NEMESIS. Frr m Europe Cauldron. ettiin. Com famine role breatblnr. Of mutiny acl discontent profound, A' the end of wrong I nearta And NeiuetM la appearing-. And the day of retribution are uolund. Behind tne baronets, gilst'n.nir. The monarch stand a lufslng. With wealth and privilege afrald-ag-hast-: Stand list'nlnar to the murmur, Growing ever plainer, tinner Of exploited labor waking up at last. Waking a the lions waken When their offspring-" food is taken. Food by fiercest struggle hariiy won: Beady to destroy the spoiler, So. to-day, stands Europe's toiler, And the Armageddon is begun. W. A. Whittick. PROGRAMME DEPARTMENT. Every Industrial or political organiza tion which hold frequent regular meet inns must have a regular program of in teresting exercises. " This is necessary in order to accomplish one of the chief objects of such an organization educa tion. It is'also necessary to keep up the in terest and attendance. An organization that meets from week to week or from month to month and does nothing but go through a dry routine of bu&lness even tually becomes a burden to its members. But if there U a good program of speeches, essays, readings and songs carried out at each meeting, the members are doubly benefitted as well as entertained and "enthused." A program department will be sus tained in The Alliance-Imdepexdent and we hope it will be of great benefit to all the industrial and political organ izations engaged in the reform move ment Our Intention is not to furnish cut -and-dried programs, but to furnish material from which program committees can draw. SUBJECTS FOH DISCUSSION. 1. What form of political organiza tion should the independents a lopt for the coming campaign? 2. Kern's banking and loaa bill. SUBJECTS KK SPEECHES. 1. 2. 3. 4. The dollar of our daddies. Diversification of crops. Fishing for suckers. The farmer in politics. SUBJECTS FOR ESSAYS. Woman's sphere, "Younir America." 1. o e. A review of ' Caesar's Column." 4 "Or,ce to every man and nation Comes the moment to decide, In the strife 'twixt truth and error, On the good or evil side." READINGS AND RECITATIONS. 'A Tribute to McK-sishan" and "The Voice of the People," published in late numbers of The Alliance-Indepen dent, are beautiful poems for recita tion. "Profit and Pastime-' is a volume of selections for reading and recitation for sale at this office. It is the finest thing of the kind we have seen, and just the thing for use In alliances, assemblies and literaries. Gage County Alliance. The Gage county farmer's alliance held a very interesting meeting in lieatnce on Saturday last, lhe recently elected ora cers were installed and all present seem ed enthusiastic and determined to carry forward the good work so well begun. A number of alliances were represented at the meeting that have recently been negligent about sending delegates. And a general awakening Is apparent all along the line. A resolution ratifying the action of the St. Louis conference was adopted. G. IS. Reynolds JcllVraonlan Democracy. As we passed a crowd a few days since, an exuborant gush of patriotic ardor caused a gentleman to exclaim that "ffe (Jones followers) are making a grand fight for pure Jenersonian de mocracy, " and he seemed to ba sincere in his statemont.1 Let us see! Did Jeffersonver favor control of the cur rency of tho country by national banks? No. Did he ever Lijor a.f.edi4f tion of the per capita circulation for tlfe pur pose of making labor cheap and the products of labor low. so that a high rate of interest could be maintained and the usury from money would buy twice as much labor and products as ever before? No. Did he ever favor the perpetuation of primogeniture. directly or indirectly. JNo; lie op posed it; but corporate power has re-established it Did he ever favor a system of finance that would operate for the benefit of foreigners for the enslavement o Americans. No. Did he ever favor the use of money in elections to bribe voters or purchase their votes? No. Did he ever favor organizing systems bv law to build up and enrich those engaged in particular lines of labor at the cost and damage of agriculture? No. Did he ever favor demonetizing silver? No. Did he ever contend for any principle antagonistic to the rule of the people, for the interest of the people by the people? No. What ex isting policy of this government or policy suggested by Mr. Cleveland either now or during his administra tion, did Jefferson favor? Not one. Yet these people call themselves Jef- forsonian Domocrats! It is difficult to conceive how they can make good their claim. Alliance Herald, Ala. They Are See-Sawlnic. There is one class of British officials who can't