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About The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1892)
i) ) THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN, NEB., 1HUKSDAY, 3IAK. 31, 1892. rubIMM Bvary iMriil by Th Axxuxci Pcbusiuxo Ca Cbr. 1JU and M , Luaooln, Heh. , TBOMrso Pnmjt, FronurTOM. "In the beauty of tbe lilliee ' Christ was bora acres tho sea, Wltk glory in his bosom That transfigures yon and ma. Aj bo strove to make men holy . 1 ns strive to make them free, Since God ia marching on." Julia Wtrd Eou. ; Laurel crowns dear to desert. And power to him who power exerts." A ruddy drop of manly blood The surging sea outweighs." Ewurton. "He who cannot reason la a foot. Be who will not reason is a coward. Eewbo dare not reason Is a slave." N. R P. A. TO CORRESPONDENTS. all bnatMSS emmnaloatlonS tc SUllanea Pa blMblnc Oa. sMimi natter for pabUoatlon to Idlta Vara en' Alliance. , Articles written on both sides of the papei ibauaed. very I one ooeamunxmuoBa Mtralt casaot be S. Tks, Chairman Wolfe was on the platform, as some of the papers allege, the night Mr. Thnrston spoke here, and how he was converted to the Thurston faith will be found, in this issue, under the head of Thurston's Thunder. Tbs republican papers have tried to make a little protected capital out of the dissolving of the standard oil trust. fifing it out that the Sherman anti trust law had grappled with and killed I the octopus. There is however, no' truth in the statement. The business Is to be still conducted for the same parties la a form which trust laws can- j not reach. ! Senator Dou'B , of Oregon in the , speech to which we referred to two, weeks ago, attacked the sub-treasury plan In a way which showed very plain ' ly that he did not understand Its pro-' visions. The National Economic calls v attention to the fact that his own state has a aohool fund amounting to nearlj 000,000 loaned cut on land security and that the method of handling it hat proved perfectly safe and satisfactory. 1 FLaTTE&HQ THE FABMEB8- j Rosey is now bowing to the inevitabk and endeavoring to come up on top and get his bits in the mouth of the wave, (The machine critio is Informed that we use this mixed figure advisedly.) This is the way he is trying to get the confidence of the farmers: ?He says: "We speak of the farmer, in politics as though it were something ex traordinary that a farmer should go into 00111108." but "from the foundation of the republio until now the United State has been an agricultural com' moaweaUb," Washington, Jetteison,; "Monroe and Jaclreon were planter. But for the last forty years, as Roseyj admits, tb "lawyers have constituted the gret majority of the national and atat legislature -Tes, and who wonders, with the gov er anient in lawyers' hands, that the! people have been robbed by every gang of plunderers who would fee them, that class legislation has destroyed the liberty and overridden the rights of the people? Rosey Bays the farmer is now "assert ing himself, not altogether because the lawyers, bankers and merchants have fanposeed upon him, but because the general dissemination of intelligence turough schopl and newspaper has roused his ambition to participate." "Not altogether" because they repre sented themselves only, and united their strength to secure special legisla tion for the bankers, wholesale manu factures and railroads, but because having read the Bet and theB. &M. Journal and gone to school some to sad Experience, the farmers are roused to the necessity of representing and legis lating for themselves. The farmer has grown intelligent, has studied the science of government, has formed his own judgment respect ing public affairs. Yes, that's right Rosey. He knows what did it and how it was done, and he proposes now to undo the infamous legislation which has reduced the workers of America to all the varied degrees cf slavery and dependent pauperism. "The farmer has come into politics to stay," as you say, politic Rosey, but you cant gain bts confidence by telling him what he already knows, that "A convention of farmers even now contains as fair an average of refinement and Intellectual ability as a like gathering of represen tativea from almost any other walk of lMe." Because the farmer "will hence forth remain an important factor in shaping the destiny of the republic, you wish to regain your baleful Influ ence, Rosewater, but yoc are attempt iag the impossible. "He has a mind of his own and can hear, read and weigh political discussions with an accuracy which eaches prompt and definite conclusions." And those conclusions are, that your gold basis money, and private ownership of natural monopo lies, old party doctrines, are fraught with immeasurable injustice and evil. The only good thing you advocate is the government ownership and opera' tion of the telegraph, and this b la oar St. Louis platform a plank