0 XL THE FAHMEKS' ALMANCE.LTXCOLX. XEH.. 1 HtntSDAY. JAN. 28, 1802. IV " O MM u mm 'LnolaM, in the meantime, set a boot the preparationc it was ncces&anr Khc should make for golnjj away. There raa not mach to do aside from writing , letter to her parents, which was to be pent back to them on the morrow from W agio City. But writing this letter re quired a long time, since it was hard to word It so as to make the shock as light as possible to those lured ones she was leaving. She wished to mako her conduct appear to them in the most farorahlo light, yet she could not In form them that she had taken the step to save her father from state prison. Ehe realized that the knowledge of her acrlfit.ii ueiujj iiituro for lils take would be a bitterer source of regret to her fa Cher than a term in prison. . For near two hours she wrote and re wrote letters, and at lost for want of more time signed and sealed the last one produced. It was for from satis factory, but she gave up all hope of mak ing her conduct appear excusable to ber Barents without explaining the cause of It, and resolved not to do that "It is better," she said with a sigh, as ahe placed the letter away, "that I bear the blamo. If poor papa knew bow I was driven to t his action he would ever forgive himself, and would die of broken heart; but as it Is thoy will pity me and uiouru for wo, and perhaps think much worse of me than I deserve, but they will live over It" Having completed all her arrange ments, Louise went in And undar a pretense of performing some service for her mother, found an opportunity to kiss both her parents, and then, feel ing that she was going to break down, hurried from the room, never, as she supposed, to enter ft again. She seated .'herself by tho little window, and gaz ing out into the gathering evening hadows waited for the coming of JPe arson. j When Scraggs and Dr. Bascora left the livery stable, whither they went to inquire after I'carson, they bent their jtteps toward Scraggs' office, where they decided to go to consult on the affair 'and try to devise some means of hold itng Pearson in check. When they ar (lived at the offico they found Paul Mark ham thero awaiting Scraggs' return, il'aul was quite well acquainted with oth Scraggs and the doctor, and be 1mew what thoir sentiments were to ward Pearson, so he had no hesitancy fen speaking out In the presence of both men, though he had come to see Scraggs lone. I "Mr, Scraggs," Paul began, "I am ac quainted with your actions relative to Louise Green and that scoundrel Pear son, and I know you to be a friend of the girl, and I came to consult you abqnt ber. Something has to be done to save' Iter from that scoundrel, and it bas to be done promptly. I have been on tho watch and I have had another person on guard for mo, and between us wo have discovered exactly how matters stand. To-night Pearson is go ing to take Louise away, and we must prevent blra." "I was sure of that," said Scraggs to the doctor. "I was afraid of it," replied the lat ter.' '1 wish to Heaven the confounded camp had got a leg broken." Yes," said Scraggs, "or his neck would have been better. I don't see why you didn't attend to that while you were about it, Markham." Bat, gentlemen," said Paul, "we bare no time to lose; we must act and not talk." That'a so," replied the doctor; "wo must act we must do something. Scraggs, what do you suggest?'' "I am lost," and Scraggs shook his bead, doubtingly. "I don't know what to do. We could save tho girl by force, but we can't do it without putting Green In for it I wish old Blatchford was here. That would settle the busi ness in short order." "Perhaps he will come this evening," the doctor suggested. "Perhaps," replied Scraggs, "but I hardly dare hope for such good for tune." "Then I'll tell you what," said tho doctor; "we'll wait until the train comes in. It will be less than an hour now, and If Blatchford should happen to come we're done with tho matter easily enough, and If T.latchtord don't ... come, by Oeorgc! we'll proceed ngalnst Pearson by force, We'll waylay hlra as he goes out to-uiglit and threaten to .shoot or hang him if he doobut leave the country inside of six hours." "We'll do it, doctor!" Scraggs ex claimed, "nud we'll mean business, too. I can get up a dozen men on five minutes' notice to go with us, and you may Vt your boots we'll not be slow about giving the deuced scamp a dose of western l;nv mid iutice if he don't come to time in a hurry." "I'm nfrai.l." snid Paul, "that wouldn't save John (ireeu from Mills' vengeance." "Yes, it would." promptly replied tho old doctor. "It wouldn't talco Ion? to serve Mills with a dose ofthesnmo kind of raotliciuo if ho got to cutting around too much." "ThaVs what it wouldn't," said Scraggs. "Tho country wouldn't be any the worse off if it was rid of both of them." 