be induced to play into the Lands of the silver depreciating bankers. Ihey are the retired Anglo juaian omcers, wno gel their pav in silver. aiiij. uuu. i-axion oi tne Madras stalt' corps, speaking for this class, re marks: It is marvelous that the see saw now going on receives no atten tion. The United States government every weetc or so purchases some thing like a quarter of a million ster. ling ot silver at the ourrent market price, with the avowed object of rais ing the price of silver. Exactl every week the secretary of state for India sells nearly half a million' worth of silver, as money, not at th market price but invariably below th market quotation. It is impossible under sued, conditions that anv other reeult than that which happens could occur. Tho Alliance Herald: This move' ment of the producers and laborers for equal rights to all and special favors to none. Every man who toils for his daily bread, whether in store, shop, office, furnace or field, is equally interested. The success of it means benefit for all. Its failure means heavier burdens, more toil and less profits to all. Buckle on your armor and fight for your rights and your liberty, the protection of home and the freedom of your children. A FISHT to the finish. I . t Ma A '! U ar in n lllp to Support Patnlfllxril. I'ertUan I'reM. 3 hat the money In which iho sol dier was paid would have lived Its life out et par with gold needs no proof had it not been for the exception c aue John Sherman explained it a;l whvn he said: "It was necessary to depreciate the greenbacks to create market for tho bonds." (These are is words as near as 1 can remember, not hav lug time to look thctn up now. ) o one knows better than Demoinso Howell that a hirelinar congress ae- reciated this money and was at the same time robbing the soldier and all the other people, making a free gift to those who bought the bonds, termed earf before by Thomas Jetferson as our 'traitor class. mis exception clause laid the foundation for the na tional banking act, which followed close on its heels, and all the other in famous funding acts tho results of which we shall see before this cam paign ends. This money in which the union sol dier was paid was tho credit of all the people, writes C H. Johnson in the Advocate. It circulated freely among them. It added to the taxable property of the nation. But little if any of it bore Interest While a debt of the nation it had become the capital of tho citi zen. I his property of the people was depreciated and sold for less than half its value, and then funded into interest bearing bonds, which amounted to de stroying half of this property of the people and placing on them a bonded indebtedness. We have an indebtedness of over $20. OUO, 000. 000 saddled upon us, and God kuows uegro rule couldn't be worse than tho present rule. Our present financial system was designed on pur pose to conliscate the property of the citizen without his knowledge or con sent, under present laws farmers. will become more and more in debt until their very necessities drive them to desperation. Necessity knows no law. They will become socialists, anarchists, or whatever it pleases the bosses to call them. Ihelaw makers only are to blame, and the press, but the poor fellow who can't help him self, but was compelled to "strike even for a third parly" gets the blama I wish every farmer in this whole country would inform himself on this currency and and back ration question. They should learn that the government has other means of getting money than by taxing it from the peo ple. I his rule or ruin policy ha al ready ruined the greatest industry of this creatioa and Lincoln s prediction, the republic will be lost will be a reality in less than ten years, unless the financial system of to-day is sup planted by a better one. Wbat would it require to comply with tho twelfth section of the St Louis platform? Less than one billion dollars. Less than the Fifty-first congress cost Not half what is stolen from the producers every year. Making and issuing these troasury notes would be the only cost This would, in little or no time, be offset by the increased price of products of tho people north and south. The south would get her share indirectly in a short while. This would be a return to original Democracy as founded by Jefferson. Allowing the people to use their own credit instead of paying usury on the credit of bank ers. But this truo democracy is what bankers hire the press to oppose. It makes nay blood boil to think that we are compelled to pay 16 per cent, usury to those who never earn one cent of it, on all the money we can get from the banks in the south, be sides having