by the way, which no one can stand oa and be con sistent without standing oa all the rest. "The eccentricities of Simpson and the vagaries of Donnelly" are all la your eye, or lie, Mr. Roaewator. They ' are not peculiar views of these two. bet Instead the unanimous eoMbofcme and judgment of the greatest and brainiest convention that ever assembled apoa earth. . Donnelly is a atatanaaa the equal of any who have ever Uvea, a nan too ' great sad true for the avenge politician to comprehend. ho-aWare op""maraHOEaii A young Bostonlan, after learning it all, took pity on us westerners and located in Lincoln not long since, his purpose being to prevent our "running after false gods, the twin furies, democracy aud calamity." The one true god is republicanism and Collins is his prophet. Collins woars spectacles, elevates his nose and gives us oracular rhetoric Interspersed with classical allusions. He tells the people what is and is to be. "The young republi cans ot Nebraska" have no love for the farmers (in plain English); they will make no advances toward them ("the vain and fickle alliance grass widow"). They have no interests or ideas in com mon with clod-turners. By young republicans he means the lawyers of the cities and villages, and the uninformed partisan dupes who shout and vote for them; the Rip Van Winkle sleepers who still imagine they are with the followers of Lincoln, the emancipator. '. The writer happens to be a New Englander by birth and education. - He never brags of it, but as it may influ ence young Collins, who despises the western farmer, he will say, to the later arrival, that he is connected by direct relationship with the best and most dis tinguished historic families of that proud section. His great-grandfather was graduated from Harvard. Among his cousins he numbers noted divines of international reputation, and "the most eloquent man who was ever in the halls of congress." He is one of the blue blooded elect, according to Collins, but he wasn't elected rich, and came west to earn a competence by honest labor. He bought virgin land of the U. P. rail road in Nebraska, broke it up, and by overwork, trying to pay for it and high priced machinery with low priced crops, broke down his health. Hard experience set him to thinking for him self. He was determined to know why the hard-working, the most productive and economical, must, millions of them, remain poor, while those who produce nothing may accumulate more wealth than they can enjoy. He saw that the cause of the enormous and increasing inequalities was unjust laws, laws giv ing taxing, tribute-enforcing power to railroads, bankers, mine owners, petrol ran monopolists and other combina tions of men. The producer could not have what he produced, or equal labor value for It, but must take what re mained after paying Interest money and cjust freight; and then with what Ettle was left must buy (with railroad freight added to their cost) his lumber, machinery, coal and other necessaries. The democratic and republican parties had -together made all these cUs laws, neither party caring for theeople cnongh to protect them. T'u succes sors of Lincoln had signed the bills which enslaved more people than his Cea set free. And the followers (?) of efferson and Jackson had by their votes helped pass the national bank Acts, '-credit strengthening" act. Demonetization of silver and restriction of uoney volume acts; and by railroad land grants and the granting of fran hises to capitalists, giving them power to tax the peopl at their pleasure by K'Oting for all these the two old parties changed our government into an oli garchy, a money power possessing the increasing means and machinery to bring the people under an absolute en Having despotism. I Mr. Collins bas something to learn His education isn't half completed yet. tad it never will be if he remains in the Republican party. The party hasn't had new idea in the last twenty years. f hurston himself, at the head of the if young republicans, ' could talk only of fine tariff and the past, and bis tariff talk showed that Hamilton and Jeffer- fson a hundred years ago knew vastly more about the advantages ami disad vantages of tariffs than he or, at any irate, than he dared to express. The glory of New England is waning, (Mr uoiiina. Massachusetts was once r'tbe cradle of liberty:" it is now the seat of oppression, the borne of bond holders and princely millionaires. You have studied their toxt books on olitical (class) economy, and know lotbing about real business justice and qua! inalienable rights. You believe here is no help for the poor except charity. You have accepted without Uncovering its injustice the doctrine of he gold "financiers" and their measur- ng unit of changing, ever-increasing purchasing power. You are a republi- an agnostic, believing nothing Is known r can be known outside of your party, nd too completely