.
Lawrence, May 17. The animeAstate
meeting of the Christian ohureh began
liere. Governor Ira P. Chose of Indiana
wiil address the convention Wednesday
Floods Vuilermine a Trestle and Two
Are Killed.
Atchison, Kan,, May 17. At 2:45 a.
m. a Missouri Pacific train carrying
Rinkliug Brothers' circus went through
a trestle near Concordia. Two circus
employes, names unknown, were in
Itantfy killed, , together with several
horses. No one else was injured. The
accidentia attributed to floods under
mining the trestle.
One Wreck Follows Another.
La whence, Kan., May 17. Near Fall
Leaf a Rock Island freight train ran in
to the rear of a Union Pacific froigat.
In a few moments another freight ran
into the rear of the Rock Island train.
Several cars were wrecked.
Eighteen Families Rescued from the
Islands East St. Lonls Partially
St. Louis, May 17.- The Mississippi
river is higher today than at any since
since the great flood of lttf 8. At Alton the
water is above all previous records since
1844. The railroad tracks in
East St. Louis are from one to four
feet under water. The situation in
St. Charles county, twenty miles above
here, has reached about the worst points.
A relief steamer last night rescued
twelve families from Stump slough
and six families from Kitsoa island.
These people wery on the roofs
of their houses when the steamer
arrived and would probably have
perished in a few hours more. The cur
rent is very swift and work of rescue is
attended with great difficulty. The
steamer Fawn became unmanageable
near St. Charles and was stranded in a
wheat field half a mile from the channel
of the river.
About noon a steamboat started for the
island a short distunce below Alton,
where there are said to be sixty persons
in great danger.
Granite Firms Close Their Works.
Bostov, May 17. All of the granite
firms have closed their works by a con
certed prearrangment, mainly because
the workmen would not consent to have
all agreements between employe and
employer dote each year from Jan, 1,
instead of May 1, as has been the cus
tom. A conservative estimate places
the number of locked out quarrymen at
lifO.OOO. They live" mainly in Boston,
Qnincy, Monson, Rockport and Milford,
Mass., Concord, N. H., Hallo well,
Waterville, Clark's Mills and Portland,
Me., Barre, Vt., and Westerly; R. I.
The feeling among the granite cutters is
that the present state of affairs will not
last longer than the present week.. .-The
men have been remarkably qniet and
well behaved so far everywhere.
Want to Blow Dp Teed's Heaven.
Chicago, Ills., May .17. A bomb was
found under the home of Dr. Teed, the
pseudo-messiah on Washington Heights.
After a chemical examination it was as
serted that there was no doubt of its de
structive character. The bomb was
made of iron cylindrical in shape,
eight inches long by four inches in
diameter. , The bottom was plugged up
with lead, while the top was covered
ever with a red waxy substance. From
the top two copper wires protruded and
between the wires was a fulminating
cap. It was discovered by a boy and
an officer was called and removed it.
It is said to be an evidence that the
threats against Dr. Teed are not meant
to be empty
Blown I'p with Dynamite,
Steel City, Neb., May 17. A dyna
mite bomb was exploded under the resi
dence of J. B. Johnson. The bnilding
and contents were partially demolished.
The enly ineinber of the family injured
was a 10-year -old girl The bombexploded
near tfer bed, and Bbe is now deaf. Until
recently the house was occupied" by a
notorious family, and it is believed that
the person responsible for the explosion
was unaware that the disreputable per
sons bad moved out, and merely intended
to frighten them into leaving.
The Texas Kind or Duel.
Fort Worth, Tex., May 17. H. C.
Russell and W. H. Coffman, commer
cial travelers, had a shooting scrape, in
which tlte former was killed and the lat
ter seriously wounded, During Coff
man's absence on the road Russell an
noyed the handsome Mrs. Coffman with
his attentions. On the husbaad's re
turn she told him. They went to Rus
seH's boarding house and demanded an
apology, which was refused, and tlw
shooting commenced with the result
stated. Mrs. Coffman claims to have
fired the fatal shot.
Young Bimark's Wedding.
Vienna, May 17. Count Herbert Bis
marck arrived here on his way to Fiume
to,visit his fiancee, the Countess Hayes.
The marriage will take jaace in this city
on June 22. Tho imperial family and
most of. the 'diplomatic corps will be
present, and it is said that Emperor
William has signified his intention to
send a prince of Hohenzollern to rep
resent him at tho wedding.
Dealers In Oleomargarine Gnlhty.
Pittsburg, May 17. In the criminal
court nearly one hundred oleomargarine
dealers plead gnilty of violating the
laws. All but eighty have now been
before the court and these are expected
to plead guilty. If they do not District
Attorney Burleigh says they will be put
on'ibe list for speedy trial.
Kept a Mob at Bay.
Newark, O., May 17. David Holler,
a wealthy farmer, shot his wife, inflict
ing a serious wound. An attempt was
made to capture him but he barricaded
himself in the house and held thirty
men at bay with a gun, a rifle, two re
wjtoers and a razor. No one dared to
go into the house.
M Wwtxiri Woman's Mission Workers.
Nevada, May 17. The woman's
mimon of the Southwest conference
met with about MX) delegates present
from Jefferson City. Doooeville, Spring
field, Lexington and other points of the
Woolen Cloth Bonne Falls.
Chioaoo, May 17. Denis Leahy & Co.,
wholesale dealers in woolen clothe,
failed. The liabilities are estimated at
W0, 900; assets nominally the same.
Aurora has bu'. one saloon under tl,900
Stella has organized a Business Men'
Alliance baa raised her saloon lioense
from t3 to 6500.
The Douglas county hospital was dam
aged fJS.OOO by settling.
