The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, January 28, 1892, Image 3

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Something About 8katee and
SkatingA Touching Scene
From a Kuasian Polo Gam
The Slza of Alllzatora.
Something About Skates and
There is no m'ore graceful and
healthful exercise than skating. A
skillful skater makes one almost look
tor the wings th;it the ancients fixed
to the ankles of .Mercury, Perseus and
Minerva. In one thing can the birds
be rivaled ly humans,
"A they sweep,
Ou soiiiidinjj okates a thousand different
In circling oie, swift as the wind along,
eins Thompson.
The boy who has never learned to
skate has lost a pleasure that is dear
to boy's heart, but there are few who
have not tried skating, however limit
ed the streams, pond or icy place for
practice may have been,
Skates are very old; Jiun-
dreds, nay, perhaps thousand's
of years before this crisp win
ter, skatin2 was a merry sport.
Perhaps too many in this age of in
vention think that more ideas are
new than really are so. If we remem
ber that everything we see around us
grew up, then we caa begin the inquiry
about skates that came before the
keen edged "club," with all the ardor
of hist orians. It is certain that skates
would be of no use in the tropics; we
must look for their home in the land
of long winters, of crusty snow and
lo,w, ice-bound rivers.
We would not envy the boy of long
go, as he bound the shin-bones of
some nnininl to his feet and went
t hrough a k i nd of sprawling gy mnast ics
that was the skating of the period.
In Iceland skates are called lsleegir,
"ice bones," the shin-bones of a sheep.
If sheep shin-bones were the first
skates, then the boy who lived befbre
iron or bronze were known, back in
the stone and bone age, could enjoy
himself with this cheery sport. The
boys of London in the 12th century,
Fitt Stephen tells us, in winter bind
undtr their feet a pair of shin-bones,
take in their hands poles shod with
iron, which at times they strike
against the ice, and are thus carried
along with the rapidity of a bird on
the wing or a bolt discharged from a
crossbow. The generous Holland boy,
Hans Drinker, was forced to go back
to the ' primitive way," when he
had given his skates to a
poor friend and had forgotten his
chances in the race for the "silver
It ia thought that skates came into
use in Northern Europe, perhaps in
Holland, where it is cold and there is
plenty of smooth water, because
where the rivers are swift there is no
skat ina. The wooden skates with
iron rnnners curling up into a wonder
ful spiral terminated with a brass
acorn at the point, were introduced
into England from the Low Countries.
Gossipy Pepys, in his diary of Dec. 1 ,
1001, records, "To my Lord Sand
wich's, to Mr. Moore and then
. over to the Parke, where I first in my
life, it being a great frost, did see peo
ple sliding with their skates, which is a
very pretty art."
The Scotch have the reputation of
being good skaters both in the "fen,"
or straight swift skating, and the
"fancy" skating. Our country has
the champion, I think, at present.
A Touching Scene From a Russian
Po o Game.
A pathetic story of brute pity is
told in the following extract from the
letter of a visitor inBussia,to a friend,
describing a game of polo:
Ilorse and rider stiU lay motionless.
Was it possible that the shock could
have killed them both? The man lay
just as he had been sitting,, turned to
one side in readiness to strike the
ball; so that, while his feet were still
in the stirrups' hisliead and shoulders
had fallen backward on the ground.
At this dcath-liko stillness a shud
der passed through all the vast as
sembly; and in the carriage next to
us a la-dy fell suddenly back against
the cushions, fainting. Then two or
three officers sprang forjvard to
see what had happened, while
the players leaped from their
horses to assist tneir fall
en comrade. Never haye I seen a sight
of higher intelligence in a brute than
was then exhibited by that little Cos
sack pony.
As two or three of the officers,
stooping, took him by the bend to
raise him, he looked up at them with
pleading, pathetic eyes, as though en
treating them to be very careful. Then
slowly, cautiously, he allowed himself
to be drawn away from that prostrato
figure, raising himself as much as pos
sible, that he miglit not crush or in
jure his beloved master.