prejudiced to find ut that you know nothing of present alue in the party. But the west is a ood place for you. Begin to think for ourself, and a few years of struggle and contact with Independent thinkers may make a man of you. It is announced that an electric storsgo battery Is about perfected which can be used to propel common carriages ifteen miles per hour. The possibilities ot service which electricity contains ieem unlimited, and were It not for the ;reed and present power of capital its ise might multiply wealth and enjoy ments for each and all. Unless the in lustrlal classes rise, unite at the polls nd legislate for themselves, each new iscovery and Invention will but weld their chains of poverty the tighter. The National Economist, official or- an of the National Farmers' Alliance nd Industaial Union, and the Proaress- IteFarmer, president Polk's paper, are IVtoing good educational work for the Incst r Uifn. i .1 1 w. uvuia yiauuiui auu me peoples Wparty. 'THREE CHEERS FOB M'KEIGHAN. Hon. W. A. McKeighan of Nebraska endeared himself to his constituents and made them forever proud of him as .heir representative by his first speech i in congress delivered last week in the great struggle over the Bland free coin- flage bill. It was a meeting of the nation's giants and our owm McReighan was not matched in argument by any who opposed him. Even his most intimate friends scarcely expected so great things of him as a thinker and debater. Hlsspeeoh was remarkable for its keen, clear conceptions, distinctions and defi nitions, Its just loosening and logic enforced conclusions, its exposure of shallow argument and hypocrisy, and withering sarcasm aimed at those who talk about "honest" money, and tho "best" money. In the course of his speech Mr. Mc Keighah brought out very clearly that it was a gross Invasion of the just dollar doctrine to put an arbitrary limitation upon coinage for the pwrpose, or with the effect, of enhancing'the value of the measuring unit. He showed that it was a repudiation of the entire theory of a commodity money, at that precise point where there is any justification for or tenablencss in the theory, to invoke a legislative limitation of the volume in the interest of extortion. He punctured the pretense by which the unthinking and shallow-brained are deceived, the pretense that gold is "always at par" with itself as coin, or bullion. As though the freedom of the mint, said he, would not instantly and forever wipe out the disparity between the sil ver coin and its bullion. He uncovered the motives cf tnose who roll up their pious plutocratio eyes against "dishon est" (silver) money, showing that actual honest money, money of unchanging, unappreciating valid as compared with what it would purchase, was not what they wanted. He showed that while gold bas since 18 1 3 increased its pur chasing power of commodities and labor about 50 per cent, silver has very nearly preserved its ratio of value with other things, and Is therefore vastly nearer being an honest commodity money, or measuring unit The restriction of free coinage had increased the value of the gold measuring unit, so unjustly taking for each dollar more than a dollar's worth of goods, and those who wished to do this, . were making the outcry against "cheap money," and clamoring for the ' honest dollar" and the "best money." It was an effort to debase our labor and labor products.' We could no longer be fooled with 'cheap" products. The cry should be fiung back into their teeth, that we want "best" bushels, best barrels, best bales, in exactly the same sense in which they call for best money. We would not have any bigger acres, any larger bushels, barrels, or bales. We ask that labor and labor's products shall be restored to their former ratio of value with money and allowed to remain stable. - Mr. McEeighaa's speech will appear in our next week's issue. - "ALLS BIGHT WITH THE WORLD." All's right with the world, is the decla ration of the rich, the comfortable, the successful, those who live at ease, those who have power over their fellows, those who have "framed mischief by laws' and secured special privileges which enable them to force unequal ternu and exchanges upon others Let us alone, you have nothing to complain of, 'all things are as they were from tne beginning,' the poor must be content to labor always for the rich tbee are the answers we get when we demand justice, when we call tor oar, 'equal, inalienable rights, 'rights recognized and guaranteed by the na tional constitution. "In the brave days of old" there was "a preacher of righteousness," one only, known as a calamity praphesier. He was the laughing stock of his geuera tion. The calamity came, however. If the people Noah preached to haa re pented cf their unrighteous deeds and regarded the good of others the judg ment would have been held back, escape would have been provided