The farmers' alliance and Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1892, April 21, 1892, Image 2

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Vk tit y here ta tdXww sad wat lb
rrrkni day,
TThile arbeaiina; coundnr! pkH aad plan
to steal your nrht T :
Far know mm that ttwjr wbo wvuld onr
ountry's frwiom un,
Jiosrt tbow fU-raal reliance, be f"
Utm a&d brave.
JCo cuhkd chair of idle eaae for freemen
U prepared;
Tbey who would mtt must first doserre
throtwrh danger nobly thami.
Tie riyht and power o ctts sad bcld the
boo of liberty,
Aad watchful be of all their right unto
Kespert fully submitted to the Old Guard
who, in lHIA. 'W. 'M and 'SS, were prepar
ing for the 4th day of July, lstfij Dr. A.
S. Houghton,
Tke Farlry Chlldrra.
Do yoa hear the children weeping, O my
Ere the sorrow romes with years 1
They are loaning their young heads against
their mother,
And they can not stop their tears.
The young Iambs are bleiliug in the mead
ows; The youuff birds arc chirping in the net ;
The young fawns are playing with the
aLaduws; ,
The young flowers are blowing toward
the west
But the young, young children, O, my
They are wwping bitterly;
They are wecuiug in the playtime of the
In the country of the fre.
Chicago Sentinel.
A Hinging Letter.
Editob Allunck-Imei'endekt: It
seems to toe thai if there ever was In the
past few year an excuse for honest dem
ocrats or republicans to claim superiority
for either party over the other, that time
has surely passed by. if men have hon
estly believe 1 that democrats of the east
differed In their views from republicans
touching the great question now before
the people, to- It: The question of In
creasing the circulating medium of the
wintry, thus enabling the debtor class to
discharge their obligation, that belief
should be dispelled by the vote on the
Bland silver bill a few day ago. By that
vote it is clear that it is no longer a ques
tion between democrats and republicans,
but the question now Is shall the barons
of the east, representing the money loan
ing, manufacturing and gambling Inter
ests of a few eastern state! continue to
rule the wintry, or shall the great west
and south share in the making and execu
tion of our laws The western or south
ern democrat who expects his eastern
brethern toiald him in relieving the
' agricultural! ections of the country Is
nursing a delualou and laying for his
own feet a snare. While lam as much
opposed to robber tariff as anv man can
be, yet the one all-important question to
be settled, and from which alone relief
can be expected for the farming and In
dustrial classes, is the question cf money.
As long as we have a stinted supply all
the products of labor must remain cheap,
, and as long as the products of labor can
be kept so chesp that they barely support
the toiler and pay the expenses of pro
duction, the debtor class cannot pay and
are kept at tbe mercy of eastern money
loaners and are gradually drifting to
This Is why eastern democrats and re
publicans vote together against every
measure looking to an increase in the
currency; and it is to my mind one of the
strongest reasons why every lover of
honest government and lair play both
west and south should stand firmly to
gether to oppose the policy of the money
loaners of the east.
I will close this short letter by taylnii
-i . i . . . i . i
uiaiuus is a most important lime in ine
history of the Independent party of this
country, i ne supreme struggle win oe
made this fall, and every possible trick
nova to political knaves win be invent
ed to deceive the masses.
In organization there is strength. The
enemy is getting his forces into line and
it la time that the people's party should
be arranging for solid persistent work.
Organize clubs In every town and city;
take same good reliable Independent
paper and keep posted on the questions
before the people, and let us go out to
battle this fall burning all the bridges be
hind us, with no expectation of retreat
and a great victory will reward us as the
. result
. May the God of justice nerve the arm of
very toller In this supreme hour.
W. L. Gkeene,
Kearney, Neb.
Do68 Farming Fay,
The object for which the "Does
, Nebraska Farming Pay" articles are pub'
' lished in cur reform papers Is a com nil
''' f'ment to the Intelligence of Nebraska
m (-people. They speak well for Nebraska's
' of it. It is not their purpose to detract
- from the credit of the state.
-. What the independents want is not only
that there shall be a prosperous farmer
here and there, but that they shall be
prosperous as a rule and not as an ex
ception. Can it be that farmers do not know
: whether they have worked or not? What
. an insult to tell them if you are not pros
perous; it is your fault If you had not
been lazy and had worked you would be
all right Will the fanners with canine
submissiveness cringe and fawn and take
this? Will they be servile enough to vote
In the fable it was heartless for the
thieving bear, after he had robbed the
lndustroiua bee, to say to it when It was
starving: "If you had worked you'd have
been all right!" But tor these human
brutes to say this is quite the proper
For every prosperous farmer found
there are nine hard put to. 00 per cent of
business ventures are failures.
