TOO ACCOMODATING. Th DnaM fHirtst Malta the TMt Batlraijr fM saraaafaL A traveler for a Xe Tork dry-goods boose iu ia tea tnouof cr of. a train on at OUlo railroad. ays M. Quad in the w Tor' E renin? World. whM a horny-handed youn farmer cam la for a smoke and tat down bo aide him. The youn:; can felt and looked happy, and pretty noon he re- I hoard eome ne saying you wai from mt Xortc - w.f,,, . . . -- , "Dransmer, a!a't tou?" "ye" Bio around a good doal. I '(.posef WfU, been traveling for tt teea years." ; , , 4 f 5 "Shoo! You must have teen a heap. Say! Ie got a aort of favor to ask of you." Weiir . 1 & ' "Tm engaged to a gal in the next ear. Tm troiug writh her down to Medina fche's the all-firedest purtleat gal in four counties, and I know the lores me, but f -Butwhatr .. . ,.' . I..'You know a 4a1UM4 fd!uJ iCTt ff'- uneasy about his gal 'till ho marries tier. She j'urtends that the woulOa't even look at the president of the ' United State if be was a tingle nun, but I dun no. You can't be sure of -these women.' . .. No, you can't." May bo jmrtendla' to love you like 'bouse afire, and yot be plannin' to drop you for the first better-lookin' feller who come) along. She's in the next car and I'd kinder like to try her. I'm purty sure she's all right, but I'd like to tenor jest bow she'd act if you 'went in and sat down betide her, I . know it's asking a Mjj favor of you, but " Oh, I'm perfectly willing to ao eommodate you," interrupted the traveler, "but you must promise to abide by the consequences." How?" "Why, If she seems to take to mo you mustn't get mad and raise a row. 1 am only trying to accommodate you, you know. "D'ye think she'll take you?" Why, I can't say. She's sitting la " a seat alone. I'll take my grip and walk into the car and sit right down beside her." "Yes." J - , " ' 'Then I'll speak about the weather the ioeaory ask where she Is go log. and so on, and the chnnces are that In about ten minutes we'll be talking away like two old frtonds." --- ' Humph! It took ma three months afore i dared ask if her ma was well!" 4 Then I'll gradually lead up to tho subject of my being a widower," con tinued the traveler. I'll remark how lonely 1 am, and how I am thinking "of marrying again, and how my sec ond wife will have a sealskin tacque, ' 'diamond earrings, and a horse and carriage. If you come in and find me holding her hand you mustn't get mad and pi ch into me." , "(join' to talk- sealskin Sacuuo to her, eh?"; ' Yes." "And diamond earrings?" "Yes.". ..- ,.' - ' "And tell her she can have regular Brussels carpet, stuffed chairs, and a . hired gal?" --; Certainly." - j'iou wait a mlnnit!". fie got up sod left the car.' Just 'then the whistle blew for a station and the train soon stopped. The traveler ' looked out ot the window and saw the : young man and his girl getting 0.7 1 with as much alacrity as it there had v been a collision expected. He put out .hls head and called: 'I'his isa't Medina; what are you fritting off here for? ' I know it hain't Medina," repllod the young man as he came forward a few steps, "but we will stop oil here and take the nest train." "But I thought you wanted me to do you a favor." "".-; "I da You Jest keep right on thai -train and git out ot the state of Ohio a soon as ever you can, and it I ever ketch you within fifty miles of my home after Tm married I'll thump you all over the county. , . ; 1 ; : ; H Somehow or otner mere is something -about a candidate that inevitably suggests cigars to every mau he meets. Sutuor wUla Jnnnxtl. THE COMING CLIHAX Destinies of America. By LEST Mi C. HUBBARD. ago pages of new facts and generalizations in American politics. Kaiiicai yet construct ive. An abundant supply of new ammum tion for the great reform movement. Hon. tcKATiim Donnelly, the author ot "Crar' Column," write I am under many oWigiions to yon tor your kindness in sending me an advance copy of "The Coming Climax. by Lester C. Hubbard. 1 tnve read about three-fourths ot it with profound in terest and stop, for moment, to say that it is an ex ceedingly able and valuable book, ana should bo in the band of every voter in the United States. It preaches a mighty sermon, and, very appropriately, a Twit of it is from a text furnished by.the greaiest European that ever made our institutions a study. 