Hibtory is again repeating itself and we have now before us the first scene of a terrible tragedy. It is not acted but lived, i The American Missionary in its March number reported that Millions in our mission fields from Georgia to Texas are in distress, ' Parents fail in the school supplies of their children. Pittances painfully spared for school or church nave to go for food. Pastors' families lack the means of living. Pupils have to give up school. lhis is the condition of the workers in the great cotton belt after harvesting a bountiful crop. In tne west, wtich produced a crop of wheat, oats and corn one thousand millions of bushels greater than the preceding year, equal dis tress would haye prevailed had not the European famine advanced the price of bread-stuffs. Even with this gain, through others' loss, the mortgaged and tenant and average farmers are barely keeping their heads above water this best of crop years. In the . ast de cade there has been an absolute increase of the mortgage indebtedness of each of the five states, Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Alabamacand Tennessee, according t$ Porter's census; aad these states' figures, tbe first to be summed up, show unde niably that Sbylock has a growing grip on a.l the agricultural and cotton grow ing states. . Money and unchanged face debts have also Increased their purchas ing power thirty per cent in the last twenty years, labor and labor products decreasing in selling price ii tbe same ratio. ": The editor of Tht Anna, having fullest Information nnd writing with humani tarian motives only, has given us in the current number of bis great magazine a photographic view of "uninvited pov erty," its increasing extent and distress, an article of such startling revelations, showing conditions and drift so danger ous, senator Call cf i lorida bad it read in the U. S. Senate and incorpo rated in b!s March 7th speech, which was directed against the encroaching power of the railroads. As the great majority of our readers will not see it, otherwise, we reprint a part of The Arena article herewith; The dead sea of want is enlarging its borders in every populous confer. The mutteringsof angry discontent grow more ominous. Rights denied the weak through the power of avarice, have brought us face to face with a formid able ctisis which may yet be averted if we have the wisdom to be just and hu mane. But the problem cannot longer be sneered at as inconsequential. It is no longer local; it affects and threatens the entire body politic. Three years ego one of the most eminent divines In America declared that there was no poverty to speak of in this republic. To-day no thoughtful person denies that this problem is one oi grave magnitude. Last year, according to the court rec ords, there were 23,805 warrants for eviction issued in the city of New York. In 1880 the published statistic show that over 7,000 persons died in the work house, insane asylums, and hospitals of the same city. More than one person In every five who passed from life died in some public institution. 3,815, or al most one person in every ten who died found his last restingplace the Potter's Field. In 1S1X) there were 239 suicides ofticially reported in New York City. The court records are burdened as never before with cases of attempted self-slaughter. "You," said Recorder Smyth, recently addressing a poor credi tor who had sought death by leaping into East river, "are the second case of attempted suicide that has been up in this court this morning, and," he con tinued, "I have never Known so many attempted suicides as during the past few months." In a recent issue of one of the great New York dailies we find the y following suggestive statement whichHs doubly impressive when we re memberhat with the facts in their pos session tha great daily press of America, which to soMarge an extent reflects pub lic sentimentmakes little more than passing reference to the widespread wretchedness -and rapidly increasing poverty of our day. "The fact that 20.000,000 people are starving in Russia," says the metropolitan daily above re ferred to. "is, iudeed, a terrible inci dent of this wonderful year, but to us the fact that in this city 150,000 people go to bed every night guests of charity, cot knowing where a nasrnicg msal is to come from, with nothing whatever to do, hope even being dead, is a much graver factor in the problem of our to-day." The board of health of New York re cently published the details cf a census of tenement bouses taken las I Septem ber. The facts furnish a melancholy confirmation of oft repeated status by thoughtful persons who personally in vestigated this problem; in brief they show in round numbers 35,000 front tenements. 2,300 rear tenements. 