To figure whether farming pays or not
is only a task for a school boy. It Is cot
hard. If your pocket is bulging out with
money take it out and count it. Let each
count for himself and it will be found
that for every man and two horses worked
that 'he yearly average Is less than $500.
Support a family ou this and pay all ex
penses out ef it, and hov prosperous are
you? Make due allowance for youj
Idleness, extravagance and worthlessness,
and if you have $200 to put in a savings
bank, vote for the old party; if you have
not, don't 1 am consent to risk the peo
ple's cause on these conditions.
Lazy Farmer.
A High Tariff fioek Agent
A few weeks ago we noticed an article
in your paper cautioning your readers to
beware of the sleek politicians who will
approach them under the guise of a book
or some other agent We have realized
the truthfulnes of your caution. A few
days ago we were approached by one
clothed In ministerial garb who pretended
to be canvassing for "Conwell's life of
Spurgeon," but it so happened that
politics came first We entertained him
so royally that he remained with us half
of an afternoon. Night came and he left
us without even showing his book. High
protection wss his hobby, and we pre
sume he was working for our infant sugar
and twine factories. We say with you,
"Look out on every hand and set the dog
on all suspicions characters."
Owing to the almost Impassable condl-
lion of the roads, the Burt county
alliance. April 7th, was not so largely at
tended as usual, eever-the-less it was a
very Interesting, and we hope a profitable
meeting. Bro. Allen Boot of Douglas
county was present and delivered one of
Lis good forcible speech s. II- Jalso gave
some statements and Itturet ahoalng the
benefits of cooperative purt baklng. Bro.
Root is an ardent advocate f our noble
cause and we hope to eure mm again
sometime beteo tbl and November.
HesnJutions ratifying the work done at
St. Louis were adopted; alxo commending
Kern, Alt Keigban, Jerry Simpwm and the
other allUnce congressmen.
Esw tbe AUiasce is Djisg.
Randolph, Xeb.Aprll 12, D2.
Editor Aw.iasce Independent:
The alliance Is Iyug" in this part of
tbe state, bo fast in fact that it it goes on
at the same rate until November there
will not be a grease spot left of the
g. cp. s. ot one voter w ho nas woraea
with the people's party in tbe past but
what Is more alive than ever, while our
ranks are being swelled every dsy and
every meeting brings new members. 'I he
motto heie is, "Keep in tbe middle of
tbe road." No fusion anywheie; any man
who talks fusion is a traitor. We stand
fully on our platform of land, money and
transportation. We are starting Indepen
dent clubs all over the county and getting
In good work. Every copy of the Alliance
and other reform papera Is read and
passed along to tuu who do not tuke
them. Yours Besp'y.,
I. Di'NLAvy.
Something New in Resolutions,
Newspaper readers as a rule do not
taKe kindly to resolutions especially when
they contain a repetition of something
they have seen in print hundreds of times
The following however has the merit of
being new and Interesting:
H'htreas. 'It is customary for the asses
r to take the acreage of the different
crops of grain which the farmer Is intend
Ing to plant, thereby informing tbe spec
ulators In advance as to the possible
amount of grain which will be put on the
market, thereby working an Injury to us.
therefore be it
Remitted, By Superior alliance No.
2052, that we will not give them any in
formation concerning our Intentions as to
our crops unless they can produce positive
legal authority compelling us td do the
Resolved. Further that we believe it Is
detrimental to our best Interests to make
our private business public.
( W. M. I KENIT,
( W. J. Lancasteh, Sec.
Sbylock's Double Game
If the farmer? will taKe uotioe of the
times as tbey pass they will find that
when silver Is cheap wheat is cheap also.
The two commodities must be on a Uwel
so long as we have demonetization of
silver. 1 he reasen la easily seen: Eng
land demonetized silver In England and
demonetized gold in India, making silver
15 per cent above gole In India, while it
is 81 per cent below at home as it was
last week.
Then Bhylock takes his cheap silver
from England brings it to India, where he
has silver away up, and makes Gil cents
worth of silver buy $1.15 worth of wheat
In India, thereby robbing the poor Indlau
ryot ot 40 cents on one dollar's worth of
wheat, and robbing the American farmer
of 46 cents by underselling blm that
If we had silver on an equality with
gold this would be impossible and the
farmer would get $1.00 for his wheat as
easy as 60 cents. Still the agents of this
robbing monster cries "honest dollar."
This is the dollar that press and pulpit
upholds. 'Ohl ye generation of vipers."
wive the American farmer an honest
dollar a dollar that Shyloc k cannot cor
nor and manipulate, and he fears, not the
competition of the world. ,
Yours for justice,
Endlcott, Neb.