No sooner was this weight removed
than the officer's body turned with a
quick, convulsive itldvernent, and the
next moment stiffened as though sud
denly changed to stone. It mndeevery
one shiver to 6ee that ominous, ghast
ly motion. The horse was no sooner on
his feet, than, shaking his head free
from the hand that held hisbridle,and
stepping, oh, so carefully, he passed
around to where his master's head
lay. The great fur cap had fallen
backward, leaving the bronzed fore
head bared. Then, the bystanders all
the while looking on in pitying silence,
the poor beast came close up, and
putting out his tengne, touched the
officer's face lovingly, licking the tem
ples and brow and miming his nose
caressingly under his chin, as though
he would force his master to rniso his
head and speak to him. Finding this
to be of no avail, he lifted his own
head sorrowfully, and, looking around
at the mute observers of this touch
ing scene, gave a low whinny, which
said as plainly as any words could
have done:
"Can no one here Ijelp him?"
A choking sensation came into my
throat and in the carriages close
around there were scarcely any eyes
without tears. But there was no
help. He had injiired his spinal column
and snapped some ligament connect
ing with the brain, so that although
he was taken to the hospital and did
not cease to breathe for several days
-he was virtually a dead man.
' A Wise Toad.
A lady used to sit after tea almost
very evening on a stone" step at the
head of a flight of terraces which led
from a bay window down into the
garden. As this wind? was not
overlooked by any neighbor's win
dow, it was the family ctistcn to
leave the curtains up in the evening,
and let the cheery liht of the student
lamp which stood on the large reading
table shine out.
One evening, ns the lady sat on the
stop, she saw a large toad hopping on
the grass toward her. When he had
come within about eight inches of the
window, he suddenly settled himself
into the long grass, having selected as
hiit resting pi are a little hollow, so
that only the very top of hishealand
his gleaming eyes showed above the
There he sat, without moving, until
the dampness sent his observer into
the house. The next evening she found
that the toad had already taken his
place when she seated herself on the
step; and on several successive even
ings he was sitting in exactly the same
spot by the time the suu had fairly
The lady's curiosity was by this
time around to such a degree that she
determined to defy the dampness, and
stay in her positon on the step until
she saw what the toad accomplished
in his hiding place. The next evening,
therefore, she provided herself with a
thick shawl, and took her accustomed
seat, a little later than usual.
As the light faded the toad rose
from his position and hopped towards
her a little way; then, after solemnly
and anxiously regarding her for some
moseents, he returned to his hollow,
evidently deciding that she was a
harmless person, not bent on making
trouble for him; as he had at first
When the lamp in the window was
lighted, it seemed to her that the
toad raised his head a little and
took on an attitude of great vig
ilance. The cause was soon appar
ent. After a few moments a large moth,
attracted by the light, dashed against
the window in a vain endeavor to
gain entrance. After fluttering wildly
against the glass, it suddenly dropped,
blinded to the ground, and the toad
sprang forward and secured it.
This was only his first victim, and
at the end of half an hour the watch
er went into the house with her curi
osity fully satisfied. Some one to
whom she told the story suggested
that the toad might have happened
on the favorable position the first
night; but his friend persisted that he
had discovered it by his own unaided
T he Size of Alligators,
I have seen numerous specimens of
our saurian no longer than an ordi
nary lead-pencil; this was in' the sea
son of their hatching. I have also
seen a few living specimens about six
teen feet in length. In the autumn of
1875 I obtained for the late Effing
ham Lawrence, Member of Congress,
and Commissioner from Louisiana to
tin Centennial Exhibition, the dried
skiu of an alligator which, after at
least fifteen inches had been cut from
the snout and skull, and ten inches
from the end of the tail, still measured
seventeen feet ten inches in length.
Allowing more than six inches for
shrinkage in drying, this monster of
his kind, alive, must have measured
more than twenty feet. He was killed
in the lower part of Bayou Lafour
che. Probably the largest alligator ever
seen in Louisiana was krfled in a small
lake on the plantation of H. J. Feltus
in Concordia Parish. ' According to
the statement of Mr. Feltus, now
of Baton Rouge, this specimen meas
ured twenty-two feet in length. The
great reptile had long been famous for
miles arouad having destroyed num
bers of hogs and hounds owned in the
neighborhood of his retreat. He had
become so wary, from the number of
ineffectual shots fired at him, as to be
almost unapproachable. Finally he
fell a victim toa long ehot fired from
a Mississippi rifle in the hands of Mr.
Feltus, who had persevered in hunting
him, having been the greatest loser by
his depredations. The huge carcass
of this reptile was towed to the bank
by a boat. It required the strength
of a pair of mules and a stout rope to
haul it ashore, where the measurement
was made with the result noted above.