1 refer to the following extract from Alexis de Tocque : tUe't Democracy in America. '"Can it be believed that the Democracy, which has overthrown the feudal system and vanquished kings, anil retreat before tradesmen and capitalists?' : This I a pregnant question. , Mr. Hubbard shows very plainly the course which the Plutocracy will loot whan beaten, as thev will be. at the ballot box. Forewarned is forearmed. Every one should red this ntlualile wcrk. Very respectfully yours, . IGNATIUS DONNELLY. Ottk. tl.W- jspsr, 50c pottpild. Agraa vu'.tl , CHARLES H. KERR V0 hiblithen. 175 Dearborn St., Chicago- THE - LOUIS De'OR." This week we present an 111 tration of the handsome black 8 rear-old Percberon etallion pnr winner Lonia D Or." 1VM thi creatrs sn"h a "iirion wfistw t rought iota the show ring fa lse past two jeanat Xeoraai md Kansas fairs vYianinr h as ft 2 yssr-old, wbea ju fre from hie long Toyage. Yet t had the fine form, size, style ac action that enabled, him to star up in a large claes, and by cor' patent Judges -be declared tl premium rott tf the clans. ' V bad been 1st prize winner (saa . ax) at the largest horse show i Pjrcle. at Kcgeant Le La Tro sod also the premium colt in b 3 year old form. fits ' own r'rank lams, of St 1'sul. 'eb he largest importer of blAr Percberons, French draft. Clyd md Shires in Neb , may well e prees pride in his big baby f ruiy he la a draft horse, and grand good one from end to en ie is a percheron r.f more ths ordinary size, weight 2, ISO lbs. s 1 3 year ola, and he Is one our gar flashy fellows that gor down the road like a steam ' me. lie should prove . a gres ire for the biood of the gres orize winners flows in his vein do was sired by Parliament, so' f the great t'Teueton" the U urize Percberon at the world' none show at Chicago last year Dam Marion by a son of th renowned "Coco," honce'Loub !)'( )r" hM a rleht to be greatand 1 has a right to become a' great sire ti Is said to be the grandest 8-year-old I orrnuron in amenca 10-aay This is only a fair sample of the kind of horses to 'je found at lams importing Darns (n ine wav 01 DiacK rercberong, iherons. French draft, Clydesand Shires. His horses won 61 prizes at Nebraska and i Kansas state fairs in 1891. Alo more prizes on Percherons than all other lm-1 .Kiners In Nebr . and lama is the only ' man in Nebraska that Imported his horses from France in 1801. Why bay ...iV " T v.". . . ' uunaiuu uinu wuou jruu uan get winaers of lams lor less money than hey offer culls. Ianu horses all in thow yard at farm and set from three '0 fix miles exercise daily, and weight rom 1700 to 2200 lbs. Inm guarantees 0 sell tint-class horses at 9500 less mo ney than any importer in Neb. Write lams, or better will, go and see b'tu. CURIOUS AND CURSORY. A Nsw Tork young lady has seen red a verdict of 91,000 damages for the loss of Marriage of the clertry was first post tlvely furbiddon iu 1074 by Fops Grogory VII. B. F. Dowoll has just recoverod from the United Htates government at Albany, Ore., 00 fur a mule killed by Indiana In 1865.- ; An Augusta man has recoverod a vsr diut of $5,000 against a bunk Which re fused to honor his check although be had money there on deposit. , . : ' The number ot membecs of the house of lords, England, varies troiu Mil to 070 while ths rrenoh senate numbers UOJ and the chamber of deputies 684. The highest altitude in New York is only 175 feet above tide water in East river. Ths highest point ou Long Island is Har bor 11 ill. where an altitude of 3t4 feet Is reached. The skeletons of what la supposed to have been nine Indians were dug up a few days ago near Katiton, Md. They lay so close together that a lage wasbtub might have covered the lot. The price asked of the Southeastern railway in England for a strip of land in Bermondsey sitteen' feet deep, comvrls- lug an area ot 4,000 feet, was at the rate of 18,000,000 an acre. ; Fabulous Stories have been told about Patti's diamonds, their valua and their beauty, but she is responsible herself for the statement that her estimated value of them