i"B jjj jjY mmwf VOL. nL LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, MAR. 3, 1892. NO.' 38. Battle Song of the New American Army of Independence. BY OBOBGI HOWAHD OIBSOS. Sou of America, defender Of Fretdom and of deathless Bight, Atrain the Lord of Sabaoth tender "A sword," a iwoid, and bid jou fight: B( bold the poor and hear their cries! Behoid the poor and heir their cries! Shall tyrant drag them bound la fetter Of euncd law, which keep them lave, And even grudge them land for rrayesf Shall worker bo perpetual debtor? Cclte, unite, ye just! The cword ef truth draw forth! Advance, advanoe with mighty tread From west and south and north! Here, br where Liberty first lightened. And freedom spoken shook the world, Where hope for all the humble brightened, Acd mightiest kings were backward hurled Lo here, where equal right are pledged, IjO here, where equal right are pledged. Are king with all their brood of curse I la this broad land by blood made free. Dependent million bend the knee and plead with tear for sovereign mercies! Cborcs Unit, etc. With title flaunted in our face They trample down the perple'i wllll They crowd the -jtilllon from their plaoes, And call on hireling horde to kill. Above the earth they sit enthroned ! Above the earth they sit enthroned. And sweep their rt aim with hunger soourge I They drive the poor from nature' stores. For greater gain they look the doors. And dare the crowd that round them surges! Cnoaug Uslte, etc. They claim the ways which commerce uses, A bold highwaymen robbing all: Tney ho'd exohange, and each refuses It use till aU before them fall! The people now are ruled by gold! The people now are ruled by gold 1 But shall we here be made the minion Of kings, on freedom' sacred soil, , Aid yield thsm wealth by slavish toil, ; Content to wear their galling pinions! CHOBns-Cslte. cto. Once more, once mure aro heraos waking. As dawns a righteous day foretold, And marching forth their cry is shaking The hideous shapes of evils eld : fly all for all our laws shall be! By all for all our law hall bo ! The forming host of honest labor Snail give to each bis place, his part, With equal worth In overy mart Arid neighbor live atpoaee with neighbor. . Chorus Unito, etc. I NEBRASKA NOTES. A grand Alliance rally will be held at Indianola, March 5. The Clay county Alliance will establish a paper at Clay Center. , Frontier county will hold it fair at StockvlUe, Sept. 37 to 39. Joe Brutal, cf Plattstiiouth, was driven Insane by religious excitement. - The jury in the Bedfleld assault case at O'Neill returned a verdict of guilty. An irrigation and power canal will probably be constructed in Garfield coun ty; ' The roads in McPherson county are pro nounced to be in worse shape than ever before known. A gray wolf, measuring 6 feet 2 inches from tip to tip, was shot near Bayard by Henry Young. The Prohibitionists of the state are selecting delegates to the state convention at Lincoln, March 3. A stock company has been formed at Hickman to rebuild in brick the buildings lately destroyed by fire. St. Patrick's day will be celebrated at Plattsmouth by a grand celebration and 1,500 visitors are expected. The problem of whether to build a court house or continue to pay rent is agitating the minds of Antelope people. Henry Gibbons has been appointed re ceiver of the Commercial and Savings bank recently closed at Kearney. The Grand Island and Wyoming Central depot at Hedflord was visited by burglars who overlooked a large sum of money. Now that Kearney has the Republican state convention, it Is proposed to secure Governor McKinley to address the gather ing. A new depot has been completed at South Plattamouth, several new buildings are in prospect and stock yards will be f put in. Hayes county papers say there are good prospects of a north and sou'.h and an east and wsst railroad through that county. Four thousand dollars has been sub scribed toward building a college at Pawnee City. Work will commenoe when JG.000 la raised. ' : The oldest son of Louis. Clark, near Campbell, dropped bis gun from a road cart aod the wound made amputation of one arm necessary. The Nebraska Manufacturers' and Con sumers' association adopted a long memorial protesting against Bryan's free binding twine MIL. The eighth annual meeting of the southeastern Nebraska Teachers' associa tion will be held in Tecumseh March 80 and 81 and April 1. The Hullinger-Van Tilberg salt at Wallace ended by the latter being bound over on the charge of adultery. Twenty witnesses were examined. The body of Frank Nuel was found neai Superior, and a shot gun lay near him. One barrel had been discharged through his heart, and it is supposed to have been a case of suicide. An attempt was made to burn the pho graph gallery of A. R. Campbell of Beat rice. The establishment was saved, and it has developed that the fire was started by enemies