'Vot a bit," said tho doctor. "So we'll wait for the train, and if Blatch ford don't come we'll take the matter . In our own hands." CHAPTER XXVL THS SERPENT TIlWAW.n. As Pearson rode into town dn his re turn from Green's, he saw tho train from the cast approaching, and 'ho also 4aw Scraggs and Doctor Bascoth walk ing down in the direction of the depot do did not attach any importance to the fact of these men being together, but when a moment later they wcro Joined by Paul Markham, ho began to suspicion that something was wrong, and he-was seized with fear. "They're plotting against mo," he mused, ''and like as not old Scroggs has telegraphed for Blatchford, and they are going to the train to meet him.' By Qeorge, I believe that old doctor la in Beraggs' employ, and hta -keeping e in 'bed all those days was a put up job to fain time on me. J waj a.fool not to know that sooner, well. If Blatchford is coming I've got to be going. This town ain't big enough to hold us both." With that Pearson quickly dismount ed and running down through tho ttable turned down an alley end crossed the railroad track just before tho train passed. Taking a position on the opposite s'ule from the depot he watched the passengers as they left the cars. First a traveling man came out, then a woman and two children, and it seemed that that was all, and Pearson began to con gratulate himself again. But his con gratulations were short lived, for di rectly another pnwengr rmnrmvl. and Pearson knew only too well who it was. There was no mistaking Blatchford, although be was so aged and bent and so woefully changed from what he bad been when Pearson saw bim last "Curse tho luck," Pearson muttered, "and old Scraggs and Bascom. The jig is up for me. I've got to fly from here, and I've lost Louise; but I've got Blatch ford' money." So saylnj he slipped on board the train as it moved out, and was whirled away from Magic City forever. Blatchford was conducted without do lay to Scraggs' office where everything was explained to him. Ho listened quietly to the wholo story, but as Scraggs revealed to him the sufferings of John Green's family and tho villainy of Ilarry Pearson, tho old man's face grew ashy and his gray bead dropped low on his breast, while ever and anon a heartrending groan escaped him. It was a minute or two after Scraggs fin ished his hurrlod account before the old man moved or spoke, but at lost be raised his head and cried: "My Godl my Ood! how I have sinned. My child dying of want, and the viper I have warmed to my breast betraying my child's child to ruin. This Is mora than I can stand, men; I can not bear it another Instant Show me this scoundrel, and I'll put a bullet through his black, villainous heart Come, I must see htm." It was all Scraggs and 'the doctor could do to get tho old man quieted down, but at last they succeeded in Inducing him to listen to reason, and Scraggs unfolded his plan of procedure. "Pearson Is going to Green's to-night after tho girl, and wo must arrange to get there before him. We can never see him here, for ho will be in hiding, but we can head him Off thero. For fear he may get there before us and miss us on the road, I will have men on tho watch for him at the depot with in structions to detain him if he comes back there. In that way everything will bo safo, and we'll catch him some where in the round.!' This proposition was readily agreed to by all, and then Scraggs continued; "We wont to get away from hero without attracting attention, so while Dr. Bascom conducts Mr. Blatchford to his house to await us, Paul and I will secure a carriage and drive out that way. From the doctor's house we will proceed to Green's. Now, lot's get out of here and begin to move." Within a , Burprlsingry short time Scraggs had completed all his arrange ments, and with his companions was TI'J IT Mr.-. I W?r . A Uttls too oke-bibed. moving rapidly in the direction of John Green's place It lucked but a few minutes of eight o'clock when the carriage rolled down the long slope in front of the cabin, and Louise from her position at tho window hearing tho rumblo of tho vehielo and tho clatter of tho horses' feet, felt that tho most trying moment of her life was at hand. She- had no other thought than that Pearson was coming, and at this near approach of the climax of her sacriflco, she found herself unable to bear up longer. Hor fortitude forsook her and she laid her head down on tho window sill ; and wept But quickly recovering sho left the house and ran to tho place of meet ing Pearson bad mentioned, and there waited for the carriage. A moment later it drew up, stopped, and a man sprang out lie was at Louise's