The farmers' alliance and Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1892, April 21, 1892, Image 8

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Tkl ItPMrtneot will be dtt4 for to. ben-
V of Mutukl ImurmoM CompaoK through-
ut um mate.
on time
Our cyclone company U a certainty. I
presume that by May 1 (or 13 ut the fur
thest we will commence to forae pollciee
joaciox from the amouut of applications
arat in daring the past tw day's' and the
many promiM-s of more by twren.1 wbe
are interest; d in the welfare of the com
But do not let thl fact deter you from
writing to the edIt'4fVt the Insurance de
partment for "plication and Instruc
ttopsto vourself. Name your
county a-vT, ' have ovr
n.. h.v iimi insurance i run
comoanv for the last five years
will now loan the tame
yonr neighbor at 10 per cent per annum,
the interest will more than ray for your
Insurance, and at the end of five year, you
will have the principal left.
We draw our conclusions from the
precedent we have In tbo loa Tornado
Awociation, which was organized in Jan-
-ith membership fee ol
SiOO. aurvey fee $1.00 and 10c per 100 00
insurance, 300 for the first
tt 000. alnce which time there have been' to assessments of fifty cents per
it .hix1 of five years members paid
. fee of ti.00. and the 10c
w ainnoo. omittlnir the membership
iL. f &i (in iim total costfor over the
rht vears insurance Is $0 00 per $1,000
ssm-ntii ner annum or $3 73 for five
vears Insurance. The company has over
43,000 on hand to pay losses.
ite let us look at the stock company'
rate at lowest cssh rate which is one per
cent or $10.00 per $1,000 Insurance.
Allowing ten per cent the Interest would
bel.OUperyear, to,al C08t ,0 Pollcy
holders of $15.00 against $3.75 In the
mutual company, a difference of $.11.25.
But if you call the $10.00 worth seven
and one half ir cent per annum the In
terest alone will pay all dues to a purely
mutual insurance company while the
principal will be gone to a corporate loan
lathe above I have tnken the lowest
rate, but most of the farmers Insure on
time and pay at the end of the first year.
Let us look at that rate which has been
two per cent, $30.00 per thousand (until
the mutual insurance law was passed
last winter) allowing seven and one half
per cent for the four years after pnyment
the total cost would be $26.00, while the
total cost in a purely mutual with interest
on fees paid would not exceed $3.00.
And yet we have some farmers who
would rather pay the twj per ceiit to a
Block co-npany than join a company of
farmers, clitiming that by so doing they
know that they will not have to pay any
more money, wuue in a mutual compauy
no one can tell how much the members
will be called upon to pay during the five
years, which is true, but let us look nt
MHBftofthe expense lu our Mutual
Cyclone company the agrut g's $1.00
and the secritury gets 60 cents for each
application received and twenty,
cents per hour fordoing the office work
In the stock company the agent gets one
fourth the amount of the note he takes or
when he gets a farmer's note for $20.00
be has done a good days worK, but when
he gets $40.00 or $00 00 worth of notes he
has made more than a mutual Insurance
agent can make In a week's good work,
and further we find a president vice-president,
secretary and treasurer all on a
good salary, while the board of directors
come In for a grod per diem for a week
or two eveiy couple of months during the
year, to say nothing of the dividends, fine
offices and many other lines of expense
that are of no possible use to a farmer's
company, la fact the whole working ft
stock company is sgainst the interest'of
the farmer for these reasons.
A suck company Is organized In order
that It Incorporators may have employ
ment at rood r exorbitant wages and fur
ther that their money may make them a
good interest.
filitoe the losses lor a series of years
tan b mathematically demonstrated to
he about a certain percentage of the
' whale amount of property to be Insured
a rate can be established by which all of
the above items Including dividend, and
interest and that rate is always high
enough as yon can see when you contem
niate that last year there was one
hundred and twelve stock companies
doing business in this state.
These one hundred and twelve compa
nies wrote Insuraucelnst year to the amouut
of $13107,787, receiving therefor $1,843,
531, paid tor losses $383,438, and
leaving in the hands of these
han companies $000,093. The above
refers to Insurance of all kinds In the
state except the farm mutuals
But If we lake the companies that do
most of insurance on farm property as Is
thicase of the three state companies
which last year insured $24,4U4,lt)U. re
ceived premiums therefor $423,729 aud
nald for losses $153,220, leaving a bai
CBC of $285,500 for the three companies,
rls farmers and Merchant's Home Fire
and Omaha Firo.lee auditor's report for
In the case of the one hundred and
twelve companies, which Ircludes the In
surance of city and town property, plat e
glass, steam boilers, security, etc-, the
amount paid for losses was about 48 per
cent of the premiums received and the
three state companies paid about "30 per
cent of the premiums received.