A Story of a Flood.
A pathetic story is associated with
the Uttle village of Suss, in the Lower
Engadine, a wild bleak valley of Switz
erland. Oue day a flood caused by
the melting of many glaciers, came
roarinffdown the valley. Thepastor's
duties had taken him into the village,
and his wife, fearing that he might be
oyer taken by the terrible flood, hur
ried down to the bridge that separated
them from the village, iust as her hus
band reached the opposite side.
Without a thought of her own dan
ger, she called out: "Stay, ' Ulridi; I
will come and help yon to crossover!"
Just as she reached the middle pier
the flood came rushing down the gorge
in great force, and in a moment swept
away the two side piers, leaving her
standing alone on the tottering bridge.
The brave woman clasped her hands
for a moment in prayer, and then
those on tke mountain side percoived
an expression pass over her face as
though she had suddenly remembered
something. .They saw her hurriedly
tear away the keys from her girdle and
fling them ashore to her children, who
followed her down to the bridge; and
they heard her voice sound above the
had roarof the-rushing water, "There's
the keys children!"
A second later, and the devoted
mother had disappeared down the
ravine. Even in her own terrible dan
ger she had recollected that the keys
of the cupboard were in her girdle, and
she knewtltat thechildren would want
their evening meal. Little Folks.
A Dangerous Guest.
During a dreadful snow storm and
inundation in Bengal, the estate of a
Mr. Campbell, situated on the island of
Snngar, suffered so greatly, that out
of three thousand people living on
his grounds, only six or seven hundred
escaped, and these principally by cling
ing to the roof of the house. While
Mr. Campbell'shouse was crammed so
close as scarcely to admit, another
individual, what should come squeez
ing and pushing its way into the inter
ior but an immense tiger. Having
reached the room in which Mr. Camp
bell was sitting, he nestled himself
down m one ot Vho corners, like a
Newfoundland dog. Mr. Campbell
then loaded his gun in a very quiet
manner, and shot the dangerous guest
dead upon the spot.
Iave!lft. aa H CsavtaevS aa Tfcwa
Cast Taor Tola.
We are In receipt of a pamphlet
entitled. "The Eleventh Census," by
lion. Hubert 1. Porter, superintendent
of cenkus for the United Mates, says
the Okolona Messenger of Mississippi,
from which we gather that the com
ber of mortgages recorded during the
ten years preceding the 1st of Jan
uary. 1830, in tive states, wero as fol
lows: Alabama, 98. -'. Iowa, 520,-45-t;
Kansas, . 213; Tounossce, 93,
282; Illinois. 612.249. These mort
gages covered an aggregate indebted
ness of about $2.00.IAM.000, and
there were due and unpaid January 1,
18U0. more than (900.000,0.11; 137.
0X1. CO J acres of land and
more than 1,609,000 town lots in
these five states were encumbered.
The amount duo on mortgage indent-edne-s
for every man, wowau and
child in these slates Jauary 1, 18'JO,
is a follows: Alabama $20; Iowa.
$104: Kansas $170; Tennesson, 23.
and Illinois, $ 100. It will be ob
served that the two Southern state)
are in better condition than the
Northwestern states, and yet the bur
den of the former is more than they
cun bear. What, then, must be the
fate of the agriculturists ot IhU coun
try if no relief is accorded them in
the direction indicated by the Uoala
demands in the near future? The
superintendent of the census com
menting on ths table from which the
above r.gures are taken, says:
The result ot the direct inquiry as
to the debt on farms and homes is not
yet complete. T he average farm and
home debt shown by tabulation of
partial returns from counties distrib
uted throughout the Union, is f 1, 288
for farms and 1924 for homes. If
these averages hold good for the
United States there is an existing
debt in force of (2.600,000,000 on tho
farms and homes of the United States
occupied by owners and incumbered.
Only some rough results of this in
quiry are now known, it is probable
that tho number of families occupying
and owning mortgaged farms and
homes does not exceed 2,2C0,0'J0,
leaning perhaps 10,1.60,000 families hire their farms and homes or
occupy and own them free of incum
brance. The total number of fami
lies occupying farms is supposod to
be about 4, 760, 0J0, so that about
7,750,000 families occupy homes"
The reader should remember that
these figures are made for free Amer
ica and not for down-trodden Ireland.