side) in an Instant and had his arms about her, and she felt her senses receding when a well-known voice spoke her name. "Ob, Paul, Taul!" she cried, "is it you?" "It Is, darling," Paul replied, "and you aro safe, thank God," and again and again ho strained her to his breast and kissed her. "See here," cried the old, doctor as he camo tumbling out of the earriagc, "it seems to mo like that is a little too ono sided. You have no right to monopo lize things, Markham, and by your leave I'll take ono or two of those kisses." "Take them and welcome, doctor, If Louise is willing, for you saved hor for me." "Ah, you blessed old doctor," Louise crloil as she flew into his arms, "Uow much I have to thank you for." ! "Tut, tut, child," the old man said, quickly, as he drew his hand across his eyes. "Let's not bo foolish. Here, Markham, she's yours; tako her and clear out Ilcre, Louise, come back here. There's another here who wants to see you. Here's your grandfather, Blatchford. And here's Scraggs. Con found It all! Scraggs Is the man for you to thank. It was him that saved you from.. Pearson: but jojo. mustn't kiss Scraggs, for he's bashful." "Am I really free of that man?" Lot- 1m asked, as she nestled la her grand father's arms and supported hi aged head on ber shoulder. "Free of him?" the doctor repeated. "Well, 1 reckon rem are. Just let him come here to-night and well make the world free of him, too." "And papa?" "Tie's all right Well attend to that, won't we, Scracgs?" "I guess we'll be pretty apt to." "That's what we wilL But here. aonfound St all, we're keeping Blatch ford waiting here while we're running on like a pack of fools, and lie wants to see his daughter. Come, let's go on to the bouse." So talking away as excitedly and happy as a boy over a new toy, the good M doctor led the way to the house, while Scraggs and Blatchford came after him, and Paul and Louise followed a little further behind, arm In arm, as happy as ever two young souls OOD BLE8 TOP BOTH." were. When they approached the door the old doctor stopped, saying: "We must be careful not to excite Mrs. Green, so If you folks will wait outside hero just a minute I'll go in and break the news to her." "For God's sake don't be long, then," Blatchford pleaded. ' "I have peeti too long away from my child already, and I mast see her quickly." "All right, all right," replied the doctor as he bustled away. "I'll not lose a second." Coming Into the room he tried to hide his joy and assume a grave air, but the great happiness that filled his kind old heart to overflowing surged up to the surface and showed Itself In his eyes and face in spite of him. John and Mary both saw at once that the doe tor was overjoyed, but they never dreamed of its cause bearing any relation to them, so they said nothing. The doctor approached Mary's side, saying: "Well, how Is my patient to-night?" "Some better than when yon were last hero," Mary replied. "Hum, glad to hear It Guess your father will be glad to know it, too. Don't you think so?" "I don't know, doctor. Be seems to have forgotten me entirely." "No, he hasn't, though. I've heard from him since I was here." "Ilave you? What did you hear?" Mary cried eagerly. "Oh, not much. lie lovesyou, though, as well as he ever did, and I think we'll get him out here before long." "Oh, doctor, do you think so, indeed?" "Yes, I do. In fact I know it" "When will he come?" "Why, pretty soon, I expect Next week or to-morrow, or he might como to-night" "Oh, doctor, he's here now. I know he Is from your looks. Where is he? Let mo see him quick." At that moment the door opened and the old man entered. Be tottered across the f-or and with the words, "My child," sank on his knees by the bedside and laid his head close by bis daughter's and in 6ilcnce wept The doctor motioned them all from the room, and with noiseless step they obeyed him, Jeaving father and child alone together. It was a pitiable sight to see the once proud, cold old man, now kneeling in deep contrition at the side of tho one he had so deeply wronged, and It was a beautiful thing to see how readily the wronged child's heart wont ont In forgiveness and Jove to tho aged parent forgetting in a mo ment all her sufferings, and all his neg lect and coldness. It was a sight tliat touched every ono present, and even Scraggs, who was considered adaman tine at heart, was seen to withdraw a little to one sldo and mop his eyes vig orously several times. After awhile they all went back into tho room to And tho father and daugh ter more calm and collectod, and after John had welcomed Blatchford and they had shaken hands and buried the past the doctor said: " "Well, Scraggs, wo have done all tho harm we can, so we may as woll go. I expeet our room would be