Now on the other hand mutual com
panies are organized for the purpose of
insuring its members at cost, therefore it
is an object for each one interested In the
welfare of the company to see to it that
all expenses are kept down.
Hence the difference of cost. Another
difference Is that In a stock company the
cost of managing Is not borne by those
wh manage, while in a mutual company
each member pays his pro rata share. In
the latter he is a member and has a vote
whether be will have an honest farmer to
handle his money, but in the stock com
pany the policy holders have nothing to
If the incorporators are a set of light
ning rod peddlers and they elect a horse
thief for secretary and treasurer, all the
policy holder has to do is to pay his
moaey and trust to Providence, (or
If yoo want to Insure against hall read
the Farmers' Alliance of March 81st
and tell us how many acres you want to
Insure anp are willing to give 50 cents
In cash and a Dote for 10 cents per acre,
payable ft ov. 1st.
Next week in this department the sub'
ject of hail Insurance will be given in de
tail. Be sure and read it ana tell your
neighbor. Ask him for fifty cents for
The Alliance until Nov. 1st I will
try to give him tbo value ef his money in
this department aione.
' Cheap Landf.
I have f oi Bale or trade 6,900 acre of
land situated in the corn and srar belt
of Nebraska. Full sections, halves and
quarters, all Improved. . M you wish to
buy for cash, on time, or trad a well
improved farm for a larger body of land
your correspondence is solicited.
C. M. Leiqhtoh,
Real Estate Broker.
145 South 10th St. rt , .
Lincoln, JTebr.
Bapjwrtingtis Major
Wiirreas. A eonuicl of authority
now etiftt between the mayor of this
oily of Lincoln a4 Mear. Ikwlittle
ank Kelly of the esetue hoarn, and it is
clearly to be seen that the latter are
pandering to the rirkws, lawlea and
depraved elements of the city, there
fore, be it
Betolrtd. By this awwnsbly. 109. K. of
L . that we will do all in our power to
snppoat our worthy mayor; In hia cour
ageous and manly coarse, and we ear
nestly ciil upon all kimm of good j.-
eminent to do likewise, tbat our fair
city may not be dominated over by
thugs and gamblers as has been the
case nnderpast administrations.
M. W. Sec.
In Buffalo County
The Buffalo county alliance held a
very successful meeting oaiuruay.
April V. Resolution were auopiwa
thanking congress for recognizing the
people's representatives; eulogizing the
lesders of the tunepenaent pany in
Nebraska; especially endorsing Hon. O.
M. Kern's banking bill, and declaring
for hUrenomination, and ratifying the
action of the St. Louis conference. .
A public meeting was held in the eve
ning. W. L. (irrene was the first
speaker aud gave one of his eloquent
and instructive speeches, lis was fol
lowed by lion. John Stebbin's, J. A.
Edgerton, C. A. Borders and others, all
of whom made excellent short speeches.
An indepenpent club has been organ
ized in Kearney with a large member
ship and bright prospects.
Sot ice
J. B R-jmine will speak at utn
Bend. New, ut 7 30 la. Ttiuimlav.
April 2li. He will a 1m meet with the
iadenennt county i entral committee
at Weeping Water, April 21.
A full lina of flower ane gvden seeds
at tmawold's Seed Store, 1J South 11.
Thirteen eggs for $1.23 lifi eggs for
t2 23 from great big light Brahmas. Also
White Guinea eaes 13 for $1 25. Bronze
tarkey ejrjrs V for 12 00.
Satisfaction guaranteed-
Address, Kosa I. Rand.
Wahoo, Neb.
For Sale.
33C acres fine bottom land on the Big
Blue river. 1-4 miles south of Kuby,
Seward county Neb. Good orchard,
barn, and out buildings, farm most all
fenced, also 3 English Bed Poll bulls
that are very tine. Call on or address
HAw J. C. Davis, Kuby, Neb.
Meeting at Auburn.
