The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, February 11, 1892, Image 5

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    12 40 in greenbacks. In 18T0 wheat wm
II 00 a bushel an 4 tbe bullion in aailver
dollar was worth tl 03 ia gold, la the
same year the total production of silver
in America was on! $17,000,000. while
in ISSW it wm ITU.401.645.
InlSVO when silver was quoted at
tl 10 an ounce and wheat at Chicago
old for 90 centa; today silver ia quoted
at 84 centa an ounce and wheat at Chi
cago U 87 centa a bushel. Had the
price of wheat been gauged by the price
,t)l ailver, wheatat Cnicago today would
sell for only tiC centa a bushel. Three
years ago corn was so cheap in Nebras
ka and Kansas that it was used as luel
and millions of bushels were burned in
the place of ccaL today it sells at 25 to
80 cenU a bushel.
The fact is that the decline and rise
in the price of silver has no more effect
upon the price of farm products than
has the decline or rise in the price of
copper or pig iron. The law of supply
and demand governs the price of com
modities as the law of gravitation gov
erns the rise and fall of rivers. The po
tentirj force that has lowered silver on
the scale of prices has been the same
force that raised it out of the bowels of
the earth. When the production of our
mines was small, silver commanded a
higher price than when the output of the
unties had increased and the cost of min
ing had decreased. Since leTSlbe output
of our silver mines has increased enor
mously, while the amount and cost of
labor expended in mining has decreased
very materially. It is computed that the
cost of mining the bullion contained in
our standard silver dollar is 48 cent.
Incidentally let mo call attention to
the fact that the talk about crippling a
great industry by withholding tree
coinage is baseless. Silver mining has
never been more profitable than it has
been since congress made the coinage
of twenty-four millions of silver dollars
a year compulsory and especially since
the act of 1890, which requires the sec
retary of the treasury to buy and store
away 4,500,000 ounces of silver every
Colossal fortunes have been made in
silver mining within the last fifteen
years, although the wages of the miner
nave been gradually going down,
Tne mining of the precious metals is
not such avast industry as many people
imagine. All the gold and silver mines
in the United States only employed 07,
307 persons in 1880 90. Their average
earnings, including superintendents and
mining experts was $729 a year, or $2 a
day including Sundays.
There are twice as many persons en
gaged in farming in the state of Nebras
ka alone as in all the silver mines of
America, and the products of Nebras
ka's farms for the year 1801 will yield
more in gold dollars than all the silver
mines in tho United States have yielded
in any single year.
Mr. Burrows insists that it takes twice
or three times as many bushels of wheat
or corn and other product of the farm
to pay any given sum of interest, and
he asserts that it would take twice as
many products of the farm or factory to
pay the small national debt of today,
as it would have taken to pay the na
tional debt at the end of the war.
Such comparisons are deceptive.
There are not two days in a year on
which any given commodity will ex
change for exactly the same quantity of
other commodit'es.
It is of no consequence to the farmer
whether he gives fifty or 100 bushels of
anything if the fifty bushels cost him
precisely the same as the 100 bushels.
One thousand bushels of wheat today
will not pay as much on a farm mort
gage as it would thirty years ago, be
cause it does not cost tho farmer In days
work to raise 1,000 bushels of wheat to
day what it did 500 bushels thirty years
ago both standard gold times. It is an
established fact that a farmer can pay
off bis mortgage now with wheat selling
at 75 cents a bushel using the modern
methods and machinery with the same
number of day's work that would have
been required to produce the same
results before the war at $1 a bushel.
Tutting his corn at 26 cents a bushel
it would take the same number of days
work to pay oil a given amount now
that it would have taken in 1800 with
corn at 41 cents a bushel. This results
from the use ef improved machinery
of today which has put down prices.
All commodities that the farmer buys
hdve fallen in price by a larger percen
tage tlmu those which the farmer pro
duces. The great fall in prices that has taken
place within the last twenty -five years is
bemoaned by free coinage men as the,
direst calamity, when in fact it has
proved a great blessing to the toiling
masses in the workshop and on the farm.
It has placed within the reach of these
breadwinners commodities that wero
considered luxuries fit only fer the rich.
Cheap prices have marvelously in
creased the consumption of all products
Laborers who formerly only had meat
pnee a week now have meat three times,
a dt.y,
When pebble paid 81 for six pounds cf
Kurar they used sugar like medicine in
teaspoonful doses. Now that they jret
twenty-two pounds of sugar for $1 they
use it as liberally as they do salt. And
what is true of sugar is true of hundreds
of articles that may be found in every
household. But I cannot expect to con
vi nee a m:in who claims that the people
of the United States are paying $9 in
interest for every paper, gold and silver
dollar in circulation. If that were tmo
we would be paying as interest fourteen
thousand three hundred mil It oris of
dollars a year or 4320 interest per capita
$1,100 a year for every man with a wife
and three children. Was there ever
such teckless exaggeration.