more valu able than our company." "ou must not go, doctor," cried Mary, "until I have thanked you for what you have done." "Pshaw, pshaw, Mrs, Green, I haven't done anything. It was Scraggs who brought thi3 about" "It wasn't," said Scraggs, "it was Bas com." "Come, Scraggs, you . know better than that. It was yon who sent the telegram." "Well, it was you who did, the rest It was you who managed the broken limb, and without that what would the balance have amounted to?" "Well, we won't quarrel," said the doctor. "So you may thank whom you please, Mrs. Green. Now we'll leave you, promising to call again to-morrow. Good night" "Good night and God bless you," re plied Green, rising and taking the doc tor's hand. "And you, too, Scraggs. God bless you both." John and Mary had not been In formed of the full Import of Blatch ford's coming, and they wero totally ig norant of everything relative to Pear son's conduct to Louise. They only knew that Blatchford had been brought to his daughter with a repentant and for giving heart and they had no suspicion of their child's narrow escape from a tcrriblo futc. The doctor and Scraggs thought it best to keep that matter, se cret, and accordingly agreed to say nothing about it They arranged to call on tho morrow to further confer with Blatchford on matters of business, and then drove away. "This Is a nice piece of business for money lender to be cngagbd in," re marked the doctor as they drove back to Magic City. "You have forfeited your right to your occupation, Scraggs, and have disgraced your calling, by showing that you have a heart I shall i report yon, air." "AH right, doctor," said Scraggs, "and III retaliate by reporting yon to the medical profession." "Report me? What have I done?" "I shall inform the world that yon kept a patient Is bed a week under the impression that be had a broken limb when he had only sustained a slight sprain." Both of those old felows laughed Im mensely at their witticisms, and kept up their chat and their mirth nntll they reached their destination. They were In great spirits that night, as well they might be, for they had witnessed a world of happiness, and joy is always contagious. They were not only greatly pleased with their work so far, but each had mental ly resolved to carry it on farther, and this resolution was another well spring of loy to their hearts. Dr. Bascom bad decided to take Paul Into his practice, which was enongh for them both, and Scraggs had decided to sell Green's farm and get John settled In business at Magic City. He knew of a good opening for a man of Green's honesty and ability, and he resolved to get him Into it chapter xrvn. THECOHCUTSIOS. The flight of Pearson was discovered by Scraggs at an early hour the next morning, and a little later upon making a visit to the bank he learned of bis em bezzlement of Blatchford' money. lie immediately telegraphed in various di rections hoping to apprehend the rascal. but it proved all In vain. Pearson made good his escape. Upon returning to Green's as agreed, Bcrnggsnnd the doctor fonnd Blatch ford in a critical condition. The ex citement of the last few days, together with the mental suffering It had brought him, had boon too much for him, and now they found him wjak and failing. Dr. Bascom examined the old man closely, and though he made ne re port on the case his face became grawe and thoughtful, and those who saw It felt sure that there was something seri ous in his patient's ailment Scraggs would have avoided telling what ho had discovered that morning. but Blatchford Insisted on hearing everything about Pearson, and asked so many questions regarding him that Scraggs was eventually forced to reveal all ho knew. The old man groaned and gnashed his teeth, and for a long time said nothing. At last, raising himself In bed, he spoke, looking steadily at his daughter. "Mary," ho said, "I have come to yon at last, but I have come as a pauper. I come empty handed, and with nothing out my poor love to give you. That which I have slaved for, and which of right was yours, has been stolen from me by the one I took to my heart in your stead. I turned you from my door and took llarry Pearson in. I left you to Btarve while I lavished money on him. And now ho has robbed me and left me penniless, with no roof but yours to shelter my head. My punish ment is great, but it is not more than I deserve." For three or four days the broken hearted old man lingered on, growing weaker hour by hour in spite of all Dr. Bascom could do, and at last It became apparent that death would Boon claim him. Tho Greens exerted themselves to the utmost to make his last hours as pleasant as possible, but THE EXD DREW HEAD. their kindness and unselfish attentions augmented rather