There will be a grasd mass meeting
at Auburn, Johnson county, April 23,
for the purpose of ratifying the work of
the St. Louis conference, remodeling
aud perfecting the organization of the
people's party and arranging for the
organization of people's party clubs.
For the Germans.
The first and only work ever written
on currency reform in German Is "Geld"
by Kobert Schilling. It is a translation
and enlargement of hls"Silver question"
and Biire to mako converw The retail
price is 25 couts, but it will be furnished
to reform organizations and agents at a
greatly reduced rate. A sample copy
will be sent for 15 ceuts. Address
Alliance Fub Co.,
20tf Lincoln, Neb.
The 'Eye and Ear
Are two most delicate and complicat
ed organs; without the eye we could
not guide our footsteps nor observe
tho beauties of nature; without the ear
we could not hear the voices of our
friends nor enjoy the sweet sounds of
music. No one is so helpless as the
biiud aud liiore deserving of pity than
the deaf. Many persons lose sight or
hearing by neglect, which timeiy aid
might prevent. Among the specialists
who treut these organs uono have been
more successful than Dr. Donnls whoso
cfliceis Is over the First National Bank
Lincoln. Mr. C. M. Marshall who has
been in the employ of the big furniture
dealers, Gruetter & Co. was deaf in one
ear from which was a constant offensive
discharge for twenty-five years. The
Dr. cured it entirely in one month. Mr.
Willis Short, Clerk in the Mo. 1'aciiic
It. R. offices, Mr. George Carter, com
niUsion merchant, Mrs. Edward
Grouse, v.-ife of a steam litter with Tom
erine & Cooper, Mrs. Chus. Hook, fire
man on B.&M., Mr, T. E. Slattcrly,
guard at the penitentiary, and dozens of
other well known Lincoln citizens have
been cured after other specialists had
failed. Dr. Dennis' is a graduate cf Rush
Medical College, Chicago, the Post
Graduate. Medical College. N. Y. City
and the Polyclinic Hospital, N Y, City.
80 tf
The Nebraska State Hail Association
will Issue policies Juno 1, 18U2. Any
one wishing hail insurance at cost
should addrs.s J. M. Sanford at Fair
field, Neb., encloslug stamp.
Give him your name, post office, sec
tion, town and range, with amount of
Insurance desired. Ho will mako out
and sond proper papers and return for
your signature should you wish to be
come a meiuoer. Auaress,
J. M. Sankokd, State Agent.
41-91 Fairfield, Neb
Mr. D. E. Ingraham will open to the
public at Bennett, Neb., this week, a
arge slock oi general groceries i-x-
perience in the business has prepared
him to buv good goods at lowest prices,
and it is his purpose to build up the
largest possible trauo by means of small
profit attractions. He will make the in
terests of the people his own, serving
thom to the best of his ability as buyer
and seller, and consumers will tind it to
their financial advantage to patronize
him. Mr. Ingraham has been for
some time connected with J. W. Hart
ley in the Alliance State Agency store
here. He is a man of the peoplo, one
with them in both Interest and sympa
thy, and from the first will especially
attract the farmers and working classes
to deal with him.
Met of Avrtatant Itrturer W..
Kwarnoo. ftmt Co.. af. Kwnlnf. April Zi.
PrtiinoreCour?, April 5V tn l,
JrSVraun - Mar S to 7
Tharw tn W.
Naekuls " " l
FmnkiiB " " jutoJunh.
Da- of Altant atte Lecturer Oech.
Heward April 11 Afternoon A Kve'n
Grmanuirii. - M. (
Manoe County:
Oner a, April 11.
rslicrtoc. " I.
Bwrrade. " aw.
hfeertnan C0QBT7:
Loup CUX, April 22.
AMton. Si.
f.aite Count:
rMum'.ul, April 25.
Piatte Center, SS.
frumphrejr. " U7.
LiiKleer, " t, Erenlog.;
Saunders County FariM-n' Alliance Wftl
meet In Waboo. taturijr, Apr. HO. PreW-
denu ana lecturers of Sub. Alliance! In rood
landiDir are requested to be present a Ml
o'clock a. m., sharp, to receive the ULwrlnea
work. All members are inrited toatt-nd Mm
afternoon aeetlna-. De!irat6 please sens la
your credentials early ls Awril.