of Campbell. A petition has been submitted for the examination of certain Dawson county records. The independents claim this is a partisan measure, and ask to have all ' records for four years overhauled. Nebraska farms were never in more de mand than at present. Those wh i did well last year are'buytng more land that they may extend their operations. People from other states are coining in by the score. The Genoa Methodists declined to ac cept the ministrations of the pastor sent them by the conference. The members removed the furniture ) from the chflrch and will hold their services in the opera house. , A meeting is called .for March 3, at Newport for the purpose of forming a Hock county Beet Sugar association and o make contracts for the coming season to grow and deliver beets to the Norfolk sugar factory. MORTON FOR PRESIDENT. Forakcr Credited with Engineering a Boom for the Vice President. GORMAN IS IN THE FIELD. Senator Gibson's Bom Paper Say H Would Bo tbo Strongest Eastern Caw dldato The Third Party Want Gree ham Oklahoma Benublican. WiSHisaTOS, March 1. Ex-Governor Foraker is engineering presidential boom for Levi P. Morton. A statement sent out to Philadelphia some time ago that Vice President Morton would not be s candidate for renominatiou was denied with to emphasis that seemed to show the vice-president was more than willing to stay in public life. The infer ence was that he found his present du ties quite congenial. Within the last few days, however, several leading Re publicans hare been approached with the suggestion that Morton would make a good candidate for president. Whenev er the suggestions have been followed up, ex-Governor Foraker has been named as the man engineering the scheme.. It mar be that Foraker' name is being need without his knowledge, but he has been freely quoted in Washington to the effect that he can carry a majority of the Ohio delegation to Minneapolis for Morton for president. Most of the son .tors like Mr. Morton so well as a pre siding officer that they have declined to give their support to any scheme that would transfer him fro.'n the senate chamber to the White House. .Third Party Wants Gresham. Cincinnati, March 1. A. W. Wright, member of the national executive board of the Knights of Labor, passed through this oity on his way to Philadel phia from St. Louis, where he attended the industrial conference. Mr. Wright is in favor of the new party and he thinks that it will be a very formidable factor. It was learned from another delegate that during the conference a number of leading men in the movement decided that in order to secure success it would be necessary to take up some new man for president. "The man has been agreed npon,"said the delegate with a significant smile. "He is promi nent and has been before a national con vention before. The industrial forces would rally around him to a man." The speaker refused to divulge the person to whom he referred, but it was afterward learned that it was Judge Walter Q. Gresham of Indiana. Senator Gorman is In the Field, Baltimore, March 1. Senator Gor man will enter the race for the Presi dential nomination at Chicago. The Easton Democrat, published at the home of United States-Senator Gibson, the ed itorial columns of which reflect' hia views, contained an editorial which is believed to have been inspired by Sena tor Gibson, who, through the influence of Senator (Gorman, has just been elec ted to succeed Senator Wilson. There is such a sharp rivalry among the friends of Cleveland and Hill, and such bitter animosity that it would be unwise to nominate either of them. The only eastern man who will develop any strength at Chicago is Gorman, and if he is not nominated, the choice will fall to the west. He is popular with Presi dent Cleveland's friends because of the service he rendered them. He would not be antagonized by the friends of Governor Hill and he can carry New York. r FARMERS'lALLIANCEJ CONFERENCE. A Four Days' Session Commenced at Sioux City. Sioux City, la., March 1. The Farm ers' Alliance conference of the Eleventh congressional district met at the Hotel Fowle, in this city. The session was secret. The conference lasts four days This meeting is intended to give the southern Alliance agitation an impetus not only in northwestern Iowa but also in adjacent parts of Dakota and Nebraska. Alonzo Wardell, lec turer of the national Farmers' Alliance.is here. He declares that the Independent party is not sing ground, but gaining in the western , states, particularly in Nebraska. In reply to questions about tho Na tional Cordage company, he declared that it is entirely distinct from the Na tional Union company, but admits that he knows that many of the officers and stockholders are Identical in both com panies. One of the chief features in the meeting will be the organization of co operative stores in this part of the