than diminished his sqrrows, since they only too plainly re minded him of tho great sin of his life. Be never spoke of his wife during all his Illness, and it appeared that he had forgotten her. All his talk was of his daughter and her mother, and over and over again ho accused himself of his neglect of them. "Thank God, thank Ood," he said one day, "I havo been spared to meet my child and win her forgiveness. Thank God that 1 nm permitted to die under her roof and with her face Rear mo." At last the end came, and the poor old man who had wrecked his life through a tcrriblo mistake, slept the sleep of tho dead. Whatever his re ward beyond the grave, we know not He went iuto the hands of a just God and his reward was In accordance with Justice and right Ue had suffered the tortures of a thousand deaths in those low days following tho terrible awak ening to tho wrongs of his life. Thero is not much more to tell, and a fow more pages will end this story. Paul and Louise were .married short ly after the scoues just described, and set up housekeeping in a homo of their own next door to Dr. Bascom's. Paul went into the old doAor's practice, and being a kind, sympathetic man, suc ceeded from the first in making him self a popular physician. To-day ho is one of tho most successful physicians in the west, and h,as succeeded in laying by cnou.i of this world's wealth to place his wife and two children, a boy and a girl, abvo any danger of want Dr. Bascom does little practice now, but ho still takes a great interest in Paul's work and often spends tho even ings with Paul's family, and ho and Bascom Marloliam, Paul's boy, are great friends. IVul anil Ijoniso are always glad to hare the old doctor come, and no matter how often he cults he Is sure of a smile of welcome from both of them. Scraggs, true to his resolve, soon found a purchaser for Green's land, and with the proceeds, whioli was a neat j little sum, John set up in business at j Magio City. John was anxious to ! leave the f;irm, for though the seasons became more regular and crop failures almost unknown, he felt that ho was not designed for farm work, and his past experience with it gave him a thorough distaste for it In his new occupation he suc ceeded fairly well, and was In time quite well to do. Ilo i regained his old time life and energy, ' and - Mary became as bright as chcerfuj as. a girL Gradually the retnemhrancrs of those old bitter days, w hen they contended againht drouth, pest and mortgages, faded out, and they could took back on the, past without a fchulk-r. It wa a long time before they knew of the great sacrifice Ixxilse proposed making for their sake in those old. dark days, and wlien finally tho know ledge came to then they could only prize Iter a little more highly as a pre cious jewel, the brightest and best pos session of their I've. Seragg -ontinued in h Isold occupation of selling real estate and booming hi town, and much credit was duo him for the wonderful prowth of Magic City in the years that followed. The-person who goes to Magic Uty now may see a little old man, wiry and nervous, bitting at hi desk in bis odlce fcurroundecl by a fine display of agricultural products, busily at work on some scheme for ad vancing his town's interests. That man is Scraggs. lie is always at work, and his work is always fur his town. To Scraggs, and men like him, the west owes much of its prosperity. It is such as he who make booms and cause towns and cities to . spring up like magic. They turn waste places into gardens, and deserts into prosperous communities. It transpired after Blatchford's death that be was Indeed broken up. All his western securities-were carried away by Pearson, and into these he had, upon Pearson's recommendations, turned nearly all his wealth. His property in the cast was heavily mortgaged for money to send west, and when the news of his death and his western losses became known, his eastern cred itors closed In, and everything. Includ ing bis residence, was sold at trustee's sale' Mrs. Blatchford was thus left penni less, and suddenly she awoke to the re alization of tho fact and came up face to face with the most abject poverty. Sarah is a sadly disappointed woman, and full often she sighs for her fallen grandeur. She often recalls the days when she was mistress of Blatchford's house and when she with all her rela tives lived In great plenty and comfort on Blatchford's bounty. She is, Indeed, receiving the just rewards of her actions, and istastingthe bitterdraujrht she poured out to others. Rev. Whecd- ler has long since fonrotten Mrs. Blatchford In fact he lost Interest in her when sho lost her position in so ciety and became unable to contribute to his salary. Mrs. Blatchford has never forgotten