Gage and Johnson counties are trying
unite and build a normal school.
Bishop Newman, of Omaha, will be on
of the speakers at the Beatrice Chautau
qua this year. '
There is a project on foot toward the
construction of a eommodions opera '
house at Silver City.
Mrs, George Agnew, of Pawnee City,
was suddenly seized with convulsion and
died in a few hours.
A company of Sioux City capitalists ia
contemplating the erection of a big dia
tlllery near Oystal lake. ,
Grand Island Is making great prepara
tlons to entertain the Nebraska Pharma
ceutical association in June.
Superior people hear of ' a rumor that
the old Omaha, Superior and Kansas Cen
tral scheme has been revived.
A movement is on foot to organise a
driving association. The plan is to build
a driving park and race track.
A number of families at Dewitt were
poisoned by eating head cheese bought of
a local butcher. All recovered.
Madison county's fair will bi held Sep
tember 20, 81, 2 and S3. Liberal trotting
and running purses will be offered.
The Northwestern Nebraska Press asso- :
elation will hold a meeting at Norfolk,
May 53, which members hope to make a "
groat success.
The stockholders of the Nemaha Valley
district fair have decided to rebuld their '
buildings and to place 800 more shares of ,
stock on the market.
Real estate and newspaper men of
Hitchcock, Hayes, Chase and Dundy
counties propose a meeting to form an im- -
migration association.
Articles of inooporatlon have been filed
of a company for the erection of a brewery,
and to transact the real estate business in
South Sioux City. The capital stock ia
Boone county is having a county seat
fight, and it appears to be between Al-
bion, the present location, and Cedar
Kapids, the latter offering 175,900 to the
county fop the coveted prize. .
Randolph's election on the proposition
to bond the city in the sum of ft.OCO for
artesian wells was a gratifying surprise to 1
many who had expected opposition, the .
bonds carrying by a rote of 87 to 8.
Rev. W. V. Chapin, formerly pastor of
the Presbyterian churches at Ansley and
Litchfield, has become innane and Is in an
asylum at Winnebago. Wis. Brain fever,
preceded by washing at his sister's bed- ,
side, is the cause.
Omaha capitalists have closed a deal
tor the herd of buffalo, owned by C.'J.
Jones, of McCooi. The price paid fat
$37,000. The herd consists of forty-two '
run blood Duttalo with calves ana six
teen half bloods.
A eornmeal mill will be built in Tal ,
mairn In the kinar . It was decided
by the leaders in this movement that
$10,000 must be subscribed to insure tho
establishment of the mill, and $8,000 has
already been subscribed.
Juniata is having a roaring time over
her proposed saloon. Though a license
board was elected, except one member,
every effort to secure a license is promptly
contested by the temperance people, and
flaws are always found to sustain their
nnnrpfittt -t
A 7-year-old boy of P. C. Chrlstenson,
near Curtis discovered a prairie fire ap
proaching. There was no time to give tho
alarm, and he took off first cap, then coat,
vest and pants and fought the fire.
Before help arrived the boy was badly
burned, but ctill fighting.
At Butte, Boyd county, George W.
Wilkinson was acquitted for killing Cap
fain Dodge at Dodge's Ferry. The jury '
was out forty-eight hours. The plea of
elf-defense was advanced by Wilkinson.
The quarrel which led to the shooting
was over the title to a piece of land.
The Burlington and Missouri has se
cured sixteen acres of land two miles east
of Sntton for the purpose of using the
earth for ballast on the roadbed between
Linooln and Hastings, The process of
manufacture is roasting the earth with
slack coal in kilns much like the bnmlng
of lime. Three ovens will be in use at
one time and the company will employ
100 men.
G. G. Baily of Bloomington reports that
ne nas lost a great numDer oi caitie tms .
spring, am ong them four head of his
Galloway cattle. A disease among cattle
seems to be prevalent this spring in that
locality. Some parties have lost as high
as forty head. This disease is a new one
and no remedy as yet has been discovered
to prevent its spreading.
Walter Hamilton was killed some fifteen
miles south of Hyannis wi.ile digging for
wolves. Hamilton had dug a trench ten
feet underground in order te reach tho
wolves when the earth caved in upon
him, and when rescued life was extinct.
Hamilton bad a widowed mother at Bart
ley who did no', receive the intelligence
of .her son's death until after bis burial.
Ex-County Clerk had started to
go into the den when the earth caved in.
David Remaly, an old farmer living
three miles east of Papillion, became
violently insane and arming himself with
a long carving knife and an iron rod
attempted to kill his daughter and showed
violence to all who approached. Ho
la-uer started across the country. His
neighbors intercepted him, when he made
a vicious attack on Farmer Gallagher,
slashing him ac-oss the head with tho
knife. Gallager disarir.ed him and with
the aid of others brought him to town.
Lew SpeKs, the well known David City
cattle man, left for Boston with .one of
four trains ofcattle which were loaded
respectively at David City, Staplehurst,
Ulysses and South Omaha and which will
be shipped from Boston for Liverpool.
The shipment consists of 1,105 head of ex
port cattle and will be accompanied by a
force of forty-two men under the charge
of John H Wallwork, one of the best
known men at the South Omaha yards.
The onttle will reach their destination
about June 1.
Some one had placed a dynamite car
tridge on the doorstep of a house occu
pied by J. B. Johnson and family ,at Steele
Citry. The explosion wrecked one side of
the house, destroying part of the
furnitnre and demolshing tbe win
dows Johnson had Just moved
into the house that evening and he
lost no time in moving out again. None os
his family was seriously injured. A dis
reputable outfit had been making the
houss their headquarters, and tt is believed
that the party firing the shot had not
heard of the change.