W. A. Bates, Jh., O. ft. Lambert,
8ec, Fremont, Sob. Pres., Ceraeo.
Open Alliacee Meetings.
President Power will address meetings
during April as follows:
Chsse " Lamsr, 2-frd
" 44 Imperial, 2'iib
" tt Vauneta, 2fltk
Hayes " near Elmer, 27th
" " Hayes Center. 28
Hitchcock u Trenton, 30th
The officers and members ot tlw local
Alliances in these counties should co
operate to make these meetings success
ful. Appoint committees to look after
details and provide for reception and en
tertainment of the speaker.
Notify State Secretary Thompson at
once as to time when meeting will be
held, whether afternoon or evening.
State Agency quotes:
Glidden barb wire, painted, 43:25; gal
vanized, 8:75; (hog or cattle) in stock
for immediate shipment.
J. W. Haktlev, State Agent.
The St. Charles Hotel at the foot of
O street, Lincoln. Neb., seems to be
headquarter for the farmers that come
to the city, Md to m the be one dol
lar a day bouse In Lincoln. 41
Our increased lusiness has
compelta! us to seek larger
aul more comiiHxlious quar
ters, where we will show the
largest arwJ finest line of agri
cultural implements of
kinds in Nebraska. Also bus;
gies, wagons, carriages, etc.,
all on one mammoth floor, on
west side of Government
Square in the Fitzgerald block
lately occupied by Plummer
Perry t Co., lOi) to 115
North 9 th Street, Mhere we
shall be pleased to see all our
old customers and anyone
desiring anything in our line.
This will also be the general
agency for Win. Deering for
the South Platte country.
All persons purchasing goods
to the amount of $50 and over
shall be entitled to one ticket
for a 150 buggy which will
be given away at the State
Fair Grounds this fall.
Wallingford & Shamp.
A complete line of fresh find
thoroughly reliable seeds at Griswold's
Seed Store, 140 South 11th.
Slate Alliance Business Agency Can
Furnish Anything Heeded on
the Farm.
We quote this week
Pure flax seed, per bu $1 25
" german millet, per bu 00
" timothy, per bu 1 50
Sweet corn, por'ou 1 20
Rudge & Morris Co.,
Hardware! Furniture
2118 AND 1122 N ST., LINCOLN, NEB,
Bar yna bought your new spring suit! If not try us. ur stock is complete with
with all the latent Novelties as well as staples. Prices are correct. You can
Hr.d mo fault when you take into consideration what you receive for
your money.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. We Always Try to Please.
If yoa fclerii'd buy anylbinic of u and it should not prove satisfactory
let us know and we will be pleased to make it right
S Come and Bring yonr Boys with Yon.
Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc.
Have been in buHness several years, and have succeeded in building
up a good trade now we want you for a customer.
Baker Clothing House
11250 St. LINCOLN, NEB.
Farmers' Hoadquarters
The Great Cheap Store. 1211 0 Street Lincoln, M.
Cheapest Store In The State.
7 to 8
lied clover seed, pur bu
itluo grass seed, " "
Loir grade Hour, per lfO
Kxtra " " ' "
The finest put...." "
sugar Is hightr.
, per 100 4 to
CHAMBER SUITS, $14. to $200.
PARLOR SUITS, $20. to $20
DINING ROOM SUITS $10. to $50.
Couches and Lounges $5. to $50.
Send for catalogue of Griswold's gar
den and flowerseeds, 140 South 11th.
The Population of Ur.ooln Is about 60,000,
and we would aj at least one-half are
troubled with some affection of the Throat
and Lunm, as those complaints are, accord
ing to gtatlstica, more numerous than others.
we would auvieo an our readers not to neg
lect the opportunity to call-on their druirtrlst
and irot a brittle of Keino'i Balsam for the
Throat and Lungs. Trial size free. Large
bottles ooo and i. Bouiuyaiiarug-gisia. Hi-am
per 100 4 87$
White Russian soap 3
h itrbanks standard, 100 bars a
Horse Shoe, per box 2
Evap. apples 5 to
Cal. evap. peaches 7 to
Evap. bik. berries
Bird seed, per pac
iloss starch, per pac
Canned string beans, per doz 1
31b tomatoes, " " . , . . 1
8tt pumpkin. ' " 1
Pail jelly, York State 60
Pure White, (in blis.) 10
W.W.. " " 11
Perfection, " " 11
Head Light, " " 12
All prices subject to change witnout
Cash with order in all cases.