276, families, 1.223.M0 inhabitants (an ia crease of 141,000), 7,000 adult home workers, 260 child home workers. There were 850 stables and 4 890 hones in the districts to pollute tbe air. What is true of New York Is true to a certain extent of every great city in America. Thj night is slowly but surely settling around hundreds of thousands of our people, the night of poverty and des pair. They are conscious of its approach but powerless to check its advance. "Rents go higher and work cheaper every year, and what can we do about it?" slid a laborer recently while talk ing about the outlook. "I do not see any way out of it," he added bitterly, and it must be confessed that tbe out look bt dark if no radical economic changes are at band, for the supply is yearly increasing far more rapidiy than the demand for labor. "Ten women for every place no matter bow poor" is the dUpawionate statement of an official who has recently made the question of lemaie iaoor a special study. "Hun artasoi rins,- continues the writer. "wreck their future ev?rv year and de- Hiroyineir neaitn in stufly, Ui-ventUat ea stores and snops, and yet scores of recruits arrive from the country and small towns every week to assume the places vacated by the victims of greed." i sen, again, tne poor as a rule have large families; while a third element which contributes a large quota to the ever-increasing army of stragglers for oreaa. is rouno m tbe constant stream oi emigrants wbo pour into our great cmes; wmcn are already congested with suffering thousands. Within cannon-shot of Beacon Hill, where proudly rises the golden dome of the capitol, are hundreds of families slowly starving and stifling; families wbo are bravely hattlino llf'. 1 nunc j car u year me conditions are oeconunsr more hoDe eau. th tnirTi for bread fiercer, the outlonlr dismal. The poor, the poor, the poor, th y stand AniQflt HQ lnWnrf-li-nlni. .;ru,. That prrsiure tipbttoi ever more: Tbey tig-b monstrouf. fool-air tigh For tbe ouMlde league! of liberty. Where art. aweet lark, tranilatts the skr Into a se&vedv icolnHr- Each day all day" (these poor folks aay), ' In tbe came old year-lonir. drear-lnnir war. weave In the mllli and heave in the kilna. We ileva mina-raenhfia nnH thm mm To relieve, O Ood. what manner of Ilia? . loe eeasu. tney bunirer, and eat. and die; And IO do we. and th nriit1, , silence, fellow iwlne; why nuzzle and cry? Wwinetaood bath no remedy fay many men, and hasten by. But wbo said once, in a lordly tote, Man tball not live by bread aione. But all that Cometh from tbe Tbrone? nam uoa lam go? But Trade aaith nn- ana tne kiim and the eurt-tongued mills av (in: There's p'enty that can. if you can't we know; uui, u jruu mm jou re uncerpaid,a &uv vvur lire pruuuc: we re nn, arruifi: Trade ti trade. One afternoon I recent! v visited mnr than a score of tenements where life was battling with death; where with a patient heroism far grander than deeds oi aaring won 'mid the exulting shouts of the battle field, mothers and daugh ters were ceaselesslv Dlvin the nfiedW in several homes I noticed bedridden invalids, whose sunken eyes and ema ciatea laces toid too plainly the story ui iuuuius, anu DernaDS vears or slow starvation amid the squalor, the sicken ing odor, and almon universal filth of the social cellar. Here one becomes painfully conscious of more inmates than are visible to the physical senses. Specters cf hunger and fear are ever present. A life-lonar dread weicrhs ud1 uu me neans oi inese ox ues witn crusn ing weight. The landlord, standing with a writ of disposession, is continu ally before their mind's eye. Dread of sickness haunts evory waking .moment, for to them sickness means inability to provide the scant ' means of nourish ment which life demands. The despair of the probable future not infrequently torments their rest. Such is the com mon lot of the parent toiler in the slums of our great cities to-day. On most of tbeir faces one notes an expres sion of gloomy sadness, or dumb resig nation. Sometimes a fitful light flashes from cavernous sockets, a baleful gleam suggesting smouldering fires fed by an ever present consciousness oi wrongs en dured. They feel In a dumb way that the lot of the beast of the field is hap pier far than their fate. Even though tbey struggle from dawn far into the night for bread and a wretched room, they know that the window of hope is closing for them in tho great throbbin. centers of civilized Christendom. Sa indeed, is tne thought that at tbe pres ent time when our land is decked as never before with stately temples, dedi cated to tho great Nazarene, who de voted His life to a ministry among the poor, degraded and outcast, we find the tide of misery rising; we find uninvited poverty becoming tbe inevitable fate of added thousands of lives every year. Never was the altruistic sentiment more generally upon the lips of man. Never has the hnman heart yearned as now for a truer manifestation of human brotherhood. Never has the whole civilized world been so profoundly moved by