Note We do not know whether Mr.
B's figures are exactly right or not, but he
states the game of the English speculator
correctly, and this game Is one of the 1m
portant factors in depressing the price
of American wheat.
A Scripture Farallell.
Ouch, Neb., April 1, '92
Editob Aixiance-Indei'endent:
"And the Lord said, 'I have surely seen
the alllictlon of my people which are In
Egypt aud have heard their cry by reason
of their task masters, frr 1 know their
sorrows and I am come down to deliver
them out. or the hand of the Egyptians.' "
Now let us take courage for the Lord
has heard our cries and will deliver us as
he did the children of Isreal. As long as
they obeyed God all went right Now
let us call on God that he will give us a
true leader, tor the trusts and money
power are pressing us harder aud harder
by degress until we will soon have to
make brick without 6traw. Suppose the
children of Isreal had stood still and not
made a move, they never would have
been free.
Now Is the time for the laboring
classep to move. So let us go forward
through the Red sea of political corruption
with onr ballots and stand on the other
shore and see the millionaires aud
politicians swallowed up while honest
men rule the land.
It has been hinted by some that Sena
tor Stanford of California be our candid
ate for president. May God forbid that
any millionaire or any man that will
show them any favor shall be nominated
for president, much less elected to that
high office.
I say let us go forward even though we
have to wander in the wilderness forty
years, it will be better than always to be
slaves. Uncle Tom.
At Broken Bow,
There was a rousing ratification meet
lug in old Custer, the pioneer independ
ent county. The south-side opera house
was filled in the afternoon, and in the
evening it was crowded. The hall was
nicely decorated with flags and bunting.
The local cornet band furnished excellent
music, and a glee club entertained the
crowd with songs.
The speakers were General Van Wyck
and J. B. Komine. Both spoke at each
meeting and their addresses were heard
with close attention and warmly ap
plauded. '
A ratification resolution was passed by
almost a unanimous vote. Custer county
is proud of her illustrious citizen, con
gressman Kem, and stands solid for his
re-nomination and re-election.
Clay County Alliance.
On April 2nd the Clay county alliance
met and adopted resolutions (1) ratifying
the work of the St Lewis conference; i2)
approving and reccommending the Clay
County Mutual Insurance Co.; (3) propos
ing to patronize the papers that support
the eause of labor.. (4) and commending
congressman McKeighan for his speech
on the Bland, bill, and .h's course in
Denouncing Montgomery Ward & Co.
Riveraidn alliance No. 85, TecVmseh,
Neb., sends In resolutions denouncing
Montgomery Ward & Co., of Chicago, for
discharging Lester C. Hubbard from his
position as editor of the Farmer's Voice.
The members propose that they will dis
courage all dealings with M. W. & Co.,
and will trade with local dealers Instead.
A Letter From Chaplain Diffenbacher.
I Wai!m;tos. !. C,
) April 11.
Editor Alliance Independent:
From this center of the world allow u to
send you greeting
" Since our coming here nearly five
months since the time has been spent
wholly In looking upon the beauty, and
listening to the varied sounds of this cen
tral capital city of tbe earth. Yet for all
Ibis we should not be completely bappy
were we not blessed with daily reminders
from the great Nebraska beyond tbe
Many times In the past we have won
dered "why do not the independent and
Alliance,' unite their interests and join
their forces, making each greater because
of union. We are glad to learn that such
is now a bappy consummation. The field
awaiting you is large, the Interests at is
sue varied and valuable as life, far-reach
ing as earth, air and sky.
1 he wisdom of your joint action will be
apparent with each passing day, and tbe
nnai success coming to us win be your
trophy in the triumphant hozannas that
shall in the interest; of a ransomed state
mingle with the autumnal breeze to waft
sweet peaos of victory to all the people.
Let us each and all be co-laborers in the
grand redemptive work.
Nebraska has come to the front upon
the floor of congress as neither the nor
any other state has ever done before
through new congressmen. In our own
fiebruskaa new departure was taken, the
old regime was disturbed, the people rose
up, the ringsters went down. Our state
redeemed stands represented in Congress
by a trio of rising young statesmen.
Previous to this 52nd Congress it has
been an unwritten rule that new members
were to be seen not heard during their
first term hence some have come and
gone unheard and consequently unsung,
ithers have been heard of by their con
stituents only through some speech writ
ten by themselves or others, necer deliv
ered upon the t!Krof Congiets, but prin
ted In the '-Becord."
Tbe more important qualifications for
a congressman are true manhood, intellect
to conceive the necessities oi the hour,
ability to express his thoughts, combined
with oratorical power to command atten
tion of members upon the floor and oc
cupants of the galleries of tbe House.