Send for price list on machinery.
J. W. Hartley, St. Agt
Articles of Incorporation.
Know all men by these presents that we,
John M. TDompsun, inanca n. rime, k,
Rdwln Thornton, John F. Mefferd and O
Hull, do associate ourselves together for the
purpose of forming and becoming a corpora
tion In the State ol Nebraska, for the transac
tion nf the business hero-la-at ter described.
and adopt for their s-overnment the following ot incorporation:
article I.
The name of this corporation shall be the
"A lllanoe Publishing Company," and Its otlice
and principal place of business shall be Lin
ooln, Lancaster County, Nebraska,
The nature of the business to be transacted
by said Company shall be to edit and publish
a newspaper, and to publish, bur and sell re
form and other literature, and do a general
printing and publishing Business.
akticlk III.
Run. 1. The eanilal stock of said corpora
tion shall be twenty thousand dollars, divided
Into shares ef twenty dollars eaon, and no
tk hmder shall own more than three nun
rirod shares of stock at one and the same
time, and all transfers or stock tr.uat appear
unon tho bonks nf the Company bofore pur
chasers are enuiieu hi voie.
8io. a. Each stockholder snail nave one
vote for each share of stock owned by him.
Ktc. i. Sa'd corporation may commence
business when two-thirds of its capital stock
Is subscribed anc these articles or incouiom
tlon tiled In the office of the county clerk of
Lam-aster county, eoraKa, ana snait con
tinue until the first day of January, Wit, un
Iran said articles of Incorporation are extend
ed or dissolved by consent of a majority of all
the stock homers.
Sic. S. Kitty per cent or the stock snail te
paid at the time of subscription and no
aaansanient shall be made without thirty (&))
daya notice, nor more than ten (10) per oent of
unpaid alOCK at any one uuiu un kwuju Buare
OT atoca, ana ni ichbi sixty iwi uaya smut iu
terveue between any iwo asBeasuieuis.
Ar.TiCLl V.
Rtn. l. The affairs of said corporation ahall
be managed and controlled by a beard of 11 vo
directors who shall bo elected at the first
meeting of the stock holders, ana annually
thereafter, anc sna.i noia ineir omce unui
their auooeseora are e'ectoi. Said directors
shall be stockholders of said corporation.
Sac S. Said koara snail elect rrom ineir
number a President, Vice-President, Secre
tary and Treasurer : and shall appoint or pro
vide for the appointment of such agents or
employees, as they may see Ut, preorioing
their duties ana nxiug ineir cumpensauuu
and requiring suoh noud for the faithiul per
formance OI weir amies as mey may uecm
advisable and in accordance with the By-
Laws of aid corporation.
Sic. 8. The board shall have power to till
all vacancies ocourlng In tbelr number. A
majority of said board ahall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business.
This corporation shall not Incur liabilities
for More then one-fourth of its capital stock
actually subscribed.
The firrt meeting of tbe stockholders shall
he on the 12th day of April, 1SDJ, and the
egular annual nieellng shall be on the first
Wednesday In February of each year, and
ahall be held at L.t,ooln, Nebraska, in the
principal omce oi aaia corporation.
This corporation may make By-Laws not in
oonuici who meae articles oi incorporation
The stockholders ahall not be liable for the
debts of tbe corporation beyond the unpaid
amount, at any time, of their capital stock.
. , article X.
These articles of incorporation may be
amended at any regular annual meeting by a
Majority vote oi u u aiocanoiaers.
f John M. Thompson,
Chas. H. Pirtlb,
8. Edwin Thornton,
. ; v t John F. HcrriKD,
(O. Hull.
4 .'i0
We will make a Special Deliverd Price on Furniture delivered out of City,
Riidsre & Morris Co.
T. K. SANDERS, Vice-Pres.
J. H. McCLAV, CiSl ier.
Capital 250,000.00
5,000 IN USE.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Farmers and Alliancemen's Patronage Solicited.
For Prices and Catalogue write to
1312 Izard St., Omaha, Neb.
FOR SALE: 20,000,000
At our Chicago yard, and mills in Wisconsin and Minneapolis.
Send us an Itemized Bill for Deli ered Price.
Orders from Farmers' Alliances Solicited. Write us lor pricelist.