I could be quite content to let
Kesewater close the debate on
coinaze with his article this week.
shall only briefly allude to some of ,hia
glaringly incorrect assumptions.
As to his figures about old coinage of
silver 1 is quarrel is with the secretary
of tho treasury, not with me. I quoted
his figures correctly. And in either
case bo material fact bearing on the
actual question at issue Is proven.
But Mr. Hose water's statement that
the silver dollar was dropped out of our
coinage in 1873 with the full knowl
edge and approval of nearly every man
in the country who at that time took
any interest in the coinage or monetary
questions, is simply monstrous. The
tacts iu relation to this matter are his
toric;;1., aT"l as stated. No person
lias said that it was " tmuggled throng!
by the connivance cf a majority of the
members of both houses." What Is
claimed is that it was Bmiig1od through
by the connivance of a very few mem
bers, and that tha great "majority of
members of both housas " knew nothing
about it.
President Grant slated, years aflor
wards, that he nig tied the bill of 1873 In
Ignorance of its provisions dropping
tne silver dollar.
Kr.Gariield said, in lS, that he
" was ashamed to confess that he did
not know what was In tho bill demone
tising silver when it passed it was put
through upon the faith. of the chairman,
Mr. Hooper of Mass. (lr. Garfield was
a ruooibf r of the house in ISTo.ln
Feb. 13, 1878. Mr. Vorheee said. "Its
enactment was as completely unknown
to the people astho presence of a burg
lar in a house nt midnight is to its sleep
ing inmates."
Mr. Blaine, (who was speaker when
tho bill passed tho house) said, " I think
now, Tery clearly, with tho light before
me, that It was a great blunder.
I did not know aaylhiug tha was in
the bid at all."
Hon. Allen G. Thurman of the senate
said, " I cannot say what took place in
the bouse, but I know when the bill
was pending in the senate we thonght
it was simply a bill to reform the mint,
regulate oiuags. and til up one
thing and another, and there is not a
single man in the senate, I think, un
less a member of the committee from
which the bill came, who had the slight
est idea that it was even a hint towards
ilr. Kelley of Pa., March. 9. 1878,
said that "tnougn chairman of the com
mittee on coinage, 1 was as ignorant of
the fact that it would demonetize tbe
silver dollar from our coins, as were
those distinguished senators, Messrs.
Blaine and oorhes " Cent- Record-
Tbe absolute recklessness and unre
liability of Mr. Bosewater's statements
may be seen from tho above. Only two
or three members of congress, one of
whom was John Shermttu, of Ohio, '
knew the villainy the bill contained,
and the people were absolutely igno
rant of it. !
Parenthetically, let me protest right
here against the term " bony finger,"
as applied to any of my digits. Though i
rather slight in build, I weigh 150 lbs.
My frame Is well padded with healthy
muscle and adipoise tissue; and to be
held up as a haggard cadaver in behalf
of the single gold standard is a stretch
of editorial courtesy which cannot be
I do contond, as Mr. Rosewater says,
that the net of 188 is largely responsi
ble for tbe general depression and
stagnation of busiuess since that date.
I asked Mi. Bosewater, last week, to
indicate some general cause that could
produce these results, if that act, and
the general subsequent legislation in
line with it was nut the actual cause.
He has failed to answer my question,
though be quoted and fully understood
it. Instead of attempting to answer be
goes back to the period prior to 1873 i
and attempts to account for the panic
of that year. In doing this he misstates
history, and shows an entire lack of un
derstanding the cause of the " Black
Friday "and the financial disaster of
that year. He asks, "Will any free
coinage man explain by the prosper
ous era following the war. with its
abundance of money and high prices
culminated in national bankruptcy and
a general prostration of all industries
and enterprises, from which it took the
country more than ten years to recovery"
Yes, more frank than Mr. Rusewater,
I will explain tbe reason to tbe satis
faction of every candid man.
The enormous expenditures made
necessary by the war called for a much
larger volume of money than then ex
isted in the country. As always in
such emergencies the volume of specie
was insufficient. Specie payments were
suspended, and the government issued
various kinds of paper money, among
these U. S. Treasury notes, or what are
known as greenbacks. As is always
the case in times of increased money
volume, all kinds of production re
ceived a wonderful impetus. Probably
more actual wealth was produced per
capita in the years 1S03 to 1867 than in
any ten years of our national existence.