state. George G. Crose, who has charge of the work for the national Alliance, is here. Hill In Mississippi. Jackson, Miss., March 1. Governor Stone received a telegram from Senator David B. Hill saying he could not ad dress the legislature as per invitation ex tended for March S, but would do so on March 15 if the legislature should re main in 'session. The governor sent a message to the house inclosing the tele gram and the house adopted a resolution stating that March 15 would be accepta ble and requesting the governor to no tify Senator Hill of the action. The senator will have an immense audience, as the people will come from all portions of the state to hear him. Oklnkoma Republicans. El Rfixo, March 1. A largely at tended Republican county convention was held in this city for the purpose of choosing delegates to the national Re publican convention. The convention indorsed Harrison, Governor Seay and Judge Bnford. Gray a Candidate for Governor, Indianapolis, March 1. A report has gained circulation that ex-Governor Gray, who has been mentioned as a can didate for president, has decided to be a candidate for the nomination for gov vernor. Mr. Gray is. reticent. New York Republican Convention Date. New Yoke, March 1. The Republi can state central committee ha decided that the convention to select delegates to the national convention shall be held in Albany, April 38. - EXPERIMENTS WITH CELLOLOISE- The Navy Department to Teat IU Ability to Knp a Ship from Sinking. Washisotox, March I. The navy de partment authorities hare determined to make.some extensive experiments with celluloise, the new material used in the construction of Freach vessels for the purpose of preventing the inflow of water through holes made by the pene tration of projectiles. The United States steamship Hartford lias been de tailed for this purpose. The trials will take place near Norfolk, Va., where a large floating tank made of this mater ial is being constructed. The tank will be towed out to a convenient place in the bay and fired at by the great guns of the ship. The value of the test will be determined by the amount of water that flows into the tank after several penetrations hare been made by 0-inch projectiles. The advocates of this ma terial for the protection of buoyancy claim that it will be impossible to sink the tank, as the holes will close np so rapidly and completely that no apprecia ble amount of water can get in the in side. It is further claimed that with a liberal use of this material as a paoking any vessel can be made unsinkable. The peculiar properties of the material, which is composed of the ground fibre of the cocoannt with the glutinous por tions removed, causes it to swell like a sponge immediately upon coming in contact with the water. It also lias the advantage of lightness and of being practically fireproof. THE RAILROADS. The Interstate Comment Law Receives Blow In Illinois Favored -tho Union Pacific Springfield, His., March 1. Judge Allen, of the United States district court, sustained the demurrer to the indict ment against Milton Knight, traffic man ager of the Wabash railroad, for vio lating the interstate commerce, law by transporting flour for Litchfield and East St. Louis, His., to Montreal, Can ada, for less than schedule rates. , The court held that congress has no power to regulate the rates for the j transportation of freight from a point ! wholly within the United States to a point wholly within an adjacent coun- try. This is another and a very severe . blow at the interstate commerce law 1 and it practically settles all cases pend j ing in this district. Efforts are being made to hnu other indictments here, but will likely be discontinued. Mo Causa for Complaint. Chicago, March 1. Chairman Smith, of the Transmissonri association, has just decided a case in which the Union Pacific agent at Trinidad, Colo., was charged with ticketing a party of Ital ians to Turin, Italy, by New York and thfa French line of steamers at a cut rate of $3 per passenger below the regular tariff. The chairman decides that there is no provision in the association agree ment under which such a case can be reached. Steamship tickets, he declares, are sold by the agents of all roads in his territory on a commission as well .s by brokers, bankers and other peopli They consequently remit a part or an their commissions to the passenger agent in order to secure a party, thus making it appear that the rates have been reduced. No good results, he thinks, would be se cured by requiring the railroad agents to refrain from discounting their com missions. Tie-up on the Illinois Central. Chicago, March t. It was rumored here that the Illinois Central road had been tied up from Cairo to New Orleans by a general strike. A dispatch from Cairo says all the switchmen at that point have quit work on account of a grievance against a depot