Ibere Is concerning Nebraska's members
no undivided opinion, no uncertain sound
no withheld verdict. One universal meed
of of praise is awarded. And concerning
them I may offer as fitting eulogium the
poetic couplet,
"Men grown great by labors grand,
Are jewels polished by the Master's hanu."
Personally, we esteemed it one of the
honors of life to sit with wife in the
members' gallery and listen to the speech
of Mr. Bryan on the tariff, and Mr. Mc
Ceighan on coinage and to see with our
eyes the genera! attention awarded them.
Ihey Increased the interest as they
proceeded, gaining constantly and hold
log all they pined, commanding the
situation until closing they received from
hearers of all parties hearty congratula
tions and generous encomiumes.
Mr. Kem is focusing his thought upon
a question also of vital importance to the
people. Change in plan of electing U. S.
senators and upon which he too In the
near future will not only be seen but
heard upon the floor and we predict he
will then not dim the brightness of the
light of Nebraska's congressional sons,
nor cloud the radiance of their glory.
Our congressmen, though of two par
ties are working together (I do not In
clude the senators) with one accord in
sweet harmony most honorable to them
selves, commendable to others, and Insur
ing honor and benefit to the people of
our state.
We note recently that a local Nebraska
paper states that:
"M. L. F, Livingston, Treat, of the
Georgia Farmers' Alliance visited Kan
sas lately and initiated the Kansas farmers
with the Georgia Alliance methods."
. The statement Is false, it Is "out of
whole cloth." Mr. Livingston was not
in Kansas.
The indpend-nts in congress are doing
their work wisely building on a sure foun
dation. Let their constituents hold up
their hands and the people shall be
blessed, and In due time the glory of the
Lord be made fully manliest
Let me cheer you and your co-laborers
forward; utilize the forces, make the
alliance Independent the foremost pa
per of the capital of Nebraska. Marshal
the forces, command tha situation and
sweep onward to assured victory.
Benjaman F. Diffenbachuk.
Encouraging Words,
Harlan county has been blessed by be
ing visited already this season by two of
the ablest workers in the state. Presideut
Powers recently gave one of the grandest
and clearest addresses, on the Issues be
fore the peple that has ever been given
in the state. He spoke at Orleans and
though the day was very stormy, there
was a largo audience to hear him and he
had the good fortune to make some con
verts. 'Rah for Governor Powers.
On our ratification day that brilliant
and enthusiastic odvotate of reform, Hon.
W. II. Dech, made a three hours speech
at Alma and his very large audience did
not tire. No greater praise can be given.
After the speech, resolutions were pre
sented, heartily endorsing the St. Louis
conference and platform.
Our county is already at work. Alliances
that seemed dead are renewing their labor
in a more zealous spirit thau ever, and
with such leaders as Dale, Maho, Morgan
ana a host more, we know that tho future
promises good results.
We consider the marriase of the Farm
ers' Alliance and the Nebraska Inde
pendent a very auspicious event and ex
pect a very strong and excellent state pa
per as a result, and an unequalled daily
during the campaign or longer. We need
a party dally paper.
A SHI, KIC 11,
In Platte County,
Editor Alliance-Indkpkndent:
The regular quarterly meeting of Platte
county alliance was held at Platte Center,
Weduesday, April 6. There, being a
good representation of subordinate
alliances of the county and all seemed
more enthusaistlc than ever before,
While it has been recognized that Platte
has been of the solid democratic counties
of the state for years we have no hesitan
cy m statiug that neither Cleveland, Hill
or Boies can carry off the votes this fall.
They Batify.
Meridian alliance, No. H08, Jefferson
county, met April 9 and passed resolu
tions endorsing .the work of the St. Louis
conference, also commending the alliance
Baising Campaign Funds.
A. J. Wilson of Rockville, Sherman
county, writes that some alliances In that
section are holding festivals to rais9 cam
paign funds. Prairie Dale alliance raised
$22, aud Fair Play alliance $45 in this
wa They adopted the usual methods of
church festivals, and they recommend
this plan to other alliauces.
Another Ratification.
A. Nicol of Martin, Neb., sends a list
rasincatiou resolutions passed by Eureka
alliance, No. 2007. The members pledge
themselves not to vote for any man who
Is not "baptized iu the faith of the ptin
ciple9 adopted at St Louis."
lis Pfl a(Hl lha Cavrrasarat.