Unfortunately and unwisely, in issu- i
ing its legal tender paper, two impor
tant exceptions were made. The gov
ernment discredited its ow a paper to
the extent that it would not receive it
for duties on imports, nor pay it lor in
terest on the pnblic debt. This made
gold a necessity to the government and
at tbe same time a speculative commo
dity. The gold board was established,
and men became wild in the gold specu
lation. More gold would be sold in one
day on that board than was in ex
Isteace . in America aud the United
Kingdom. "Black Friday" was the
direct and legitimate result of that gold
craze, which was ths legitimate result
of tho exception clause of the green
back. The business of the country had be
come adjusted to the Increased volume
of money demanded by the war. The
panic of 1873 was caused by tbe un
wise attempt to compress the business
of the country of 1870 into the straight
jacket of the money volume of '81-2.
Granting for argument's sake that the
money volume in '65 may have been too
large, It would not nave been too much
for 1875; for during that time the wealth
and business of tbe country doubled in
amount, requiring double the amount
of money. New territories were popu
lated, sew rai' roads built, states nna
citiee sprang p as if by magic, the
seceding states returned to the union,
until every dollar of money in. the
country . was needed and protitabl?
employed. But no! The money power
demanded contraction, and contraction
Jjegan. The Chicago Inter Ocean, the
leading republican paper of the west,
thou edited by Hon. F. W. Palmer, tho
present national printer, said, in its
issue of June 29, 1878;
" So the shriakaje went on, at the beck
bad been contracted $l.28.m).OR5, leaving a
volume of money of ;65,T9.6S5."
The United States Monetary Com
mission said of tbi3 contraction:
"If all t bo debts ra this country had been
doubled by an act of legislation, i would
have been a far less calamity to the debtar
and to the country than the increase of ibe.r
real burden already caused by a contraction
in the volume of money."
The contraction of the currency from
a volume of $48 per capita in 1805 to
$13 per capita in 1873, multiplied the
purchasing power of the dollar by three,
and reduced the yalHe of property and
tho debt paying power of products in
the same ratio.
The horrors that Mr. Rosewater por
trays in his question, and many more,
followed. The "crayu," "Black Fri
day," .!.' the panic," almost a total sus
pension of payment of private indebted
ness came, carrying ruin, disaster,
bankruptcy, in its train, strewing the
years 1873-4-5 6 and 7 with the ruins of
privata fortunes ana business.
Tlwre wero 8000 failures in 1874
against 6C0 in 1865, or five to one, and
suicides increased m about the same
Tbe country not only did not recover
from the shock la ten yerxs, but it nos
not recovered from it yet.
The crime of the demonetization of
silver was only a repetition of the crimp
of tho destruction of the greenbacks,
and has extended its disastrous effect
from 1?73 to the preeCM time.
lh bafcnce.of Mr. Bosewater's arti
cle of this week is BO entirely wide of
any application to the subject as to be
unworthy of him. He takes my argu
ment showing tie decline of money
Toluaito relative to production, and
pronounces it "the key-note for tke of prices." Certainly. But
it mere nati neon an increase oi mooey
to correspond with increased produc
tion there weuld have been cu shrink-
He row devotes paragraph to com
paring the price of silvcr'and wheat in
1856 59. Tho piiae of single commo
dities vary year by year. It is only by
averagiiigprices for terms of years that
tho full effect of money volume is
shown. Tho facts arc too well known
to maka it necessary to rtpeat them.
He 'fiow bf gins upon tho price of sil
ver and its relation to wheat sinco its
dei'icnetization, anl then says;
The 'art It that ta decline aad rlM In tbe
prlc of aiirrrhMao flfir effoot upon lb
pnw of f rm prod el taaa tu to d'.lue
vr rlM to tu price ot cupper or pig Into."
The principle I have demonstrated Is,
that tolume ef money, not the price ef the
material ef money m commodity, con
trol prices. But India being a silver
using country and a wheal producing
country, wi h her commerce largely
controlled by England, a wheat using
coun'ry, it happeus that the price ef sil
ver is of vital moment to ourwncat
raisers. Br tbe demonetization of sil
ver tbe people of England are enabled,
with sold, to buy silver at 30 per cent.
discount, which when shipped to India
and coined into rupees, will buy as
much wheat as could have been bought
with the gold. Thi is equivalent to
buying wheat at 30 per cent, less than
it could be bought were silver not de
monetized. Ike wheat raiser of tms
country is thereby compelled to com
pete with underpaid ana nait-starveu
ryots. And so it is with our cotton
planters, and every article of Indian
export. "The law ef supply and de
mand," finding its first expression in
tne supply of money relative to pro
ducts, "governs the price of commo
dities as the law of gravitation governs
tbe rise ana fall of rivers.