And yet we are told by the plutocratic
prass and speakers. "The Farmers'
Alliance is a very good in fact, a
most excellent institution, if Its mom
bers would only keep out of politics."
And the Messenger can toll them fur
ther, that if they take the advice so
freely tendered by the. bosses and neg
lect their duties as citizens, it won't
be Ion? until they will be serfs and
slaves of the money power. The rem
edy, therefore, is for the industrial
classes to stand shoulder to shoulder
in defense of their rights and inter
ests, attend the political primaries and
conventions, and instead of voting at
the dictation of the machine, vote for
Mary and the babies.
Paying Off the Debt.
Contraction of tho currency has
been going on from year to year for
twenty years. It has mode money
more and more valuable year by year.
The money sharks have not only
reaped usury but they harvest larger
dollars than the ones they planted
measured in labor's products. Those
who have money to loan and those
upon fixed salaries are interested in
contraction. A congressman's salary
of $o,000 a year is equal to a salary
of $ 20, 003 twenty years ago that is.
as much can be bought with the
$6,000 to-day as with the 20.000
twenty years ago. The man in
debt (and the majority are in
debt) is interested in an expansion of
currency volume, and it would but be
justice were the psr capita volume to
remain the same. The man who is
In debt and is compelled to pay from
150 to 200 bushels of wheat more for
every hundred bushels of wheat that
he borrowed, besides interest, is
surely robbed and that's the way
our finances have been run. The na
tion's debt , to-day, notwithstanding
the billions paid upon it Is as great
to-day as at tho cloe of tho war
measured in labor s products. That's
the way the g. o. p. has been paying
off the debt! The Sentinel.
Only h Blind,
Ever since the Alliance started its
business efforts some people have at
tempt d to array Alliance papers
against AUliance business enterprises
by the foolish argument that it would
injura' their advertising patron je.
It is only a blind: that class of men
would not patronize reform papers
anyway. They failed to do anything
fit Indianapolis. The Economist will
fight for every Alliance enterprise, and
if its advertisers do not like it they
can let it alone. And when advertis
ing money becomes a bribe to make
re orm papers quiet on reform meas
ures they had better stop taking ad
vertisements, even it they bo com
pelled to suspend. Economist '
Miny In Imilmlon.
The secretary of the treasury re
ports the volume of tho money in cir
culation at $1.67 7, 202, 070. or $24.;;8
per capita. This money . reported to
be in circulation, includes money lost
and destroyed, all bank reserves held
for the socurity of depositors and cir
culation, the gold reserve hold for the
redemption of pre?nbacks, money
locked up for speculative purposes
ami every dollar hoarded by misers.
Such statements of the money in cir
culation among the people aro calcu
lated to deceive and ought never to
emanate from oficial sources without
a full explanation. A part of a truth
may bo tho equivalent to a full grown
falsehood Topeka Advocate.
Tho Weekly Advance: A number
of pigmy politicians express tho fear
that in the event that free coinage is
adopted, this country will bo flooded
wi'ih that motal from foreign nations.
To show how utterly groundless this is
as an argument against the free coin
age of silver, be it known once for all
that the total product of silver the
world over is only $1.50,000,000. Of
this amount .190.000,000 is coined out.
side of the United State $54,000,000
is coined here, while the remaining
f6.000.000 is required by the arts.
Secretary Windom settled tho question
of surplussilver in his report for 1889.
Haa bwn atth front forelffhtMn tram, wlonlr Brat honor and GOLD MEDALS at alt the
-rfli!ttaoa tbrmitbout L'nitM mm. It la nowrqnlpp-d roribeoomina Mon arlih
860 Sialu naaud HitM if lh hivbrot quality all of .ia will b.aoldun liberal terms
and at prices toault lb. time. Su4 tor ue lilurratt catalogue..
GEO. E. BROWN, : : : : Aurora, Illinois.
Aurora li IK ml If Woatof Obicaronn theR, B. ItQ. and C. K. W. Railway. 83if
FerciGron and
t -r T i e- tt r5
Prize Winners ot '91. .VJXiU.
IP upon rul' to our tarn you rip n t find
our horse atrtctly flrat olana In every' par
ticular. e will pay tbe fXwnea of tne trip,
t vr taor guaranteed a flmt-olHH f ml iret
ler. win (-ivs mirvhaT aa Unvral trma as
ei'y other flrm In the bninea STiut
f .TOKV Haatlnro. Neb,
He aih "'there is no known accu
mulated stock of silver in the world."