nor forgiven Aunt Mitchell, and It is probablo thnt sho never will. But that matters little to Aunt Mitchell, and she goes her war quite as well satisfied as though Mrs. Blatchford was her best friend. Ami now, having disposed of all the other characters, nothing remains but to account for llarry Pearson. He went to the mountains beyond Denver, and though Scraggs made every effort to apprehend him, he wds not heard of for some months after his escapade. Tho report that came then was to the effect that he had drifted into the mining regions, and after gambling away all his money undertook to raise a stake by robbing a mine. Ue was caught in the act and after a hearing before an ex temporary pioneer court, was taken out and promptly hung to the nearest tree. And now our story is done. Years have elapsed since the events recorded. and the great state of Kansas has out grown its early disadvantages. The fertile soil of its great plains produces wonderful crops, and Its people are among tho first to respond with their rich products to the calls of other suffer ing lands. It has become one of the first states of tho union, and but for one thing its people would bo the most prosperous on earth. It has escaped the curse of pests and drouths; but, alas, the farm mortgage still has Its deadly fangs buried deep in Its soil. When this curse is abolished and the homes of the west become free of the greedy Shylocks' grasp, then will the land blossom as the rose and the struggl ing people enjoy the full fruits of thoir labors. May that tinio como quickly. The mother Head the Burial Service. Here is an Incident of Christian burial in a Christian community worthy to be read even by heathens. We find it in the columns of one of the Chicago dailies: There was a simple funeral at Oak woods Cemotary yesterday. No priest or minister was thero to read the burial service only a heart-broken mother who saw her only daughter go to her grave, while a man who had been a stranger to both and tho under taker watched tho eilent grief as the co.Hn was hidden under the clay. . Unfortunate Mamie Jennings, whose bedy was taken from tho lake off Hyde Park Thanksgiving day, would have gone to a pauper's grave but for tho kindness of J. 'P. Luby, an operator on tho Open Board ef Trade, who read tho story of the suicide and himself arranged for a respectable, Christian burial. The mother of the girl is without money and but for the aid of Mr. Luby, who had known neither, the girl would have been j buried by the county. j Mrs. Jennings claimed to have asked Kendall Street Christian church, whore the girl attended ser- . vicesi to send a minister to conduct j tho funeral. There was no minister present however, and the mother, rather than see her daughter burled ! without religious observance, stood beside the coffin of her daughter and read a portion of the oleventh chapter of the gospel of St John: '-For I am the resurrection and the life''. She read and there catno the solemn amen from tho two who looked oa in reverent silence. ' I Snow had covered the mounds of earth about the new made grave and headstones were half hidden by the mantle of whita Near by, a long line of carriages wound in and out among the leaSess trees, following the hearse containing the remains of a daughter whose life had been passed In the midst ef rl he and oj luxury. Above her grave were heaped beauti ful wreathes of flower until the dark clay was hidden end sorrowing friends stood by to so.'ten the grief of mother and father. At the other grave the mother gave ono look ero the snow and then r laced a little bunch of faded forget-me-cots on the grave of her child and .turned to where the one carriage j stood. Thre were no tears in her eyes and she r&va a last look at th ( mound ani ihe poor offering of Cower ; the said: -Thy will be done." The Chicago SentieeL ' OVER CAPITALIZATION. W Hv Km Aee rjt Ma ef Uu. rnr.a Oar AxrrgM Wealth. The old party paper, the subsidized organs of the calamity producers are continually shrieking prosperity! priy perity! They boast of the unprece dented Increase of our national wealth and shout the praises of our mis-rep resentatives in the congress of the United States, who have enabled a moneyed plutocracy to absorb the lion s snare, bo persistent have been these minion of the money power in this boasting of our rapid increase of wealth that many have been da eived, even among intelligent reformors. We are told that the aggregate wealth of the United States to-day ex ceeds the total wealth of the world at , any tlmo prior to tho leth century. ays me jopeica Aavocate. Jn a cer tain sense, this may bo true, but the figures given in our census reports are certainty calculated to mislead. The values given, are to a