master there and that a committee has been appointed to wait upon the officials of the road. Nothing as yet has been heard from other points along the line, and it is be lieved the trouble is only of a local na ture. Will Adopt New Rate. . Topeka, Kan., March 1. -George R. Peck, general attorney of the Santa Fe, who went to New York for the purpose of conferring with President Manvel in regard to the late schedule promulgated by the Kansas state board of railroad commissioners concerning sugar and fifth class freight, wired to the commis sion that the Santa Fe would comply with the order and put the new schedule into effect A xeh 1. The President's Ootlng. Virginia Beach, Maroh 1. The presidential party was treated to a grand marine sight Sunday. Old ocean lashed luriously all day and the foam capped waves had the appearance of crests of snow. The president and his family have kept much to themselves, greatlv to the disappointment of the lady guests. The president arrived safely at Ragged island at 10:30 and was as comfortable as high tide would permit. He remarked that it was the first time he had ever been to sea in a wagon. Luncheon was served and a start was made to the marshes. The president of the Ragged Is land club selected John's island for Pres ident Harrison to shoot; from 4:30 to 6 p. m. he shot quite a number of canvass back ducks and demonstrated his ability as an excellent and sure shot. The weather was disagreeable, raining most of the time. The president showed no signs of fatigue, but en joyed the sport amazingly. Commodore Weaver has ordered the naval post band here at Princess Anne hotel on Wednes day, at tho service of the president as long as he stays, Keedham and Burke to Fight. New Orleans, March 1. As a substitute- for the ' Ryan-Needham fight, which failed to take place owing to the illness of the former, a finish fight for a purse of $3,000 has been arranged for tonight between Keedham and Jack Burke of Texas, one of Ryan's trainers. Bnrke will weigh 133 to Needham's 138 pounds, but the sports here think he has a fair chance to win, having fought twenty-five battles and has never been defeated. Storm on the Atlantlo Coast. New York, March 1. A furious storm of sleet, rain and snow prevailed all along the Alantic coast. Much dam age is reported. New Cases of Typhus Fever. New York, March 1. Thirteen new cases of typhus fever have developed within the last twenty-four hours. BEITER TRIPLE TRAGEDI rosses Scouring the Country for tho Escaped Prisoner Miller. A LYNCHING IMMINENT. The M urderer and Sulri.te the Son of a Notorions Texas Desperado A Bottle r Whisk and Two Dead Men. The Crime Record. Dexter, Mo., March 1. The streets of Dexter have been filled with people excitedly discussing the tragedy in which two lives were lost and the city marshal so badly wounded that be is not expect ed to recover. The whole country is aroused, and if Miller is caught he will be roughly dealt with. Miller was seen about 6 o'clock three miles southwest of Dexter. Since then no one has caught sight of him, but several posses are hard after him. At that time he was in his shirt sleeves and had lost one of his shoes. This last fact will make it easier to track and capture him. All the point along the line of the Iron Mountain railroad have been telegraphed to and guards placed at each station and water tank to prevent him from board ing a train. Armed men are scouring this and Dunklin counties, and it is hardly possible that he can escape, al though the swamps afford good hiding places. . The body of the man who, in attempt ing to release Miller, killed A. F. Coop er, mortally wounding Marshal Sprinkle, who had Miller under arrest, and then committed sufcide, was identified by several per sons. His name was Moore. He was the step-son of the notorious Bird Tackett, who for several years was the terror of Stoddard and Wayne conn ties. Tackett married a sister of Miller, and it was her son and Miller's nephew who caused the terrible tragedy. An examination of his body revealed the fact that he had been shot in the right side of the breast, the ball enter ing near the shoulder. With such a wound he knew that escape was impos sible, and with posse in close pursuit of him, and, : preferring death by his own hands to death at the end of a rope manipulated by the infuriated mob, he blew nis brains out. Bescued His Son, Then Surrendered Blm. . Omaha March'l. The father of Bert Andrews, jailed at David City on the charge of tampering with the mails, who broke ont of jail last week, has sur rendered his son to the authorities. The father admits that he liberated the boy from the jail, but pleads that his son is innocent and that . his mother felt so badly that he saw no harm in breaking the lock. Work of Anarchist. Paris, March I. It is now believed that the dynamite explosion in front of Princess De Saenn's mansion was in tended for the Spanish embassy next aoor, ana mat tne anarchists blundered. The police are at work on the case. A Bottle of Whiskey and Two Dead Men, Guthrie, O. T., Marcel. At Alex ander, Creek reservation, Charles No. combe, a Creek Indian, shot and killed another Creek Indian and a strange white man in a quarrel over a bottle of whisky. Sedalla Suspect Arrested. St. Louis, March. 