is in the neighborhood of 100,000. Tacoma, Wash., recently bad aa ex citement, arising from the faot that it,0U9 pounds of giant powder, cartridges were unearthed iu a certain portion ot tho city. They must have Iain there for year and are supposed to have been put there by a mining party. A curious use of a ruin is reported at Drogheda, Ireland. A corporation, in their new sewage scheme proposes turn ing the venerable Magdalene tower into a ventilating shaft, all the priuclpul drains having connection therewith, furnacts to create draught being constructed beneath. One of the best ooln collections in this country, it is believed, is that of Ucn, Gates P. Thurston, of Nashville, Tenn. The E 'ish series Is said to be almost couipluio from the Saxon heptarchy down to the Victorian Issues, Including good types of Edward the Confossor, and of tbe early Edwards and ttenrys. t. - , i A gentleman ot Canajoharle, N. Y., bos A remarkably tin 9 brass medal from an Indian grave thore. It Is about an inch in length and has on one side the bead of Christ, with the words baivator Mundl. On the other is the V irgin Mary, with the words Ht-gina Cceli. The en graving is bold and the medal U iu a fine state of preservation. The last of New England's historic elms was cut oown re-nriy, says a uis patch, the tree being the famous Winches ter elm, in Boston. It was stauding full grown when the white mau first came, in 1060. Under It was signed the last troaty with the Indians, aud under it stood Capt, Brooks when, iu 1775, he was summoned to arms against the British by the flying courier. Rhode Island is the only state having two capitals. The state had two large towns, each claiming to be ths political center, but neither agreeing to surrender its alleged prestige. Tho result was the selection of each as a capital city, with sessions alternating, opening at Newport with an adjourned session held at . Provi dence. Connecticut had two. New Haven being the second, but Hartford became the state capital in 1873. " A Japanese Kallroad. A rack railway seven miles in length (s u nder construction on the Usnl mountain, Japan, to connect tho ter mini of the State railway at Yokohama and Karnlsawa. There are twenty, jne tunnels 12,200 feet in length In all along the line and the steepest rade is 1 to 15. A Poor Meraorr, Redder "What's the matter with rou this mornlntr. old chap? I never saw you in such a brown study. Any thing troubling you?" Adder "I should say thore wns. I brought matters to a climax last even ing with Miss Bonbon actually pro posed to her and, falling to make note of her answer at the time, I'm blamed if I can remember now, wheth er she accepted me or not " Boston Courier. A PLATE OF TARTS. People who blow their own horns do not always furnish good muio for other peo ple. Ram's Horn. Marriage la not always a failure; some times it is a compromise with one's cred itors. Omaha World. FARMERS' AIihTAXCE. IINC01N NEB., TfllJIlaSDAY, JAN. 21, 1892 1 ' t .' tV - r--; PERSONAL GOSSIP. A lady named Rogers has been nomi nated la Boston for overseer of the poor. There it no (tons or1 shaft upon the spot whara Gen. I'utnam lies, at Greenwich. 'conn. Xwo hundred ,ua fifty doUars is the prict wbich th8 prtllcml of walt-s is said n8Ve ,mli tor , tabby (, r f Huxley i. one ot the few men of scienco who smoke and he never com mencei the habit until he was forty. Rubinstein has finished his opera of "Moses" in eight acts, lie has also written a cantata for female voices and six romances. Miss Harriet Monroe, tho Chicago lady chosen to write tbe poem tor the world's fair, furnished tbe ode for the opening of tbe great Auditorium a few years ago. , Florewe, tbe actor, was near-sighted and could never recognize any of his friends in the seuts of a theater from his place on tbe stage. He thought he could play better for that reasou. ' . The remains of the late King Ja Ja were accorded an imposing reception upon their arrival in West Africa. . His, 300 widows and a lot of warriors, who kept firing shot guns incessantly, were on hand. The wife of the American consul, at Madeira has a paper knife bearing these ; r inscriptions "1 broke this. 