This is no Idle boast. ' It is the simple
statement of a solemn truth, a truth
that will reveal the folly of the pres.
ent house if they tnink that tho East
the money centers, are deserving of
more consideration than the agricul
tural West and South.
Ha la thi Canning Wire-roller of Oar
Ante loan I'oltrlet.
This is not fair. It is not honest
And as a matter of policy it belongs
to the statecraft of olden times, when
kings exercised the royal prerogative
of debasing' the coin of the realm at
pleasure and then deliberately robbing
some rich subject if the first squeezing
process had not ' yielded enough to
satisfy their despotic desires. The
policy should have no place in this
enlightened age, when governments
are supposod to bo instituted and
maintained for the good of tbe peo
ple" What the gold ijjut refors to above
is the shoving of tho '-debased" silver
dollar or its paper equivalent upon tbe
people. Yes, kings used to 1 -water"
the currency with alloy and it was a
doad steal on all the people.
We have a different sort of king in
our republics, says the Chicago Kx
press, llis name Sa Shylock and he
pulls his wires' so cunningly that it
takes a rhlladelphia lawyer to see the
trick. . i
This king . is not a Robin Rood,
robbing "some rich subject" lie's
too smart for that the-rich sub.ect
ean fight back and is one of his own
He robs the poor.
The demonetization of silver was
such a cunning, far-scelng dodge that
we are only thoroughly finding it
Even the wise old Greenbnckers are
only just beginning to fully -tumble to
the racket"
The farmers are only beginning to
know that it has-enabled England,
since 1878. to buy our silver and tha
world's silver at about 97 cents an
ouno, and work it off for India
wheat cotton, etc., at about L 36 aa
ounce. .- ' ; ',' "
' Only lately was there wafted across
the water this from England: .
Sir R. N. Kowicr, ex-lord mayor of
London, said at a meeting of the Brit
ish and Colonial board of trade in
London in 18b7 in opposition to a
resolution recommending the restora
tion of the bi-metal lie system la Eng
land: "If we continue the 'present
policy a few years longer we shall ruin
the wheat and cotton industries of the
United States and build up India, as
the chief exporters of these Etaplea"
And this: Mr. L C. Flelden, a
prominent corn-dealer, testifying be
fore tbe royal commission on silver
and gold said: "Wheat all wheat
would be worth f 2 to $2. 60 per quar
ter more than it is were silver at
Only lately has that monstrous fraud
the gold basis of the Bank of England
been analyzed down to the bone.
In coin-pnying eras, corrupt govern
ments and Shylocka have debased coins
to make thorn go further. In these
credit-mongering times they try to
bring their coin bases down to one
metal gold and clamor for extreme
fineness of that in order to make their
Inverted pyramid of credit go further
and sell dearer. The policy of Great
Britain, for instance, has been to make
gold its standard so dear and inac
cessible to the foreigner that he would
find the ether commodities in tho mar
ket cheaper than the gold in tho mar
ket so that remittances in othor com
modities would be preferable. The
retention of gold in the bank by rais
ing discounts in panicky times, though
murderous to individual active bus
iness men, is a necessary factor in this
piratical schema and tbe fulcrum upon
which England derricks Into her treas
ure vaults the plunder of the whole
world. Business is made a lottery
turning out dazzling prizes that keep
merchants from robellion. Long,
headed .American Shylbcks hopetosee
the United Mates as much more suc
cessful in plundering the globe. In this
way, as our country is larger than
Oreeon Loam to Her People
In Oregon tho thing is now In vogue
and if we are to believe roliattle, un
biased authorities, the people of Ore
gon are abundantly satisfied that the
principle of making government loans
of money, direct to tho people, is not
only a safe, but a very desirable one
to put in operation. O! course every
proposition to loan the people their
own credit at a low rate of interest
has always met with tho Violent op
position of bankers, who are loaning
notes (their debts) at a high rate of
interest Bankers have always con
tended that bank notes (.bank debts).
were much safer anu better, at a righ
rate of interest than the treasury
notea at a low rate of interest Self
interest has made them ardent advo
cates of the rather equivocal propo
sition that government credit loaned
at bank counters, at a high rato of in
terest for the benefit of tho banks, is
much safer and better for the people,
than the same government credit
loaned over treasury counters directly
to the people. at alow rate of Interest
None but superior animals to make
selections from.