the persistent dream of the ages-the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. And yet, strange anomaly! The cry of innocence, of outraged justice, the cry of the mil lions under the wheel rises to-day from every civilized land as never before The voice of Russia mingles with the cry of Ireland. Outcast London joins with the exiles of all great continental and American cities in one mighty, earth-thrilling demand for justice. He who takes the trouble to look beneath the surface will see the explanation of this apparent contradiction. The no blest lives in every walk of life have entered a protest against time-honsred wrongs and conditions, and this has given hope to the sinking millions of civilization's exiles, and like a man overboard who sees the coining life-boat, they cry, where a few years ago, seeing no gleam of hope, they were dumb. In creased intelligence also is rapidly changing the slave and vassal into a man who reason and prepares to act. While on the other side, intrenched monopoly and heartless greed, behold ing tbe rising tide of discontent and un derstanding its significance, in many instances grow more arrogant as well as more vigilant and subtle in their persistent efforts to prevent anything which looks toward radical reforms. The present is a transition period. The new is battling with the old. Humani ty's face is toward a brighter da7. The i mpulses of the race favor another step in the slow ascent of the ages, but ancient thought lies across the path way; while intrenohed power, monopo ly, and plutocracy, are clinging to her garment in the vain hope of checking the inevitable. Now what are the causes, actual, tangible, discoverable, of this "unin vited poverty" which is overwhelming the lower, weaker, hardest-working classes? The completed census statistics of the five states above referred to show that tbe interest paid yearly on real estate mortgages alone by the people living in those states, is oyer sixty-seven and one-half millions of dollars. Add to this vast sum the chattel mortgage in terest paid, together with the interest on personal notes and on all bonds, and multiply the product about six times for the other states, and we shall have in figures of inconceivable vastnees the sum which the banking and money loaning gang draw yearly, without re turn, from the producing classes. Were cot our soil almost ienxhaustibly fertile and oar people the hardest working and mo$t productive toilers on earth, this enortttous interest drain alone would in a ten years pauperize and completely ruin, and enslave the pro ducing class. But interest is not the only item of lossin their book keep ing Senator Call of HJmda his made a careful study cf the rlroad land grant ngures and estimates that the people iana given away by bills railroaded through Congress, have already coat, or wui eost when all bought back by the people, more thaa ten thousand tuilliont of dollars, the poor being forced to pay this enormous amount for the land Gd made for them; which by natural right should have been free to them. And the railroads got not only a large part of the land, but the power to tax at pleasure the people. Senator Call in his great speech said: inee treat railroad como ration with lines traversing the different sec tions oi our countrv. Dosses an nnhml ted power of taxation over all produc tion and all consumption. In the aggre gate over every man, woman, and child of the 65.000.000 people in the United States. This power of taxation is up to this time practically unlimited and un restrained. I read from the reonrt nf mo interstate commerce Commission for the year 1800 that the total gross receipts of these corporations amounted tome sum ot 1,052.838,000 annually. ana in mv opinion the indirect iTa levied by them on the people of this country amount to more than this Srots sum of 1,052,333,000 annually, ere are the tables in thi rannrt nf tho stocks and the propertv not all, but only a part of that which tU.a 1 J I . 1 ..J unmnirai ignij wno io-aay are the most powerful nobility which the world has ever seen. Who can estimate. Mr. PmairiAnt th kukki vi mis vast sum oi money drawn daily from every part of our country to the great centers of commerce and finance, leaving the people in the coun try impoverished and without the means of carrying on their business except by the purchase or by the borrowing of r . ... - uiuuejr ai. enuimouB rates oi interest, never less than 8 per cent, ahd from that to 20 and 25 per cent? Who can estimate tne enect of this power of tax ation in the hands of a small numhr nf individuals, largely foreigners, resident in foreign countries and controlling the laws of foreiga countries, possessing a power of taxation over the people of our country three times greater than that exercised by the Federal govern ment, even including the payment of tne enormous pensions which are annu ally