0. I. Portor," 'and "I mended it.,, W. T. Sherman. V Tbe lady bad met these two eminent fel j low-countrymen at Gibraltar. ' I A copy of Jay Gould's maiden effort at authorship, - the "history of Delaware - County, and Border Wars of New York," ! was recently sold at auction lu Foaton. , Few copies of the work now exist and . the average price for which it sells is $ J5. I Frank R. Stockton began life in Phila delphia as an engraver. He is fifty-seven now and has learned o wait an hour for a word, if necessary. A plethoric bank ac count, it may also be observed, conduces greatly to Mr. Stockton's patience. I - The duke of Linster's country house is said to have passed Into the ownership of an Irish farmer who was formerly its ten . ant, under the operation of the new Irish 'laud laws. This is the building alter which the White House at Washington I was modeled. I Edwin de Leon, consul general of the United States in Egypt during the admin istrations ot Pierce and Buchanan, died at the New York hospital 'lately. He was a South Carolinian and followed bis very distinguished service as' representative of cause and going to Europe as special dip- lomatic agent A man ot uncommon tal- ents, be won favor and reputation by his books of travel ' and residence abroad. De Leon was sixty -three .years old and leaves a widow iu New York city, where he has lived for several years, v FEMININITIES. The Chinese always weep at their wed dings. Belgium's' queen is a clever sloight-of-hand performer. It ia easier not to epenk at all than It is to keep from saying too much. Thei-e is just as much murder in stab bing with a word as there is in doing it with a sword. Dora: - "How' do" you know Jlrapson worships the true and the beautiful!" Cora; "He adores mo." Mrs. Grundy says that ladies secure as to their social positions are never discour teous in public places. . i Caller: . "Is Mrs. Browns ton at hornet" Servant; "Yes'ru, bbe'll be at home all the evening. It's my night out." : Eve was taken from Adam's left side, but after sho was made shs always man aged too keep on the right side of him. j ; A voman eannot be altogether un happy wheu the woman she has invited to supper asks her to write down her recipe for that cream pie. Editor: "Well, sir, did yon interview that woman as I directed I" Reporter : "I saw her, but sho refused to talk. " Editor, startled: "Was she deadi" Baby sins are always pretty, but their bito Is deadly. Don't kiss one of them, or you may want to adopt it and bring it up. An Ohio lady claims to have in her possession a pair of long pink hoso, whiuh were once worn by Queen Ejizabothof England. Mrs. Morris: "So you have lost your new girli" Mrs. Beneiict: "es; when she broke Charlie's pet cup end gave him a new one with 'Love the Giver' on it, I thought it was time to let her go." An Inventor In Eoscoe, 5f. Y., has per fected a tether that cau be used to con fine cows, horses, sheep or children within certain limits. The mothers in Middle town, near by, are impatiently awaiting his arrival. What is the difference between a pair of lovers ot a watering place hotel and the landlord ot the said hotel! The dif ference is that the billing and cooing is divided, the lovers do the cooing and the landlord the billing. I Augustus, who has just proposed and has been accepted:' "Aud will you al ways trust me dearest!" Angeliua; " "I am opposed to the baleful influence ot trusts. Suppose you put your proposal in writing and avoid possible misunder standings. " I "Sam" Jones was a drayman in Atlanta before be became a preacher, and his out fit is described as a "small rickety, rat- i tling, ramshackling wagon, and a sorrel borse that was old ana experienced enoagn to have come down from the revolution ary war." ''-"' Gibbon, Neb., Jan. , 19. During the last ten days the thermometer has stood from 15 to 83 deg. below zero. The enow has been about a foot deep all the time, and at present it is snowing again, ;.. 