1 A negro was arrested here on suspicion of being the perpretrator of the outrage on Mr. and Mrs. Bradley at Sedalia last week. He answers the discription of the man, but declares his innocence. Probably Murder. CiNcrxNATi, March 1. Tom Vahey, a workingman was found dead at the edge the culvert under the old river road, ,r the south side station. Suspicions . foul play are entertained. PAYING ITS CREDITORS. The Broken Denver Concern Returning Bonds and Mortgages to Owners. Denver, Colo., March 1. George W. E. Griffith, a receiver of the Western Farm, Mortgage and Trust company has filed a petition in the district court asking power to collect and pay claims against this company. The legal docu ment filed shows that the company now has in its possession a large number of bonds and mortgages belonging to indi viduals who have not been paid and for the return of which their owners are asking. . Judge Allen has issued an order di recting the receiver to deliver to Thos. Johnson a $2,500 mortgage on Kansas property. This is but the beginning, and orders of the same kind may be exjiected al most daily, for the patrons of the con cern are using every endeavor to recover what they have deposited. Declared Illegal. Columbus, O., March 1. The supreme court rendered a decision in the quo war ranto case brought two years ago to test the legality of the Standard Oil company's charter. The decision of the court declares the trust agreement be tween the Standard Oil and other con cerns forming that trust to be illegal. The incorporation of the original com pany is not annulled, however. Kmery-Faslg Horse Rale Cleveland, March 1. The first of the Emery-Fasig sale opened. Thirty seven horses were sold for $14,J70. The most important was Fanchon bv Ham dallah to Look & Smith, Louisville, Ky $2,700. Congressional. Washington, March 1, The house resumed consideration of the Indian ap propriation bill. In the senate a largo number of bills were reported from the committees. Opposed by Chicago's Council. Chicago, March ). The council form ally placed itself on record as being op posed to the sale of the capital stock of Chicago Economic Fuel Gas company to the gas trust. ENGLAND AND THE FAIR. British Brooders Protest Against Bo cent Baling at Washington. London, March 1. A meeting of the committee on agricultural food pro ducts for tlie Chicago world's fair was held, the Earl of Feversham presiding. Earl Cathcart, Earl Conventry, Hon. Mr. Burdett-Contts and other prominent persons interested in the matter, were present, including the leading agricul turists of the country. There was long discussion over the order of the Washington authorities that after April 1 no breeding animals shall be admitted free of duty, nnless accompanied by certificates proving their pedigrees for five generations on the side of the sire and four on the side of the dam. The order was pronounced very unreasonable and entirely uncalled for. The secretary was instructed to write to the managers of the fair that only small proportion ef English breeders can comply with these requirement and that if insisted upon the order will have a serious effect on the British exhibit. It was further pointed out that the British exhibitors would be placed at an nnfair disadvantage on account of the fact that animals already imported from other countries would not be affected by the new restrictions. The members of the commission expressed the opinion ttytt animals accepted for the Royal Agricultural society's show ought to be eligible for free admission for exhibition at the Chicago fair. Feeling ran quite high and there was a disposition among a goodly portion of the members to drop the idea of exhibiting at Chicago at all. INDIANAPOLIS STRIKE. An Inconvenienced Cltlaen Secures the Appointment of a Beeolver for tho Street Car Company. Indianapolis, March 1. The street car strike is ended, Ths effort to swear in citizens as extra police had proved practically a failure. Everybody got out of the way that could, and the few that were sent into the street with badges were chased and roughly handled by the crowds that seemed to spring up from all sides, . whenever the "specials" appeared. With such a state of affairs no effort was made to run cars during the day. The strikers sent a committee to Presidont Frenzel, with a letter expressing a willingness to con cede anything in reason. They were re ceived and Frenzel promised to give them an answer in the morning. W. P. Fishback, master in chancery