We hear many questioning "What
ran the government do for the peo
ple?'' And we also bear it stated that
he government should do nothing for
the people.wltk'b the people can do for
tbemiselvos. First What is the gov
ernment and what relation does it
bear to the people? One might an
swer that the government consists of
the two houses of congress, the presi
dent and the cabinet and if one were
critically inclined, he might state that
of lato the government had been the
secretary of treasury. One might say
that the government was or might be
at one time Republicans and at an
other time Democrats, and in a sense
all might bo right But in a republic
rightly administered the government
should be nothing more or less than
tbe people collectively acting undor a
constitution adopted for their better
guidance and aid in administering
justice to alL A constitution, which,
as experience is acquired and as
changed circumstances make it neces
sary, may bo so altered and improved
as may be best for the community
at large. Now. then, to determine
wLat the government can
do for the people, we must first find
out what it is needful that should be
done for them, and "then whether or
not the people collectively may not do
it better for themselves than they can
individually. If it shall be determ
ined that they can, then it should be
done by the people collectively, or,
in other words, by the government
It has long bocu decided that the peo-
plo should be protected from murder
ers and rob', ers of a certain sort, and
that collectively they could best afford
themselves that protection. It has
long been docided that for the con
venience of business people should
have .money, and that that money
should bo provided for them, or at
least regulated for them by the gov
ernment or by themselves collectively.
1 he condition of the people
to-day shows that something is wrong,
and that it is something which indiy
vidunlly they do not seem to be able
to correct or, which amounts to the
same thing, they are not correcting.
Nine-tenths of the people are the suf
ferers, and if the approaching ruin is
not averted the other tenth must also
be involved in it, although they may
not see it just yet Hence it is un
questionably a matter for the people
collectively to attond to. National
A Dangerous Condition.
Verily these bo troublous times
throughout this country, especially in
the South and West There is a deep
feeling of unrest and disquietude rife
in the land. It has been caused by an
extremely abnormal condition of af
fairs. The weak have been oppressed
by tho strong; the producing class
have sown and tho wealthy class have
reaped. This, to state the cause
briefly, has brought about the rest
lessness and discontent that now pre
vail. No country can live In peace
where such conditions obtain. They
must be of brief duration, or else that
country or nation will be, in one way
or another, vitUted by destruction.
Laws that permit the enrichment of
the classes to the impoverishment of
the masses, wreak upon tho latter
great burdens, and in their might they
will rise and assert their power in
seeking relief and justice from great
wrongs. In the great struggle that
the masses are making it is ac
knowledged and recognized that
they have grievances that to
obtain justice they must con
tend for their rights and
liberties. The fight they arc making
involves their liberties, and they roust
be united and determined, uncom
promising and harmonious. To sur
render is to relinquish the dearest
and most sacred privileges human
beings are permitted to enjoy. There
fore, it behooves men of whatever
state or persuasion to unite in one
common body to throw off tho yoke of
oppression and lrght for a common
cause the emancipation of the
masses. There is a dangerous spirit
prevailing people are sufforing
burdens are heaped upon them, and
no amount of persuasion will quell it
or satisfy the sufferers. They are
clamoring for relief! They want
nothing more. They will bo satisfied
with nothing less. All are suffering
from a common evil, therefore there
should be no disturbance in ranks.
Harmony and unity and peace should
prevail, and then will the masses lib
erate themselves from the mighty
powers that oppress them. The des
tiny of millions of tho American peo
ple hangs in the balance, so to speak,
and we can not afford to have internal
strife, ill-will or bickerings. Farm
ers Advocate.
Ventura, t'al.. I'nit: Our mer
chants solemnly contemplating shelves
loaded with goods and commercial
bills coming due, while many of our
best farmers are borrowing money to
carry thorn through the season. The
number of mortgage- filed for record
almost equals all other documents.
The unemployed can rind nothing to
do and the army of tramy is receiv
ing large accessions. th other
hand, our houses are full, (arms are
well tilled and harvests have been
uniformly good for years. Ventura
county is rich in houses and lands and
has rich goods in storo. Whyr then,
is there universal complaint of a
money famine? Simply because
transportation of our produce to the
consumer is carried on at a price that
is ruinous to us and that yields a
profit of 40 per cent to the railroads.
This and the infamous combinations
of speculators who control tho chief
market- to suit their caprice, is the
cause of the distress that, has at last
arovlSed the people to remonstrance
and perhaps rebellion. If the busi
ness men are shrewd enough to see
where their interest lies they will
join with tho Alliance In demanding a
complete revolution in the financial
and transportation system of 'be
Words Will Not Fxpreis It.
The San Fraraclaco Wasp says that
Justice Stephen J. 'Field has made
au imperishable name for himself as
a jurist of vast learning and unim
peachable integrity." Let the learn
ing "go as it is," but integrity! why,
in the hypnotic presence of that tran?
formation Cleopatra becomes a vlrgit
and around the neck of Nero shine.--the
halo of a meek find lowly babe.