1 '1 t j s w 1 rzfjj- c IN POLAR REGIONS. A Fuaaoai Uantlng P. ace for Whale, ' ' ' aad I s Ding-nrs. ' , ' I ' From the northern part of Hudson bay, airoady arctic in ' character, strctclies far toward the pole a deep inlet, which somo early navigator of those desolate polar shores has termed Roe's Welcome as if any thing within that Ico- bound and lonely coast could 1 be welcoiuo to a person just from civilization! The name, no doubt was given in memory of some escape from the drifting ice-packs, when the inlet j furnished refuge from one of the fierce i storms of that polar region. I Roe's Welcome is a famous hunting place for the greaj. polar whale, or j "bowhend."as the whalers call it says St. Nicholas. This huge whale, which is indeed immense in size, often makes his home among ' the great ice-packs j and ice-fields of the polar seas, and a ' goodly quantity of these it finds in Roe's Welcome. But these ice-.packs, swinging to and fro with - the - tides currents and winds In such a narrow , inlet as this, render navigation dan gerous even for tho staunch . whale ; ships, and they generally make their , fishing grounds oif the lower mouth of the great inlet, where the cruising ia much safer if not so profitable. Oc casionally when ' some exceptionally good icemaBter is in charge of a whal er, he dashes into the better . fishing grounds for a , short cruise; another less skillful, lured ly brighter, pros pouts, or discouraged by a poor catch outside, , enters the inlet, and either reaps a rich harvest of oil and bone, or wrecks his vessel Or he may escape, after an imprisonment in the grip of the merciloss ice-fetters for a year or two longer than he had intended to stay. Such was the fate of the good ship "Gladiator," from a well known whal ing port in Southeastern Massachu setts. She sailed to the northernmost end of the "Welcome," as the whalers called it, end, after a most profitable catch of "bowheads," had the ill-fortune to remain firmly bound in the ice for two years. During this long time, much longer than that for which the vessel had, been provisioned, the crew ; wore dependent on the many Eskimos ! wh? clustered around the Bhip. The ; natives supplied them with ample quantities of : reindeer, musk-ox, seal and walrus meat, In return for small Quantities of molasses and coffee. Their companionship, too, rude as it was, did much to while away the dreary, lonely hours of the two years' imprisonment AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES. the White Man Killed Them Off WHb Io a on and Bullets. xna aDortgtnes of Australia were exterminated by poison as well as by bulleta, deelares a writer in thehica go herald. I - can well remember when a child listening to an old More ton Bay settler giving an account to a number of admiring auditors of the manner in which he had "dosed" a number of the savages. They had been the cause of a good deal of trouble among his sheep and cattle, and of constant alarm to the whites residing on his station. So he determined to teach them a lesson. Under a pre- tense of a desire "to renew friendly re lations he sent a message to the tribe that he required a number of able bod ied men from among them to come and strip bark to roof some new huts that he was about to build. He prom ised to feed them well and they were .to have unlimited supply of damper 1 and beef. The pla;e of meeting was appointed in the neighborhood of a ' stringy bark mountain. Ho would h.msclf take out the flour and bake tho damper. I Ihe time had come, the blacks had I arrived, and the good white man (as 1 they now thought) had brought a sack of flour with other provisions. I In anticipation of the feast the j blacks scattered about and commenced their work of stripping bark. vhile their good white man baked. Uot.the slightest suspicion of poison entered into the minds of the blacks. They gathered up for the great feost, after putting in a morning's work, com menced to eat ravenously, and the white man, anxious that thoy should eat so much that they should never want to eat again, urged them to eat , more and more. Soon the effect? told. One jumped up with a spasm, then an other, and soon the word went round. The white man has poisoned the daropor." Maddened with agony and rage, they rushed for their enemy, who bad already mounted his horse, but " only barely escaped by galloping full speed away. 1 heard this