under Judge Gresham, filed a petition for a receiver of the company before Judge Taylor, He sued as a citizen on the ground that he is inconvenienced by the failure of the company to operate. W. T. Steele was at midnight appointed re ceiver of the company with bonds of $100,000. Receiver Steele took possession of one of the car barns and started twelve cars, manned by ex-strikers. The cars were received with cheers by the crowds on the streets. The street cay company at tempted to evade the receivership by taking an appeal from Judge Taylor s order. - An Inebriate' Novel Prayer. Washington, March 1. Excise Com missioner J. Spitz caused a sensation Tuesday night at a revival meeting in the Whitestone, L. I., Methodist Epis copal church by shouting: "Oh, Lord, I pray that you will cut off an inch and a half of my wife's tongue. Oncelwds rich: once I was a trustee of the village. Now I am ruined and a drunkard." Mrs, Spitz, who was present when her hus band uttered his prayer, left in a hurry. Later the pastor, the Rev. Mr. Werri ner, asked all those who wished to be prayed for to go to the altar. Spitz ac cepted the invitation, and led his son and another boy up by the ear. Spitz was then removed from the church. He seemed to be under the influence of liquor, , Jay Gould. New York, March 1. Two carriages drew up to the house of Jay Gould and shortly afterward Mr. Gould appeared at the door, leaning on the arm of Dr, Munn. Miss Helen Gould and her brother, Howard, came behind, and the quartet entered the first carriage. The vehicle was driven rapidly to Jersey City, where the party took . a train for Washington. Mr. Gould appeared to te very weaK. Big Fire at Albany. Albany, N. Y., March ). Fire started in Mather Bros', wholesale grocery and spread to the surrounding property. For a time it was feared that the famous hostlery, Stanwix Hall, would be de stroyed, but the firemen after a hard fight got the flames under control. The business places burned were: Mather Bros., Babcock, ' Shannon & Co., Van slick & Harton, Banks Bros., L. & B. S. Ledger. Total loss, $200,000. Fair Commissioner Resigns. Harrisburq, Pa., March 1. Execu tive ' Commissioner ' Whitman, of tho world's fair commission, has received 229 applications for space at the Chicago exposition. Mr. Whitman has tendered bis resignation, which he wants ac cepted at the next meeting of the Penn sylvania world's fair board. Two Killed by an Explosion. Savannah, Ga., March 1. The sta tionary engine in the Savanah, Florida sod Western shops exploded. The town was considerably shaken. Engineer John C. Murphy and Fireman Jim Schalt, colored, were killed, and a white and a colored porter mortally wounded. Struck Against Monthly Pay. Shenandoah, Pa., March 8. The miners and laborers employed at Lentz Lillis company's colliery struck, owing to the operators returning to the month ly pay system. The men at the Morean colliery are also dissatisfied and will likely join their fellow workers. With All on Board. Philadelphia, March 1. The British steamship Brampton, which sailed from St. Jago oa Feb. 16 for Philadelphia is seven days over due, and it is believed she has gone to the bottom with all on board. . Baptist Matter Settled. Ashland, Neb., March 1. At last tho Emanuel Baptist church of Ashland has secured recognition at the hands of the Baptist churches of the state. HER IE ME STORY. Mrs. XeTins Says Secretary Blaine's Statement h Largely Erroneous. CRITICISM OF THE PRIEST. Circumstances Which Led Archbishop Corrlgan to Grant tho DUjMusatloa. The Ex-Wife to Make Public a State ment Regarding Her Marriage. New York, March 1. Mrs. Nevlns, the mother of Marie Nevini Blaine, who recently secured a divorce from James G. Blaine, Jr., was seen in refer ence to the statement sent out by young Blaine's father in which the secretary of state proceeded to answer there marks made by the South Dakota judge, Mrs. Nevins said: Secretary Bhrine's statement is a tissue of lies from end to end. I and my daughter will prove that to the world before we are through with it. His story of our interview with Mrs. Blaine U largely manufactured out of whole cloth. I will tell yon exactly what took place. I accompanied my daughter to the house. The nurse and the child were with us. We were shown into the drawing room. Mrs. Blaine came in. We all bowed and proceeded at once to business. Marie asked to see her hus band. Mrs. Blaine said she could not see him. She insisted upon the nurse leaving the room. She said she wonld not discuss the matter before a servant The nurse and little Jim went to the kitchen. We continued to talk matters over for some time. All three of as were perfectly cool. Mrs. Blaine said when Marie spoke of going away again: Well, you can leave your baby here, if yon want to.' If Marie had been some poor outcast whom Jim Blaine had se duced, Mrs. Blaine could not have spoken in a more brutal manner. I spoke np for Marie:, 'They have both done wrong, Mrs. Blaine, in marrying - without our consent.' A moment or two later she turned to my daughter and said in an extremely significant sort of way: 'Well, Jour marriage was all wrong, anyway, larie.' Then I protested. Mrs. Blaine im mediately flew into a fury. She almost foamed at the mouth. She rang a bell and a servant appeared with surprising rd. If . it had been my servant I ild certainly ; have accused her of eavesdropping. 