When auality Is eoaildercd.
To mate a choloa f rom. .
Toms and bs convinced that I mean baal
noaa. Long tlias, small profits and rood
horses utay be peetod. 14 Cut
yutap, ffebraskai
i If
Breeder and shin
ier of recorded Po
and China hoas.
Choice breedl Of
took for a ale. -
l Writ fop want
Mention ALMmoa
For Sato
at a Bargain.
S. T. JAMES, Prop'r,
Greenwood, Neb.
Is Offering His E tire Herd of
For Sale, Con dating of i '
Head of Aged Sows, Year
lings, Onet, Twos, Threes
All have proTn food breeders. These
sows are now belna- bred for March litters
fn in three first olaaa Itoara Champion Duke
Sft7X. la a srar dion of Longfellow isKM; he la
aflrxt olaaa hog In every particular will
weigh now In rtfedtna- aerrloe KM pAimS.
also Hwalion't ll. it he la also a grand
hog, weigh (KO pound (rover. Also He
dproclty. sired by Eollp S614L, bred by B.
N Cnoley. thwe sows osn't bo duplicated
anywhere for the money It take to buy tieia.
I will also (ell Champion Duke and Swalton's
Bert BMW on order and ship after January 1,
18V2, or as noon as the sow prove safe In far
ro. I have alo some youug boar tn at will
weigh from 76 to 2U0 pound each. Also a few
gelt of late inters. Writs for what .you
want All oorretpondenoe promptly an
swered. Add rem
B. T, JAMBS. Greenwood, !eb.
Reference Firrt National Bank. Greenwood.
Having bongbt
y panuer out ana
liking to reduoe
I theh
L some
jf X sows
herd I will offer
some very ohoioe
sows bred to order
reduaed prloe
My you ritook is
all Hired iy" Way Vn" (4141) and "King- Ri
val " (723V), and out of piandld sows.
I bava some very select boar pig, larga
stroi g boned growtby fellow good enough
to head any bodvs herd, that 1 will sell cheap
considering quality. .
Come and see me or write st once.
Two and one-calf miles S. W. of Waverly, Neb
Mention this paper. 26tf.
H. M. GITTINGS, Disco, Illinois,
BasiDCitof Aberdeen
Angus oattle of the
Keillor-Watson aorta;
composed of Prlnot.
f avorite, Maya o w r,
ilflnivhtpf namnena.
'..A Pknlna Vfinnvhltlll
rradv for lorvoe r rsale at price wltblr the
oh nf all tin rami vantlnff ai ehnrtlftr."
write or come and see me. Mention this
paper. l!4i8
. Batdorf 4 Thomas have eggs for sale
From White & Brown Leghorns.
at $2 00 per 15. 27-4t
We have high looreing prize winning stock.
BATDORF THOMAS, 213 S.14 st, Omaha.Neb.
It Will Prevent Hog Cholera.
U the greateat discovery of the age for
Horses, Cattle, Sheep. Hogs and Poultry.
It I a natural remedy and preventative of
all dlattaiica of the blood and dlgeatlve organ
Jt acts freely on tba liver and kidney, tend
to tone up the whom animal Byalem and I a
lire preventative of bog abolera. lib., 2t4lb.
and 61b. boxe at 26c. 50o and 1 1.00 reflec
tively. Manufactured only by tho
WESTERN STOCK FOOD Co., Bloomfiold, la.
S. B. M0REHEAD, Prop'r.
I hold more First Premiums than any
other breeder in Boone county and can
furnish vou with (rood birds 2!U
S B MOREiiEAD. Prop., Albion. Neb.
Fully Guaranteed.
Sporinl Cob Braakinc Doriot
ami pocahar drewa of Grindfm.i
Given IScttrr Work More
of It Willi I cm work to
Team tfcin any other.
Send for Catalnjrao D O Af
8 of ibis and r J TW
THE FOOS M FG. CO. Sprlnof ielrf.O.
All kB4t ehftMT
ihM tiaewher. if
for yom , wort
ump tor Uiv)irifd
ST. 99
Homes . ,
On the lower gulf ooast of Florida 5 per
month until paid for; 10 sores equal to 10 tn
Nebraska. Address Tbe Grove City Land
Ce., Grove City, r la. 23tf
I.VV ""Et asjkkam
erf rvi
Importer and Breeder-
i -.y.vr ; :-:y'
laws' tiurses were In It" ' toe treat Ksosu and Nebraska state (sin f KL.