white man describe how. a few days after, upon coming back to the spot the scene all round like a chamber of horrors. The damper had only too well done its work. j In traveling about the bush I have often seen skeletons, skulls and the scattered bones of dead blacks who had fallen victims to the anger of the white man. i " ?lr OLD DAME NATURE. Caves have been discovered In Tasmania .which are perfectly lighted by millions ot glowworms. ' One ot the caves is about four miles ong. - The snail has the greatest number 'of teeth. It -has'been -proved to possess 80, 000 in its mouth, which without a glass looks very innocent A New Haven young lady died lately ot typhoid fever, wbich her physician at tributes to the eating of raw clams, in fected, as he believes, with germs of the malady. California is making vigorous efforts to destroy tbe injurious insects destructive to its orchards. A parasite introduced from Australia some time ago has wiped ont the "cottony cushion' ' scale. Late ly another parasite was brought over which, it is claimed, will eS'eutually de. stroy tbe red scale, another fruit ravager- Silk worms of a breed satislled with salsify as a food have been produced in Germany, and this will, enable the Ger mans to enter profitably upon silk "cul ture. As tbe climate of our Eastern. and Middle states is about tbe same as that of Central and South Germany, American agriculturists can avail themselves of the result . Rev. Mr. Whittaker, of Machias, Me., while' out after deer recently, got lost and wandered in the woods for two dayi without food or shelter. Just before he was found he saw two herds, numbering fifty- four deer, which had been frightened to the river by the shouting and 'firing of the rescuing party. Ills ammunition was exhausted and he bad to be satisfied with gazing at the remarkable sight. Among the forty odd species of snakes in the Central park menagerie, one of the most interesting is the cribo, a yellow tailed, tropical snake, which has a taste for devouring other snakes, including those which are poisonous. It is said that he does not hesitate to .attack bigger reptiles than himself, but crawls slyly up to his Intended victim, pins tbe enemy's head down, and holds It firmly till he is dead. PHILOSOPHY BY SAMPLE. Visitors would sometimes like to make a too precocius child smart" Buffalo Troth. ' The troubles that trouble us most are the troubles that never happen. Ram's Horn. It is useless to tell a pretty girl to re flect Her mirror does that with entire satisfaction. Washington Star. When a man starts out to reform him self he has undertaken a job that will keep him busy tor life. Ham's Horn. It is a great misfortune not to have enough wit to speak welt, and not enough judgement to keep silent. Texas Sifting. "I have always wished," soliloquized the coroner, pensively, "that I could have held this office immediately after the flood. "Faciflo Harbor Light We wonder why there are so many tramps in the South, says a Southern ex change. It is doubtless because work is so plentiful in the North. Texas Sittings It is claimed that animals have no memory,-but -how else can you explain why the dog who has "been there" never takes tbe second degree at a hornet s neeti Ram's Horn. For money nn Nebraska farms ad dress A.J. RtoBY & Co , 31tl in .1 o s-. l,i"oln, Neb. The bridge and bunding department of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas railway has been removed from Scdalia to Par sons, Kan., a portion of the force leaving last night. The order for a general re raoval came rather unexpectedly. Last summer Serlalia instituted injunction pro ceedings, but the matter was linally com promised, one of the considerations beiniz that the bridge and building department was to remain there. THE MARKETS. Chicago Grain and Provlalona, . Chicago, Jan. M. WHEAT May. 92Hc. CORN-January, :irio: May. 4H4". . OATS-January. a.o; May, Ul)4c PORK -May, 1UM. . LARD-May, , . BIBS-May, ti.7,j. Chicago Live Stock. Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Jan. 19. CATTLE-Efrtimated receiDta. 6.01)0 head. Natives,; cows and bulls, ja KVlflii: Toxans,; western Doeros, -.w.mi.uu. ram, HOOS Estimated receipts.