Mr. & now makes some immaterial
comments on silver mining. Not deny
ing my assertion of last week, that our
financisd policy tended to depress the
value of our silver product. -
Mr. Kosewater institutes a compari
son between the amount of product re
quired to pay a mortgago now and be
fore the war. Admitting no is correct,
which I do not. it is a sufiioient answer
to ear that morttraies have increesed
out of all proportion to tho Increase of
products to say them with. Besides, l
assert wlthont fear of successful contra
diction, that mortgages cannot be paid
ok with wheat at 75 cis. a busuei. Any
practical man can demonstrate this.
An acre of wheat on an average Ne
braska farm cannot be raised for less
than $8 83, not counting interest on any
part of the plant excopt land. . Averag
ing the yiold at 15 bu. per acre, It can
easily be seen what a ltm chance the
mortgage would have after subsistence.
In fact that price would not provide
Mr. Kosewater now makes the amaz
ing statement that low prices are a
blessing "to tbe toiling masses in the
workshop and on the farm.''
Again we must ao by averages, and
so considered, all history proves that it
is not so. 1 shau not arguo tne ques
tion, only thus far: The period since
1873 has been an era of low prices. Let
Mr. Rosewater ask the millions of
tramps, tho millions of men working ou
short time, half a million of miners
working for CO to 80 cents a day, and
paid in ordors on "pluck me" stores,
the millions of bankrupt merchants and
mortgaged farmers, which he could
find in any year of that era, and all who
understand the cause of their sorrow
will tell him that low prices are not a
' Mr. It. assorts that I said the people
were paying $9 in Interest for every
dollar in circulation. Mr. Rosewater
must be vory much occupied indeed to
cause him to read so wildly. Of course
1 have said nothing of the kind. What
I have said, (but not in this discussion)
is that there were in use about 89 of
eredit money, based on deposits, for
every dollar of actual money In tho
President C. A. Robinson, writing in
the yon-Conformist, asks, " What is the
matter with the little towns?" He has
been traveling all over Indiana and
finds the smallest towns are not pros
pering. The conclusion he reaches 'is,
that tho farmers are not prospering.
They have less and less money to spend,
and so tho small towns which they di
rectly support are at a stand still or
even worse.
If the farmers received enough mo
ney for their product to buy baek as
much labor value as they turn into the
general market, they would, because of
their hard, ceasless labor, be the wealthi
est class in the country; and thosa in
tho small towns who directly serve
them would be the best patronized mer
chants and mechanics to be found. Ths
farmers are the heart of business life.
Thay pump blood into tho commercial
arteries. But speculators, usurers, mo
nopoly tax-imposers and something-for-
nothing seeKers of every sort, as blood
sucker-;; fti'C hanging to every vein, rob
bing the weary muscles, ana tne nesit
not receiving back tbe current that It
gives must of necessity grow weaker
and weaker. ,
Every one knows that houses and
lots in small towns as a rule, tbe country
over, must be sold at much less than
they cost, KBd tho above reasoning
shows why it is. The wealth is being
drained away from tbe producers and
massed for the few in the large cities.
In May last year we opened an in
surance department in the Farmers'
Alliance, since which time tho depart
ment editor has had it in charge aad
has given many lessons from statistics
of old mutual companies from other
states. Ho has also looked into tho cost
of insurance in tho stock companies of
this and other states and given com
parisons that would certainly impress
any person with the idea that mutual
insurance is just the kind of insurance
when it is nronerlv manaced.
We hope that all eecrctarys will lend
the editor of tho insurance department
a helping hand and give him all infor
mation on tbe subject that they may
have, and in fact make this department
a valuable one for all who are at all in
terested in insurance. When our farm
ers are fully informed on co-operative
insurance, thev will realize that all
other businesses can be carried on in a
tlmilar manner to tbe great advantage
of t he farmer.
Now, reader it is a good time to set
up a milestone for the independent
movement, for had not there been ac.
independent legislature last winter, no
law would have been passed by which
;i mutual company could have been in
corporated. Address all communications to J. Y.
M. Swigart, comer Eleventh atd M
streets, Lincoln, Nob.
We publish tho oilicial vote of Ne
braska for 1890 and 1801, nhowing that
there was no falling off of our vote in
1801. We have not tho official vote of
Kansas, and fear wo cannot comply
with Brother B.'s request. But tho fact
is as he states.
A Poser.
Docs ay one foul able to answer the
following question:
If silver certificates can be Issued ou
silver bullion, why cannot wheat certl
licates bo issued on wheat, and corn err-
titicates on corn, and cotton certificates
on cotton?
Subscribe lor Tint AxiiAnCK.
Local Ml M
Local Editor and Adrcrtisinc Solicitor,
A. J. Riirby & Co.. havo 400 farms
in Kansas. South Dakota and Nebraska
that bare been taken in on mortgages
and must be sold. They are going
cheap and on easy terms. 105 U St.