our products discrimin ated against to from -10 to 50 per cent if .anyone else wishes to call this ajiarSjiy and despotism, w.eUantood; present condition for.:e it upon us. No civ .ligation can long exist, none ever has failed to go down when con traction was its policy. There we have the sublime spectacle of the plutocratic press favoring an expan sion of tho currency, a further, grand er civilization by favoring a man who favors only specie payments, and that a single standard specie, that with our increasing demand for money, will halt civilization, plunge us into revo lutions, and on a failure of our mines, land'us back in tho dark ages. This policy will surely out-satan satan. A committee of congress reported in 1877 that "without money civilisation could not have had a beginning. With a diminishing supply it must languish, and, unless relieved, finally porish." Farmers, assert your manhood. Strike for liberty. Save yourselves and your country Iroin ruin. If we fail to face the fight now we are cowards; our children will curse us. We have right on our s de against wrong on the other. Then let us be true men. Hero's to a boycott on the oid partisan press, here's one voto for the new born party, here's till the war is ended. The Farmers and Labore.-s Light,: The American manufacturer cf farm implements finds a large demand for his implements in foreign countries, and by a comparison of prices to home customers and foreign countries it is found that American implements are so'd cheaper in foreign countries than at home. The American farmer is compelled to pay more for a binder manufactured by a homo manufac turer than his competitor who lives in Australia that uses the same binder. This system of discrimination against the farmers of the United States is legalized robbery, which is the result of duties levied for the benefit of the manufacturer and is unnecessary from the fact if the manufacturer enn sell his machine in Australia for a certain price, whieh is below what he sells for at home, it is evident that he is extortioning off of the home custom ers by reason of his protection by tariff duties. The Randolph Reformer: In answer to parties who are so anxiously inquir ing if the Alliance is going into poli tics we. say no. not if by that they mean will the Alfiance go into caucus ing, conventioning. and machining of a new party. But if it is meant will the Alliance uso all leffitimate means to secure the nomination and election of men who will stand squarely, avow edly, and unequivocally on tho plat form of their state and national de mands, then we answer yes. The slang editor is out, but when ho comes in we will get him to say, "do you catch?" SOME FARMING TOl'ICS. USEFUL. INFORMATION FOR DUSTRIOUS FARMERS 1N- How Twenty-four Acres Were Made to Pay Poultry a a Farm Specialty When to Water Horses. Irrigating Farm Lands. Wa do not think it would be a wise thing for the general government to undertake, the expense of the whole country, the irrigation of the arid re gions' of the West. That is what in terested parties would like to have it do; but it would be a costly affair, and not in the strict line of govern ment business. But irrigation of these great arid districts, embracing about one-third of the entire area of the United States leaving out Alaska would add im mensely to thecultivatable land within our national limits. They are now of no value whatever for agricultural purposes. The. rainfall is so slight, if any, that notinng win grow inert-. . Knt with an efficient system of irri- cation these wilderness regions could V - A 1 1 ... A I be maae "to una ana tmohsoui us w.e , i .i . .... . . rose. It is estimated inai an equal to the States of Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio and Iowa could be reclaimed by irrigation, and brought to yield crops 100 per cent, greater than where the rainfall is depended upon for the sup ply of water for the growing crops. UUr. tnis 18 ior private cmnpmc undertake. A private corporation, operated on business principles, could and would do the work much more enononiieally and quickly than it could be done by the general gov ernment. Those who, on a compara tively small scale, have already begun operations, have done well, we under stand tho irrigated lands yielding average crop twice as large as those grown on naturally irrigated soils, and paying a handsome prolit to the company and the farmer. Such success has stimulated enterprise, nnd it is reported that irrigation works are now in process of construc tion in Arizona and New Mexico, which will, when completed, bring nnrlftr CI iHivation at least a million ncrps of land. As the necessity for new fields