'Show these persons out,' cried Mrs. Blaine, and then she added, and 'watch them.' We walked out and called tho nurse and little Jim. At the door of the carriage the nurse, who was crying out of sym pathy for Marie, said: 'Mrs. Blaine yon aro a eoona to co awav like this. Yon are his wife. Go right np to his room. No one has a right to stop yon.' Mane went, back into the house. I stayed in the carriage. Then it was that the scenes took place." Ducey's Part. New York, March 1. The Rev. Thomas I. Ducey, pastor of St. Leo's Cath olic church, left town. Before he went away, he said. "Mr. Blaine said I transgressed my nriestlv duties in marrvinor his son. What Idid, I did with the knowledge and consent or Archbishop uorrigan. The dispensation was obtained from the archbishop, who knew all the circum stances. This relieves me of all respon sibility in the matter. Mr. Blaine's son told me he was 21 years old. How am I to know that he was only 18? Mr. Blaine should prefer his complaint to the archbishop, not to me." Archbishop Corrigan delegated his secretary. Mgr. McDonnell, to reply to Father Ducey's statement: "I am sur prised, " said Mgr. McDonnell, "that Father Ducey tries to shield himself by drawing tne arcnoisnop in tne matter. All that the archbishop had to do with the tnarrinare was to issue the dispensa tion. Father Ducey carre to the arch bishop's house with young Blaine and Miss fvevins. He explained the situa tion. The archbishop was reluctant to grant a dispensation. lie talked to the young couple for more than an hour. but he could not dissuade them from their purpose. The young man said as he lacked but a few weeks of being 21, there could be no objection on the score of age. .The archbishop told young Blaine that on account of the conspic uous position of his father he should be careful not to do anything that might lnienere witn nis tatner b plans, xue young man was persistent and on Fath er Ducey's recommendation the dispensation was granted. It should be understood that, the archbishop's post was simply to grant permission to Mr. Blaine and Miss NevinsytD.be married by a Catholic priest. It was the duty of the priest who performed the ceremony to ascertain if there were any obstacles to the marriage. When young Mr. Blaine's father wrote to Father Ducey the letter published, he sent a copy of it to tne arcnoishop. 1 he archbishop re quested Father Ducey to explain to Mr. Blaine at once. Father Ducey said that he would explain when he thousrht nro- per, and the archbishop told Father Ducey that as a matter of courtesy he should reply to Mr. Blaine's let ter. After the marriage, Mrs. Slrerman, the wife of General Sherman, called on the archbishop to speak about the marriage. The arch bishop explained his position, and told her how he had acted in the matter. Mrs. Sherman informed Mr. Blaine what the archbishop said. She called on the archbishop again and told him that Mr. Blaine expressed himself as perfectly satisfied with the archbishop's action. Mrs. Sherman said also Mr. Blaine highly appreciated the courtesy of the archbishop." The Ex-Wife Next. Sioux Falls, S. D., March 1. -Judge Palmer, attorney for Mrs. James G. Blaine, Jr., was seen in regard to the statement issued over the signature of James G. Blaine, Sr. "Mrs. Blaine will not make a state ment today," said Judge Palmer, "but she will be able to in a day or so. When her statement comes it will present some facts which probably not even Mr. Blaine himself is acquainted with. His son is the principal in each event, and with him it will deal." Mrs. Blaine, Jr., has been so ill ever since her return to Deadwood that she has been unable to leave her room and declined to be interviewed on the sub ject of the statement. DOES AWAY WITH TWINE. A New Soir-Blnder Patented by Colore! Man of Springfield, O. Sprikofield.O., March 1. The records of the patent office show that very few patents are granted to colored men. For that reason a self-binder Justin, vented and patented by Peter D. Smith, an old colored man, has created a great stir in manufacturing circles of this city, which has some of the largest reap er works in the country. For some time Mr. Smith has been working on several inventions. After a hard struggle be was rewarded with a patent on a new binder that , mechanical experts pro nounce destined to revolutionize again the manufacture of