Were Winners of 61 Prizes Mostly lsts. -
Lams is the ONLY importer in Nebrask that 1 moor ted his Pareatross trasi Frsaos la
181)1 and tbe largest Importer of Clyde In 18U1. They arrived
Septembers. All DlackS
Grey Horses $300 00 Less Than Solid Colors.
Ills Percheron mr won Grand Swsepstakts prize at Kansas state fair In 1891 over
the great Paris Wlnssr " Rota Bonhuer," and 1st prise at Neb. state (air. .
lams Cuarantees to how yon the largest collection df first claw Ma
Flashy Dralt Horses of the various breeds, of the best Indlvldjal sttrll and Royal broadkaj,
a to 6 years oid-1600 to 2200 weigh, and at Alliance Prices and Term,
or cheaper than any lire Importer or pay your fare to see them.
Special 3?rioes to Alliance Go's
Cfin 8av4 b bujlng-of Tarn. Hedoesaet want the earth and it fensae, for prelS.
JUU Uood faaranlena-aver; hora recorded -oo4 Urma. rUNK UHS,
WKITK iamh. n. Haul. Neb., la on tba II M and V. P.ltr 8c Paul leSnakm.
English Shire Stallions arid Mares.
To intending purchasers of this bread
mki uuiu jraiuuug up, m iparo is id me wesi.
Thoroughly Acclimated. Last Shipment 1980.
( -- x r ., a. , . s .
Tboir brooding Is from the best strain of prise winning blood in England eonpted
with superior Individual merit. My imported mares are superior to anj in tkm
All My Stock Guaranteed; And all Recorded
And Imported by Myself.
If yeu want a Hackney Stallion, I have as good as was ever imported. Cosaa
and see what I nave got, and u 1 cannot
rill pay yonr expenses. Prions as low as
On at tha moat Sellable and bait know, laipsjrtar aai
tf Horses la Asserts.
One Mile From Depot,
a larga assortment ot Psrchcrnns, Rnc-lti h
Shire, Bnlgian. Rngllih Haokner, Krvnnh
Coaeh and standard Brad. I aava the lanreat
assortment of Ruropean Breed of any man
In America. I handle none but reoorrted itook.
Allmybonea are properly exerolsed and
fed nil cool nutrition food, avoiding all
pairpeiii g, and under no olroum.tanoea do I
feed warm or hot food, whloh 1 Chink, are
the main rraaon why my horse have always
been suooeuful breeders Com and
my nnbll.hment I am always dad to show
myatoek. WhenarrtvlusatCreeton, vliitors
will please telephone to Creit City Farm and
1 will drive in tor loem.
a nw dxatt xaus ro iaxi tors ran to uipomm rum
'' ' AT - . . :-V - "'
1890. Lincoln, Topeka and Kansas City State Fairs. 1891.
20 prUe in 1800, including three grand Sweepstakes yor all breeds. Seven
E rises at Nebraska State fair 1891. Seven prises at Topeka, tacludlnir gnmA
weepstakes over all breeds in 1891. , .
The Best Stud in. the West.
Intending pnrchasers will do well to visit ns and inspect oar stock. Prieee
reasonable. Terms to suit. Every horse guaranteed as represented.
JOSEPH WATSON ft Co , Importers,
176ra- Beatnoo.lTetora.olta.
the coinuig horse of their class.
i aa nxiianniiiii i in i.ii m .
I will give present buyers especially low prices. 'Yon can bay
on your own terms.
and can and will sell you good animals for less money than non
descript dealers, jobbers and peddlers. ' .
A rre brvjeder and pedigreed. No grade? handled.
Come and see me and " . r 43tf
My first importation for 1891 just received and I have some
grand animals. "
100 CLACK 103
Crete, peb.
-" OF
! I can show then as rood a lot of yosmtr
show you aa good stock aa any n
the lowest. 17 m
Blue ValleyS
. ... ..... ,.
I have on hand large, stjlisb,
heavy boned Shires with plenty of
quality and action, horses which
have demonstrated their superiority
in the show yards. -
My Hackneys are large, showy,
handsome animals, good individuals,
heavy bone and fine action, in fact
In order to make room for