to conquer arises, these private works will multiply to supply the need There will be a healthy increase, lisd on actual need, much more flf.sirn.ble than the forced and vastly more expensive method of. public enterprise. But, it is not alone on these arid lands that irrigation may be profit ahlv emnloved. As has already been stated, the crops raised on the irriga tion soils is twice as great as in locai ities dependent on the natural water supply. This suggests an inquiry. Why would it not pay to employ irrigation more generally in the older of the United States? As is well known the dependence of the farmer upon the "showers that water the earth" is becoming a less and less safe one. The summer rainfall is "mighty onsartin." It is very apt to fail just when it is most needed when the crops, deprived of the necessary supply of water, become stunted and yield only a scanty harvest. If means were provided whereby the necessary water could be supplied at moderate cost the crops could be kept growing steadily, and the yield could be cor respondingly large. In New England and the Middle States it would not be difficult in many localities, to provide reservoirs, either for single farms or groups of farms, in which could bo stored up the needed supply for distribution when required. Or, by means of windmills or force-pumps, water could be lifted from rivers or ponds, and either stored in distributing reservoirs' or sent dirfctly on the land. It nvght at first thought seem some what absurd to talk of irrigation on New England farms. i But, as above intimated, the sum mer rain-iill has become so uncer tain that crops are not infrequently damaged beyond recovery by a few days' droug'nt, occurring just when a supply oi moisture is most needed. And this is true in all our agricultural territory. If judiciously undertaken a system of irrigation wouia ampiy repay the cost, and impart to the growing of crops a far more stable character than now exists. The subject is one of great and widespread interest. It should be more generally diecur,3ed. How Twentyfour Acres Were Made to Pay. I commenced to haul manure in the fall and spread it on the land until about February, for corn. Then haul ed into my barnyard till it was about two feet deep all over. The cattle tramping over it made excellent ma nure for crops of any kind. This was hauled out about the first of May on ground plowed for corn, harrowed .in, then corn planted. I aiso hauled into my young orchard, plowed under, and plaated sweet corn, cabbage, tomatoes beans, horseradishes and strawber ries. In January, when it was so cold we could not haul manure, we did a good deal of thinking and planning. My wife would get discouraged and Bay "let us town; we are not making a living here." I would say, "no let us worry it through for a year or two and do our .best, and then if no better we will sell out." I found we had to buy our flour and groceries, and could not raise enough to sell to buy them with, and our clothes were gettingthe worse of wear. Our family consisted of wite, two girls and one boy six years old. I hadn't much help and not a cent of income outside of the place. There were three things most essential to bring up the fertility of the soil tile draining, manure, and clover. I could, by the hardest effort, manage to buy clover eed and a few fruit treesevery spring. I knew the fruit trees, would in a few years bring in something. And as to tile, I went in debt for most of them and could trade such things as I had for sale for the digging o the trenches. Another thing we must do, and that is to manage to have something' to sell every month in the year. No special farming for me. I never did believe in it unless it was dairying on a large scale, or raising horses, cattle, hogs, or sheep, for sale. This spring I put down two-rods ot tue drain here niot nHdd; bought and plant ed a few won- fruit tr"-s and tilt y Ku iaii nmllxrry trf for shade and (or the birds. TWim? I planted ulteriiHt ly with soft nnd hard innple, nlong the pike ami up the driveway; set out bl.-u-Ux-rnes, raspberries, currants, gooeberri.-s, and two hundred grape vines. These I bought from ore of our nurseries, to be paid lor when I could. I bought an other cow, a brood sow and a pure bred male hog, and am raisnig pure Poland-China bogs. Have my two sows farrow twk-e ft year, save the snrinc piss for my own use and sell the fall pigs at good prices to any persori who wants them, I can sell my surplus at paying prices. 