3o tf
rarThe next meeting of tbe Lincoln
Congregational club will be held at the
First Congregational cburv-h Fb. 24.
Tbe subject for discussiou U "The Pub
lic Schools."
tW One hundred and sixty acres of
unimprovod land for sale in Webster
Co. Will take part stock In payment.
Address, C. Lyon, Rosemont, Aeb.
MTCharles E. Winter won in the re
cent oratorical contest at the Wesleyan
university and will represent that col
lege in tbe state contest.
C. M. Loomis, the hardware man,
who is advertising in our columns, finds
that it pays. lie received an order .
from the western part of the state for !
goods, from a Farmers' Alliance
reader, lost week. Air. ivoouiis mows
bow to please and retain customers
when he gets them.
A. J. Rigbv & Co., Is expecting . a
larce oartv of land seekers from the
east in Marcn, ar.d those having (arms
for sale, rent or trade win ao wen to
list them with them. Address
35-tf 1025 O Street, Llacoln, Neb.
ty Work on the new Normal unlvcr-
ssty building begins tuts wecK. ine
university Duuuings win uo re Buy jur
occunancr Sept. 1. and a force of twenty
to twenty five teachers wdl be in charge
of tho different departments.
Soring time is coming arid many ot
our readers will be purchasing them a
home, before closing ao you suoum cuii
ou or address
A. J. UiGBY & Co , the real estater,
35-lf 1025 O St.. Lincoln, Neb.
t-At tho local oratorical contest at
the state University Saturday there
were four speakers, Rufus Bentley, II.
W. Qualntance, Charles D Chandler
and C. U. Sklles. Mr. Skilos receiving
first place will represent the state uni
versity iff the state contet, and Mr
Bentley as second win be alternate ana
delegate to the state association.
Young men learn a good trado tele
graphy and railroad business, steady
employment and good wages. For
terms, address Lincoln Business Col
lege. Lincoln, Neb. 84-2t
C3?Tbe Austrian government is to
assume control oi an tne teiejrapn
lines in that country this year. But
free if) America must remain in tbe
grip of a Jay Gould monopoly.
Will retail 200 photograph albums at
wholesale prices. C. M. Leigh ton, 145
S. 10th st. 25 tf
tarEuirene Webb whom we formerly
knew as a promising youth of Butler
county, later a knignt oi tne quiii in
Custer county, is again engaged in
newspaper work, this time as editor
and proprietor of tho Mtrna Record
His salutatory is a very clear and vig
orous presentation of needs and rem
edies. A. J. Rigby & Co., hare twenty one
one Quarter sections in Wbeoler and
Uardold counties that must be sold. For
a cheap home address them, wio U St.
tSTThe 14th day bf April, 1890, only
14,000 bushels of wheat were sold in
New York, while the same day 44,
OOt',000 bushels of fictitious- wheat were
sold. And on the 24th day of October
494 actual bales of cotton were sold in
New York while the same day the fic
titious bales of cotton sold there num
bered 158,800. Yet the Chicago and
New York boards of trado affirm that
gamlsiliug in options is only tho Insig
nificant Froth upon the surface of Ni
agara. Monoy to loan at low interest,
A. J. RiOBr&Co.,
85tf 1015 U St., Lincoln, Neb.
tarTho Lincoln itome Industry asso
ciation has been organized for the pur
pose of advertising and pushing to the
front home industries. About forty of
Ltneoln's manufacturers and whole
salers have signed the articles of agree
ment, and with W. B. Howard as sec
retary of the association, good work and
lots of it is assured. Lincoln people
know it Is for their interest to build up
busiuess here in as many lines as pos
sible, and they will be ready to help
others in order to help themselves. '
BST Horsos widtcrl 111 exchange for
Catpen tor work. Peters, 8504 Vine, St.
. i t : 1 Mk
11 . Ajiuwiu, iici;.
E1T According to Mr. C. Wood Davis
who has investigated and published his
facts ia pamphlet form, besides testify
ing before tho congressional committeo
0 b agriculture, wheat in Chicago has
been 8 to 10 cents lower, and in Liver
pool 10 to 40 cents per bushel higher
thau last year. Tho market has been
kept down here and all wheat raisers
robbed by reported option sales of im
mense offerings of wheat which only
existed on paper. Tho anti-option bills
are designed to prevent this pernicious,
eambliDz and niako prices conform to
supply and demand.