appropriated? The effect of this policy uoon the country is beginning to tell with fearful results. It Is a great power; it Is a power wumu controls iogisiature3 and. judges and oourts, and which has been felt in the prostitution of the judicial tribunals of the country. I have no hesitation in saying that there have been proceedings had In the United States courts of Flor ida affecting the homes of the people on public lands which are without the shadow of law or authority and have been in the interest solely of individuals ana corporations and m absolute disre gard and even contempt of the law and of the rights of the neoDle: nroceedinom which, in my judgment, of least re quire that an investigation should be had by the House of Representutives to determine whether the public interest does not demand that articles of im peachment shoule be preferred against the judge who has rendered the orders for the deprival of the people of their homes in tbe interest of persons having neither a right nor even a claim ol right, and indictments and prosecutions under the criminal laws against the persons who have entered into conspir acies to defraud the people and the gov ernment "God's in his heaven," but all's not "right with the world." A few have got the land in the large cities and mort gages on half the farms; a few own the mines and railroads; a few monopolize tbe working forces of steam, electricity and machinery; a few have the money we must borrow, the capital they force us to pay tribute for; a few control the prices of everything and greedily fix rents, freight rates, Interest charges and all monopoly prices, to enrich them selves and reduce the people who pro duce all their wealth to. a state cf abject dependence and poverty. Headquarters. Nebraska headquarters for the nation al convention will be at Hotel Dellone, corner Capital Avenue and 14th sts., Omaha, Nebraska. Not knowing what amount of room to engage the commit tee simply secured the main parlors for consultation and committee work, with privilege of cots to the number of their capacity. Other rooms can be had on application at the regular rates, $3.00 per day, if made in time. The Southern Mercury's Opinion of Mr- Burrows' Argument. Dallas, Texas, March 22, 1892. Nebraska. State Farmers' Alli ance, Lincoln : Dear Bros : The copies of Bro. J. Burrows' reply to the "Per Capita Delusion," in pamphlet form has been received and carefully read, and we take pleasure in stating that it is an able, complete reply completely an nihilating the sophistries of the Century Magazine article. Bio alliance lecturer or worker should be without it. Yours for justice and independence, Southern Mercurt. The April Arena. Frederick L. Hoffman contributes a striking paper on "Vital Statistics of the Negro," to the April Arena. Mr. Hoffman argues that the death rate of the colored race is far greater than the birth rate, and employs exhaustive tables of statistics to prove his position. The paper is able aud will doubtless awaken much interest. Congressman John Davis contributes a paper on Money, which is thoughtful and merits careful reading. Mr. Davis does not worship gold. He views the money question as it is seen by the south and west, but his statements are well con sidered and thoughtful. Another in teresting paper in this issue is by Alfred Post, of Boston. It is a charm iag presentation of the new world lan gauge, Volapuk. what it is and what it is destined to accomplish. Rev. George St. Clair contributes a well prepared paper on what he is pleased to term ' Rational Views of Heaven and Hell." Dr. St. Clair is an English clergyman of ripe scholarship. Anolhor paper is from the pen of the editor of the Arena, entitled "Two Hours in the Social Cellar." Mr. Flower gives vivid pictures of dire destitution among the worthy poor of Boston, after which he boldly states what to him appear prime factors ia crushing to starvation, vice, and s:u an ever-creasing multitudo each year. People who wish to think earnestly along tho great progressive lines of thought which characterize our present civilization, cannot afford to miss the regular visits of the Arena, which has been termed "The nine teenth century Isaiah." . Hon. J. H. Powers has resigned from the Nebraska World's Fair commission. Sri on our first page, the beautiful poetic tribute to Congressman Mc- Keigkan, written by Mrs. Kellie. n The Doughty John Spoke bis Piece to the Gray Haired and Bald Headed Boys cf the "Young Men's Eepnblican Club" of Lincoln at the Lansing last Thursday Evening. Everybody Satisfied with His Effort Ex cept His Friends. The campaign, as far as the republi can party is concerned, is now fairly opened in Nebraska. It was opened in this city a week ago. by the Union Pacific Railroad Company, by their attorney in fact, the Hon. John M. Thurston, at the Lansing theatre. No combined circus and menagery has ever