Sacramento Bee.
The Randolph lleformer: The Al
liance as an organization has done
great good all over the country in an
educational way. Men who have
gone into the Alliance ere now well
up on all questions of finance. They
know why and how tbe present sys
tem operaU s against them as pro
ducers and laborers, and they have by
co-operation and much thought been
able to suggest a remedy for these
evils. Those who have been in the
habit of directing and controlling the
laboring people on these questions
are now surprised when they come in
contact with the hayseeder it has
put muu of all classes to thinking.
Their great effort however, is to de
rise some plan to convince the Alli
ance that a farmer or-wo'rking man is
too ignorant to be suggesting matters
of legislation. They all have plans
and it seems that they are so un
worthy and unreasonable that no two
of them can agree on the same plan,
while the farmers all over the coun
try are agreed as to theirs. History
teaches us that all reforms start
among the middle class of the people
and go up. They never start and
come down. The fellow above gets
control of the strings and continues to
pull until forced loose, because it
nature to do so.
By S. 8. KINO, Kansas City, Kan.
A Portrayal of Some Political Crimes
Committed in the Name of Liberty.
Facts and Figures from the Eleventh Census
With maps and Illustrations;
Massachusetts enabled to accumulate r. ore
wealth tban nine (Treat western and southern
states! Pennsylvania more than telve!
New York more tban flrteenl Agriculture
and labor robbed. Head what tbey say:
Congressman O. M. Kem, Nebraska: After
careful perusa'.'I uDbestutlcirlr pronounce
a srana nine work ana ouirat to oe in toe
hands of every American citizen.
Senator W. A. Petler Yen have done a
good work In youi littie book 'Bond Holders
and Bread Winners. ' It is the best presen
tation of the subject ever made.
C. C. Post, the great leader and author of
Georgia: It Is a valuable addition to the re
form literature of the day. The showing of
who wins and eats the bread of the people is
elear and lucid. The work is unusually read
able. Single copies 25c. Address all orders,
ALLIANCE PUQ. CO.. Lincoln, Neb.
The Arena
FOR 1892.
Every member of the
should take THE ARENA
FOB 1892.
I. During 1S9S The Arena will contain pa
pers on the Farmers' Alliance and Its lead
ers, giving an authoratltive history of.the rise
of the movement, and FOUTKAITS of the
leading spirits In this great uprising of the
people airalngt monopolies, trusts, plutocracy
and official corruption.
II. It will contain authoratltive papers set
ting forth the central claims of each of the
great parlies of to-day, and drawing clearly
and sharply the lines of demarkation on all
great political, economical and social prob
III. It will contain papers setting forth the
cardinal demands of the people in their or
ganized movements against old-time wrongs
and Injustice, and the reason for each de
mand. IV. It will be an encyoiopedia of political
and social information, giving its readers a
masterly exposition of the true conditions
and needs of the present, depicting the evils
of the hour, and suggesting remedies calcu
lated to secure a wider need of Justice and
liberty for the great toiling millions of our
land. From tts inception, The Arena has been
PEOPLE, absolutely fearless in Its denuncia
tion of plutocracy, monopoly, and all means
and measures that wrong tho multitude or
Infringe upon tbe liberty of the humblest
citizen. In the future The Arena will be con
spicuous for its aggressive and bold defense
of the rights of the masses against the privi
leged class.
V. It will contain great papers by the
greatest thinkers In the ALLIANCE and all
the kindred organizations which are working
for a radical reformation of existing abuses
and unjust conditions.
VI. It will contain Hamlin Garland's
powerful Alliance story, "A Spoil of Office,"
which will be the most graphic picture of the
modern West and the social and political con
ditions which called forth the Alliance ever
Is a beautiful collection of twenty-six steel
portraits of distinguished authors and
leaders of thought in this great uprising of
the people.
The Arena ane year, price 15.00
The Portfolio, price : 4,00
The Farmers' Alliance one year 1.00
All fortS.OO
23tf t Lincoln, Nebraska
BEST $1.50 AND $i.oo PER DAY
E. JENNINGS, Proprietor.
Cor. 9th & Harney, Omaha, Neb.
W. C. T. U.
138 S 12th St., Lincoln.
lB-A.rjS 25c.
First class table and attendance.
Lunches at all hours. 30tf
-jLesp in tae Middle of tbe Road."
People's Party Medal !