Doing a rushing real estate and money
loaning business,
A.J.Rioby&Co., 85lf
105 O St., Lincoln, Neb.
3$"Rer. Washington Claddon, D D.,
will deliver tho charter day Palladian
club address Monday evening, Feb. 15,
at tho New Lansing opera house. His
subject is announced to be, "Tho True
Socialism." Dr. Gladden is near the
lore front amonij ministers interested
in social problems, and bis addresses
and published works have made him
well known, throughout the civilUed
world. He' is a most talented and
pleasing lecturer and will discuss ques
tions of vital interest to the working
classes. We advise every ono who can
to hear him. Iits heart is with the
Do you want city property? If so,
A. J. lliby &,Co.,, 1025 O St.
t3T The banks of New York City last
week had on deposit 158.500,000 rrl
loaned out, and $3(5,000,000 larger
surplus than the law requires. V.'.vll
street reports that "it is bcconiiug a
erious question with not on ly tno bariKS,
but with insuranco companies, trust
companies, and all money institutions
what to do with this plothora of funds."
Tho policy pursued, however, is to buy
ud all stocks navinir dividends, and
every business which can be controlled
by a trust is being sougnt out anu ao-
nrbed. Tho nioncv nourinir into Wail
street is taken from the people, leaving
the people always poorer and more
at the mercy of the money kings. Each
syndicate, each trust, each btwiaess con
trolled bv capitalists. Increases the
numljer who must beg for work and
accept their terms or starve. Yet the
tools of the money nowcr. the old party
press, would make everybody believe
that more money in thoir hands than the
banks know well what to do with is an
evidence that the people Tiaye plenty of
money and are abundantly rewarded
for their labor.
Learn Telegraphy at the Lineoln
I Business Collejo. 2oli
tlT A farmers' Institute will bo held
at rairtmry. February 11 and 13 Prof
lugersoll tif tbe agricultural college, ex
G ivernor Furnts of tbe state board, S
C. Bassett of tho Slate DairyuienV asso
ciation, President Cramb of the insti
tuto and other will deliver addresses
tyEggs. eggs, eggs for hatching
frtm thoroughbred L. Brahmas. 8
Wyandotuu, W. C. P. CWna and P.
Rock fowls. 8. B. Moreukap,
iiSMUt. Albiou, Neb.
tirAuotber millionaire is dead, John
B Tievor of New York, aud instead of
being worth three or four million as
was supposed, bis executors have enu
merated property appraised at 110,500,-
600. If Mr. 1'rcvor bad set up in busi
ness 6000 years ago and saved fron fami
ly expenses 11.750 fruin each year's in
come he would bare had to live and
work through all the intervening cen
turies to accumulate tbe sum be left.
His average yearly net income for tbe
forty years of his business life figures
out t'.HU.MW Does anybody with a
grain of sense believe such wealth is
gained justly!
VW A bouse and two lots for sale, or
exchange for a farm. Address,
n.Vlt j. t . I'KTEKS,
728 N. 80th St., Lincoln, Neb.
S3ST Articles of incorporation of the
Chicago & St Louis Electric railroad
have been filed at Springfield, Illinois
it U composed of capitalists, tneciaas
who expeot to monopolize or fix prices
for tho services of electriolty, as they
havo hitherto controlled for themselves
steam and expensive machinery. The
proposed electric lino will be construct
ed to cary a new form (of cars, at a
standard schedule timo of 100 miles an
hour. Will not the people seo soon
that to obtain their natural inheritance,
their equil, rightful share of land,
mineral stores, uteatu. electricity and
all other natural provisions, they must
unito to help aud defend eacn otcerr
Wby should these tireless tremendous
forces be used to tax the many and ea-
rich the few! Wby should lntoreit be
legalized, aud thereby give to capital
the product of labor, the never ending
po r to oppress?
tfSw athcrti-eicont of ground oil
Cake on page seven. ' U5m3
tW A Chicago business man, writing
recently to a great religious paper,
after many yours ot business life in that
city, says: "Chicago is more than
three times as large as it was before the
gtcat tire, yet there are lower whole
sale dry goods, grocery and hardware
houses now, than then. As competi
tion grows hotter, business drifts into
stronger hands." This testiraony agree
ing with universal observation regard
ing the drift of things, sustains what
we have often aflirmed, viz,, that com
petition cannot be permanent, that it
leads to the complete subjugation rf t he
maay by the few the reduction ot the
masses to permanent dependence aud
the elevation of their conquerors to
royal prerogatives and riches. We have
already King Rcclefellor, Kipg Gould,
King Vanderbilt, King Astor, and a
law thousand other plutocratic rulers,
each having despoil t power over tho
wages and returns for labor of thousands
of American citizens.
CWThe Journal . says, "Tbe trust
bogie tkat has haunted the imagination
ot so many wen meaning people, is oo
ing rapidly laid by In the logic of busi
ness and the march of competition.'
"It will cut no figure in polities after a
year or so," says this republican ostrich.