- X2,ipu nead. Heavv. H-J,yi.: mixed and medium, $4.3) 4.5i)': light. ?54.a.. Strong. SHKEf-Weaterns. $3.4lao.B6; natires, $3.73 5.ffli Tcxans, j2."aa5.(!a Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas Citv, Jan. 19. HATTLK Fstimated rereitita. 2.300 head. Shipments, H,eu hoai t-teei-a, active and $l.'Msaii.SU; atnekers and feeders, quiut aud 8tealy. $1.7o&3SH. Hli5t FHtimntcd receijts, 8.7(1 head." Bhipmenta 3.'iU head. All grades, $1.25&5.2U. IJai ket higher Omaha Live Stock. Ckion Stock Yards, (' Omaha, Jan. 19. t CATTLE Estimated receipts, 2,S0O head, law to l.ftiO lbs., Fi.2fa45M.6O; to 1.30O U., a3.un3t.1d; to l.lil) lbs., SXlMarr,; choice cows, S2.aa3.2.'; common cowa, ii0O4j3.5a Market stronn; cows 10c higher. HOGS Estimated receipts, 6,000 head. Light, $4.(X)4.1ii; mize.1. $; heavy, Si.l0(i4.a Market 10c higher. FENCING .WIRE HOPE SELVAGE. Intaktraia. KrliLua worn ami ixa m.vaiuMw TkBUMt Umm lillmU. As well ts ' wUaatb kulKnMt. arxt etkrrs are la-i vttc4 to an oay drnirr and yet free a inai Dome n urup tnutn rwr um tsroat 11 boo Its merits and M rarmnf tm r .eve tod eare til Chiwolo and Aeut tmcBt. 4s ins, BreacaiiU aad Consumptioa. Uinre boules SOe and SI. ibmi ALLIANCE THE SEED HOUSE FOR THE PEOPLE. Pkt's S to 4 cents each. SEED other seeds cheap In proportion. - Warranted HOUSE. fresh and beet qnality. Anv one sending 2 cents to pay postage and packing we will rend sample pkt of our seeds. Special elub TzXm to Alliances try n. Send far catalogue.,.. Ailiaare See4 Hense . a- 31-ta. ; ., j tiove City, Kaaea. TTTTAlTC ILLlVf ' . ' . You who are la need of ' - Forest Trees for tiober Claims f ORNAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs, Grape Tines or small fruit will save 60 per cent by buying of the Jan sen nursery. Nursery grown ash, one rear old, 50c to 75c per. 1000. Everything else as cheap in proportion. A nice book telling ho w to plant given wit h every order. Write for price list; satisfaction guaranteed. BEFBENCE. Jansen Bank. Jansen, Neb. Uarbine Bank, Fairbury, Neb. Address Jansen Nursery, 30 Stu G. B Gaixbkaitii, Prop. Mention this paper. Jansen, Neb. GERMAN NURSEHIES I grow and have for sale a large slock of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Crape Vines, Small Fruits, Flowring Shrubs and Forest Tree Seedlings . for Timber Claims. I do not belong tn ny syndicate or combi nation, and my prices are very low Being a member of the lliance a' this place I would n-feranyone to tbe secretary of our lodire here Price lists free. Write mo In Knirllsh or German a' d address. 31-3'n OAKLSONDERKGGEK. Jefferson Co. Bower. Nebraa. ' PLANTS AND fREES. A full sssowienf of ' J f ; FORSET AND FRUIT TREES, Plants, vines, etc., f hardiest sorts for Ne braska. Special prices to Alliance societies. Rend for prloo list to North Bind Nd koKI8. North Bend, Dodge Co., Nebraska. Kstnblished 1878. 3. W. ftTfVENSOa. Propr. EVERGREENS S ' JU AND FOREST TREES, !i 4 For Wind-breaks. Ornament, etc.. j tL Hardiest Varieties, humeri grown r iuu. Bcoicn anu Austrian ruie vru llngd U to la Indies. I0 per 1000. 4, otber aiiea and varieties In pro- portion. Over 10 million tor tale. I Jtl . flood local AasNW Wantid. D. HILL, aiergreea Specialist, Daadce, Illinois. SEEDS! GARflKX, IX0WEB FIELD See Patatoea. FRUIT TKKKN, 1 PLANTS VINES, all beat kind. Our FREE CATALOGUE ta a Navaltr, as 11 has Ni Bla Picture, and give, CunrW, Aorurata thmlptirai aa4 FlIB PKIl'KS for fltfT (iOOIMj 'fAoa't mW swing tt before During. Send address to-oxr t . FRANK FORD & SON, Ravenna. Ohio. . 3 sirTAMfiAft SEED HOUSE. Lawnnci. Kan. SslHequ.rtera.forAlfalfa.J.pan. r rnra.Miio Matte. Lronrna t Claims. KVERYTHINQ CatatogiieM Mauta ml. PI nil CD Garden, Tree, Field and Grass seeds, FILLET VLUf tall SEED GRAINS-ONION SETS-PLANET JR. GARDEN TOOLS, ". THUMBULL. STREAN A ALLEN SEED CO., " TlltflTUV 1426-128 St. Loult Avenue, I l,U I Hi tSend for Our Illustrated McBETH & KINNESON, Garden City, Kansas. 