Atr GEO. WOODLEY, 242 South Water St. Chicago, III.
Mention Tn Famers' Alliance.
Always ahead with bright, new bargains. Your chance now to buy
the very latest the market affords for less money than the following
goods can be manufactured for. We Just succeeded in closing out at a
greatloss all the remnantsof a well known wholesale dry goodshouse
and beginning Monday morningwe will have this stock in good shape.
What we mean by remnants Is last few pieces of a kind, not short
Best double width broadhead Dress
Goods ouly 35c, selU everywhere for 60c,
Double width novelty Suiting ouly 22c,
regular price dsc.
Double width cashmere, sells for 40c
everywhere, our price 12)20.
Very latest Cballies, elegant styles 5c a
Kxtra heavy Shirting only 10c, sells all
over for 15c.
Very heavy shirting only 8c, sells every
where for 12 c.
Choicest stvies Dress Ginghams only
8lyc, worth 12Jc.
Scotch Zephyr Ginghams, regular 17c
grade, only 10c.
Good white goods only 5c a yard.
Very fine white goods, our regular 15c
grade, only 9c.
All linen towels only 10c, sold for 15c.
French Sateens only 10c, sold for 30c.
Apron ginghams only 5c a yard.
50c fine knotted fringe towels 25c.
Very fine muslin 5c a yard.
Fruit of the loom muslin 8c.
Regular 30c hose, seamless, 17c.
Ladies 75c silk lisle only 30c.
Misses fast bl'k hose, worth loe, on!y8c.
Table cloths, all linen, only 50c each.
Silk Suspenders 15c each.
Silk embroidered nightshirts only 39c.
Our bJ 3 men's cants only ft.
Very best silk thread, all colors, 4c spo'l.
Hoys' knee pants 25c.
Boys' Suits, sell everywhere for $1.90
only $1.08.
Boys' suits for $1.25, worth $2.
Boys' suits for $1.60, sell for $2.50
Boys, suits for $2, cheap at 3.50.
Youths' suits $3.48, worth $6.50.
Youths' suits $5, worth $9.
Fast Black corsets only 29c, sell for 50c.
Our French shaped corsets 35c worth
65 cents.
Our C. B. corsets, any color, 50c, worth
Our $1.25 kid gloves 75c.
Unheard ol Bargains in Millinery.
Cheapest Millinery ever shown In Lincoln-
Be sure and
when at THE
examine our
will, pay
All linen goods at less than half price.
50c silk embroidered handkerchiefs
only 25c.
Remnants of muslin underwear at less
than the material costs.
Don't buy a dollar's worth of Dry Goods until you visit the "LEADER"
this week. It's money in your pocket.
The Great Cheap Store.
X 2 X 1 O street X 2 X X
Loans, Law and Collections.
J, I. MACK. Att'y & Mg'r.
1025 0 Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Don't be Duped
There have been placed upon the market sev
eral photographic reurinta ot an obsolete edition
of " Webster a Dictionary." These book are
offered at low prices
canrasfers, dry Rood 9 dealers, grocers, clothiers,
etc., and in a few instances by newspapers as a
premium for subscriptions. Books consisting
partly or wnony oi una comparatively
reprint are given various names, "The Original
Webster's Dictionary," "Webster's Encyclopedic
Dictionary," " Webster's Unabridged. "Web
ster's Big Dictionary," etc., etc. Many announce
ments concerning tnese
Reprint Dictionaries
are verv rnisleadine. but the Webster reprint
portion of each from A to Z is the same, torty
five years behind the times, and printed from
plates made br photographing the old pages.
There are no illustrations in the body of these
books, and such as are erouned at the back are
mostly discarded pictures from old books. The
old dictionary
Long Since Obsolete
Is padded out by various additions culled from
various sources, but tho body is the same that
was published when Polk was president and duly
buried at the incoming of Lincoln. The Web
ster current from Lincoln to Harrison, :a the
popular copyrighted "lnabridged," which has
recently been superseded by Websti'i Int-
HATiosAi Dictionary, a new book from cover to
cover, fully abreast of the times.
4Sond for free pamphlet giving particulars.
C. & C. M ERR I AM & CO.,
Center Crank Stationery and Traction Engines.
Send for Catalogue. 84-em GUS STATES, General Agent, Branch House Lincoln, Neb.
Springfield, Mass., U. S. A.