large extentonly legal fic:ionj. That actual values h-ive increased beyond precedent we are not disposed to dispute, but under our present system of over capitalization, we have no accurate measure by which our aggregate wealth can be deter mined. All values aro riven in dol lars, and under our present system of n nan co, basod upon our Indebtedness, instead of our wealth, the dollar can not bo regarded as a true measure. All actual values are created by productive labor and take the form of taxable property. The labor Invested in the creation of this property Is the only true measure of its actual value, and under any kind of a monetary system, we could only approximate Its value in dollars. But accepting the dollar as a true measure our cob bus reports are still calculated to mis lead as the various forms of produc tive securities, on which the people pay interest are accounted as a part of our aegregato wealth. The vol umo of this bo called wealth, exceeds that of tho taxable property of the country, while instead of being wealth in any truo sense, it represents only the legal power to exact usury from the wealth producer Without doubt our " actual wealth is rapidly increasing, but llotitlous cap ital drawing interest, is increasing much more rapidly. We must learn to draw the line between actual val ues and real values, A railroad is an actual value, but Iho stocks repre senting that value add nothing to the value of the road. They merely rep resent its power to collect dividends, in addition to an equitable compensa tion for the service that it renders to the people by transporting persons and products. This principle applies to the water, as well as the genuine stocks. In Its nature It is a debt and. so far as the wealth producing. masses are concerned, it represents the r poverty. All other capitalistic enterprises are established on the samfi principles and are designed to become, in effect yermanent interest bearing debts upon which the people must pay Interest and dividends. In order to arrive at a correct state ment of the aggregate wealth of the nation, all inflated valuations, which represent only the power to exact usury ought to be eliminated In their nature they come under the head of over capitalization, and hence consti tute no part of our actual wealth. To Include them in any statement of our resources is calculated to mislead. Our actual wealth, is the measure of our ability to pay, while interest bear ing securities, ef every name and char acter, represent only our incum brances. Why should they be In cluded In any statement of our aggre gate national wealth? "A Grand and Awful Time." Whither are we drifting? "What shall be the end of these wonders?" We are certainly rushing at a. tre mendous pace to a financial and indus trial status different from that which now exists. The pace at which we are traveling now is "a pace that kills" and will kill our present indus trialism. Look at this! Bead these big headlines covering four Inches In a big daily: Millions in Beer. Xalos Told by a Brewery Promoter in Court William J. Mark's Bill Profits of the March Deal Placed at fo, 250,000. Some Fine Financiering. Fancy Commissions Paid by Buyers and Sollers. Beer and Water Truly Mixed." -When English syndicate promot ers fall out subscribers to tho securi ties in their schemes learn how much water they have been paying good dollars for. " Wrm. J. Marks of Chicago, a pro moter, sues, about a dozea great brew ery companies for $370, 000 commis sions due him. The new syndicate wns capital izedat $11,030, 030. Prop erty cost 7.i0, 000, of which the various English and American pro moters received 250, 000. Between them Marks was euchered out of bis "hard-earned" 1370,000. Great Is boer. Great is the promoter. Great country. Great future. Great fool people! Chicago Ex press. Not Afraid of the Conatltntlon. Senator Sherman has re-introduced his Nicaragua canal bill of last session. It provides that the government may from time to time issue bonds to the amount of 100,000,000 In aid of the canal company, at 3 per cent, for wbech it shall hold a first lien upon the canal and all the property of the company. It is the Union Pacific railroad steal proposed to be repeated. Senator Sher man Is not afraid of coming-in conflict with the constitution in any proposi tion for government loans to corpora tions but when a proposition is made for the government to aid its needy mortgaged and debt burdened people the constitution stands as an insur mountable barrier in the way of it The Senator i a hypocrite and a knave. Topeka Advocate. Ketlr t Ceal Camera. I haw been able te complete arrang menu whereby we are better ab.e than we hare oeen seretofcre to make suisfaatory price on all grade