Made of solid Alumlnnm, the aim of silver dol
tar, welpiis about as much as a twenty five cent pier
Aluminum is stronger than Iron niul no heavtei
than wood. It is more valuable to humanity than
(told or Silver, Its cost In bulk Is no greater thai
Conner and it is tteooniing cheaiter from day to day
as flh proved methods or securing It are devised
The best practical Illustration of the fallacy of bar
ter money. Its "intrinsic value'' is far greater than
that of gold or silver, though their lnarltet value iJ
higher. The reverse side of the medal contains th
words: "Commemorative of the Founding ot ttu
People's Party Mav Isth and '20th, 1891 at Cincinnati
Onto." ft is sold for the purpose of raising cam
paign funds for the National Committee,
Liberal discount to reform oi-cakerj and organl
rations. It Is expected that manv speakers will be able to
pay their Wiiv bv t:ie sale "of this medal.
Let everylwdv boom its sale.
In ordering state whether you want the meda
ittached to a pin to be worn as a badge, or plain, to
e carried as a pocket piece.
ALLIANCE 1'UB. Co., I.icolneb.
Headquarters for this Class ot Goods
Station A,
Kansas City, Mo.
Grodo riO.
Spnd for our handsome. Illus
trated ( niauvue, lii i:iK over
! ditfi rvnt fctyltn uf Yliicl-8
and HariM- und you will uu-l-r.tsiil
why all this pu doiii-t'liaibiufi-ssantf
imiijfijsi: ousi
ra.v We actually trive more
for less money tuau any huggy or Harness factory In the
world. All ?oods haml made and warranted for years. Get
our pries and compare them with your dealers.
North Court St., opp. the Court
A choice article of clean Flax Seed
for sale at Alliance State Agency, at
lowest market price for cash. 38tf
J. V. Hartlet.
Tree Planters of Lancaster County.
I shall have at 54th and R street, one
mile east of Wyuka cemetery grounds,
East Lincoln, a full iiupp'y of apple,
cherry, plum and shade trees, email
fruits of latest varieties, evergreens and
ornamentals. 100,000 sort maple, one
and two years old, choice for grove or
windbreaks. My stock will be ready
for 6ale about April 1st if weather is
favorable. I offer for sale only what is
adapted to the climate, and all stock
warranted true to name. I expect to
start a fruit nursery at above place in
the spring. Call and see my stock, or
address me at Bethany P. O.. Lancaster
county, Neb. VV. . Wright, Propr.
A New Song Book.
We have received a sample copy of
"Songs of Industry," words and music
by Charles S. Howe of Michigan. It is
a choice col 'action of songs for farmers'
alliance and industrial and labor re
form organizations, temperance meet
ings and the home. Alliances and others
getting up entertainments will rind it
valuable as the music is new and the
words well adapted to the inspiration
so desirable in songs of this character.
The book can be ordered from this
office or of the author. Charles S. Howe,
South Allen, Mich. Price 25 cents per
copy, or 20 cents a copy by the dozen.
AND USE 35m3
J. 1 PARS &
2045 M Street, Lincoln, Neb.
So Headguartsrs for Alfalfa. Japan and Espersette Clover, Jerusalem and Kaffir
Sas Corn, Milo Maize, Dourba Cane and Millet Seed; Johnson, Bermudii.and Tex.
SrS Blue Grass Seed. Kansas Stock Melons. Tree Seeds for Nurseries and Timber
-s Cafuioaut bulled FREE,
Garden, Tree, Field
TlMflTUV 1426-1428 St. Louis Avenue,
I ImU I It I tffSend for Our Illustrated
I Jernsalp
McBETH & KINNES0N, Garden City, Kansas.
33 3m
Nebraskans are pleased to learn that the census ranks their favorite atate third among
the seed producing states of the Union. A full line of these fresn and choice seeds is car
ried by 27tf DELANO BROS., Lee Park, Custer Co., Neb.
Oldest and Largest seed Growers in the State. Catalogue free on application.
We are prepaired to furnish choice, clean Flax seed for sowing purposes, and solicit cor
respondence. i6-2in
T0PEKA SEED HOUSE- Established 1876, byS. H. Downs. Proprietor. Garden,
Ji OtfcU nuuot, Fled and Flower Beed8j Flowering Bulbs and Plants,
Flower Pots and vases. Fertilizers and Insect destroyers and Oarden Implements.
We mallyouforSOcts f)lll9 DDI7C OkTCC D eisrht kinda of Vege
table, four kinds of How UUK rKI.Vt Mf f CtKer seeds and two
Flowering bulbs. 1 be retail price is "oc. Witb every 50 cent order for seeds or bulbs order
ed before May 1. 1892. we give a prize which costs at retail 15 to 35 cents. We buy these arti
cles in large quantities for prize purposes at a price which enables us to otter a uaefnl arti
cle with every order for seeds. Send for catalogue. Address 38-1 in
TOPKKA SEED HOUSE, S. H. Downs Prop., 304 & 306 Kan. av., Topeka, Kan.