been more thoroughly advertised. It brought to the city enongh of the faithful throughout the state, with what they could drum up with brass bands about the streets, to comfortably fill the theatre. The speaker had a fair audience, and the surroundings were everyway favorable for the noted orator. From every seat before him beamed 'an interesting countenance lrom every seat around him and behind him shone an ivory shirt front, except one, and it was of the Nemaha pattern. Col. Tom's shirt on this occasion seemed to have had an extra dip in the Indigo bath tub. It was after eight o'clock when the curtain was rolled up, and, what was left of our young friend Collins, since his encounter with W. L. Green at Wahoo last fall, stepped to the front of ' the stage and introduced tbe speaker. Of course the applauding committee made a partial report as the curtain went up, but asked Ifurther time to complete their labors. The committee seemed well drilled and got in their work at regular intervals during the speech, which lasted, including time occupied by the committee, about two hours. THE SPEECH. The speech was a very remarkable one. That was what everybody ex pected it would be. The national reputation of the speaker and his acknowledged ability gave assurance that it would be a remarkable speech. We pronounced it a remarkable speech as soon as the speaker sat down, but, for fear we might be mistaken, we asked several of his more intimate friends for their opinion, and all pro nounced it a remarkable effort. It is true we heard a few of John's political friends coll It the "worst kind of rot," but they were, no doubt, honestly mis taken. They evidently don't know what it takes to constitute a remarkable speech. They evidently think a speech is only remarkable for what it contains, when the fact is a speech is often more remarkable for what it does not con tain. In this sense only was Mr. Thurston's speech remarkable. It is the easiest thing in the world for a man who is reasonably well informed and has ordinary command of language to talk for two hours and tell what he knows, or at least a considerable por tion of it, but for a man who is consid ered a walking encyclopedia of know ledge, ' and with a reputation as an orator co-extensive with his country, to be able to talk for two hours to an intelligent audience and avoid telling anything he knows, or believes, must indeed be a remarkably shrewd man. He is worth to any rail rood company for political purposes alone, twelve thousand dollars a year. Outside of declaring himself a protectionist, and discussing, for a short time, the tariff, and giving us the old story of the de cline in price of steel rails, as a proof of the benefits of protection, he did not hint at another issue. In the short dis cussion of the tariff, however, he gave us, his poor hearers, considerable comfort. Ho volunteered the informa tion that he had bought a brass bed stead some four years ago, and now under the McKinley bill they are now made in this country and are much better and cheaper. And another thing that did every poor man's soul good was the information the speaker im parted that the poor man's son the boy ms suirt sleeves, stood a Deuer chance in the race of life than the son of the millionaire. What a blessing, according to John, it is to be poor, or at least to our children! We have endured poverty all our lives, but we never appreciated it before. As we have a larger supply of it than the speaker has been able to corral on a twelve thousand dollar a year salary, we felt like contributing to his stock or exchanging a part of our poverty for a part of his salary, or his brass bedstead. O John, what do you take us for? Don't try to make us believe poverty is a blessing. With all your ability yon can't do that. "Go sell what thou hast and give to the poor," and come and enjoy poverty with us, and we will believe in you, but not while you preach such doctrine and demand and draw such a princely salary and recline upon an imported brass bedstead. We expected and had a right to expect a diseussion of other and more vital issues. The silver bill was at the time being pressed to a vote in con gress, but Mr. Thurston had no opinion upon the free coinage of silver. The question of railroad rates has been uppetmost here in Nebraska for years, but not a word had the speaker to utter upon this subject. Nothing entered into the great orator's speech except a little tariff twaddle, and to tell the boys he was a republican, and always voted the ticket whether his friends, or the friends of the other fellow, were on it. Yes, it was a great, speech, and the campaign is now open, and tariff is the issue and the only issue. Wb export more cotton than bread stuffs, the cotton exports being 3276, 6fc8,OS0, and of all breadstuffs 1231,429, 890. The value of our exports of animal products is 160,000,000. i i 4 V V 6