The Journal knows, at the same time,
that combination is the logic or success
ful business, that capital is conceatrat
Ing, and that as It concentrates compe
tltion is destroyed among capitalists
and made fiercer and fiercer among tbe
laboring and producing classes. And
the struggling masses know that their
combined votes is a vengeful specter
which affrights capitalists and will not
down at their bidding.
A New Song Book,
Wo havo received a samplo copy of
"Songs of Industry, words and music
by Charles S. Howe of Michigan. It is
a choice collection of songs for farmers'
alliance and industrial and labor re
form organizations, temperance meet
ings and the home. Alliances and others
gettiag up entertainments will find it
valuable as tho music is new and tbe
words well adapted to the inspiration
so desirable in songs of this character.
The book can bo ordered from this
office or of the author, Charlej S. Howe,
South Allen, Mich. Price 25 cents per
jopy, or 20 cents a copy by the dozen.
The Progressive fiocietyi
On Sunday afternoon lant a Very In
teresting meeting of the above society
was held at the hall of the Conservatory
of Music. Miss Sara Schwab read a very
interesting paper on "tho reform papers.
ternoon, Feb. 13, at 8 p. m.. Rov. Lloyd
Skinner, minister of the Unitarian So
ciety, will rend a paper on International
Copyright. All are cordially invited. An
interesting discussion wiu follow Mr.
Skianer's paper.
The Progressive Society Is composed
of ladies and gentleman who meet to
discus? the live questions of the day in
an inquiring and fraternal spirit. No
proper subjects are barred.
Save Your Monoy.
Send for a receipt and make your
own blueing for five ceats a gallon in
stead of paying ten cents for a four
ounce bottle, equal to $2 per gallon
This blueing is superior to any en the
market. Toil your neighbors of this
and send for a receipt, price 25 conts,
five receipt for $1. Address
24tf J. P. Haruis, Fairfield, No.
Farm For Rent,
A grain and stock farm of 480 acres
m S juth-east corner of Custer county,
175 acres in fine state of cultivation.
Balance in grass and pasture For par
ticulars call on or address, (until Feb
ruary 15 ) L. II Thomas.
Litchfield, Sherman Co.. Neb. 84 2-w
For Sale.
A well improved farm 200 acres, 2
houses, 2 barns, 6 acres of bearing orch
ard. Terms eapy. tor particulars enqmro
of H. II. Verrellon tbe premises 2 miles
north aud 1 mile west of W ahoo. 8lw
I am now ablo to (rive price of coal at
your depot en all R. tf. in tho htato.
20tf l. VV. UAKTLHi, Otaiu .agi.
A Serious Fall
Ia prices of fine stationery, albums,
soaps, perfumery and all gods, ato.
M. Leignton s, no o. iota st.
in Innrinmv
Of short-hand, type-writing aud telo
graphy is cflering superior faculties for
acquiring a found practical training in
these arts. If you al e contemplating
attending a school of this kind it will be
tn vnur interest to can on or uuureiw
the'ra at 1180 O street, Lincoln, Neb. M
The Population of Ur.oo'n Is about 60,000.
t,a wn wiMiid a at lL-A8t ontvlialf are
irou'jled with some affection of the throat
and Lun r. astnosa complaints are, atxora'
iiiir to itatlatlos. oiore numerous tliaa otlmrs,
W would adviro all mir readers cot to ne
loot tlx? opportunity t'i call on tlwir druB'
at. 1 tret abottlo of Koroma Tlalnata for the
two nrt tainira. Trial ilro l'r.'.
Wiics SOc aud f l, Bold byaUCruEiis'.a. ti via
ine aairn-icato amount of mortgages
'W In r county during the month of
January are aa fnllowa: V'arm mortgage
Filed, tJ0,130; rvliwaed, 133,777.4; rel-awd
orer filed. 113,057. X Citr tnortiraun
Hied, 10,03; relumed, I3.2W.75; filed over
retained, W833.25. Chattel mortgage
Filed, 113,0140: reloaded, 120,315.18; .
taued over filed, 10,678.79.
At our Chicago yard, and mills
Send us an Itemized Bill for Deliered Price.
Orders from Farmers' Alliances
Mention Tim Pamirs' Aimakce,
Earinf tTerythlaf
Household Goods, Crcecrbs end Provt:!:::.
We have tho most complete
line of Teas and Coffees to be
found in the city. Fresh new
goods received daily.
Choice Kio. 23c, 25c
Santas. 20c
Fancy Golden Ilio. . .. 28c
Peaberry . ........... 80o
Guatemala 30c 32c
Old Gov. Java 33,3lbs $1-00
Sun-dried Japan 19,25, 29, 35c
Natural leaf Japan. .. 35c
Basket-Fired Japan . . . 40c
Moyune Gunpowder, 40,48.28c
New geods arriving for Spring trado.