By the Million. All sorts of fruit, for
est, shade and ornamental trees and
plants cheap. Timber claim goods a
specialty. You can save money by get
ting our prices before placing order.
Offers a choice stock of Trees and plants suited to Nebraska, also Nursery
grown Seedlings suited to timber claims. Satisfaction guaranteed. Direct trade
secures careful selections. That we have tested what we offer to sell, and send
varieties that will baer freely is evidenced by Our Own Crop Of f,30O
bushels of Apples and 800 bushels of Cherries grown in isof.
Also try our Yellow Dent Seed Corn, yieldingin 1891 One-hundred
and five bushels and forty pounds per aero. Price $1.00 per bushel,
sacked free in two bushel lots. Address for catalogue, 41-4t
E. F. STEPHENS, Crete, Nebraska.
Three blocks from Capitol building. Lincoln's newest, neatest and best up.
town hotel . Eighty new rooms just completed, including large committee rooms,
making 125 rooms in all. tf A. L. HOOVER & SON, Prop'rs.
IXho Most Powerful;-
, yet the Simplest in
e ,
so Sneeas?
. af
Wood and Steel Mills also Wood andSteeltowers.
Our mllla are guaranteed to not be excelled nv any and we can makoiyou low prices and
low freight rates. II our 1 mill should blow off the tower or need any repairs within a.
year from the time of eale, we will replace eame free of charge.
36-im SPENCER MANUFACTURING CO., Blue Springa, Neb.
Fmm r A Mi-mberiand thousands of other good
iVia U M" men and lrue,pairoui-1 uxm III rally
latt jtar tuui w were compelled to tiuy, build and Increiuw
our uaciiivw uuuiu'". . iniw ,
have one of tbe LARGEST
Tbe Alliance Factory runs wuen
others abut down or break up.
Grade $72.50.
L. A BELTZER, Manager
Osceola, Nebraska.
A general line of fruit and ornamen
tal stock. Send for our contract card.
Fair prices and honorable dealing. (32tf
Our Great 50c Collection Contains
23 Packets of
Ceets, Eclipse & Edwards Blood turnip,
(arrot, Short forcing and Long Orange.
Cabbage, Winningstadt Earlv Iarg York
Cucumber, Long Green and Giant Pera.
Lettuce, Hanson and Silver Ball.
Radish, Chartiors and Lang Scarlet.
Onion, Red West'lield & Danvers globe.
Tomato, Acme and Mayflower.
Musk Melon, Princess ana Emerald Gem.
For want of apace we only nam part of tbe
packeta la eur 50c collection. 23 full sized
packets for only Alio. We make this liberal
offer to induce every one to try ou ; seeds, for
if you ence irrow our seeds you will continue
to do so. Get up a club for our seeds and re
ceive youri free, six collections for i. nly J2.30
you can easily do this. Give us atrial a, id we
will surprise your friends. Try us. .Don't
Send stamps. (38) Address.
Alliance Seed Co., Gove Clty.Gove Co., Kan.
A full assortment of
Plants, Tinea, etc., of hardiest aorta for Ne
braska. Special prices to Alliance societies.
Bend for price list to North Bend Ncrserieh,
North Bend, Dodge Co.. Nebraska. Established
1873. J. W. Stevenson, Propr.
Bought from seed house last spring.
"Improved Learning," "Champion
White Pearl" and "Sanfords' Early
Flint." Raised in Frontier county.
Price, 80 cents per pint by mail, or$l.
per bushel sacked and delivered on
board cars. Nothing but selected seed
raised in 1891 sent out. Reference.
W. A. Bradbury, Pres. Frontier County
Alliance. J. H. Lincoln,
42t4 Stockville, Neb.
BAKTELlt it CO.,
Laurence, Can.
and Crass Seeds,
Catalogue FREE.j BLUE Ulf Add
(Alfalfa Qoorl this yeaa'e growth, in car lots
ftlldlld. OBBU, Blact Hullese Barley, Spring i
Flai, Millet and Cane Peeps. Kaffir, Kice, Milo
lota or less
Ing Wheat.
Milo Maize
Corn And Onion Rata.
Geneva, Nebraska..
In all localities where we have no estab
lished agents, we wi,l sell directly to jou
at prices which will be satisfactory.
If you are needing anything in wrnd
mills, pumps, tank., pipes, etc., we would
be glad to have you cerrospond with us. We
manufacture both