1 built some more lence, epi mo fence rows clean. Sold our property in town, paid off part of the mortgage; left three hundred dollars; paid oil some pressing debts. We converted everything into cash that we could spare, and saved the money to apply on debts and such thifias we actual ly needed. We sold all the small fruits and vegetables we could spare. Sold the best and ktppt the balance for our own use. e grateu norseraaisn mui sold it to eating-houses and groceries at one dollar Per callon. During any of ni7 spare time, or when I made a trip to town, took my wagon and brniicht home a load of manure. The only thing (as I said before) that we could depend upon to a certainty to make the poor farm pay was the manure and clover, and how well we succeeded time will tell. J.H.Fishnell, in Ohio Farmer. , -? Poultry as a Farm Specialty. Some farmers find good markets for both eggs and broilers at their town but this is not usually tho case, neither is it possible to obtain prices that would pay them a profit worth while raisinc in large numbers. It is therefore best to breed for one or the other eggs or broilers. For broilers of course the Brahma, Lanashan, Ply mouth Rock. Wyandotte, Indian' Game and Cochins are the best kinde, that produce the larsor and better dressed fowl at an early age, this being the point to be observed in broiler raising. Of course a cross of two or more of the above-mentioned breeds is frequently made by broiler ra'isers to improve them in flesh and form, and in many cases they answer the purpose just as well ns separato varieties, and as you should sell them dressed for the markets no advantage can be taken of tie blooded stock by unscrupulous dealers who would sell thenvat fancy prices and clear a neat prolit by doing so. Flocks can be greatly improved by weed ins out every senson all small birds selecting only such large, well formed nnd that will bring forth pro- cenv of the same type, rapid matnr ing, capable of being placed on the markets at twelve weeks, and will command top prices. These are birds that are the best as broilers, and any farmer can produce them if he half tries. Without ample capital and accommodations for a dozen nelpers, the farmer of today cannot expect to become wealthy from the production of his land, for all he will get or ex pect is hard work, a good quiet life, pood health, plenty to eat and a tired body each day during the spring and summer season. A speciality such as poultry keeping, will bring him more returns for the labor and capital than farm labor ever can. When to Water Horses, Suppose the horse is just brought into the stable, from work or driving In this case, only a few swallows of water should be given until he gets cool. If he is then to be fed at once, he should have not more than two or three quarts of water; but if he is to stand an hour before feeding, he mav have a pailful, and it will largely be absorbed, or pass through the small intestines into the cseum, or laree intestines. This is a reservoir holding about twice as much as the stomach. It will here do no narm but if this amount of water were given lust before feeding, it would weaken the digestive power of the stomach dilute the gastric juice, and be apt to cause muigesuon. adu u inuuii Nairn is taken immediately after eating, it is liable to wash the contents of the stomach into the intestines, where di gestion of albuminoidscannot proper ly take place, and is liable to cause fermentation and liberation ot gases, which may produce distension, colic and inflammation. It will be seen by this that when just a little water is given immediately be fore feeding, and the food is mastica ted and moistened'with saliva, it goes into the stomach and receives-tho full power of the gastric juice, dissolving out all the albuminoids, and then passes into the intestines and under goes further digestion for carbo-hydrates. If the hoVse is to return to wbrk very soon after eating, only a few quarts of water should be allow ed. The above remarks are made upon general principles. But if the horse is fed on bay or other coarse fodder, moistened and mixed with grain food, which must be thoroughly masticated before being swallowed, causing a proper flow of saliva, which becomes a sufficient moisture of the stomach for the proper action of the gastric juice, there is less liability to injury by modification in watering. Dairy and Stock Notes. A bull without horns has less chance toinjure you. Sterilized milk is not so digestible, but it is safer. For a cow to do her best, she must be kept at her best. .Deliver us from "cooking-butter" and everything cooked with it. There is no economy in turning the milk-cows out to exercise on a cold, blustery day. Whatever is worth keeping at all in the way of farm stock, is worth keep ing well, even in winter. When two animals are bred possess ing the same