Wo can save you money on all kinds of
gsods. Writo us for wt at you want.
AWDRn Tfl PARMPR3 lr roueometotheclty drop In aad so us. Toucan m
IlUnV I V rHnmtnj. miiroad f.r8fnra hundred mllaa and I linn lavn mnnov r
a 150.00 bill of roods.
Out If you can't oomo
ny tblnar you want.
Hayden Bros., Dealers
1211 O STREET,
Something now. A chance never had before, an opportunity to bny your dry
goods and clothing at wholesale prices. Don't pay high retail prices when, you
can buy what you want at regular wholesale price.
Kead the following list of groat bargains then order what you want, yon will
find it means a big saving to you. Can send you anything in tho dry goods line.
Tell us what you want and wnat price you wish to pay and we know we can suit
you. Always add postage.
Good oorseta 85c, worth 60o.
Good corsets 00c, worth 85c.
Regular 91 corsets only 05c.
Good suspenders, 10c a pair.
Lace curtains 75c a tair, worth $1.25.
" $1.51 " " 83.
Good, boys suits $1 00, worth 81.75.
" 1.50, " 2 90.
2.25, 4.50.
Mens' suits $3.83, worth 17.
Mens' suits 15 worth $10.
Our 35c wool hoso 20c.
Ginghams, 5o a yard.
Very best novelty prints Gc a yard.
Ladies knit skirts 78c, worth $1.25.
Complete lino of notions at lowest price,
ever given. r
Bargains In millinery.
Turkish Uwels So each.
Curling Irons 5o.
It Pays to Trade at the Leader the Cheapest
Store in
1211 0 Street,
Always visit us when
it to your
a. I mmmmn
.., ntnvd
LadT kstciLH
K.T. rnwr.
edgerton farnsworth,t
Attorneys and Counselors a
Law. I
Roon 814 Niw Tom Lira Bdilbiho.
? ?
in Wisconsin and Minneapolis.
Solicited. Write us for pricelist. '
South Water, St. Chicago, IU.
Shade Trees,
Shrubs,. Jinss and Plato
Home Grown. For sale at lire
and let live prices. t
Spscial rales given on large order.
MeuUon Tn FaRMRRs' Almanc.
farmer uses is
Canned Fruit
Condensed Milk. . ...... 10 r
3lb can all yellow Craw-
ford Peaches. . .... ... lJe-
3lb can California Peaches 15 c
3lb can California Peaches.
in pure sugar syrup, ... 19 c
1 gal can California peac's 35 c
1 gtd can Call Apricots.. 45 c
1 gal can Cali. Plums. . .. 45- ft-
3lb can Cali. Egg Plums 15 e
Patronize home industry and giro us
a call in our harness department, for
we handle nothing but Omaha made
goods, and the most important fact i
the best goods ut the lowest price. We
es 11 particular uttention to those want
ing farm harness for spring use, as w
are now having a hundred sets made
especially for our sp iug trade. Aim
tbe best single harness in Omaha for
the money. Remember we -are h?ad
quorters for Saddles, Bridles, Whip
and straps of all kinas. All work
mallu our ordsr. Bead to us for prloeaon
in Everything,
Hid and Dodge Sis.
Omaha, Nab.
Pins lc a paper.
Metal dress buttons 5c a doz.
Wool hoods 35a
Childrens underwear natural wool 25a.
Gents underwear l5o, worth 35o.
Mens' wool hose 3 pair for 25c.
Wrltin paper 120 sheets for I2c.
Bargains in railliKcry.
Envelopes So a bunch.
Good lace 3 in. wide 5c a yd'..
" " I2c a yd , worth 20c
Lead pencils rubber tipped 10c a db
All wool red under shirts 50c worth SI 25
All wool grey " " 40c worth 80c.
Large all linen towels 10c each.
Good handkerchiefs lc each.
Very nice handkerchiefs 5c, worth 15e.
Very wide ribbon all colors 5c a yd. .
50c celluloid linish playing, curds 17c.
Bargains in millinery.
Lincoln, Neb.
in Lincoln, you will find
J. vr. Knot.
Gjfrntr4uraat WKJor better work wt "r"n'
ui tnv Tr a DO B.wy rvtan-aea u w -. '
lub. tin., ma?y vl l"- Ju Ui ai!mi tat lJ) km
. nstteri strum? 'IhoMruiUa a Is.Ik who ii-t tHrr rfcp'r wwfct
lWt ke? e Vwhor mul n it MiiM yw. M, are
lut ttfcaat. W MT. W KVIW JVW " """L" V"'
Uu f.JI .mount M . dlMMi;!" wreht'(w-
wo wr wwcrwfttl. ruwri an! Mwir wtrw nan
UlAt taw nrw. vviu v.., ...r, .