of Canon City and lrinidad coal, a well as the best grades of No' t hern Colo rado coal, over say line of road run ning out f Denver or Pueblo Their capacity is sufficient to guarvatefl prompt shipment. I will keep pur chasers posted on prices upon applica tiwn. The lowest possible wholesale rates are obtained. Cash must accom pany all orders. J- W. Hartlet, State Agt., Lincoln. N"b For the German. The first and only work ever written on currency reform in German is "Geld" by Robert bchilling It Is a translation and enlargement of his"Silverquetitn" and sure to make converts The retail price is 25 cents, but it will be furnished to reform organizations and ageits at a greatly reduced rate. A sample copy will be sent for 15 cents Address Alliance Pcb Co., 20tf Lincoln, Neb. Doctor -"How is th patient this morn ing I'' Js'urse "Well, hs has been wan dering a 'good deal in his mind Early this morning I heard hira nay: 'What aa old woman that doctor 111' and I think that was about the last really rational remark ha made." London Punch. THE FARMER'S SIDE " Where we are, how we got here, and the way out."- By Hon. W. A. PEFFER, tr. a iisAioa num kanus. lima, cloth Price, 1.00. Then U demand for comprehensive n authoritative book which shall represent tb farmer, and aet forth his condition, tho influ ences surrounding him, and plana and piwpetti for the future. Thia book has been written b. Hon. W. A. Peffor, who waa elected to th United States Senate from Kanua to eueceei Senator Ingalla. The titlo it Tux Fabhlr' Side, and this indicatea the purpose of the work la the earlier chapters, Senator Pcfier de icribee the condition of the farmer in variov narta of the country, and compares it nitb th condition of men in other callings. He careful! examines the cost of labor, of living, the price !of crops, taxes, mortgages, and rates of intere Ue gives elaborate tablet enowing Uie mcrca of wealth in railroads, manufactures, banking and other forma of business, and he compare this with the earnings of the farmer, anp ie wage-workers in general. In a clear, fombl -tyle, with abundant citations of facts and 4c ares, the author tells how the farmer reach tiia present unsatisfactory condition. Then foi lows an elaborate discussion of " Tie AVoy out,' which is the fullest and most authoritative pres entation of the aims and viewa of the Farmers' Allianco that has been published, including full discusdiona of the currency, the questions of interest and mortgages, railroads, tbe sale o crops, and other matters of vital consequence. This book ia tho only one which attempts U cover the whole ground, and it ia unnecessary empbasizo its value. It is a compendium ol be facts, figure, and suggestions which th farmer ought to have at hand. Tns Farmer's Bin has just hwn issued. and makes s handsome and substantial book of 280 paes; We have arranged with the pub- iisuer. jur its snie 10 our reaaers at me puD lishcrs' price. The book may be obtained at ut office, or we will forward conies to any iddross, post-paid, on recoipt of $1.00 per copy. ddresa Al.IANCE rOB. Co., Lluoom Web. J.IPAHE& PAINTERS, 2045 M Street Lincoln, Neb. Mow Cm of Imi 2 a o o 06 The most exquisite preparation for the BKin. tjures trapped Hands, Chafed or Scalded Skin. Removes Tan, Freoklos and Sun- Burn. Perfectly harmless. Ernfillnnr. r.n nsa after shaving. The Iowa Steam Feed Cooker. The moat praotloal, most convenient, most eoonoml cai, and (n evorv way the BEST STB AM FEUD COOK BR MADE. A glance at the conatraotlsn of it is enough to oonvinee any man that It is far superior tl anw n. V. i. L'.. .1 I t.lvn RlmillAT-a anit nrir-aft Bnnlv n I in..... MorriS8y Mf'jrtte Omaha, ol) S6tf tA444- Scientific American mm$& CAVEATS, ly'Sawfs1 tm TRADE MARKS, I'fSICN PATENTS 3 nODVDinUTK r COPVRiCHTS, eto. s J Anencv for mm . -0 rf i t M1!?? & VO. :1 Rrouway, New Yokk. Oldest irareaa for soenrinsr patents in Ameiioa. Kvery PHtent taken out br its is brought before the public by a notice given Iree'of charge in the Scientific jlwerinw I Largest eirra'ntlon of anv selentiflc n.-iner in (... woiia. bplenmuiy llhietrnted. Nn lutplllzejii. nian should be without K Wecitlv. 3.f)0 . I- SSS f1- !nx months. Adclrose Ml'NN & V?. Jl Hl.lUli.'ll.. .'I II - 1 ,f. ,. AIXKN ROOT GKO. S. BROWfl, Stack Afi-t. Nob. State Formaiy Pale. Farmers' Alliance. man A.L9.C Co. Office and Financial M'gT. Kalosman. SHIP YOUR OWN STOCK. LIVESTOCK Commission Mernhaats, Rflom 34 Exchange Building, South Omaha, , Nebraska. Before you ship tend for the market. RirBREFCIS. rtrrt Natlenal Bank of Omaha. lt-tf Commercial National Bank. Omaha, Packers National Bank. Omaha. Nebraska Saving's aad Eckan(re Bit, Omaha. Central City Bank. Central City, Nb, .. ALLEN ROOTfflCOMPANY I' i m'f