harvesters. Mr. Smith s invention is a machine that doaa away with the use of twine entirely and binds the sheaf with a band of straw. It is what is termed a "low-down1 binder, the binding apparatus being ea the platform where the grain falls m it is cut The band, being twisted, is very strong although no larger than a man e finger. Several of the large firm in thta city are examining Smith's inventioa wjth a view to manufacturing it NEWS FROM ABROAD. Kearly Haifa Million Miner In 3rMt Britain Preparing to Strike Star ving Slav Denied Snecor. London, March 1. It is now esti mated that 450,000 miners will cease work in a fortnight in the effort to pre vent the masters from putting into ef fect the scheme to reduce wages. The mining industry throught Great Britain will be greatly affected, the only minm who stand aloof from the movement be ing those employed in South Stafford shire and East Worcestershire. Branch industries will also be adversely affected and close on a million people will feel the effect of the straggle. The prices of coal are raoidly rising in London, the figures showing an advance) of 75 cents a ton above Saturday's rates. The increase will fall heavily on tha poorer clvmrm. It is expected that at tha end of the week coal will sell at double the usual prices. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS- An agreement ha been reached by wUd France and the United States will enter into a commercial treaty. Ex-Congressman Morrill has announced himself as a candidate for the Republi can nomination for governor of Kan sas. S. W. Vandervert of the Twenty-sixth Judicial district of Kansas has convened court at Arkalon for the purpose of try ing the Dunn murder case. Three children, Orpha and Joe Stridor and Roy Simpson, lost their lives in a fire which destroyed the residence of Joe Simpson of Seattle, Wash. Three distinct shocks of earthquake were felt at i'he Dalles, Ore. The vibra tions were n i;h and south and lasted four seconds. No serious damage is re ported. An explosion of a stationary boiler oc curred at the Savannah, Florida and Western railroad round house, Savanah, Ga., killing four men and wounding many others. A sale at auction of all the public land outside of the permanent govern ment reservations at Hot Springs, Ark., has been ordered by the government to take place April 10, and it is attracting much attention in various parts of the country. Warren Springer, a wealthy citisen ef Chicago, has been indicted by the grand jury on a charge of manslaughter, on the ground of criminal carelessness which led to an explosion in a battery of boilers in one of his buildings, by which five people lost their lives THE DEATH ROLL. General GkorcE W. CiLitrai, at New York. Emily Yeamaks, actress, at New York. Henut b. Foukk, leading lawyer of Iowa, at Dubuque. Matthew iland Harrisox, Minnesota world' fair commissioner, at Duluth. Josefr Heexak, journalist, at New York. Thomas Dolan, telegrapher, at New York. BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE: Twenty Thousand Starving Slav Dante Snecor by tho Austrian Government. London, March 1. Famine prevails in northern Hungary, and 20,000 inhabi tants of the county of Arva are in state of distress equalling that prevalent in Russia. The government will not re lieve the sufferers because they are of the Slav race. German newspapers in Pesth indignantly protest against this inhnmanity and demand that the suffer ers be relieved and provided with grain for the spring sowing. THE MARKETS. Chicago Grain and Provision. CarcAoo, March t WHEAT March. SSMc: May, fOkio. CORN-March, ilfcc; May, iSHo. OA '18- May, )c. PORK May. S1L4. LARD-May. tH-aTfe ' , BIBS May, 15.95. Chicago Live Stock. Us ion Stock Yard, i Chicago, March t f CATTLE-Estimated receipts. T.ttP bead. Natives, S3.5D&.V25; cows and hulls. S&JSa&M; Texans. $1.003,ia; western, S2.23(a4 00. Mar ket firm. HOGS Estimated receipts. 15,000 head. Light. Hfr$S U: mixed and medium, St.SOa 4.9U: hmvy,l4.tS4.90. Market strong. SHEEPJ-WestariM. S3.7iiQS.8U; Datives. S3.W 5.10; Texans, 3.2i3.0. . Kansas City Live Stock. Kaksas Crrr, March L CATTLE-Eatimated receipts. 2,900 bead; sh ipments. l.MUO. Sales: Dressed beef and shipping steers. S3.06J4 Hj; cows and heifora. S1.B&'U5: stockers and (seders, .'.liki3. 4S. Market was steady throughout. HOttS- Estimated receipts, S.S11 head; ship ments, r.WT. The market was steady to&a lower; extreme range, f3.25Qt.6i); balk, 130 4.4j. Omaha Live Stock. Uhio Stock Yards, I Omaha. March 1. 1 CATTLE -Estimated receipts. 3,700 head. 1.SU0 to 1.5U0 lbs.. S3.4ua4 ; 1.1U0 to l.SXI lbs., $3.33 l: 8U0 to UUU lbs., S3.0UJ3 U: choico cows, J2-iVa50; common -cows, 91.2SQ2.3b; good native feeders. S3.75jl3.40; common feed ers, ftMUaz.TO. Market steady. HOGS-Estimated receipts. 2,70.) hewd. Light, $4.5(46$; mixed. 14.6044 SO; heavy, S4.MQ ISA- Market Ilk! h!her. )