defect, tho effect will be to increase in the offspring. Look well to the angles, corners, crevices and rough places in dairy utensils for the witches that infest tho dairy. In the dairy, any ration that isgood for milk is also good for butter, al though this fact is not generally un derstood by farmers. It is only in exceptional cases that good dairy cows can be purchased readily. In a majority of cases, the better plan is to raise them THE FARMER'S SIDE " Wher$ u e are, how v$ got hen, and the uay out." By Hon. W. A. PEFFER, v. . raiTOB mom unu, Urns, cloth Trie, 91.0, Then U demand for eomprehena! n authoritative book which shall rt-praaent Ui farmer, and act forth hit condition, th Uifia tnoe aurrounding him, and plana and prorpeeU for the future. Thia book haa been written to Hon. W. A. Peffer, who waa elected to th United State Senate from Kanaaa to aucceet Senator Ingalla. Th title is Tub Farmib' Sidi, and thi indicatea th purpoea of th work In th earlier chapter, Senator I'efler de aeribe th condition of th farmer in varies parts of th oountry, and compares it with th condition of men in other calling. II carefull examine th coat of labor, of living-, th price of crop, tax, mortafre, and ratea of inter lie give alabonta table showing th increai of wealth in railroad, tnanufacturea, banking and other forma of buaineaa, and he eompar thia with the earning of th farmer, and ls wan-worker in general. In s clear, forcibl atyle, with abundant citation of facta and 04. urea, th author tclla bow th farmer reach hi pretent uneatlsfactory condition. Then fot low an elaborate discussion of M The Wsy eat,' which i the fullcrt and moat authoritative pres entation of th aims and view of th Farmer' Alliance that haa been publiahed, Including lull diaeuuiona of the currency, the queition ol -interest and mortgages, railroad, th sal Ol crops, and other matter of vital eonaequeno. Thia book i the only on which attempt h cover th whole ground, and it i unneceaaary to emphasize its value. It la s compendium ol the facta, figures, and suggestion which tin farmer ought to have at hand. Ths Fashes' Bids laa just Iwi !sued, and makes s handsome and subatantial book of 280 pages. We have arranged with th pub lisher,! tor It Mia (o our reauers ai iu uu lUhcn' erica. Th book mar be obtained at our office, or we will forward copies to any address, post-paid, on receipt or ii.w per oopy. Addres ALLIANCE FC0. CO., Lincoln, Neb. HORSES. F upon s visit to our barn yeu do net And I our norses eiricny nri oin i-vrj ,ir tlcular. we will pav the expense ef the trip. Evory horse guaranteed s Hint-class foal Hot ter, win (rive purchasers as liberal term as any other Arm In the business. 27m HfcKGAHTOItY Hastings, Neb. J. M. ROBINSON KENESAW, ADAMS CO., NEB. Breeder and ship- fier of recorded fo and Chins hofr. Choice breedl ns stook for sale. Write for wants. fatowmrHi rn srT Mention Alliance. C3 FURNAS C0.HERD BIG BERKS. Beaver City, - Neb. Thoroughbred exclusively. All sires, Rither rex. Sows bred. Stock aiiaranteed as represented. Prices riirht. Mention this paper. H. 8. WnxiAuaow, Prop r. 4'J S. C. BROWN LEGHORNS LARCEST AND FINEST PEN OF Thoroughbreds In the western states. Ririra ner settlns: 15, tl.BU. 12 Chicks to 6 davs oid ex oress- oii in a neat, liirbt caire with ben that batched them at2.50.W. J. HICKOX. Alma, Neb. Mention this paper, titf A VSRT LIBERAL OFrER. Customers who mention this paper I will in the future prepay exprefs charges to any Nebraska point on earys. Price In all cases must accomnanv Die order, with name and express company reaching your point. FELCH STRAIN LIGHT . I have yet some nice Fetch Strain L. B. eockrols for sale, Eggs for hatching from L. B. a. L. wanaoit, u. r. noes, b Leghorns and Toulouse geese S. B.MOKEHEAD. 3!tf Albion, Nebrlska. Mention this paper. Barred Plymouth Rocks AT WALNUT GROVR. Bugs for hatching 2.00per 13. Also Mam. moth Bronze turkey eggs, $5.00 per 8. Noid Ing but choice, high scoring bird used. Pure and fine, eggs guaranteed. 87-lm Mrs. Z. S. Branson, Waverly, Neb. EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM S. C. White Leghorns end Barred Ply m ' outh Rocks. Took first premium at last State Fair on above varieties of fowls. Eggs (2.00 per 18 from prize winners only. SMITH BKOS.. Sitt Lincoln, Neb. C0BNISH INDIA GAMES . UNSURPASSED AS MAKK.ET AND FARM FOWLS. Kgirs $2.00 per 13. 315 N. &2d Et. 34-3m Send for eiroular. L. P. HAKKIB. Lincoln, Neb. EGGS FOR SALE. Orders for eggs now booked for hatching from the famous Barred Plymouth Rock AND ' S. C. Wbite Leghorns. $1.50 per 13. $2 50 per 26. after October 1. 