32 3m OBTAIN . CHICAGO PRDOUCE. The way to do this is to ship your Butter, Poultry, Eggs, Yea', Hay. Crain. Wool. Hides. Beans, Broom .Corn. Green and Dried Fruits. Vegetables, or anytnhig you have to us. The fact that you mav have been Bellini? these articles at home for years, is no reason that you should continue to do so, if you can find of receivintf shipments direct from FARMERS AND PRODUCERS, ana nrnlishlv have thn Inrcrpst trade In this wav of aav house in this- market. Whilst you are looking around for the cheapest luUM rOOUOUJiail'-H in. tHaii "lay. will cmuuu FJ J"1 (rolnu M""-"L"- - the best and most protitablp way of disposing of your produce. We invite cor respondence from INDIVIDUALS, ALLIANCES, CLUBS, and all organisations who de sire to ship tneir proauee airect to tnis niarset. ii rsqxesiea, we win mau juu free of charge our daily market report, shipping directions and such information as will be of service to you, if you contemplate shipping. When so requested proceeds for shipments will be deposited to tne ereau oi tne snipper wiin any wholesale Louse in Chicago. Let us hear fr on you. ll-3m Summers, Morrison & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 175 South Water St., CHICAGO, Raferenoe: Metropolitan National Bank, Chicago. JOHN J. GILLILAN, Ha for sale and exchange a large list of bargains. 100 lota in Gillflan's Col lege View addition. These lots lay smooth, are on the Electric Street Railway, and near Union College. ' : Lots and Houses, aud lots in all part of Lincoln. Acre tracts and lots in all the College suburbs. 160 acre, twelve miles of Lincoln for $30. per acre. (27-5t) Lands improved and unimproved in all parts of the State. If you wish to buy or sell write me. .; If you have horses or cattle to trade write tnn. Attention is called to the write up of Cilloge View and Union College in tho next issue of this paper All business promptly attended to. JOHN Glk.fc.lli.AT Uincolfi ,Neb. NEBRASKA SEEDS. NebrasVans are pleased to learn that tho census ranks their favorite state third among the aced producing states ot the Union. A full line f these f resn and cbmoe seeds is car ried by sSTtf DELANO UROS.. Leo Park, Custer Co , Neb. Oldest and Largest seed Growers in tbe State. Catalogue free on application. Save 1 the i Dollar. If you A Bed Room Suit; a StOYe, a Lounge, a Chair, or in fact anything you use in the hoube call on IMR'S HOME FDBBISHING HOUSE, 127 and 129 N 14th St., Lincoln, Neb. We will Save you Money. TDETCCS ' - TDaTCTC Saawe B IttBtaWs L, A BKLTZER, Manager OSCEOLA QTAR NURSERY. Osceola, Nebraska. A trenera! llne.of fruit and ornamen ts! stuck. Sendior our contract card. Fair prices sad honorable dealing. (82ti FOR SALE CHEAP. - it A Fuil-Meeasd Palled Angus BulL ' Sired by Erin No. 7470. Dam. Jade 746$. Good animal; weight akmt 1600 lbs, 8 years old. As I am leaving the farm will sell for half value. Call on or write to . Oswald Palhsr, , , i SIMU-j,,:. - . ;. , Shelby, Neb,. DINING HALL, : 138 S 12th SW Lincoln. ME JLLatS 25a First class table Lunches at all hours, and attendance. SOti JENNINGS HOTEL, . ALLIANCE HEADQUARTERS. BESt $1.50 AND $1 oo PER DAY HOUSE IN THE CITY i E. JENNINGS, Proprietor Cor. 9th & Harney, Omaha, Neb. FURNAS VHtrmt CO. HERD LARGE ENGLISH BERKSHIRES. ' H S. WILLIAMSON, Prop., BFAVER CI1Y. NEBRASKA. Thirty choice ptgs ef April farrow left, also four litter of June farrow. Inducements to pur tits starting herd. Orders booked for sows bred for spring farrow. Block A No. 1. Prioes right. Mention the AbLUNCi. 36' Fir all AlTectlims of tbe TUfoal aniLnms Such as eolds, coughs, erenn, asthma, In flneua, hoarseness, bronchitis and Incip ient consumption, and for the relief of eon tranptiva patientt in advanced stages of the dttaaie. If your drciflit does net handle, send direct te W.rB.TIo ward, 11th and N streeti Llaooln, Hebiaska, U I0B lAIl ST All BStTOGIItle lhho uu ihiiibidccu, u, :---- ids for Nonaries and Timber IN THE SE IHbT- P. BAU uu isawa KANSAS CITY, M0. D E fiDACC Catalogue FKEE.J DLUL UllHdd 1 s USE HOOTS rl Alfalfa Conri this yeaa'e growth, in oar lots or less fUTalia OccUs Black nulless Barley. Spring Wheat. Flax, Millet and Cane Seeps. Kaffir, Kioe, Milo Maize Anil Semsale flora. a PR1CFS -. FOR YOUR a better market. We m?.ke a specialty market in which to buy your goods, and REAL ESTATE BROKER, Lincoln, Neb. are wanting 30-4t Y