18S3. Stock for sale 33tf E. S. Jennings, Box 1008, Lincoln, Neb. PEERLESS FEED GRINDERS! Grinds from lOO to 200 i HunheU per day accor- umy w nnonen. unnaa osr corn, outs, etc., flno enough for any purpo. We warrant the PKEKLESS to be the BEST end CTTKAPKST MILL ON EARTH t IW Write us et once for prices and agency. There ts money In this mill. Made only by ths JOLIET STROWBRIDCE CO., Joliet, III. (Ocnernl Wentcrn Agents for the CHAMl'ION WAt.O, The Uorxcs Friend.) HASTINGS IMPORTING CO IMPORTERS ASD BREEDERS OF ffl -0a" . it Til; FRANK IAMS, Importer apd Breeder f ' "r- . : Cr .... lams' Horses were " In It " at the great Kansas and Nebraska state fairs ef fL HIS CLTDES, SHIRES 1SD PEBtHEBOSS Were Winners of 61 Prizes Mostly lsts. lams is the ONLY Importer iu Nebrask that Imported his Psrchertnt trta Fnat to 1S"J 1 and the largest importer of Clydes In 1801. They arrived September 1891. All Blacks- Grey Horses $300.00 Less Than Solid Colors. His Percheron mare won Grand Sweepstakes prize at Kansas state fair In 1891 orer the great Parii Winner " Hosa Bonhiw," and 1st prize at Neb. state fair, lams CuaranteesSoshow yon the largest collection of flrrt-claM ti Flsshy Draft Hortes et the various breeds, of the best individual awlt and Royal sreewf. 2 to 5 years old looo to 2200 weigh: and at Alliance Prices and Terms, or cheaper than any live importer or pay your fare to see them. ea vkri o i T3tH rkPi to Alllanoe O O'eu cnABavi hvhuviiurof lam. He doe not 93UU uood B-uarameea every horvi reoorded WHITE 1AM. mi I'mii I. I'll., is I, ii i ii a d. rSS Um M, Ctoetal Bajs, Yorkshire Coach, Belgian, English Shire, Clydesdale and Percheron Stallions. We have a'.wars on hand s good assortment named breeds. We meet ail competition satisfaction In all deals. Our price are moderate ana florae 3 ExceTJept. We give long time snd the most liberal guarantee of any Brm In America. Ail horses must be a represented or we will not allow the purchasers to keep them. 9S Write for particulars. Address, W. J. WROUGHTON CAMBRIDGE, FURNAS COUNTY, LEEDS IMPORTING CO. W4jsjj!(jr" ONLY THE ..ii Tr 1 1 ii en Our animals are all , young, sound and free from defnots. Correspondence solkrited. Special Inducement to ALLIANCE CLUBS. Yeu whl save money bv oonrsrlna; with us be'orn buying. 7 FIRST PRIZES, 6 SECOND PRIZES at Blous Fan State Fair. w SIXTY PRIZES IN ALL. B. GOODENOl'G H, Pres. snd Oen. Man'gr. E. COOPER, Becr.-Treasorer. 37-2m ADRIAN, NOBLES CO., MINNESOTA. The Record Breaking Stud. ill it HACKNEY HORSES. W. M. FIELD & BROTHER, Importers and Breeders, Cedar FaTT Iowa. OUR SHOW RING RECORD AT STATE FAIRS IN 1890 AND 1891: 167 Premium;; urots.) 6 Silver liedals; 21 Sweepstakes; l4Dlplo:u and the f, 000 SILVER CUP offered by the English Breeders of Shire Horses, The Largest and Finest Stud of English Horses in America. 49 Stale Fair Winners on Hand Now. Remember, wo will not be Undersold. Stallions and Mares, Each Breed, All Ages, For Sale. , FAVORABLE TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE BUYERS. Special Terms to the AUiances. E, BENNETT&SON, 7 V JV JT irl W.YntiMMHi.Vi m ' i . ir i 1 - visa , 1 4. i u y L."SMhJ:L l&i&mEJ' art f English Shire Stallions and Mares. To intending purchasers of this breed I can show them as good a lot of young stock from yearlings up, as there is in the west. TH0R0UGLHY ACCLIMATED. LAST SHIPMENT 1890. Their breeding is from the best strains of prize winning blood in England coupled with superior individual merit. My imported mares are superior to any in the west; they are all safeiy in foal. All My Stock Guaranteed, and , all Recorded and Imported by Myself, t If yeu want a Hackney Stallion. I have as good as was ever imported. Come and see what I have got, and if I cannot show you as good stock as any man will pay your expenses. Prices as low as the lowest. ' ' "" ' 41-6 100 BLACK 100 PERCEIIROtlS, FRENCH DRAFT, CLYDES&SIIIRES. want the earth and w rencea, war praw. - icuuU roii. T iirrSli w ai at. wv v W. J. WRQUCHTON & CO., IMPORTERS OF of the above ana guarantee & CO., NEB. IMPORTERS. 100 BLACK 100 PERCHERONG, SHIRES 1 FRENCH COACH v STALLIONS AND MARES- i SkALSor 8tindird Bred Stallions snd Mares, .a" Fresh stock slwsys on hand. BEST OF STOCK IMPORTED.- i AND- Hi Bits TOPEKA, KAN. Tlie Leading "Wentern Importers or CLYDESDALE, PERCHERON AND COACH HORSES. fe'N. a v .j Here- uru vmiie. aoo stallion snd Mare on hand for Immediate shipment. TERMS TO 8FIT PURCHASERS. tonri tnr imi sum li Nnfltratml MtmJnraci. 'V.;'; VialUM .Imm. autm ?V j tVStables Cor. West 8th and Lin- i fit7 on In sitMMsfa niavss sinH olMpit rk M , ll 4 m all A.nnm mnA kvAlsi a. tin sssrltkiss. ' E. BEN N ETT & SON. il iuuwb U1WSVSS V. "U1W. WM. BURGESS. Blue Yalley Stock FARM, CRETE, NEB.